Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 115

Story by ModestImmorality on SoFurry

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#115 of Pokemon - Tale of the Guardian Master

Art used in preview made by



Chapter 115 - Fun On The Ice

Stopping the carriage next to the frozen lake, Chris climbed out of the drivers seat and took a look around. "Plenty of room, that's for sure." he muttered, crossing his arms while scanning his gaze along the frozen surface. "This place might actually be good for a few other things too." he smirked before showing a grin. "Alright! I'll check the ice then!" he exclaimed before walking up to the ice and tapping it with his foot. "You hear what he was talkin' about?" Rose asked. "Something about checking ice and good for things?" Serenity replied with a shrug, the two watching Chris curiously as he continued tapping the ice with his foot before carefully stepping forward onto the frozen surface, wobbling as he warily progressed along. "Not bad, supports me at least." Chris nodded while looking around his feet. "Oo-oy!! Toss me the staff!!" he shout, the girls nodding before picking it up simultaneously, each with an end in their grasp. "I got it." Rose smiled. "I got." Serenity replied. "Don't worry! I can throw it!" Rose assured. "I throw too. I got." Serenity replied with a scowl. Watching the two, Chris let out a sigh and shook his head with a "never mind" as the two gave each other a competitive look, Rose continuing to force a smile while Serenity scowled and they pulled his staff between them. "Hey, uh, Ninetales?" he called out, looking at his forehead. "If it's to get involved, I'll have no part of it." the fox echoed in his mind. "No, not that. Would you mind if I tapped into your energy? It's just a tiny bit I wanna use, no more than enough to light up a finger." he asked. "To... Light up a finger?" the fox replied. "I wanna test the thickness of the ice. I was gonna use my staff but..." he paused, looking at the girls as they continued trying to convince the other they could give it to him.

"It's probably best to do it this way. I'd probably mess up the staff trying to put a hole in the ice with it anyways." he point out. "I suppose... " the fox agreed. "Thanks a bunch. I could test it with the tools in the carriage but... I figured it couldn't hurt to call on you and get you at least a little involved in our time here." Chris chuckled. "As if I've any intention of being involved in the first place." Ninetales scoffed. "Oh come on, you know you have fun with me." Chris smirked as he held up a finger. "Well, it was fun whacking you with that stick of yours..." Ninetales replied, making Chris feel as if he could fall to the ground from the response. "Y-Yeah, I'm sure you loved that." he smiled nervously before looking at his finger. Suddenly focusing, a small flame appeared at the tip, flickering lightly before suddenly shooting out like that of a welding torch from his fingertip. "Alright! Hey girls!!" Chris called out, making Rose and Serenity pause before looking at him with their grip remaining on his staff. Hearing his voice, Alicia also raised up once more and looked at him from within the carriage. "I bet this could REALLY warm you up!" he teased, making an immature dirty joke as he wiggled his finger causing all three to flush wide eyed. "HOW CRUDE!!" Alicia snapped. "Aw c'mon, you know that was a good one." he chuckled before squatting down and using his flame to burn a small hole into the ice. Increasing the power, he went deeper and deeper until his knuckles were pressing against the surface. "Huh, yeah. It's thick alright." he muttered with a whistle before taking his finger out of the hole, the fire vanishing. Looking at the ice, he suddenly grinned slyly before calling the girls again.

"Check this out! It's amazing!!" he waved before suddenly putting his finger in and out of the hole. "Remind you of anything?" he asked, making the girls flush all the more. "Th-That not right!!" Serenity shout. "Q-Quit it!!" Rose added. Stuttering in the carriage, Alicia responded with a harsh "barbarian!!" before all three faced away in a flustered state, Rose fidgeting anxiously having given up the staff allowing Serenity to hold it as she fidget as well. "I-It not right to do dirty thing like that." she added. "Y-Yeah! Be more mature..." Rose added. "Me? Mature? Surely you jest!" Chris teased before standing with a sigh. Returning to the carriage, he took out his Pokedex to check the time, nodding before tucking it away. "We've got time to hang out here for a while. If we wind up heading through the mountains tomorrow instead, I guess it'll be okay. With the ice as thick as it is, we can have some fun and do something else afterward. I've got a suspicion I'm half to blame for you girls being sick, so I'll make up for it." he nodded. Shaking off their flustered state, Serenity and Rose looked at each other with a sigh before climbing down. "I not think it your fault. But if doing something, what have in mind?" Serenity asked curiously. "You'll see! Lets just say it's a good way for you girls to get a little exercise." he smiled while opening their storage and rummaging through their things. "Lets see... I left them in the bag..." Chris muttered. "What are you looking for this time?" Rose asked, feeling her tongue sting slightly making her wince and groan. "Still hurt?" Serenity asked. "I'll be fine." Rose laughed nervously. "THERE they are!" Chris exclaimed, making the two jolt as he pulled out a bag.

