Sapphire Transition Chapter 4
Man, fox things are weird.
Beneath the safe roof of the hotel Layne found rest easily enough and even though she had been out cold in Keel's store, she had slept like a rock. She was thankful for the night without thinking of her family, even if it had come as a result of nearly losing her life and drinking a potion that had knocked her onto her rear. Even still, she woke up bright and early since she had a goal for that day, to ask a few questions of Bav who hopefully would keep their word about answering her curiosities. As she stepped into the bathroom to disrobe and get into the shower she thought of the gentle giant who had warned her several times about curiosity and cats, it seemed like such a strange thing, but perhaps that masked giant's warning could be applied to even this, and yet, Layne found herself stricken with a desire to fulfill this curiosity of hers. She chuckled as she turned the knob and allowed the warmth of the water to take her. She yearned to fulfill that curiosity, to know what it took to become a demon in this place and why it was teased as such a necessary process. At this point Layne wasn't even sure if she would allow herself to be turned into a demon just for the sake of an easier time, but without knowing what the supposed strenuous process was it was certainly tempting to just throw her paws up in the air and just go with it, after all, it wasn't as if it was going to shift her personality in any great way, and no one she cared too much for would get mad. With a sigh she noted, nobody except for her cousin Nicolas, now, she would have to set him down very nicely, perhaps with a messenger bird rather than having to face him, or perhaps she should just brave it and the next time she was on Ultera tell him face to face with a family visit. She shuddered beneath the warm water as she thought of visiting her family again; demon or not that was no visit she ever wanted to plan, not ever. She remembered the times her father looked down at her with disappointment in his eyes, from the fact that she was never the son that he had desired, but instead a young lad with desires to be seen as pretty and feminine without innate magic talent. Certainly, she had blossomed later in life with her magic, but during her childhood as the odd son of an affluent clan leader, she had been nothing but a burden and treated as such. Scratching through the fur on her head to push out those errant thoughts of her family she flicked her paws and puffed out a breath, turning off the shower to step out and dry off, today was a day for answers and decisions without thought of family; she wouldn't even think of Nicolas when she finally made her choice on her own. She'd just keep telling herself that and perhaps she would eventually be able to internalize it.
Again she decided for something simple, a sundress of black and blue stripes with her steeple hat planted gingerly upon her head, and this time she took her purse with wand inside just in case she ran into any troublemakers again. Magic was such a cumbersome thing against multiple assailants that could cast on a whim, but the wand should allow her to cast a few quick and dirty spells without much trouble, well, at least until it would run out of power and break. She'd have to ask Bav if they knew a way to make a permanent wand without having it break and shatter upon overuse, maybe they'd just try to sell her the enchantment rather than actually share the secret, or well, sell the secret. It seemed in their character to barter rather than give secrets away that they didn't promise, hopefully, she wouldn't have to pay for those questions that Bav had given their word to answer.
Out the hotel and into the warm sun and fresh air she trotted along cobbled streets after getting directions to the place she needed to go. She regretted letting Bav teleport her because the inner city seemed like a mystery to navigate at times, but that was just part of the fun she supposed. Reliving the memory of Bav teleporting her was enough to bring a swirl to her stomach, here she was thinking of grabbing a bite to eat, but that thought was quelled by that churning of her stomach. Distracting herself from the memory she focused instead on what she would ask Bav. Of course, she could simply ask how would she go about becoming a demon, but that was too simple, and maybe they would misdirect her. She couldn't be too sure of how much to trust Bav, but they seemed like an amiable sort if not a little eclectic.
As she passed by one of the many lampposts on the streets, she came by a familiar sight. A giant coated figure from head to toe, blue glowing eyes behind a mask with a sharp beak, standing there by the metal pole of a lamp, ever watchful of the people and streets around him. Everyone seemed to avoid the strange figure except for a few colorful birds that roosted upon his head and shoulders, tweeting their little songs. Layne couldn't help but smile and walk up to him rather than around him, her paw coming up to wave, "Good morning."
"Ungh." Came the grunting response.
"Still not one for words? I don't have any questions for you this time, just trying to be polite and wondering how you are doing?"
For a moment those eyes flashed shut and then came back on within a moment's notice and his tone came out softer this time, "I apologize. My kind are not the sort for small talk."
"Ah, no trouble, don't even worry about it. Just knowing that you seem to be doing alright is enough. Besides, you were nice enough to apologize."
The response came curt as usual, but with a softer tone behind it, "Thank you, but I recommend you move along, unless you are lost and then I would be glad to guide you."
Layne giggled, "I'm not lost, not yet at least. I'll count on you though."
With that said she turned from her quiet friend and walked waving from behind while he watched with those blue orbs. Beyond her hearing he uttered one last statement, "I will not fail you should the time come."
With her thoughts on her destination, Layne continued trotting on without hearing what had been uttered behind her back. On occasion, she passed by groups of demons speaking in other languages and sometimes the one that she could understand, mostly mingling around stalls and various other places and in this she felt as if she were getting close to that long stretch of cobbled street that led to the bazaar near the port. After that brief meeting with the creature simply known as the unmade, she had found herself feeling strangely calm. She would never understand why everyone around seemed to avoid them, perhaps it was simply because everyone found his mannerisms far too curt to handle, or because he could literally plough a person's head through the ground in a single movement in a display of physical strength that had both baffled and sent Layne into a near panic, either way, she found the gentle giant to be an amiable sort and she wouldn't be one to fear him, now or ever, perhaps if she got on his bad side she'd be scared then.
