into the forest ( name will change im not happy with it)

Story by Pat klaus on SoFurry


Into the forest

(name change may happen)



It was Tuesday the fifth of December. I had just arrived Anchorage International Airport coming from Philly. I was here for one reason and that was to get a monster Bull Moose. The only thing I had really planed in fact. I only had a bow hunting license for moose and four-hundred dollars for supplies. I only had my winter gear and camping supplies that I go everywhere with.

When I got my bag I went to the main gate looked around took a deep breath of the sweetest mountain air that you could have ever imagined and went north. I had nowhere to go except north. Over the next two weeks I hitch hiked and walked all the way to the Gates of the Arctic Park& wilderness. The only thing that identified it was an old sign that was covered in ice.

Not having seen another human being for more than three days I decided this is where I would spend my trip. So I walked into the forest and when I turned around to see the last sign of civilization for hundreds of miles, a thick fog rolled in and the sign faded away into the whiteness of the snow.

I then walked till it started to get dark out. I dug a snow cave for a shelter that night got a fire started and cooked my dinner. The first warm thing in about twenty hours. After I ate I fell asleep in my snow cave. At around two in the morning I woke up with a scare, there was something out side. I could hear it breathing in the stillness that was out there. I got my hatchet in my left and my flash light in my other. I poked my head out and did a quick sweep with the light in the distance there were two yellow eyes looking right back at me. At that moment my light turned off, I hit it a few times then it turned back on I shined it back to where the eyes were and they were no longer there. I did a quick search and found nothing around my camp. I looked at my fire and it was nearly dead I through some little twigs on it and it relight. I then put a few logs on and went back to sleep but with one eye open.

The next morning I walked around the camp looking for tracks but could not find any. I packed up my stuff and went deeper into the forest. At one point it got so thick that I needed my flash light to maneuver around the trees and roots. After what I thought was five miles I could see daylight ahead. I came out and saw a creek that I thought would be a nice place to rest. There was a snow drift that I laid on and drifted into a deep sleep.

When I woke up I saw eyes looking into mine. They weren't human but at the same time not of that of a beast. Petrified I just stared into the eyes mesmerized by how yellow and gentile they were. I then heard a loud noise. My eyes and they eyes of whatever was looking into mine both looked to see what it was and there was a young girl no more than seventeen was standing in the knee deep water holding a salmon. I then took the time to feel what was on me I felt around and grabbed fur, surprised I looked up and the eyes were right back on me this time I crawled back a little to see a wolf over me. I went to call the girl and when I looked there were even more wolves coming out of the forest. I then looked at the girl who was now coming over and I noticed that she was wherein animal skin I was confused at this and still trying to get away from the area but I was getting surrounded by the wolves. Thinking that I was going to be grandma in a few secants the girl came over and handed me the fish, still speechless I just stared at her. She then did something I had never seen before she well for a lack of a better word she sort of barked at them and they followed her into the forest. Before the last wolf was gone I got up and yelled to her. The one wolf that was over me minutes before came into the clearing and just looked at me then turned around and walked towards the edge of the forest looked back and walked into the forest. I quickly gathered my things and followed it.

I must have followed it for a good hour before there was another opening. In the opening sat the girl and the wolves just sitting in a circle with the girl in the middle the wolf that I was following went to the center with the girl and sat right next to her she gave the wolf a few pats on the head without moving her head. She then turned her head and looked at me with a smile. She just stared at me without saying anything I then walked to the circle and sat down in front of her she stared into my eyes and I quickly looked around and saw that all the wolves were staring at me to. I began to talk but she put her finger to my lips. She then closed her eyes and the wolves did the same. I looked around and every wolf had their eyes closed I did the same almost immediately I knew everything. I knew who she was I knew the wolf that was looking in my eyes and new the whole pack. It was not just that I knew the history of all life. I opened my eyes and she was looking right at me. I went to talk to her but the words that came out of my mouth was not English or any other human language. It was the world language that every living animal knew. I could understand the birds the wolves and even the deer.

I learned a lot from that girl and the wolves. I learned the meaning of life, and the secret of the universe. She was the best thing in the world that had happen to me the only thing I was not told was why me. She told me that she had seen many hunters and hikers but never one that had thought the eyes of the wolf was gentile. She said that that showed that I had a willingness to learn these secrets and that she was not the only one. I asked the only what? She answered the only human.