
Story by darkenedflame on SoFurry

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maybe not for all but hear comes some action.


My world is spinning out of focus. Everything is white, all white. I am trapped, I can't move I feel like a pharaoh with my arms crossed and all tied up. Pain fills my head, everything hurts. Every fiber wants to run for cover I need to find her. Everything stabilizes into a room. Why is there nothing in here? Am I dead? Where is she? Where is my sister?

The door behind me opens. I can't see the person entering the room. But I can hear the door shut and lock. Isolating us together in this small piece of hell. "Dilan? Are you Dilan right?" I want to see the face behind the question but she is not where I can see. I nod to answer the question. "Good, good. Umm, do you have any idea how you got here." A flash of color passes my vision. I slowly nod as a person comes into view blond hair, sky blue scrubs and a white doctor's coat. She brings a black stool and sits on it crossing her legs. Each color borders a vastly different color making a headache inducing color shift.

"Can you tell me how you got here?" was the last question I want to hear from her thin mouth but its there in the air waiting for my answer. Waiting for me to relive the most terrible moments of my life. I turn my head to avoid her grey eyes but I still feel them on me. "I can come back later. I have nowhere to go and you can go nowhere." She stands to leave

"No!" my outburst suprises me just as muchas it dose her. There is no way that came from my mouth. Her motion stops the ends of her coat trying to continue through to the end of the motion as she sits back down.

"So tell me, how you got here." She smiles innocently, like a child that just got asked what kind of ice-cream they want. My memory's start flowing like a movie each piece falling back into its rightful place.

"They came for us in the night, my sister and I. I heard them coming as they drove up the mountain road the sirens. Driving with there flashing lights. We had to run. I woke my sister. She was scared and wanted to leave. What was I supposed to do?

I took her hand and we opened the window to run. They would not catch us. We jumped together. The ten foot drop didn't stop us it was like jumping off a swing. I took her hand and she held tight as we ran down the hill picking up speed with each step just wanting to stay in control. We bounded across the road headlights blinding us as the high pitched squealing of tires assaulted our ears. By the time they were out of their cars to yell at us we were dodging trees on the other side of the road,

My lungs burned as we ran for our very lives past houses and trees. Each one just a looming shadow in the night. We knew the land and where to go but we had to lose them. My heat pounded every time they told us to stop."

"So, why didn't you stop?" she asks me. A stupid question, but I need to finish the whole thing.

"My sister told me not to stop, that she was scared. I don't know how she could cry and run so hard at the same time. So I made up my mind. Family comes first, always. I ran keeping up with her.

She made each step look simple. We were running for our lives and she didn't falter in her step. When I fell she picked me up screaming at me to "GO!" and I did. I could feel the hot blood on my face but there was no time to dwell on that. I needed to run.

I could hear dogs behind us snarling and barking as they pulled their handlers down into the valley. A small lake at the bottom and beyond that a farm we had to get there to hide. My sister thought it would be safe if we could just get to the farm.

Every muscle in my body was on fire and there was a throbbing pain in my head but she just kept encouraging me. I felt my own tears start to fall as I hit the bottom of the mountain each step no longer being aided by gravity. My legs were too heavy. I pushed, I had to push to keep up running toward the Lake. The dogs were closer and the voices too. Hey warned us to stop, but we had gone too far. As we got close to the like shore it goy muddy and each step became a burden. To my sister it was effortless, but for me it was the seventh level of hell. My shoes were caked with mud making them cumbersome.

One foot caught in the suction of the mud and my shoe was ripped from it with a pop. Electric pain shot though me and a face planted in the swampy ground."

"Is that where you stopped." There was again another question flying out of her moth like bats form a cave.

"If you would just listen you would find out" I clear my thought. "As I was saying, I was covered in mud and half blind. I couldn't run with one shoe, so it was off with the other and back on my feet running. My sister was screaming the whole time that I needed get up.

I took my first step and a fire shot though my leg. Black dots covered my vision and I almost fell again but my sister was there. She took my hand and pulled me along. I hobbled with her help till we reached the edge of the field. "Jump!" was my sister's loud command, so I did. Over row after row of vines and plants as we slowly made our way up to the farmstead. It's all kind of a blur, I was in so much pain.

I was in the yard getting shepherd to the barn. I felt lost I knew something was wrong. My head was spinning. And the dogs were at our heals by that time as we got into the barn my sister let go and jumped onto the later climbing to the top and waiting for me. I had no choice. I climbed ankle shooting pain though my leg with each rung. Till I hit the top laying there for a second almost blacking out. A hay loft is where we were. My mind wanted to leave me but I held on eyes closed. My sister shook me back into the world I couldn't hear her but I could see she was frantic.

She pulled me up. The men were coming up the latter so close. I was tugged across the loft to the large opening in the front, you know? "

"Yes. To get the hay in though?" the woman keep beckoning for me to continue my story. I just want to forget the whole thing right now.

"Well I get to the edge and looked down at the ground. My sister jumped but I didn't. I couldn't jump. All that way and I failed! I cryed how lame is that. So I gather the ounce of bravery I have left and prepare to jump.

"tick tich tick tick" every muscle in my body tensed up. I fell backward to the ground. I saw men stand over me as I blacked out. And now I am here. And it's my turn for questions where am I and where is my sister did she get away?"

The women just sits there for a long while. She just keeps looking at me. Finely she responds. "Your sister doesn't exist. She's just in your head" she says this like it's the truth.

I laugh "you're a liar a dirty liar." I hate her I want to yell at her tell her how wrong she is. "I love my sister we grew up together and you want to tell me I made that all up." I ask

"What's her name" she asks. I pawn thinking. Nothing comes to mind she was my sister. The hairs on my arms stand strait up. "you can't tell me can you. Every night you have a dream and it's your whole reality and then you forget. I don't know how but that is why I'm here to study you."

"No, no, nonononononNONONO!" I screaming trying to get out of the chair but I'm stuck. With tears running down my face. "I'm not crazy I lived it. All the pain I lived it."

"Dilan you can't feel the pain in your leg or head there is nothing there. None of it is real and you won't remember this. We have to restrain you for not only our safety but yours." What is she saying to me this is all fake a bad dream something anything but the truth. I can't, I won't accept this.

"You let me out now I need to find my sister." I say trying to convince her of the truth. She just gets up pulling a syringe from her pocket. The needle slowly pushes into my squirming neck. "Don't you dare-" I cut off as my muscles stop working. The women leaves the room and I lose all consciousness.