Taomerle - Reboot - Book 1

Story by neosate on SoFurry

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Book 1

By Neosate Crimsonfang

© 2017 Taomerle Publishing


??????? Prelude ???????

The City-State of Lementhra stands as a symbol of peace and tranquility to the furs of the four nations. It is a bastion of equality and prosperity. But that is only the surface, below things were much different.

Lementhra's history was not always as bright as what many see today. It's founding and ultimate organization was forged in blood on the battlefield of the last war between the greater nations, where the walled city now stands. And the fragile peace that the common fur sees if only held together with the threat of the fabled weapon that was used to end the conflict. A weapon that is believed to still be in the paws of the family that rules over the city-state.

Kathero, one of the few strange lion-tiger hybrids that comprised the ruling family of Ussessa, made his way down to the lowest point of the stronghold of Lementhra, the fortified castle he had known his entire life. This was a trek he had made countless times since his youth. Yet it still filled him with dread and excitement. And this time was even more unnerving for the brown and white furred feline.

Far below the bustling streets of the city, deeper than even the dungeons of the castle, carved from the living rock of Taomerle, was a single, cavonius room. A place where no light entered that was not carried in one's paws, were the air was dank and stale. In that room was the Ussessa family's most tightly guarded secret. The one thing that ensured the safety of their people, and the prosperity of their tiny nation.

"Noroscutial," he shouted in the the darkness before him. The light of the torch hardly illuminated the space in front of him, and if voice echoed off the ceiling high above.

The sound of chains dragged across the dirt and stone floor reverberated in the cavernous space. The sound was coupled with the clicking and scraping of claws as the massive, feral figured moved into the edge of the light.

"War is coming.. Have you come to truly prepare?" The coarse, gravelly voice called to him. "Have you now accepted who is to be my master?"

"Things have changed since I was cub. Word has begun to spread that Lementhra no longer has the great weapon. Or at least we no longer know how to use it. They have begun to move against us again."

"Twenty-five generations have passed since I was last unleashed on Taomerle. None alive today have seen the wars of old, or know their true cost. Will you do as your ancestors did? Will you silence the nations again?"

"I will not subject her to such things. Besides, this unrest among the nations is the least of my worries," Kathero said as he coughed. "I am dieing, and my brother wished to take my throne."

"You know as well as I do, he is not my next master."

"Yes, but she is not ready. She is too young."

"You were younger than her when you first came to me, and you are not even my true master."

"That was different, I was a boy. She is a girl, she is not strong, and the state will not accept her as their ruler."

"Her strength will not come from her, Just as your her mother's did not come from her.

"I will not use you as a tool. I am not my father, or my grandfather."

"What your grandfather did," the wolf-like beast paused as he lifted one paw to his face. His claws fell into the empty socket that once held the mate to his glowing stone eye. "To see what I see, to know the truth of all things he laid his eyes on, my eye. It drove him made, as it did your father."

Kathero placed his paw over the stone orbe the slowly rotated in the place of his left eye. "All I see is your pain. The punishments inflicted on you for your nature. Why do I see nothing else with your cursed eye?"

"For the same reason you are dieing. You rejected control of me, you turned your back on the oath, the promise between me and the first of my masters. They, your father, and grandfather, embraced my power, even if it was not truly theirs to wield.. You... you have rejected that power. And now the balance is falling apart around you." The stone in the right eye of the beast began to roll faster and slow with a faint blue hue. The chains the bound his neck and legs took on a bright yellow glow as he continued to speak. "Your kingdom will fall by the hands that are closest to you. You family will be left with nothing but their oath and connection to bloodshed. This will all come to pass with your last breath. The curse of your bloodline shall fall to your first born. She will have to deal with the fruits of your neglect. She will have to make the same choices you have refused to make."

With the final words both Kathero and the beast fell to the ground coughing. Blood spewed from the muzzles as the glow of the stone eyes and chains faded. The king lifted his head to look at the beast.

"I know I have failed my people," he said as he crawled forward on his knees. "But tell me, what do you see for my daughter beyond that?'

