An Experiment Gone Wrong? CH.9 (Rewrite)

Story by Wisk_Sith_Kulux on SoFurry

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#9 of An Experiment Gone Wrong? (Rewrite)

This is the most recent chapter that was released on 10/06/16 and is a bit shorter due to that chapter eight was posted only a week beforehand.

Broderick returns to visit Ellana after convincing Toriel and Asgore to allow him to go back up to the surface. Though upon arrival something is wrong...

It only takes you a few minute to reach the empty fields where you stumbled across Ellana's home. You walk forward and expect to find yourself standing in front of the stone steps, but nothing happens. You go forward a bit more, but again nothing happens. "Why? Why isn't it here? Did Ellana close off the entrance the same way Yagitha did?" You keep searching in hopes that you're wrong. You start losing hope and in frustration you call out, "ELLENA!!"

Moments pass and nothing happens. Defeated, you begin to walk away, but suddenly a bright light shines and you shield your eye's with your hand. As it diminishes you see something slowly makes it's way into the grassy fields. You walk over to examine what it is and to your surprise it is a parchment of paper rolled up with a seal on it. You bend down to pick it up and unravel the parchment.

You begin to read what is written: "To Broderick, If you have gotten this letter then that means I have moved on already. I'm sorry I could not see you again, but you must understand that our locations were never meant to be found and remain secret. Had Yagitha not been the one to send you my way and you had found the location on your own, then our meeting would have been short. I am glad this was not the outcome. Please do not seek me out.

"I wish I knew for certain that from this point forward life will be easier for you, but considering what you told me I fear that trouble will continue to follow you as long as Dualality is still out there. The best I can do for you now is enclose a little more information in this letter. There is an apprentice mage that did not complete his training with one of the master mages. This was over twenty years ago, so his whereabouts are unknown to me and the other mages. The name he went by was Eijamar, but I would suspect that he's change his name since then.

"Seek out Eijamar and keep ahead of Dualality the best you can. The other bit of advice I can give you is keep working at your magic, but be careful. I sensed something off when you had brought forth your magic, but I can not tell you what it maybe. If I had more time... No, it to late for what ifs. Just take care of your well-being and tell your family if anything feels off.

"Finally I have enclosed a parchment with a spell to use as a last resort. This spell can remove the current barrier, but any protection, even if fictitious, will be lost. I'm sure Dualality has been poking at the barrier, but still doesn't know how it functions. So they have been trying to use other means to gather information on it. Those robot may have been more of a means to do so, but it seems that backfired on them.

"Broderick I told you that teaching monsters mage spells is destructive to them, but I should have explained why. It was during the war when one mage decided to teach a monster how to cast our form of magic, but upon completion turned to dust. At the time we couldn't understand why this happened, but the few of us left learned that the strain on the Soul was to much.

"Their entire form is comprised of magic and instead of the magic being pulled from the realm of magic, it was pulled directly from the monster himself. We believe in theory that it's possible for a monster to be able to do so, but abandon the research due to the risks involved. The reason I'm telling you this is that's why Eijamar left. He wanted to pursue the idea, but he was forbidding to continue the research.

"I wish I could been more help, but is all I could manage before the space was moved. Please do me a favor and destroy this letter once you're finish with it. I rather not take a risk of the information falling into the wrong hands.

Your ally and friend,


You look at the final page and it's in the same runic symbols that are in the books you have. You pull off your backpack, fold it up and place it in one of the books. Replacing the backpack over your shoulders, hold the letter in your hand, flames engulf it in an instant. What little ash that remain flutter to the grass. You smother out the hot ash with your foot and then walk back to the main road. Your not sure as to do next so you head back to Dapplemourne.

You find a cafe and order some tea. You take a seat outside as you begin to ponder what to do next, "Okay, so I have to find out who this Eijamar is and still find information on Dualality. Problem is I have no other leads beside that. At least most of the barrier issue are taken care of, except the lack of being able to do anything with it. Though as it sound the spell that can remove the barrier is within my limits, otherwise Ellana wouldn't tell me to use it as a last resort."

