No Words

Story by chaosblackwing on SoFurry

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A visit to a familiar place to relax, with no words spoken nor any needed.

No words

By Chaos Blackwing

A spring to the step and a smile on the face as the doors open, mind and body already looking forward to what is to come. Passing by the front desk, a knowing smile shared between visitor and greeter in the time it takes to walk past and over to the sign-in screen just past.

Browsing through the selection presented, a name and face catches the eye. Ursine, large and strong, yet paired with the soft smile of a gentle giant. Choice made, a finger presses down twice, eyes following the arrow as it points to the left.

A short walk leaves the door before, so similar to the ones next to it yet all the more important due to what lies beyond. A gentle rap on the door is met with the muffled sounds of someone walking to the door, only to have it opened a moment later, filled with the large furred form of a bear. Before a word can be spoken on either side a step forward is taken, the bear backing up slightly into the room to accommodate, looking down quizzically. Raised arms and questioning eyes are met with an expression of understanding and a smile, as the bear opens their arms wide to accept the proffered hug from the one before them, an acceptance quickly taken up on.

A moment passes before a large arm lifts from the back of the one now held to close the door behind the two, leaving the pair in their own little world, if only for a while. As the door clicks shut the appendage swiftly returning to the smaller form held close but gently, a soft but deep rumble of contentment shaking both, met with a soft sigh and nuzzle against the furred front.

Again a hand removes itself, though only to guide the pair to the large couch in the center of the room. Rather than sit side by side however the bear reclines along the entire couch, coaxing the smaller form into relaxing against their front as their upper body is slightly raised due to the couch arms, weight barely noticed due to the ursine's strength. As a large hand comes down to softly run up and down the shirt covered back muscles relax, head laying atop the chest below as eyes close in contentment, breathing slowing as worries and concerns from beyond the room fade into the background, all attention on the now.

The issues, expectations and problems from outside the walls of the room and the building it was in would make themselves known again all too soon, but for now, for at least a few hours the pair's world was comprised of nothing but each other and the room they found themselves in, enjoying the company of a stranger with nary a worry or care.

The complexity of the world could wait, if only for a bit, as the pair enjoyed the simple pleasures and affections it so often denied.

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