The King Goes Out on a Data
#7 of Mongol and his Girls
Sequel to Sexy Lesbo Fun Times.
Mongol was on the phone with his sister, June, "...Thank you for telling me." They were talking about her friend, "I will do what I can to help, by sister." Hanging up, he felt a bit nervous as he dialed Ginger's number. His claws almost slipping off numbers as he dialed.
Ginger was relaxing in her lab for once, having actually made something right for once. She felt she deserved the break. Her rest was disturbed by the ringing of her cell; she blinked, then picked it up and saw the number calling her- it belonged to Mongol. She smiled a bit; June had come through for her after all. She put the cell to her 'ear' and asked, a little shyly, "Uh...hello?"
She sounded different than he expected, from June's statement, he didn't think she'd be shy. Turning around in his rotating chair, "Hello, am I speaking to Ginger?"
"Y-Yes," she replied in a bit of a squeak, then collected herself and sat straighter in her own chair. "I-I mean...yes, this is Ginger speaking. You must be Mongol?"
Her squeak hurt his ear a bit, then he heard her speak clearly, "Yes, this is Mongol." Looking at the notes he took, "I, um, w-would like to..."
She listened to him, smiling a bit when she detected some nervousness in his voice. This gave her some confidence, so she interrupted, "You want to go on a date with me, right? I was...I was about to ask the same thing. Hahaha., I'd love to."
Blushing, and rubbing the top of his head, "Yes." He said with confidence. "Th-thank you."
"No problem," she replied with a small giggle. "S-So, uh...any....good places? Restaurant or cinema, or...?"
"Well, what would you like to do?" He was trying to hide the fact he didn't go on many dates, as in any.
She thankfully didn't get such a notion; she thought about it, then said, "Well...I guess a dinner would be nice.Nothing fancy! Just a place where we can talk and get to know one another. A movie wouldn't really let us do that...know what I mean?"
"Yeah." Relieved, popcorn was something that didn't agree with him, he wouldn't want to be miserable during the date, or worse not eat any and have her think he was some kind of weirdo. "What do you like to eat? Berries, meat, se~" His voice shook as he corrected himself, her being a landshark and all. "Ey-yeh, seasonal?" Pulling the phone away, resting it on his chest as he sighed, thanking Arceus he thought of something.
"Meat's good!" she chirped, luckily for his sake not noticing the near slip-up. "Especially seasonal~. There's this new restaurant that opened up in the city I live in actually, it's supposed to be really good! Maybe we could give it a try?"
Nodding, "Meat sounds good, I'll pick you up around...six?" He looked at the clock, he had an hour to get ready. "Than you can show me this new place. I have been so preoccupied as of late, if feels so nice to just do something with someone."
She smiled; "You take your time," she told him, "I'll be ready for you. No need to rush everything...I've been really busy as of late too, so this'll be great."
"Got it, thank you." He hung up. And after that, he let out a massive sigh of relief, his heart was racing like a crobat. He sweated a fair bit from nerves, "I really should shower." Looking over to the corner, at his dresser, there was something else June told him he'd be needing.
Ginger put the phone down, then sighed a bit as well. She stood up and stretched, then smiled and skipped a bit on the spot. "Yes!" She then went to quickly shower and get changed- she wanted to be presentable for the evening ahead.
Mongol came out of the shower, a towel wrapped around his head, and waist. As he dried himself, he wondered what Ginger looked like, but thought it best to surprise himself when he saw her.
Ginger was ready some time later, dressed in her usual clothes- semi skimpy, but comfortable. She wasn't entirely sure what she was /supposed/ to wear, she was honestly just used to this. She was waiting patiently, occasionally looking at the door to her home.
Mongol walked up, as usual, he wore nothing. Stepping to her door, he knocked three times, "Hello, Ginger?"
She smiled and skipped over to the door, opening it almost immediately after the third knock; Mongol was greeted by a smiling Garchomp with great curves and a very fine pair of breasts. "Mongol! I'm glad you came, hehe. So, shall we get this date going?"
He kept his eyes at her face, as her head was above his. "Yes." He held his arm out, for her to interlock hers to walk with him.
Her smile gentled a bit as she hooked her arm in his, commenting, "Aha, how gentlemanly of you. Ehe, erm...e-excuse me if I act nervous, I don't date an awful lot..."
Shrugging, "Nor do I. But as a king, I do like to show my ladies a good, proper time."
She nodded; "Yeah, I, uh...heard. June told me a bit about you. You seem like quite the guy..." She giggled a bit. "I guess I'll have to see for myself. Come on, the restaurant's this way."
That pause and hesitation made Mongol worry a bit, what else had his sister told her? He followed her, letting her take the lead.
She lead him further along, till they were in the more mainstream part of the city. Ginger pointed at a sign that said, "La Rochelle" on it; "That's the one! It's only been around a few days but apparently it's really successful!"
He was intrigued, "Alright," there seemed to be a lot of people here already.