"I figured we'd run into places like this now and then and thought it'd be a waste not to try something new." he chuckled before taking out a pair of ice skates for himself. Looking at the pair, the girls tilt their heads and blinked in confusion. "Looks like something you humans use to chop food..." Rose point out. "Eh...?" Chris asked, looking the skates before laughing at her statement. "Yeah, push comes to shove I guess they COULD be used for that too!" he nodded. "No no. They're for skating on ice like the lake here. Have you ever seen one of those things on TV where humans dance on ice and stuff?" he asked. "I have." Alicia chimed in from the window behind Chris, making him jolt before turning back and looking up. "Ooohhh. Interested?" he asked. "I've seen it! I never said I wanted any part of it!" she lectured with a scowl. "Ha ha. Relax, this isn't something I'd drag you into." he assured. "Well, it's an interesting hobby you humans have, I'll admit that. A rather graceful type of pass time, so long as the right parties are involved. You humans also have comedy shows that reveal what happens when an amateur steps on the ice." Alicia point out before glancing at Serenity and showing a sly grin. "...Perhaps I may be intrigued enough to watch at least." she teased. "I not like that look." Serenity scowled with her arms crossed. "Hey! We'll try it out together, no worries!" Chris assured before taking out two more pairs, each customized for specific types of Pokemon. "These here are special. Being a Gardevoir you should be born for this kind of stuff, same for Rose really. You've both got the feet and figure for skating. In a way it's the same as ballet dancing. A lot of the movements are the same, just... I guess smoother, slower." he point out.

"Ah yes... Ballet, one reason to wish I still had legs." Alicia nodded. "It's a shame I never took part in dancing more often before I evolved. Its a suitable hobby, befitting for one like myself." she sighed. "I dunno, we danced after you evolved back on the ship, and personally, I think you look even better dancing in the form you have now. It's really fun! Then again, the form you have now is the best to me in general, not just when dancing." Chris smiled, making the snake blush slightly. "I dunno if you're aware of it or not, but there are many cultures among humans that see snakes as icons, gods even depending on where you are. A lot of humans spend their entire lives admiring the way snakes move, the way they attract one another. Snakes are one of the most graceful creatures on the planet, and a ton of people out there would tell you how lucky you are to be one, and how they wish they could be you." he affirmed. "The way snakes move... Humans have tried to imitate snakes through different dances for a long time. Charmers exist because of the admiration for the way snakes move and behave. And the fact I get to dance with the best snake of all without being any kind of charmer makes me feel even more awesome." he chuckled before facing the others and handing the girls their skates. "I wouldn't say you're not a charmer..." Alicia muttered, scratching the tip of her nose with her tail shyly. "Wuzzat?" Chris asked, looking back curiously making Alicia jolt. "I-I said you're a stomach churner!" she replied in panic, her response making Chris blink at her surprised as the snake froze in response to her own choice of words with a pale look. "G-Gee... I'm sorry... I thought it'd make ya' feel good." he apologized with a nervous yet hurt smile, the snake letting out an "urk!" while Serenity and Rose scowled at her.

"Now that really was mean..." Rose scolded. "What wrong with you? Too good to hear him say nice thing all of sudden?" Serenity asked. "N-No!! That's not it!!" Alicia tried to assure. "It's okay. Guess when it comes to flattery I'm still kinda tacky." Chris laughed with slight sweat on his face. "A-Anyways! Come on! I'll show you the plan!" Chris coaxed as he stood, Alicia showing a guilty look. "Er... I-I uh..." she began. "Don't worry about it. No need to apologize! I'll try to think of better compliments for you." he smiled. "We'll be back in a few. I'm gonna go over the basic idea of how these things work. Be sure to watch!" he grinned, Alicia nodding before watching him guide the girls to the lakeside, the snake letting out a groan and slumping. "As if the distance between us in this forsaken territory isn't bad enough. Lovely..." she sighed, lecturing herself as she watched the group stop. "Alright, so the skates I bought for you two are made different. Serenity's are shaped kinda like how a ballerina looks when they're on their toes since her feet have a point to them, and Rose is kinda like a toddler size in a way since her feet are tiny." he explained. "Tiny?" Rose asked. "Pointy?" Serenity added, the two suddenly looking at their feet in a slightly self conscious manner. "Don't worry! You're feet are fine the way they are. You've both got cute feet." Chris assured with a smile, the two blinking at him before smiling. "Kind of weird to call feet cute." Serenity point out. "You like feet?" Rose asked. "N-No! It's not like that! I was just trying to..." Chris panicked before slumping. "I'm bad with compliments today." he sighed. "It okay! It okay! We just giving hard time!" Serenity panicked before patting him on the back. "It make happy." she smiled. "Yeah. We're just teasing." Rose giggled.