Noroscurial slumped to the ground as he answered, "I see nothing but fire. She, unlike you and those before you, has an unwritten future. A time of change has come again." It lifted it's forepaw into its field of vision. "How much blood will my claws spill this time?" it asked as a grin curled across its muzzle.

Kathero dropped, limp, next to the beast's head. "You agreed to be chained, to be bound to my family. You have the power to break that bond. After all my ancestors have done to you, why do you still stay?"

"From the time I can remember," the beast said in a low hoarse tone, "I have always been a tool, a weapon. But even I know, one should never leave a weapon to it's own devices. We need a purpose. We need direction. Else we will bring nothing but torment."

"Then, as your master, I give you only this purpose. Forget your vowe to the nations, even to my ancestors. These things I willingly release you from. I only ask that you protect and serve my daughter. With your power, your strength, with everything you have kept hidden from my father, and his father, and generations before them."

"You see my pain. You know why I keep the oath."

"Of all the things I do see, I see your past. And I see what you truly are capable of."

??????? The Child ???????

Assilsasta was the only child of the King of Lementhra, whose mother had died in childbirth. But she was like no other princess or aristocrat that she had known. When visiting dignitaries and their families would spend time at the City-state of Lementhra, she was often intrigued and confused by the way the other cubs her age acted and were treated.

She had always had the tutors and servants. Had always been told and taught the proper way to act and proper ceremonies from other lands. But unlike the others, she was never under constant supervision and scrutiny. She was often free to do as she willed, as long as she stayed within the walls of the stronghold, while other cubs seemed to always be under guard and watched.

She didn't understand why such precautions were taken within the walls, especially when her home of Lementhra was a bastion of peace and safety. The other cubs never seemed relaxed, and were always cautious when they played any games with her. They always seemed to be scared, and would even run to their servants or guards if she even fell or was unintentionally struck or hurt. She didn't understand their fear of her.

That was all until this morning. Her father lay on what was believed to be his deathbed. The illness that he suffered for the past several years was finally taking its toll on him. Now her servants scurried about, readying her for the rituals needed to pass the reigne of Lementhra to her. Her tutor stood beside her as he explained the first of the tests she would face as she took on the responsibilities of the monarchy.

"You, my princess, are by far the youngest to set forth on the Right of Rule," The old gray-furred feline said as the servants continued to dress her in a flowing white ritual gown. "Younger than even your grandfather who set forth at the age of sixteen. The first part is one you will have to do alone, and there is nothing I can tell you about what will happen." He turned and walked to a nearby chair. "I remember when your father went. Even he was nearly eighteen, and whatever he saw changed him. It is said, rumored, that it is the secret to the power that keeps the Ussessa line on the throne."

Assilsasta had heard whispers or the weapon that ended the great wars, and brought peace to the lands. The whispers said that her father had lost the power to control it, or that it may no longer even exist. But every time she had moved closer to servants to hear more, the hushed conversations were quickly ended.

"In the past, the king had always prepared his successor for this part of the rituals," the feline continued his speech unabated. "But your father is in no condition to see you now. Whatever lies below is your secret to use as you will."

She looked over at him, her body still stiff as the servants laced up the bodice. "Katu, is it true that my uncle will rule in my stead?"

"Yes, Princess. Until you come of age, he will rule in your stead. There is still much we must teach you of treaties, and the proper ways of royalty. Things I have neglected to teach you."

She tilted her head, "Why do you call me princess now? You have always called me little one, or Assil."

"Times have changed, and they will continue to change for you," he replied. "If I am to remain by your side, as you have asked, I can no longer be so informal with you."

"But, we are alone, no one will see or know. I trust you, with my life."

"That, my princess, may be your downfall," he said as he stood up and stepped toward her again. "Trust no one, and nothing that is not bound to you by blood or magic, not even me." He took her by the paw as the servants stepped away, finished with their task of dressing her. "Now, it is time. You look stunning, my lady. If only your father could see you."

As they left her room she caught the faint whisper, "We shall all be doomed if she is to rule, why could Queen Kastalia not have bore a son before she died?"

As her tutor lead her through the halls toward the their destination, the young feline could not help but think of what she had heard. Fear welled up inside her as they moved into the now unlit part of the stronghold. "Katu, can I just not give the rule to my uncle?"