You take a sip of you drink and then lean back, "Now I just need to find a new lead, I have a feeling it would be more easier to tackle the barrier spell then finding two needles in a haystack." You sigh and just continue to drink your tea. Once its all gone you slap the sides of your face with you hands to motivate yourself, "Well sitting here complaining about the situation isn't going to get me anywhere. So time to get to work." and with you take off running all over different cities, but the results are less then stellar.

With the sun setting you figure it's best not to push yourself and head back to Mt. Ebott. Upon entering the house your greeted by Asriel, "Bro your home. So how'd it go?" You do your best to give him a smile, but he could tell it was forced, "That bad huh." You give a half-hearted chuckle, "Well it's one day of many. The surface is a big place, but I'm sure with more time I'll find something." You didn't feel comfortable telling even Azzy about the letter left by Ellana.

At that moment Toriel enter the room coming from the kitchen, "My child you're back earlier then expected. I thought you'd be out for a little while longer."

"I could've, but I wasn't having great results. So I decided to call it early for today, I'll pick up on things tomorrow. So is dinner ready?"

"Almost my child. Why don't you get cleaned up and relax until then." You nod and head off to your room. Dropping off your backpack on the floor next to the bed and you the take a seat on your bed. Then you remembered, "Aw shoot, I forgot to get anything for Gaster while I was out. Oh well, there's always tomorrow." Asriel enters the room and closes the door behind him. He walks over and takes a seat next to you.

"So did you really not find anything or is it you didn't want to say anything while in the living room? If you want to talk about anything you found secretly we can do so now." You turn and smile at him. You just ruffle the fur on his head, "Nah, honestly Azzy nothing turned up. Nothing changed from this morning, Still trying to find any whereabouts of Dualality and anything that can help keep us safe." Asriel looks at the floor, "Oh, I guess I'm a little surprised nothing came up. So how was the weather?"

You just laugh, "Really? We hit that low in our conversation? It was sunny Azzy, decent breeze, not much more to really say. I just ended up grabbing a cup of tea at a cafe and ran to different cities and towns."

"So did you get to see Ellana?" That hit you hard, your face darkens and you go to stand up. Asriel place a hand on your shoulder keeping you from doing so, but you don't look at him. "B-Bro, did something happen? Did I say something to hurt your feelings? Oh god, Ellana isn't..." Asriel trails off. You shake your head and in a monotone voices, "No Azzy, she isn't dead, but..." You go quiet and Asriel is still looking at you with worry on his face.

"It's alright Bro, we don't need to talk about it now if you don't want to. How about we just go have some fun before dinner." You just remain silent and unmoving. Asriel didn't know what to do, he hasn't seen you like this for a while, not since you first agreed to see Gaster. Asriel reach out to give you a hug, but you stand up from the bed before he can wrap his arms around you. In the same tone of voice, "Azzy, you go ahead. I'm going to go get cleaned up." and with that you head over and open the door.

Asriel watches you leave the room and grips his shirt near his chest_, "Bro, I'm sorry. Please don't be upset. I just wanted to help, but it seems I made things worse."_ He walks out of the bedroom, but on the way he looks at the front door. He make his way outside and head in the direction of where the barrier is located


You're in front of the sink with the water running, hands gripping tightly against the porcelain as you look in the mirror at you reflection. "Why the hell am I so upset for, Azzy didn't do anything wrong, he just asked me a simple question. Hell I told him about Ellana, so he has every right to know if I got to see her or not. I just... I'm mad at the fact that every-time I meetsomeone I want to see again they seem to disappear out of my life. I guess I'm afraid the same is going to happen with Toriel, Asgore, and Azzy, but that doesn't mean I have the right to be an ass."

Your grip on the sink increase and you hear it crack, looking down you notice fine hair-line cracks in the side of the sink, "Shit! Now I'm breaking stuff. I got to go clear my head a bit. I should let Toriel know I'm going to step out for a few." You splash some water over your face and dry you hands and face with a nearby towel. You turn the sink off and start heading towards the kitchen. As you pass through the living room you notice it's empty.

You look over at the table and no one is there either. You check in the kitchen and the only one you notice is Toriel. Entering you clear your throat to make your presents known, "Mom, have you seen Azzy?" She turns to you and shakes her head, "I thought he was in the other room playing games." That growing concern starts building in you gut, "Um, I'll go check the bedroom. Also is it alright if I step outside for a few, I just want to relax outside until dinner is done."