Looking at the two, he nodded with a smile before adjusting his skates and lifting his feet up to look them over. "Think they're on right... Now you two." Chris coaxed, standing and letting the girls sit together on the stump. "Alright then, hold your feet up for me." he instructed, the two looking at one another before nodding and doing as told. "Kay', so for Serenity's..." he muttered before working with her feet, adjusting the skates making Serenity twitch and squirm slightly. "Feel weird." she point out. "It does? Guess you girls haven't worn shoes. You just started wearing other clothes after all." he nodded, finishing up with Serenity before putting the pair bought for Rose on. Once the two were ready, he took a step back and looked at them. "Probably best if we try this out one at a time. Who wants to go on the ice with me first?" he asked. Expecting an argument over who went, instead he watched as the two held their feet up and looked at them curiously, each looking as if they thought their feet had suddenly vanished as they poked their skates curiously. "So weird." Rose muttered. "I know right? Humans and stuff they wear. Not know how they do it. Feel so... Different." Serenity agreed, the two unsure of what to think of wearing something on their feet. "S-Should I give you a minute to get used to it?" Chris asked with a nervous laugh, only to watch as the girls let one another look at their skates and feel them. "Really sharp." Serenity point out. "Yeah, gotta be careful." Rose nodded. "I-I'll take that as a yes." Chris smiled with slight sweat on his face. "While you two, uh, bond, I guess? With your skates, I'll try something else out with the carriage. It has another feature that I think you'll like!" he grinned, only to find himself ignored as the girls held their feet up and wiggled them.

"R-Right... Be back in a minute." he laughed nervously before heading to the carriage. Seeing him approach, Alicia quickly pulled herself away from the window as he walked up to the door, albeit clumsily with his skates on, and gave it a knock. "I gotta come in for a sec, that okay?" he asked. "I-I don't care! Do what you wish." Alicia replied before he opened the door and climbed in, crawling his way to the controls and opening the panels. "I just wanted to try out the radio Gerald told me about on this thing. I won't be in here long." he assured. Looking for the right controls, he suddenly flipped a switch causing a quiet "vrrr" sound from the side of the carriage where an antenna like that you see on a car was extending upward. After a moment, there was a click once it was completely out followed by the sound of static coming from various small speakers above them built into the ceiling. "Alright! This thing really is cool." Chris chuckled. As he fidget with the tuner, Alicia watched with a guilty look on her face, showing an anxious blush as well as she bit her lip and glanced away nervously. "Found it!" Chris exclaimed, causing the snake to jolt in surprise as festive music started playing. "This should make skating even more fun. Really fits what we're doing." he smiled before flipping another switch, causing the music to mute in the carriage and start playing through speakers built into the outside of the carriage instead, Serenity and Rose looking around curiously before facing where the music was coming from, tilting their heads. "Ha ha, they don't know what to think of that." Chris grinned as he looked through the window, waving at the two and getting a confused wave back.

"Trying to set up something romantic again?" Alicia asked. "Ah... Well, maybe a little." Chris confessed, rubbing the back of his head shyly. "I know, I know. It's tacky and all. You don't have to say it again. That's why I turned off the music inside here, that way ya' don't have to hear it as much." he point out with a smile. "Last thing I need to do is cause you to wind up sick again." he sighed while shaking his head. Showing another guilty look, Alicia glanced out the window, noticing Serenity and Rose had gone back to focusing on their skates as the two tried to clumsily stand. "I'll get outta here then. If what I'm doin' bothers you then you don't have to watch. It'd probably make you mad now that I think about it since I'm spending time with them like this." Chris smiled nervously, showing slight sweat on his face as he crawled toward the door. However, as he reached out to it, Alicia suddenly snatched him in her tail and pulled him back, causing him to blink in surprise before looking up at the snake as he laid inside her coil. "U-Uhh... S-Sorry?" he apologized, thinking he'd said something again. However, instead of an angry look, Chris noticed the blush on Alicia's face instead, the snake glancing away shyly. "I-I didn't mean what I told you. What you said didn't make me ill." she confessed. "It's... Embarrassing for me still, admitting certain things. Especially in front of those two." she point out, glancing at the girls before looking down at Chris. "I-I lied about what I said... And the lie I told you hurt you. I apologize." she nodded. "So... You actually liked what I was saying then?" Chris smiled. Looking down at him, Alicia blushed all the more before nodding in response with a "yes" and tightening her grasp on him.