"That is not how it works. There are things, powers and magics, that bind the right to rule to your bloodline."

"I don't understand, what magics?"

"Your uncle is not the first born, your father was. Only the first born can receive the mark."

As the older feline mentioned the mark, the image of her father , and grandfather flooded into her mind. "The eye, the patch that father wears..."

"That is right," he interjected as she trailed off. "Your grandfather was the first to receive the mark in that way, and none have looked beneath the patch that covered his eye, or your father's after the mark was transferred to him. Before them, the mark of the rightful ruler was a gold band that rested around their wrist. That was before my time. I don't know much about it, as it has always been a secret held only by the ruler. Some say it granted him the power to see the truth, even in the best concealed lies. But I fear, there is much more to the secrets that you will learn than have been uttered in more than five hundred years."

He stopped at the top of a long winding staircase. "This, Princess, is as far as I can go with you."

She looked down the passage into the darkness. There were no guards, no doors, just blackness. "Katu, I'm afraid."

"As am I, Princess. But you are the first born, and only you can pass this threshold."

??????? The Swordmaiden ???????

"Are you sure you know what you're doing?"

"Relax, I've done this thousands of times," the porcupine woman said casually as she walked away. "As long as you trust me and hold still, you've got nothing to worry about. If you flinch and get nicked that's your fault."

"I want double."

Twirling, she hurled the small dagger, pinning the buffalo by his tunic to wooden support column behind him, barely a hair's breadth below his groin.

"Nuh-uh," she said with a smirk as she walked the remaining nine paces and taking her place in the spot indicated by a white 'X' drawn in chalk on the cobblestone street. "It's too late to change the terms of our deal, my dear Gregor." Gesturing to the assembled crowd, she added, "And don't think you can intentionally get hit. Don't forget, we have witnesses." A small outburst of laughter erupted from their audience, clearly enjoying the big man's discomfort.

"Old Ones be damned if I'm going to put up with this," Gregor muttered as he tugged at the dagger that held him in position. On the fourth pull the blade slipped free and his arm rose slightly, but at that same instant a second dagger flew past with a low whistle, barely brushing the fur on the back of his wrist, before embedding itself with a loud thunk! The buffalo jumped in surprise and dropped the first dagger, letting it fall with a clatter to the street below.

"Gregor," Cassidy asked as she examined the edge of her next knife, "do you have a wife? A girlfriend, perhaps?"

A nervous sweat was beginning to clearly show itself on his face, but he held obediently still. "A f-fiance," he stammered.


"N-no, not y-y-yet," Gregor managed before taking an anxious gulp.

"Well, if you want that to change, I'd recommend holding still," she teased as she lined up her next throw. "I'd hate to damage your family jewels." Another, more raucous round of laughter, along with a few cheers and jeers, broke out among the onlookers.

With a soft whimper and a slight nod, he took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and held his arms out to his sides. Two seconds he heard the familiar low whistle accompanied by a slight breeze against his left cheek and another, louder thunk! A fourth thunk!, this one up against his left armpit. A fifth one in the narrow gap between his knees. A sixth beneath his right armpit. A seventh less than an inch from his right cheek. An eighth right above his head, perfectly centered between his horns...

Then there was a brief silence followed by loud cheers and clapping. Gregor carefully opened his eyes to the sight of the porcupine girl bowing to the crowd and onlookers generously dropping coins into the basket she had set aside for tips. He let a low rumble escape past his lips as he stormed over to the much smaller female and reached out to grab her by the arm. "Hey! The deal was six daggers, not eight! I think you owe me -"

Thousands of barbed quills sprang forth from the girl's body, pricking Gregor in several places in the palm of his hand. As he recoiled in pain, Cassidy spun on her heel to face him, the amused grin on her lips providing an unnerving contrast against the innumerable spikes sticking out through the gaps in her leather armor. "Gregor, I don't owe you anything. You should have asked what you were volunteering for instead of jumping at the chance of earning a few Silvers. And those first two weren't a part of the show, they were to keep you from backing out. Now get out of here and go show your woman how thankful you are that the Old Ones saved your manhood."