The sun was high in the sky when she finally found herself on the street that Bav's stall was on. She could see the various stalls and small kiosks selling enchanted items and various other magical objects, some of which seemed very questionable in nature. Various folk reached out to her and called for her to browse their stands and what not, and rather than ignore them she simply went to each she could and mingled among the masses. At the very least she could make a little small talk and fish through items before heading towards Bav's stall. The demons here all seemed far too excited to speak to her, their eyes switching from her to her bag as if they knew she was of a magical make. This was a strange little common thing among all of the vendors she encountered on this particular street, but she didn't mind it too much, in fact, she encouraged it, she tried to poke out little details about their methods to enchant and create the items they had on sale, most of them were too smart for that and instead offered a price for their secrets that would have put her family to shame. She could only laugh with them and be on her way, she wasn't in the market for buying or selling anything, and they weren't in the market for selling their secrets, fair enough. It was enjoyable talking shop with fellow magic item and potion creating folk, although, she'd love it if she were just a bit more skilled at creating artifacts. Maybe she would pick up a book or two, or goad someone into teaching her. On thoughts of someone who could teach her, she was now before the stall of the very fox she required.
There with that same sawtooth grin, Bav leaned in, their peach fur as resplendent as ever, and their features were cut by the shadow of the small canopy over their stall. Today it seemed that Bav had decided to go with something a bit more flowery, a pretty sundress with flowers here and there, they even had a flower on their ear. With all of the blossoms and the big grin, Layne found herself smiling as she approached the stall. Without even having to say anything the fox offered their paw and leaned in close, "We gonna be neighbors?"
Layne snorted and took their paw in her own and squeezed lightly, "Neighbours hm? I don't exactly know if we'll be living next to each other, or what that really means, but I'm here to find out."
Bav rested their chin upon his paws and chuckled, their eyes focused on Layne, "Well well, we won't know this if you never actually ask any questions, and if you never actually decide on whether or not you want to be here or there."
Layne leaned in, elbow on the stall, chin in paw to match and narrowed her eyes with a small smile, "You're just trying to peak my curiosity to get me in trouble aren't you?"
Bav's expression turned aghast, their eyes shut, their paw upon their chest, grin turned upside down, "Me?! Why would I ever do such a thing? My dear, I only wish to see you positively perky and properly seated among us, should you desire."
Layne giggled, "I tease. I don't know if I can trust you, but other's have already told me that the process is excruciating, so tell me, what do I have to lose if I decide to stay myself and a demon to live here?"
Bav's fang filled frown turned back up into a grin, "Well, not much really. Higher taxes, less customers, and a bit of a social exile from those around you."
"And the benefits?"
In a dramatic pose, "Power untold! The seas will quake beneath your iron paw!"
For a moment their eyes met before both giggled like mad. Layne shook herself of the fit, "Now, be serious, please. I'd actually like some sort of information please."
"Sorry dear, I just love to tease. Now, if you really want information on the benefits...That all depends. Depends on how you spin it. Many things change about a person once they hit demon. Their alignment, how they act at times, and perhaps even a bit of a boost in power yes that is true, but most of all you'll be a citizen tried and true, of this entire continent without any fuss or muss. The other way is through a bunch of paperwork."
Before Bav could continue on Layne raised a brow and questioned, "So what exactly is so painful about all of this?"
Bav's grin remained frozen in place, their eyes closed as they put on a merry expression, one that sent chills up Layne's spine, "Observant as ever," Their voice came in low, "It isn't an operation if that is what you're worried about, just many people turn demon in different ways, but there is one sure fire way to have that happen, but I won't say. If you want I can introduce you to the man who does it all, even get you prepped for housing and everything."
Layne frowned her eyes set cold, "And why are you helping me along?"
"Because I like what I see, and I want to see you around here as a neighbour and fellow fellow among friends, but my isn't that a cold expression for such a warm speech. Now now, don't be so suspicious, you can even bring your friend along."
Layne blinked, "Friend?"
Bav simply stared directly behind Layne, to which she turned and saw her hulking friend standing there. She didn't jump, didn't yelp, instead, she stood up straight and smiled, "Hey big guy, I don't think anything too terrible is happening for you to be here."
The masked figure shook his head, his blue eyes flashing, "This too is my job if you decide yes."
Layne blinked, "Hm, really? There are other big fellas around here. You're telling me you're taking a personal interest in me?"
"Please, do not jest. I only wish to observe that you are not being pressured or fooled."
Layne chuckled, "Well thank you, can you tell me if Bav over here is telling the truth."
The masked figure crossed his massive arms, "That one is annoying. Not a liar."
Bav looked mortified and again placed their paw upon their chest, "Me? Annoying? I'm insulted dear unmade darling of mine. You know, you're more than free to leave the vicinity of my stall if you so choose to insult me so."
With a grumble, the masked figure answered, "Apologies."
"Apologies accepted, now then." With a big grin Bav leaned in to take Layne's paw, "Shall we begin?"
Layne looked to her paw, "Well, I suppose I can at least talk to your boss right?"
Bav giggled, "Wonderful, you'll love him I'm sure. He's a real people's man, and I hope you're used to teleporting on the fly by now."
Layne's hackles raised on high at the sound of that, "I'd rather not--"
Bav laughed and leaped over the stall, rings in paw as they placed one upon Layne's head and tossed another up to the unmade before taking their own and with that they were all gone in a flash, the dust settling to reveal the empty stall.