"I-I haven't been nauseous today, but I still feel different inside. And these feelings cause me to think of you in ways that are... Less than appropriate, I admit. So when you were telling me those things, the truth is..." she paused, looking down at him before leaning her face down. "I-I wanted you to myself. Alone... Same as when you were speaking to me on that hill. I've been wanting you in such a manner most of the time as of late... To the point it's hard enough to resist without you saying those things." she revealed before suddenly giving Chris a passionate kiss, causing his eyes to shoot open as his arms and legs shot out from her coil, stiff as a board as though he'd been slammed into a wall. Pulling away, Alicia scowled with a flush on her face. "Y-You keep that a secret, you hear!? I'm only confessing this because I hurt you!!" she snapped, Chris quickly raising his hand and crossing his chest. "S-Secret's safe." he nodded in a state of shock. Glaring at him for a moment, Alicia suddenly faced away before opening her mouth. "S-Sss-Sssorry..." she apologized in her real voice, causing Chris to flush as brightly as her. "N-No problem. N-Nice to know you want me." he gulped. Looking down at him, Alicia lowered her head before rubbing her cheek against his. "Next time we're alone in an appropriate place... I'll treat you well." she told him quietly in his ear causing Chris's heart to jump into his throat. "Y-Y-Y-You w-want that huh?" Chris asked, Alicia backing her head away and looking down at him for a moment before facing away with a nod. "Badly... The urge is painful but I'd rather not show I'm as low as those two and jump whenever the mood arises. It's a matter of pride." she admit. "But... Yes... In a more appropriate location away from those two, I wouldn't mind." she nodded, causing Chris to show a wide smile.

"S-So you're not hurt anymore, right?" she asked with an embarrassed scowl. "Nah... I'm feelin' pretty great now." Chris grinned before squirming his way out of her coil and giving the snake a hug. "Love ya' Alicia, really do." he smiled causing the snake to freeze up as her own heart soared into her throat. "A-A-Alright!! Away with you!!" she panicked. "As long as you're not unhappy or hurt because of me then go do your thing." she ordered, Chris backing away with a nod. "Thanks for telling me your real feelings. I promise to make up for before next time we're alone. I'll make you feel better than I ever have before!" he affirmed with a thumbs up, making Alicia flush all the more. "O-Out!! Out!!" she ordered, nudging Chris toward the door. "Ha ha! Okay, okay. I'm leaving." he laughed before opening the door and stepping back into the snow. "Be back soon. I've got something planned for you too!" he assured, giving the snake a wink causing her to jolt before shutting the door behind him. "Maybe the wink was too much?" he chuckled before heading toward the girls with a renewed spring in his step. Watching him leave, Alicia bit her lip while squirming eagerly. "I-Idiot." she muttered while watching him smile and laugh at the girls as they wobbled about. "...At least he's a cute idiot." she added with a look of adoration in her eyes before showing a scowl. "...Itchy..." she grumbled, feeling a familiar nagging sensation from her lower half, pushing herself to ignore it as she continued watching the group, only for his words of making her feel good to echo in her mind causing the snake to flush again and shout in frustration before shaking her head, trying to rid herself of her thoughts. Hearing the shout, the girls looked toward the carriage with their heads tilt. "Don't worry about her. She's just frustrated over us taking the time to enjoy the ice. You know she hates the stuff." Chris assured, covering up for the snake with a smile.