"Dinner is almost done my child, but if you need please take your phone with you." You nod and make your way to the bedroom again and find it equally as empty. A knot begins to form in you gut, "Azzy... please don't be doing something stupid. That's my job." You grab your phone and rush out the door. You look around and do notice some foot prints that look recent heading away from the house. You follow them until they get difficult to do so.

Taking a moment you gather which possible direction they could be heading and realize that they seem to be heading towards the barrier. "Damn it, why would you want to... Oh please say I didn't upset you that much." You hurry and get to the stairs, making you way down and when you get to the bottom you notice Asriel sitting in the center of the room gazing at the barrier. You let out a breathe you've been holding and make your way over.

His ears perk up, but he doesn't look away. "Azzy, what are you doing down here? This isn't like you to wonder down here alone." You move over and get a look at his face. He looks as though he's been crying a bit, "Azzy... Look I didn't mean to brush you off like I did. When you asked about... Ellana.. I-" you let out a sigh and sit down next to him. "-No, I didn't get to see her. When I got there she moved on, I got a letter from her stating she moved her location and I shouldn't try to find her. I was upset about it and when you brought it up... I'm sorry."

He leans against you shoulder, "It's okay, I mean its got to be hard to finally get to go see her again and find out she isn't there anymore. Did she say why she moved?"

"Yeah, secrecy and all. I assume unless they want to be found they stay hidden, at least that's how I understanding it all." Asriel chuckles, "Guess you and the mages have something in common, you both keep to yourselves." You chuckle and smile, "Touche. I just hope there will be a chance to meet again. I'd like to spend time with Ellana and Yagitha again. Preferably when it doesn't involve a dark mage organization." You wrap an arm over around Asriel, "So ready to go back yet?"

He looks at the barrier for a moment longer before he replies, "Yeah. Bro, you think you can bring me back some picture of the surface? If I can't see it for myself first hand, I'll take anything I can get. So will you do that for me?" You hug him tighter, "I'll do better, I'll get some video footage." He shoots up and looks at you with sparkles in his eye, "Seriously?"

"Seriously." he leaps on top of you in a hug and knocks you on your back, rubbing his cheek against you, "You're the best Bro, I can't wait to see. Can you get some footage of the stars and stuff as well." You're just laughing, "Sure sure, anything you like Azzy. It's the least I can do for how I made you feel."

He pulls back and looks at you, "It's not entirely your fault Bro, I caught you off guard and should've waited. I mean you just got back and all." You run your fingers through his messy head fur, "Let's just call it even then. We should get back before-" and before you could finish your sentence your cell phone rings, "-mom calls." You pull the phone from you pocket, "Hello. yeah. We're on our way back now. Okay, love you too." you end the call and put the phone away.

"Dinners ready, we're both going to have to get cleaned up once we get back, second time myself today." Asriel stands up, followed by you, "Sorry Bro, I didn't mean to get so excited. Just with what little picture of the surface we have down here are old and faded."

"Don't worry about, lets hurry up and get home. I'm starving from all that running around I did today." You both get home and get cleaned up. Dinner is wonderful as usual and you end up spending the rest of the night looking through the book Toriel gave you. Even with the monocle it seems even it can't decipher everything. Asriel enters the room and walks towards you, "What are you... Oh is that the book mom gave you?"

You sit up a little to quickly and the monocle falls to the floor. Luckily it landed on the rug in the center of the room and Asriel bends down to pick it up, "What's this Bro?" You think of how to explain it, "Um, well... have you ever looked at what's written in this book before mom gave it to me?" He just shakes hit head no and you show him a page in the book, "It looks like a bunch of symbols and such. How can you make sense of it?"

"Well, this is a book from one of the mages from long ago. Well Ellana told me that anything important to them is cryptic so no on can read it, with exception to those they trust or if you know how to decipher it." You hold up the monocle, "Ellana gave me this monocle so I could decipher the text, but it seems that it has a limit to what it can do." Asriel holds the monocle to his eye and looks at the book again, "It still looks the same to me." You close the book and grab Yagitha's book from your bag, "Here try this book, I already know it can decipher everything in it."