As the large male sulked away, Cassidy turned back to face the remaining members of her audience. "And now, ladies and gentlemen, prepare to be amazed by my next incredible feat as I attempt to swallow these fifteen razor-sharp swords." She walked over to a table she had set up nearby and peeled back a blanket to reveal a pile of several thinly-bladed swords. "Now, to show you exactly how sharp these blades are, I brought a potato." She tossed the tuber up into the air, grabbed two of the swords, and sliced it into four sections with two cross-cut slashes.

"Miss Lambert, how many times must we remind you that street performers are not permitted in the Platina District?"

"Guard Captain Kanya," Cassidy exclaimed as she turned to face the woman that had spoken. She noticed there were four larger, muscular guards with her. "How are you doing today? Your fur looks absolutely radiant."

Ignoring her compliments, the snow leopard continued, "We've escorted you back to the Argenta District five times this past week, and have explained to you in no uncertain terms that performing here is illegal."

"And I've explained to you each time that the crowds in the Argenta District would rather spend their money at the market stalls instead of tipping the performers. Up here the passers-by have substantially more free coin and I have no competition." Picking up the basket of tips, she gave it a playful shake and added, "I can make more in one show here than I can giving three performances a day for five days in Argenta. It would take even longer in Copra or Aenea."

"Well, this time I'm afraid that you've run out of warnings. Under the authority of Magistrates of the Great City of Astraea I am hereby placing you under arrest." The four males that accompanied Guard Captain Kanya began closing in on the street performer.

"Stop! Thieves!" a man cried out as a pair of frilled lizards suddenly appeared and tore through the crowd, shoving several others out of their way. The four guards that had been about to attempt the arrest exchanged conflicted glances before giving chase to the pickpockets.

With a frustrated growl, Kanya looked at Cassidy and remarked, "Consider yourself lucky, Miss Lambert. When I get back here, you'd better be gone, and I'd better not see you around here ever again."

"Don't worry, Guard Captain," the porcupine bowed with a smile, "I'll be long gone." As her audience dispersed, she poured her tips from the basket into her coin purse, walked over to the wooden post and retrieved her daggers, then re-wrapped her swords and slung them over her shoulder.

"That was quite a show you put on," a deep male voice said with a chuckle. "I think poor Gregor may have actually pissed himself!"

"Yeah?" she asked, giving a disgusted huff. "Serves that oaf right to try and take what's mine. Do you have any idea how hard it is to be that polite and smile that much? I feel like some cheap whore acting like she enjoys a good shag for a few Coppers. When we get back to the inn, I'm taking a bath."

"I was starting to worry the twins weren't going to show up in time," the man said as he lowered his hood.

"I could have taken them if it came to it," Cassidy said dismissively.

"I didn't say I was worried for you," her companion replied. "Hey, by the way, how did you like my acting? Was I convincing?"

"What kind of question is that, Marco?" she asked as she shot the bear an annoyed glance. "You managed to get all five of them to chase after our friends."

"Yeah, I know," the larger male shrugged, "but was I as convincing as Demi?"

"Why do you care?" the porcupine woman muttered as she walked across the plaza. "Are you thinking of changing your act to theatre? Magic and illusions not cutting it?"

"They are, but I was thinking I could try and play up to the crowd more," Marco explained. "Kind of like how you and Leoric do. The people eat it up."

"Trust me," Cassidy sighed, "it sucks."

Turning down an alleyway, they made a few more changes in direction before coming to a stop in back of a large house. "Keep an eye out for any witnesses," she ordered as she reached behind her back and plucked out a quill.

"Are you sure no one's home?" he asked.

"I've been watching the place for the past fortnight," the porcupine answered confidently as she knelt down next to the rear entrance and inserted her quill into the lock. "He should be gone for another hour and fifteen minutes and our source says he lives here alone. Yeah, I'm sure."

"Why don't you let me handle the door, then?" the bear suggested as he cracked his knuckles. "I can get us inside in no time."

"And attract the entire city guard in the process," Cassidy snapped. "I've got this. You just keep watch."

"I can't believe a mage of my calibre is being relegated to lookout," Marco groused. "Are you sure you couldn't have brought Demi instead?"