"So... What we do now?" Serenity asked, stumbling before falling back on the tree stump. "Well, for one, we stop trying to walk around on these things! They're meant for skating on ice, not strolling through the snow!" Chris laughed, making Serenity scowl. Turning around, Chris wound up having Rose fall against him, the rabbit tripping over herself and clinging to his waist nervously. "I-I'm not sure how I feel about this." the rabbit smiled nervously. "Don't worry, you'll love it once we get on the ice!" Chris assured before lifting her into his arms, making Rose squeak and freeze up wide eyed as he carried her to the stump and set her next to Serenity with a smile. "Are you okay princess?" he asked with a grin. "P-Princess?" Rose asked, blushing as he rubbed her on the head. "Okay, now that you two are done obsessing over the skates, which one of you wants to be the first to get out on the ice with me?" he asked with a grin. "I not sure about this." Serenity smiled nervously. "Y-You sure this kinda thing is safe?" Rose asked. "Of course! What? You want me to test the ice again?" he asked, the two remembering what he did the last time and shouting "no!" simultaneously with their hands out and a blush on their faces causing Chris to jump in surprise. "O-Okay! So, you gonna try it then?" he asked. Looking at one another, they nodded warily in response. "I get the feeling neither of you are too hyped to go first, so I'll do the old eenie meenie thing to decide." Chris explained before he began pointing at the two while chanting. "Humans wear weird things, and do weird things..." Serenity smiled with slight sweat on her face. "I guess at least this way it's a fair pick." Rose nodded with a similar expression. "Ya' know, it's kinda bein' called weird so much." Chris scowled. "S-Sorry! I not mean bad thing by it! Just saying!" Serenity panicked. "N-Not used to stuff is all." she added, looking at her feet again.

Letting out a sigh, Chris continued chanting and pointing at the two until the chant was over, his finger landing on Serenity last making the Pokemon jolt while Rose pat her back. "Have fun!" the rabbit laughed. "Y-Yeah. I try." Serenity nodded. "Don't worry, it'll be fun." Chris assured before helping Serenity up, the two warily walking to the ice together while Rose waved with a teasing "good lu-uck!" making Serenity glance back with a scowl as they neared the ice. "Alright, we're gonna step onto the surface nice and easy. Just keep a good hold on me." Chris coaxed, Serenity nodding and biting her lip as the two stepped forward, the nervous Pokemon tapping the ice with her foot as they progressed over the surface. "S-Sure not break?" she asked. "We'll be fine. The ice is thick as can be." Chris nodded before finally stopping with enough distance between them and land. "There we go. not bad!" he praised, Serenity laughing nervously with a "thanks" in response before trying to straighten up, wobbling with her arms flailing before she froze in place. "S-S-Slippery!" she panicked. "Well duh! You're still gonna slide even with skates!" Chris laughed, making the Pokemon puff her cheeks out with an agitated look. "Let me guess, this thing old humans taught too?" she asked. "Mmm... Nope!" Chris grinned before trying to skate along, only to wind up nearly doing a split making his face twist before falling back. "G-Gah..." he groaned. "Ha!" Serenity shout, pointing a finger at him before wobbling again. "W-Well, at least this is something new we can both learn together." Chris smiled nervously while carefully standing back up. "Never was much of a skater though... Even on roller blades I suck, but I figured you gotta try things at least once in your life if the opportunity's there." he affirmed.

Optional track to LWR - Listen While Reading - A Moment With You https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-nLBBNIfu4o

Making his way up to Serenity, Chris held onto her just as she started to stumble once more, holding her up in front of him with a grin as another song started playing from the carriage. "Oh... This is a good one." Chris muttered, looking toward it before showing a smirk. "Well, lets learn together, yeah?" he asked, Serenity looking toward the carriage then at him and nodding with a slight blush on her face. "What? You're not gonna get shy on me now are you?" he laughed, making Serenity scowl before pinching his cheek. "O-Ow! Ow ow! Okay!" Chris panicked with a nervous smile, the Pokemon releasing him with an embarrassed "hrmph" before he started guiding her along. "Alright... Just a step at a time, then work on skating along the ice." he coaxed, Serenity looking down nervously as they moved along. "Good! Now, just gotta push ourselves forward, bit by bit..." Chris instructed, the two taking tiny glides forward as he kept a firm grip on Serenity's hands. "N-Not too bad." she nodded. "Told you it'd be natural for ya'!" Chris grinned before stumbling, Serenity catching him and helping him straighten up. "Th-Thanks." he smiled nervously, the Pokemon letting out a giggle before they started working on their glides once more. Randomly stumbling, the two swayed and turned randomly on the ice as they slowly improved on their techniques. "I might suck on wheels, but on ice it looks like I'm pretty g...!!" Chris exclaimed, only to suddenly slip and fall on his back with a thud making Serenity wince with an "oohhh..." as he groaned. "Ouch-ch-ch..." he hissed while sitting up. "You okay?" Serenity asked while helping him up. "Sore, but okay." Chris smiled.