You open it to the first page and let Asriel look, "It still looks like symbols, am I doing something wrong?" You ask him for the monocle and he hands it to you. Placing it over you eye and the words are clears as day. Then you remember something Ellana told you, "It's magic locked to me, I'll have to unlock it so that you're able to use it." That's right, maybe no one other the you and Ellana can use it, "Sorry Azzy, I forgot that Ellana made it so that I'm the only other person who can use it."

"Oh, well I guess that mean anyone else who tries to use it doesn't see anything different. I think it suits you, having to keep things secret and all." You chuckle, "True, it's probably best that no one else looks through these books anyway." You put the books away along with the monocle, "So what did you come to the room for?"

"I was just seeing what you've been up to, you've been in here for two hours and I thought you might have fallen asleep."

"Nah, I just haven't got to use the monocle on the book I was looking at. I was hoping I might find some clues or even new spells to help me out." Asriel gets up on the bed and sit next to you, "Any luck?"

"Afraid not, as I said it seems that the monocle can only make sense of bits and pieces. The original owner seems to have made it even more difficult to decipher I'm guessing. Though it seem Yagitha knew something of them. When I showed her the book she got upset and asked me where I got it. That's about the time she turned and grab the book she gave me. I wish I got a chance to ask her more, but she booted me out before I had a chance."

"It seems information from that period is mostly lost to time, but it seems there's a little left out there in the world wither it be mages or books. The hardest part is finding it.

"That's why I was really hoping to talk to Ellana again, but seems like when I make some progress I hit a dead-end. You know I've been thinking, there has to be someone who brings people into Dualality. I mean when I was at the lab, there was quite a few people who worked there. If I could find any of the people who recruit new members for them I'll have a lead. I'm sure they won't give me the information willingly, but I'll figure that out when the time comes."

"Your not going to get into a fight and have to hurt anyone are you?" You sigh, "Azzy, these are the people who did a lot of bad things and are the reason monster ended up in Mt. Ebott in the first place."

"I know, but... just promise you won't seriously hurt anyone or worse kill them."

"I'll do what I can Azzy, but I have to make sure word doesn't get back to Dualality. If they find out I'm still alive then it'll cause more trouble for us in the future." Asriel expression turns doleful and he looks at the floor, "I rather no one gets hurt, but this has all been going on longer before we both have been around. It such a fine line to walk, just know you never have to walk it alone."

"I know Azzy and thank you. I don't want to hurt people either, but there are those who do so without remorse. When I see other kids on the surface, some are luck the most they have to worry about is eating vegetables, not getting something they want, or taking naps. I wish when I was growing up that was the least I had to worry about. Sorry, didn't mean to dwell on the past."

Asriel just shakes his head, "It's okay, when you put it like that even being a prince isn't so bad. Sure I've been lonely not having any friends, but I have mom and dad and they always been there for me."

"Still it's not fun being alone, so don't think you don't have the right to complain about the responsibilities you have as a prince. I guess I just envy some, but it shouldn't be about who has it better or worse. Everyone perspective of a situation is different. All we can do is move forward and hope for the best."

"That's true, I guess everyone has something they don't like or find unfair, but the situation has been better for me since I got a brother to share all my problems with." You blush slightly, "Heh, same here Azzy. Though I think we can talk more about this another time, I'm going to turn in early, how about you?"

"I'm not tired yet, maybe I'll go take a walk and then when I get back I'll take a bath to unwind." He give you a hug, which you return, then he gets up and leaves the room, closing the door behind him. Once you're alone again you reach into your backpack for the scroll you got today. Looking over the text you wonder if this would truly remove the barrier. You wish that you had something to test it out on, but would it work on anything else other then the barrier spell.

You cast a light spell and place the sphere of light on the desk in the room. You begin chanting the spell on the scroll, making it's target the light spell and upon completion the light vanishes. "Huh, so it cancels out magic. That's cool, but the only problem is the cast it take a bit to much time. So using it in a situation like combat wouldn't work. Also if I had to evacuate all the monster it would have to be before danger reached Mt. Ebott."

You put the scroll away and get ready for bed, "Well more wild goose chases tomorrow, but maybe I'll catch me a goose and roast it for information. In a manner of speaking." You snicker and it's followed by a yawn. You crawl into bed and pull the covers over yourself. As soon as your head hits the pillow you out like a light.