She led them inside the place, and got a table organised. For such a fancy name, the establishment didn't look like a high-class establishment, more eccentric and homely than anything. When they were sat at the table, she took menus for them both and stated, "The food here is REALLY great, just you wait. It's mostly meat stuff of all kinds, but there's some veggie stuff too.
"Mongol was too absorbed in taking in the sights, he hadn't heard her.
She cocked her head at him, but smiled, deciding not to interrupt him. She just took a look at the menu, deciding what she'd order. The meatballs looked good...
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw she was looking at the menu, crap, date remember. Mentally hitting himself, he began looking over the list, all of the food looked so good, berries, meats and stuff of all kinds.
"I'm getting the meatballs," she decided, looking up at him over the menu. "What about you? Big strong man like you, you'd probably need something decent, huh?"
Her comment seemed...odd, making him again wonder, what had June told her? Shaking his head, "I'm not big or strong," Holding one arm out, making it wave around, a he had little muscle mass. Smiling,"The /noodle/." Tapping his head, "All the stuff that's big, up here."
She chuckled a bit; "Well, alright then," she acknowledged, "what you need is /brain/ food. You know what, why don't you try the meatballs too? They're really good, in my opinion, and a good dish to start with in this restaurant!"
"Hmm..." He thought, agreeing with her. "I think I will."
She nodded, then called a waiter over; "So um, two plates of meatballs, please? Thank you. And no wine for me, uh, Mongol? Would you like wine? I'm just..uh..." She looked embarrassed. "I'm just gonna get a soda..."
Shaking his head, "Thank you, but I do not drink, some water will do." Handing the menus to him.
"Alright, then," she acknowledged, sitting back in her chair as the menus were taken and the waiter left. She looked at him, then asked, "So, uh...I guess we about ourselves or something? Is that what people on dates do?"
"I-I think." He seemed about as unknowing as her.
She blushed a tiny bit in embarassment, then sighed and started, "Well, I guess I'll start. I'm Ginger, as you know...and I'm a scientist. I make weird things and experiment a lot...sometimes they go wrong." 'They go wrong all the time,' she privately thought to herself. "I've been single for a long time," she admitted, "'s..very nice of you to go on this date with me. Thank you."
He thought her blush looked cute. Running his hand over his head and through his crest, "I know how that feels, mixing up potions, sometimes they really blow up in my face." Given her beauty he'd have thought she'd had a steady stream of males vying for her attention. " You are welcome, it is nice to go out with someone."
She smiled again, leaning forward a bit on her seat as she inquired, "You do science too? That's great! Maybe we should collaborate or something, make something real special-"
She caught herself and paused, the looked at him apologetically. "Uh, s-sorry, was that too nerdy..?"
He raised his eye in confusion, but smiled. "You're a funny one. I'd like to take you up on that offer. I don't mind a nerd, it's nice to see people still value a brain."
She gasped a bit, then sat straight and covered her mouth with a smile; she took her hands away, her smile wider. "You really mean that? Oh gosh, that is so exciting! I've wanted to work with another scientist for years, you have no idea! Thanks Mongol, I really hope we can get some chemistry going." She blinked, then scratched at her head a bit; "W-Was that a pun, considering we're on a date right now...?"
Laughing, "I guess it was." She really can't be that transparent, can she? He thought, Just what the heck did June tell her?
Before she could say anymore on the matter, the waiter arrived again with the food and their respective drinks; "Wow, that was fast!" Ginger complimented. "Thank you! Oooh, boy I am starving." She immediately began digging in. She was clearly a bit ravenous.
Mongol tried to hid his laughter, watching her devour everything. It was quite a sight, seeing her eat so much so fast.
Sweet she may have been, but she was a /land shark/. She therefore pretty much ate like one, only stopping to occasionally drink some soda.
Slowly, he sipped his water through the straw. Half surprised she didn't eat the plate in her frenzy.
Despite how madly she ate, she surprisingly managed /not/ to make a mess of herself, and lightly dabbed at her chin with a napkin when she was finished; "Aaaah~! That was simply amazing, I think I might become a regular here!"
The display left Mongol wide eyed, with what, he didn't know. "Um..." Looking down, he saw her plate was basically clean, and his was still untouched.
She looked at him and his plate, then blushed redly. "Uuuh? I....guess I was really hungry??" She looked like she was about to faint. "I-I'm sorry, that was very rude of me...!!"
Looking at her plate, then her, "I'd say..." He noticed her looking a bit odd, and got up, wrapping his tail around her shoulders to keep her up. "Ginger?"
"I'm...I'm alright," she told him as she calmed down, the redness on her face dimming down as she breathed more gently. "I...I'm sorry, I just...don't want to make a bad first impression."
Looking worried, "You need to lie down." Mongol got up, and talked to one of the waiters, gave him a gold piece, more than what it cost. Coming back to her, and putting his arm around her. "Come one, you need to rest," Oh Mongol what did you do?