Moving along hand-in-hand, they continued their practice while Rose watched from the tree stump by the lake, showing more and more interest as the two improved before her. Noticing the wide smile and blush on Serenity's face as she randomly looked at Chris while he kept his focus forward, Rose scowled with a "lucky..." statement over the Pokemon getting to skate first, now feeling she wished she'd gone instead while sighing. "...He's not bad, is he?" Alicia asked, slithering up to the rabbit causing Rose to nearly fall off the stump in surprise. "Y-Y-You came out?" she asked, blinking at the snake. "Mm... Thought it couldn't hurt for a moment. This collar keeps me fairly comfortable anyways." Alicia point out before watching Chris and Serenity on the ice. "H-He's okay. Looks like Serenity's doing a little better." Rose point out. "I'm not necessarily talking about that." Alicia point out, making Rose tilt her head with a curious "eh?" in response. "This place might not be my cup of tea, so to say... But he does find ways to make it an enjoyable experience, even for me. He's always able to make the simplest, tiniest thing interesting. Always finds a way to show a good time in ways you'd never expect. That human can turn a frozen puddle into a moment like this and make the cheapest trinket feel touching." she point out, referring also to the key chains he'd bought in the village. "Even something like making a fire and cooking, he manages to find a way to bond with us through just about anything." the snake added. "Mm... That's part of what's so nice about him though. Everyday we're with him, he always finds a way to make it fun. We might run into trouble, and some stuff he does might be strange to us..." Rose paused before scowling. "And he might be kinda immature..." she added with a slight blush, Alicia glancing away and nodding with a blush of her own.

"But... It's still really nice living with him. I really wouldn't wanna be with anyone else." she giggled before looking down. "I wouldn't even wanna live at all if it wasn't for him... That's why I don't mind the trouble that comes our way. He made living in the world worth it when I didn't see any reason to." she added while looking up at the two as they skate about. "I can sympathize with that." Alicia agreed. "He's a childish human, but that's what makes him so endearing, I suppose. He see's the world through the eyes of a man and youth combined, thus he's able to think of things like this... He's an interesting spark of life in an existence that would otherwise seem bleak." she point out, watching Chris with endearing eyes and a slight smile. Looking up at the snake, Rose giggled while leaning back and relaxing. "It's really nice having someone like him to love, huh?" she asked, making the snake jolt and glance away. "I-Indeed." she nodded. "Indeed what?" they heard Chris ask, causing both to jump in surprise as he and Serenity skate up to the edge of the ice, with Chris accidentally going too far after releasing Serenity's hand and tripping in the snow with a panicked shout before landing face first in it with a groan. "Yeah, that looks about right." Alicia sighed, Chris's head stuck in the snow as he grumbled. "S-Sorry. Should have not let go of hand!" Serenity added. "Funny pose!" Rose laughed, pointing out Chris's rear in the air. Shaking her head, Alicia reached out with a vine and lift Chris up by the ankle, holding him upside down in front of her as the snow fell off his face. "Th-Thanks." he laughed nervously. "You're such a hopeless human." the snake scowled before noticing his reddened cheeks and nose.

"...You look like a clown." she point out while setting him down. "A clown... Yes, now that's appropriate!" she added before showing a grin. "Hey!! I'm not a clown!!" Chris scowled, rubbing his cheeks. "It's just the cold is all." he grumbled. "I dunno, it was pretty clown-like the way you fell in the snow with your butt up!" Rose laughed. "How come you laugh at that but not when I make jokes?" he asked. "Jokes no good..." Serenity point out bluntly while stumbling toward Rose and sitting on the stump next to her. "They're plenty good! You girls just have no taste!" Chris argued. "Oh we've plenty of taste. Good taste that is. Your taste is just too bitter." Alicia point out with a smirk, causing Chris to raise an eyebrow before grinning. "Wh-What? What's with that look?" the snake asked, blinking at him before flushing making Chris point and laugh. "Th-That's not what I...!!" Alicia panicked. "Ah! See? You DO get it!! That proves you've got a dirty mind deep down!!" Chris point out. "I-I...!!" Alicia stuttered in embarrassment before letting out an agitated shout and and rushing toward him with her vines out, causing him to rush toward the ice and glide away from the snake while she slipped on the surface. "Nyeeeeh!!" Chris teased with his tongue out. "Just you wait!! Pig!! Swine!!" Alicia shout, a flush remaining on her face with a pulse of anger on her forehead. "I... Don't get it." Rose muttered with her head tilt. "I not get either... Then again, I never get snake." Serenity shrugged. "It surprise snake come out. What talk about?" she asked. "Eh, nothing really. Just how it's nice living with him." Rose replied as Alicia continued trying to reach Chris, her inability to maneuver on the ice causing her to tear up from the embarrassment with a scowl on her face.