"No thanks," the swordswoman said. "She's just as likely to kill me as any potential resistance, and this is a no-kill job. Boss's orders. I can at least count on you to exercise a little restraint."

"But if you're so sure the place is empty, who'd get hurt? What do you even need a mage for?" he asked.

"To look out for any magical traps and dispel them, idiot," the porcupine woman said as the lock disengaged and the door creaked open. "Otherwise I could end up summoning the master of the house to come back home, or something much worse."

??????? The Usurper ???????

Ghkat, a large muscular feline, sat on the throne as the daily open audiences drew to a close. He couldn't wait for the illness to finally take his brother's life, so he could put an end to these trivial matters. If the events he set forth went as planned, his wait might not be long at all.

Just as the last of the commoners were escorted out of the audience chamber, the older gray-furred feline walked in with his head bowed. "My lord, It has begun."

"Katu, What are you telling me? Be straight, don't talk in your half truths."

"The Princess has passed through the barrier. She descends to the forsaken chamber as we speak."

"So, it is true, she is the next in line to the throne," He paused as the thought about the white mane that the young kitzen had inherited from her further, and grandfather. The so called mark of the successor, a trait the first born of the ruling line has held for generation. He looked back at the feline before him. "Are you sure you can break the barrier?"

"It has weakened over the years, My Lord. A novice could bring it down."

Ghkat smiled cruelly as he said, "But I need people I can trust to do these things."

"Trust no one, My Lord, not even me."

"But you will do as I say, or she will die." He stood up from the high backed throne as began to pace the raised platform on which it sat. "What news of the other task?"

"Leoric said it would be completed shortly. He sent his most faithful to complete the task."

"Then you were right, my good Katu. It has begun. Tonight Lementhra and Tamerle will change forever. A true King will control the fabled weapon, not my weak brother, or his worthless offspring."

"Don't forget, My Lord, She is the key. The only one who truly has control of the weapon, if it still exists."

He turned abruptly and shouted, "It doesn't have to exist. The other kingdoms must only believe it is real, as they have for years. It's probably roten and weakened, like many of the remnants from the Makers and the Old Ones. I will have the engineers work what is left of it into something that can still be feared."

The old feline looked up at him as he spoke softly and calmly, "You have no idea what power you seek. I believe even our friend Leoric knows more than you, and he is a fool."

"How dare you," Ghkat shouted again. "Begone from my sight before I have you beheaded."

"Be careful for what you ask," katu said as he began to back out of the room. "You may just get more than you intend."

As katu left a young mouse page entered the room from a side door and dropped to one knee with his head bowed, "My Lord, your broth... the King requests your presence."

Ghkat roared, "Why can't he just die already," as he throw a goblet at the page.

??????? The Weapon ???????

"He is my masterpiece."

"You've said that before. What have you changed in this one."

The sound of rushing fluid muffled the voices as they spoke. He knew what the words meant, but he couldn't understand them. His eyes opened to the stinging, translucent green liquid that surrounded his body. He could see the tubes and cables that held him suspended in the solution. His paw moved into view, that of a four toed feral wolf. Beyond a strange smooth barrier stood the two who spoke.

"The wolf is only the base. It will be a few more days before the other traits manifest."

"But will it survive? I am paying you a lot of money for this."

"Don't worry," the first one said, "He will be magnificent. You will earn you cost back ten full before he is spent. Then... then you will see my masterpiece."


Silence... Was it over? Was that finally the end? A peaceful cold embraced his body. The heat from his own fires had faded. Then the sound, the hum started again. The ever present sound that refused to leave him surged through his body, followed by the pain he knew as life. The pain was followed by the shocking energy that the Old Ones forged into him. The cold air entered his lungs, only to be heated and scorch him from within. He screamed as the his body refused to die around him.

His ears twitched as the sound of soft paw steps drifted through the cavernous room. Something approached, something small. He sniffed at the wair as a familiar scent filled it. It was her. He had been waiting so long. His one true master approached.

His harsh, raspy voice boomed, "Come closer child." he heard her jump back in fright. "Don't fear me child, there is nothing I can do to harm any descended from your blood. Come closer, and bring your light. It has been a long time since I have seen light."