The Zootopian Experiment Chapter 8
#9 of Zootopian Experiment
The Zootopian Experiment Chapter 8
(Nick Wilde)
I was entering the precinct, at around 4 pm, the time I started my shift. When I got to work I quickly got to roll call, nothing new. During roll call all of sudden, my colonial had a call, when the he got back he said, "Wilde, I need you to stay back for awhile." While I tried to talk my boss hoping to know, why I had to stay back, he did not say?
While I was waiting, I saw Carrots come in, when she saw me she started to run to me. Carrots said, "Nick, how are you?" I answered back, "Not bad, just wondering why you are here?" Carrots answered, "I need a favor, can you come with me?" I said, "I would but my colonial, wants me to stay back for some reason." She said, "I convinced, Chief Bogo to let you help me, and get out of your duties, you should tell him that I am here." Before I could say anything else, the colonial came over and said, " hello, you must be Officer Hopps. I received the call from Chief Bogo, I have already assigned someone to handle Nick's section." Judy said, "Nick can you please help me?" I answered, whatever you need, Carrots, I will help you."
As me and Carrots got into, Carrots police cruiser, I thought a chance to get out of parking duty. While Carrots was driving she started talking, I at first did not pay to her, but she got my attention and said, "Nick, I realized, I did not tell you what I need you for." I answered, "a chance to get out of parking duty I don't care what it is." Carrots answered back, "Nick, you need to know, John the human turning into a fox, he needs a kidney." I answered back confused, "and what do you need me to do?" Judy stopping at the light and look at me, "Nick, he needs a fox kidney, and the list is to long, he might die without a kidney." I know, I should say no, but it's almost impossible to say no to Carrots. I answered, "if my blood type is compatible with his blood type, I will be willing to donate a kidney."
When we finally got to the hospital, Carrots couldn't wait, she immediately jumped out of the car. I got out of the vehicle, just wondering, if there is any way of getting out of this. When I entered into the hospital, I saw that Carrots was nowhere to be seen. I asked the front desk, where Carrots was at, the attendant said, "Officer Hopps, is going to Doctor Langu office, the third office to the left, on the second floor." I said my thanks, and went to Doctor Langu office.
In Doctor Langu's office, the doctor was taking my blood, and doing a lot of other tests. Their she started explaining the effects of donating a kidney. I didn't really pay attention until, Carrots shook me and whispered, "Nick, maybe you should pay attention." Once I actually started to pay attention, doctor told me, "Nick, after donating a Kidney, it will take you about 4 days of recovery here at the hospital, then it will take you about 6 weeks for recovery at home."
Doctor Langu, was leaving saying, "I should check the, test results." I looked at Carrots and said geez, she's treating this like a big deal. Carrots obviously not impressed with what Isaid, "Nick, thank you for what you are doing. Not everyone would be willing to donate a kidney, to someone you never really cared for, but maybe you should pay attention." As doctor Langu came back into the office, she said, "the blood test came back, and your blood is compatible with his. I also got your medical files, and your check up at the police academy you had no disease, I should retest you for those diseases, but we don't have much time . I will be waiting for your urine test to come back in, but I would like to schedule this operation for tomorrow, at around 3, that should give me enough time to get everything ready."