"Give up yet?" Chris grinned, the snake showing an agitated and pouty look in response, only to glance away and nod in embarrassment. Skating up, he took her vines in hand before returning to land, stepping into the snow and turning. "Mind lending a hand?" he asked, looking toward the girls and getting a nod before they made their way behind him and helped pull Alicia back to the edge of the lake. Once she was back on the surface, the snake scowled at Chris before slithering past, giving him a snap between the legs using one of her vines causing his face to twist before dropping to his knees. "N-Not... Cool..." he groaned. "Neither was you picking on me!" the snake snapped. "Watching me struggle on that ice, making faces at me and teasing me... You're such a child." she pout. "You know, I think being childish is something they both have in common." Rose point out with a nervous smile. "Eh? Where that come from?" Serenity asked. "Oh, nothing. Just part of what we were talking about while you were out there." Rose replied. "You know, it's really not good to hit a male there at all." she point out. "Bah! It's not good for a male to be so immature and make fun of a lady!" Alicia scowled. "You ask for it. You go on ice." Serenity replied before helping Chris up. "Want uh... Want me to help?" Serenity asked, reaching between his legs causing Chris's eyes to shoot open before jumping away. "N-No thank you! Not there! I'm fine!" he panicked with a hand out. "Not trust me?" Serenity asked with a pout. "With THAT, not a bit." Chris replied bluntly as the Pokemon smirked. "I get hands on eventually anyway." she shrugged before winking with her tongue out teasingly, making Chris blush with a scowl on his face.

"A-Anyways... Rose, you ready for your turn?" he asked, the rabbit nodding in response. "You sure you can go back out there?" she asked with a nervous smile. "I-I'm fine. She got me good but she still went easy. When it comes to me I can tell she doesn't use much of her strength." Chris point out, causing Alicia to grunt while glancing at him as he took Rose by the hand. "I kinda admire that though. Being able to restrain your strength isn't easy! I know that myself." he point out, making Alicia smirk slightly. "Just watch your behavior! One day I might not be so nice!" the snake warned. "D-Duly noted." Chris smiled nervously. Taking Rose to the edge of the lake, the rabbit paused as she looked at the ice, reaching a foot out and tapping it the same as Serenity had. "You're scared too?" Chris asked. "I-It's frozen water! I've seen the cartoons..." she point out. "C-Cartoons? You know reality doesn't work the way you see things in those shows, right?" he smiled nervously. "S-Same thing basically! You still wind up frozen." she scowled. "Well, if you stay in too long if something happens, then yeah. You don't just fall in and pop out an ice cube though." Chris laughed. "Besides, not only is the ice crazy thick, but Ninetales is keeping watch too. She won't let anything happen." he assured. "I dunno, sometimes she kinda gets a kick outta what happens to you I think." Rose point out. "She's right you know." Ninetales suddenly echoed in his mind. "H-Hey!!" Chris snapped, making Rose jolt in surprise. "N-Not you." Chris assured with a nervous smile before looking at his forehead with a scowl. "Anyway... C'mon, lets have some fun." he smiled, Rose nodding before nervously following him over the ice.

"I let lot of things slide you know." Serenity suddenly spoke up next to Alicia, making the snake tilt her head. "What's that?" she asked. "I say I let lot of stuff slide. Way you talk and do things. I try not to say stuff as much." Serenity replied. "Do... You expect a thank you or something?" Alicia asked, Serenity shaking her head in response. "I saying I let stuff slide, but I not let all you do slide." she affirmed before facing the snake. "Place you hit him just now. That important place. I not want you touching it like that again." she lectured, waving a finger at Alicia causing the snake to jolt and blush. "H-He had it coming!! Luring me out on that ice and taunting me!!" she reminded. "He might have coming, but not have to hit there. That bad place to hit no matter reason. I not need to remind that place important to him AND us. You mess it up, we all in bad spot, and I mess YOU up if do that!" Serenity warned. "D-Don't speak vulgarly!" Alicia snapped. "Honestly... You wanted to lecture me over THAT of all things?" she asked before sighing. "I suppose you're not wrong... In all honesty it wasn't ENTIRELY on purpose. I meant to snap him on the hip but that's what happens when you're not looking and the target is moving." she grumbled. "Not looking not problem. I hit target back when I not see." Serenity smirked smugly, recalling her fight against Pangoro and tapping her badge. "I win this by not seeing target you know!" she added. "Right... You best a beast like that, yet if I remember correctly you were nearly taken out for good by being a glutton not long after we met." Alicia reminded, knocking Serenity down a peg causing the Pokemon to scowl and twitch an eye. "You're dangerous alright, but only because of your combination of strength and stupidity..." the snake mocked with a haughty laugh, suddenly stirring up their frenemy relationship with Chris out of earshot.

