dark angel part 4
#4 of dark angel saga
DISCLAIMER: CHARACTERS BELONG TO ME *****************************************************************
Angel lay asleep in her bed, the cold mourning sunlight shone into her room via an open window, her soft, black hair was laid around her head, the gentle caress of the white, silk sheets, her head was laid on the soft, plump pillow, and she still smelt of Scar, his hevanly scent
"Why do I feel like this? goddess help me, is this.....love?" she sat up in her bed, the soft silk falling from her body, she felt weak, like something was pulling on her life thread, her eyes were blurry, her mind felt so cloudy. She collapsed.
"Angel can you hear me?"
"Scar? where are you?"
"Not with you regrettably, why did you flee?"
"I told you, to you I am but a slave and..."
"Angel you are that only to my father, to me you are so much more"
"Like what?"
"For starters, I can't get you out of my mind; I think about you nonstop, secondly, I need to be near you, you remember that red heart on my chest?"
"It's shattered; it only does that when the one I love leaves me"
"Scar, please tell me your not lying"
"I'm not Angel, would I lye and then abandon my home to see you?"
"Wait, you are coming"
"As we speak now my love, tonight, meet me I beg of thee"
"Fine, to the left of the castle is a cherry blossom tree, meet me there, I will be waiting for you"
"I rush to you"
"Goddess speed". She awoke, his voice still echoing around her mind
Scar was flying through the sky, his skeletal wings carrying his body across the night sky; the large pale moon was in its final stage of the cycle, in a few moments the moon would be full, causing him to change
"not now, please not now" he landed at the cherry blossom tree, his body began to shift, his eyes became amber slits "DAMN YOU BALOR, YOU WILL NOT TAKE ME TONIGHT" he slumped against the tree, the thick bark scraped against his back, his wings slowly withdrew into his body "no, my body is my own, leave me alone you foul beast" he smashed his head against the tree repeatedly, the rhythmic beating filled the night, suddenly the sweet sound of a girls voice came to ear, his mind seemed to bleed with pain, a dark voice filled his head
"Ahh, so you care for this one, perhaps she will become my first prey of the night"
"Don't you touch her, I'll kill myself before I let you kill her" he screamed into the night. Hearing the scream Angel ran to him, her hair whipped in the wind, she saw his convulsing body laid against the tree, he seemed different, his eyes were so evil, the dark amber slits, she sat down next to him.
"Scar, are you all right?" he looked at her with those eyes, the feral darkness inside him manifesting itself in his retina
"What's wrong my dear? why do you look so afraid?" his voice was different, it was pure corruption, his words hitting her like a rancid punch
"You are not Scar" his eyes flashed back to normal, long enough to allow him to cry out a sentence
"Run Angel, get away now" his eyes turnt back to amber, he stood and walked toward her, her eyes filled with fear. She backed away. Her dress caught beneef her feet. Causing her to fall backwards, the rough earth beneath her the first thing she felt
"What's wrong my dear? are you afraid?" she nodded "well then, fear no more, die where you lay" he raised his claw to the blade on his back, the cold steel glinting on the moonlight
"HELP" she screamed at the top of her lungs, the sudden outburst attracting the guard's attention, they flew to her side and formed a wall between her and Scar, and their blades glistened in the moonlight
"stay back m'lady, he will not get to you" Scar lunged forward and impaled one on his sword, the blood crept down to the hilt and then onto his hand, he licked the blade clean, the soldiers grabbed Angel and flew into the fortress, he stood there, the moonlight corrupting his features.
Angel landed with the soldiers, her eyes still bathed in fear
"did he really come all the way here just to try and kill me?" her mind screamed to her, her eyes filled with tears "not again" she wiped them from her eyes with the back of her arm, her soft black hair stirred in the breeze
"m'lady go to your room, we will make sure he is not following us" she nodded and they flew off, she stood alone in the dark courtyard, the sound of silence, not a whisper, not a breath, it was as if the town was dead, she began to sway again, her vision grew cloudy, and for the second time today she collapsed.
"Child were are you?, come out wherever you are"
"What have you done with Scar?"
"nothing my dear, this is a regular occurrence, once a month when the moon is high, I emerge and take control, only for the evening however, tomorrow mourning you will have him back, your precious prince, your knight in bloody armour, your black hearted lover"
"exactly you cannot deny it, as it is true, I will leave you now, but I will warn you, next time the moon is high I will come and speak to you again, this time with a proposition, oh and by the way my name is Balor".
She awoke to her room, the sunlight poured through the curtains, she sat bolt upright
"Scar" she jumped from her bed and grabbed her cloak, she ran down the hall and into the courtyard, passing people on her way "oh goddess, please say he's safe" she ran and ran until she came to the town gates, the large oaken gates slowly opened, when they parted just enough to allow her through she slipped out into the meadow, running toward the tree. She quickly came within sight of it, seeing a black cloak covering a body she ran faster "SCAR" she called out, the figure twitched, a black furred head turnt to her, his eyes were normal once again
"Angel" he stood and ran to her, he pulled her to his chest "my angel, please say you are unhurt" she nodded "I nearly killed you last night"
"No Scar, Balor did, he told me about the thing with the moon"
"How do you know his name?"
"He spoke to me; he said he would come to me with a proposition the next time the moon was high"
"I will be here for you, I am fine as long as I stay from moonlight, when he talks to you, I will establish a link with you so I can too, he will not trick you into a one sided deal"
"I trust you, and I will agree to your offer, he forcibly controlled my mind, he caused me to black out to prevent me purifying him" Scar drew her into a hug
"Mark my words, he will not hurt you while I breathe, and if that is the problem, I shall breathe no more".
PART FOUR DONE, THIS ONE TOOK FRIGGING AGES, SERIOUSLY MY FINGURES HURT, ANYWAY SAME AS USEUALL RATE AND COMMENT ALSO MERRY XMAS (if I don't post a new entry by then, it will be after xmas, soz for delays but it can't be helped, oh and if any would like to star in one send me a message including