"N-No, really I'm fine-" she protested, but stopped when she realised they were in the middle of a restaurant. Not wanting to make a scene, she sighed and nodded. "A-Alright, let's go."
"Come on," He walked with her, taking her out of the restaurant. Please don't be allergic to something I had in some of my potions, or Seiren's massage oil.
She followed, looking and feeling distinctly apologetic and uncomfortable. 'Oh Ginger, why'd you have to blow this one?' she mentally asked herself in disparagement.
His castle was further from the restaurant than hers but as he was unfamiliar with the area, he knew going to his castle would be faster than finding hers. Picking her up, he flew to his castle, carrying her.
She blinked a bit when he straight up carried her and started flying, but didn;t question it. "Are we going to your place?" she asked, a little uncertainly.
He nodded, "Yes, but rest." He was worried about her, knowing how almost every female he knows, bad stuff happens when he meets them.
"O-Okay..." she murmured, closing her eyes and letting some tiredness wash over her. She had to admit, she was somewhat tired, as it was late...
Bringing her to his castle, he laid her in his bed, not the one him and Seiren slept in, but his other bed. Tucking her in, he put a cool towel on her forehead.
She sighed in her sleep, muttering under her breath but nothing of what she said could be made out.
At her side, he mixed up something for her.
She kept sleeping, only stirring a little on occasion.
After he mixed up something, made something to help her, he thought about to what could have happened, he came to the conclusion she must have eaten the metal fork.
She slowly stirred again, this time beginning to open her eyes a bit.
"Ginger?" He asked, seeing if she was ok.
She opened her eyes fully and looked at him; "..Mongol? Oh, I'm...I'm so sorry for ruining the date.."
Leaning over to her, he shook his head, "That doesn't matter, you're ok now, that's is all that matters." Stirring the concoction, he gave her the cup.
She took it from him, looking at it before looking up at him in confusion; "What's...what's this for?"
"You ate the fork at dinner last night, the metal content of it is..." Not wanting to get into the technical terms, which would probably upset her further, "... /interfering/ with your blood flow."
"I ate the /fork/?" she asked, looking mortified. "Arceus above, what is wrong with me..!" She sighed and closed her eyes for a moment, the pointed at the cup. "This will help?"
Nodding, "This will safely react the remaining metal into harmless ions, thankfully it wasn't something like a lead pipe or anything," He put the cup to her lips, as she had claws and couldn't very well hold it, that and if she dropped it, it would burn the sheets. "It's a weak acid, so it may taste a bit sour and sting a bit, but it would be better than waiting for the metal to..." Mongol shuddered, that thought greatly upsetting him, "Just drink."
She obeyed and drank; she had to steel herself and not spit the stuff out because by god, it tasted /nasty/. She gagged just a bit but managed to swallow all of it.
Shrugging, "Horrible taste is sign of good medicine," Knowing full well how bad the taste was, as a trapinch he would eat /a lot/ of weird things, sand, broken weapons from the black smith's shop, occasionally the walls of his den...
She coughed a bit, then shook her head and sighed. "Th...thanks for that, Mongol.I guess..." She looked sadned. "Oh, what a way for the night to go.."
Seeing her look like that. Sitting next to her on the bed, he took her claw. "It wasn't that bad, considering nearly freezing to death, and almost being killed by one of my, former, friends happened on one. As was being I mind controlled puppet on another, this was probably the smoothest one I've ever had!" He said excitedly, he intentionally left out Seiren, not wanting to make her feel bad with how that one went.
She blinked, looking him up and down; wow, he'd been through...quite a lot. She sniffed a bit, then smiled; "W-Well, I'm...glad, then," she said happily. "So, date success?"
Smiling, seeing she was too, "Success." Pulling her into a hug.
She sighed as they hugged,leaning her head into his shoulder and murmuring, "You''re a really nice guy, Mongol. I'm glad I met you."
Those words made him smile, he'd have to thank June sometime. "Thank my mother, she raised me like this. She's the one who told me the potion mixture," Leaning back, he smiled a bit, "I remember the first time I needed it, I ate a whole slug of metal," Laughing to himself, "The Blacksmiths were so mad." Sighing, he hadn't noticed he'd drifted a bit.
"I can imagine they would be, a whole slug!" she marvelled. "Way more than a fork. It's a wonder you're still around, huh?"
Groaning slightly, "You have no idea, My mother had to practically dump a whole cauldron into my mouth... then again, a whole /slug/ was a bit exaggerated."
She giggled; "Well, i guess if your mother had to resort to so drastic a measure, it's not unwarranted." She leaned back a bit, then looked at her claws. "I hope you won't mind me staying the night, Mongol. It's pretty cold out..."
"I don't mind at all, I'll be in the next room if there's anything you need. You should get some rest."
She sighed; "Y-Yeah, I'll rest a bit...I'll see you tomorrow?" Her voice was a little hopeful.
"Yeah, see you tomorrow." With a smile, he got up, and closed the door. Walking away a bit, he smacked himself in the head, "Way to go, idiot..." He muttered.