As the two faced one another, Chris and Rose meanwhile had started gliding along the ice, the two hand in hand the same as when he was with Serenity as they made their way along. "Not bad at all! You're light as a feather so that makes things even easier with ya'." Chris chuckled. "N-Not as hard as I thought it'd be." Rose nodded. "You know, skating like this makes your ears kinda sway like hair behind ya'. I think it makes you look even prettier when your skating." he praised, causing the rabbit to blink before blushing shyly. "Th-Thanks..." she replied with a smile as they continued gliding about. "Say, I've got an idea..." Chris muttered. "What's tha...?!" Rose asked, only to squeak when he suddenly lift her in his arms. "I did call you a princess, so you should be treated like one!" he grinned, giving her a kiss as he carried her across the ice, making the rabbit seemingly glow before closing her eyes and wrapping her arms around his neck while Serenity and Alicia were distracted by their rivalry on land. "Now that's one tasty princess..." Chris chuckled as Rose fidget with her ear shyly with a wide smile and blush on her face. "Best thing is, this princess is all mine!" he laughed before holding Rose high up in the air, making her shout and panic before Chris lost his footing and suddenly slipped on the ice, landing with a thud while Rose landed on top of him. "G-Gah... Deserved that. Pushed my luck." he groaned, raising up while Rose clung to him wide eyed and frozen. "H-Hey, we're okay." he coaxed with a smile. "D-D-D-Don't do that!!" Rose shout. "Y-You ruined the mood too..." she scowled, slowly relaxing while sitting on top of him. "I wouldn't say the mood's ruined. The scenario just changed." he smirked before rubbing her on the head.

"Guess you wanna be on top huh?" he asked. "E-Eh?" Rose replied, blinking at him before looking at their situation and suddenly flushing. "I-It was your fault!!" she panicked, quickly trying to get off only to slip and fall backwards in front of Chris, landing on her butt making her groan as she rubbed it. "Hey now! Don't damage the goods!" he laughed. "G-Goods?" she asked. "Aw c'mon, you know I've got a thing for it!" Chris point out, the rabbit thinking "it?" curiously while tilting her head and rubbing her butt again, his words suddenly clicking making her jolt wide eyed before facing down shyly. "Ha ha, get what I'm talking about huh?" he asked. "Y-Yeah. I'll be more careful." Rose nodded with another blush appearing. "Y-You're being kinda... Different... Today." she point out. "Picked up on it huh?" Chris chuckled before nodding. "I thought it couldn't hurt to be a bit more flirty today. Something else I thought might make you girls happy. But in Alicia's case, maybe I went too far." he laughed. "You really do a lot for us, huh?" Rose asked. "No more than you deserve. All of you are special to me, you know that. I'd do anything to see a smile on your face and a spring in your step! I'm just glad planning ahead came in handy! I knew these skates would be a good idea." Chris smiled with a thumbs up before laying back down on the ice. "How's your tongue by the way? And uh... Sorry for makin' ya slip on the ice with me. This part was an accident." he laughed while looking at the sky and taking in the crisp air with a sigh. Looking at him for a moment, Rose clutched her chest before crawling toward him, with Chris calling "Rose?" as she made her way closer and climbed on top of him as he raised up. "F-Find out." she replied. "F-Find out what?" he asked, looking at her in surprise. "R-Rose?" he asked, only for his eyes to widen as she pushed him back down with a kiss, suddenly frenching him this time catching him off guard as he froze up.

"M-My tongue. How it feels..." she answered as she pulled away. "F-Feels fine to me..." Chris nodded, blinking in a still surprised state with a blush across his face, Rose just as red. "But..." Chris paused, reaching up and holding her cheek making Rose jolt wide eyed. "Mind a more thorough check...? We gotta be sure, right?" he asked, Rose nodding before leaning forward and pressing her lips against his, the two holding each other as Chris lay on the ice with Rose on top of him as they started slowly frenching more passionately than before, all the while Serenity and Alicia distracting themselves on the shore, bickering and challenging one another to an insult challenge as they vent out all their pent up angst and started randomly throwing snowballs between them as the music came to an end...