An Experiment Gone Wrong? CH.6 (Rewrite)

Story by Wisk_Sith_Kulux on SoFurry

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#6 of An Experiment Gone Wrong? (Rewrite)

Of course sleep is what you like to be getting right now, but apparently your mind has other plans. You keep thinking about that book and map the old women gave you. Hell you never even got a chance to ask her name. You sit up in bed and look over at Azzy. You could hear him lightly snoring away, "At least one of us is getting some shut eye." You pull the covers off you and make your way over to your dresser drawer. You gently open it and retrieve the book and then you grab your hoodie reaching into the pockets to grab two more items.

You make your way to the door and with you quietly creep out the bedroom shutting the door gently behind you. The lights in the hallway are still on and you could hear talking coming from either the living room or kitchen. You make your way to the foyer and glance into the living room, but you don't see anyone. You sneak over to the front door and quietly slink out of the house. You let out a breathe you didn't realize you were holding. You decide to head to the old abandon section of the ruins to studies the items in hand.

You enter one of the old abandon homes and find a dusty table to set the book, map drawing, and the travel map down upon it. Taking the travel map you open it fully and lay it out over the table. You spend the next few hours to match up the map fragment to the map on the table, but you're not finding anything that looks remotely close. You lean back in the chair, frustrated and tired, "A_m I chasing phantom locations? Nothing matches up, hell I'm starting to wonder if that old lady is just pranking me."_

You rub your eyes, trying to think what you could be missing and the old women's word ring in your mind, "Do you think a mage would make their life's work so easy to decipher." That right, there are words on the paper and they probably held some clue to follow. Only one issue, you had no idea what any of it said. Looking down at the paper, the words suddenly look different to you. You rub your eyes again thinking your just seeing things.

As you look down again the words aren't in that cryptic writing, "What the hell?" You say to no one in particular. You read them out loud and the paper glows brightly. You drop it back on the table and covering your eyes with your hand. As the glow dims, you move your hand away to look at what happened. What you see is the map piece has completely change and is over a section of the travel map.

You pick it up and notice they matched, "Huh, well that's convenient, but why can I now suddenly make out what's written on the map? Well I have my next possible location to visit. Lets just hope I can... Shit mom isn't just going to let me go up to the surface. I can't just say, "Hey mom, I found this magic map piece that I didn't mention yesterday. Can I please go to the surface to check it out." I can't ask dad either. So my final option, sneak out at midnight while everyone asleep. Lovely, more secrets."

You start folding the travel map back up and place both maps in the book. You give a yawn and now realize how tired you are. You head home, sneaking back in and not alerting anyone you've been out. Making your way back into your room you crawl back into bed. You only manage to get maybe two or three hours of sleep before Azzy wakes you up for breakfast. Your trying to keep your eyes open at the table and keep yawning more then you like.

Toriel brings out breakfast and notices how tired you look, "My child are you alright? Did you have problems sleeping? Are you not feeling well?" She places her hand on you forehead, but you just reply, "I'm just feeling more tired today then normal, but I don't feel sick or anything. I should-" She cuts you off, "Even so I think we should swing by and see Gaster to make sure. I don't want to take the risk of you getting worse if it's something that can be prevented."

You just decide to let Toriel take you to see Gaster, you're just to tired to complain and it has been a while since you last dropped in. It took about an hour of different series of test before Toriel was convinced that your fine. She kept glancing at you from time to time on the way to magic lessons and when she did you just returned her a reassuring smile. At least until magic lessons, you of course are working on your healing magic and Azzy was working on his control over his fire magic. You didn't get very far to say the least, about five minutes in and you slumped over asleep.

Toriel turns to check on you and notice you laying on your side. Concern and worry fills her as she move over to check you, but sighs a breath of relief once she realizes your just asleep. Not wanting you to nap on the chilly floor, she scoops you up in her arms and calls Asriel over. "I'm afraid we'll need to cut lessons short for today. It appears Broderick is more exhausted then he was letting on. Asriel maybe you can find out why he's so tired once he wakes up. I'm sure he just doesn't want to worry us, but he seems more open talking to you about matters."

"Well only if he feels like he wants to. I don't like to pry of if don't have to ." He looks up at you, seeing the dark rings under your eyes, "It looks as though he really didn't get any sleep last night from the dark bags under his eyes."

"That's why I was so concerned at breakfast. Gaster said he was fine and Broderick was saying the same. I just felt I was worrying over nothing, but I should have insisted he stayed home and rested regardless."

You all get home and Toriel puts you in your bed. She has Asriel work on his studies for now and she calls Asgore briefly let him know what happened today. Several hours pass, your eyes slowly open as realization hits you, "Shit, I must have passed out. Mom was probably concerned, maybe I should worked on an easier spell. No, I knew how tired I was. I should have just told mom I didn't sleep well from the start. Well no sense worrying about it now, I'll just have to-"

Your thoughts are interrupted as the door to the bedroom opens and Asriel head pops in to see if your awake, "Evening Bro, I see you're final awake." He comes into the room the rest of the way and closes the door behind him. You watch as he walks over and sit on the bed next to you, "So, I'm just curious if something happened to keep you up last night? Though I'm more asking for mom then myself. So I'll understand if you don't want to talk about it."

You give a light chuckle, "So mom's got you pumping me for information? Azzy I thought we looked out for each other." Azzy waved his hands frantically, rambling apologies. You give another light chuckle, "Relax Azzy, I'm just messing with ya. I don't want to go into details at the moment, but some stuff happened on the surface. I was looking over some information last night and I stayed up a little longer then I should have, but it seems I have a lead to something. I'm just not sure yet. "

"So you think its related to the barrier?" You shake your head, "Like I said, 'I'm not sure'. I'll have to make another trip to the surface to find out. I feel a strong possibility that it does have some to due with magic since it was all cryptic, but I need you to keep this hush-hush for now, okay." Asriel nods, "Sure Bro, though last time you kept something secret it didn't go so well, but if you did tell them all this it'll probably give mom more reason to not let you go. Just don't get carried away and make sure you get some sleep from now on, otherwise mom might really start to pry into the matter."

"I'll keep that in mind and thanks Azzy. Now the hard part, how to proceed? My current options are, wait til mom and dad allow me to take another trip up to the surface or sneak out while everyone asleep. I can already tell with the look on your face you don't like option B. I'm not fond of it myself, but who knows how long it'll before I'm allowed to the surface again. By then my only lead could be gone."

"Well if it's a place how could it be gone? Not like places can up and vanish." You chuckle, "Trust me Azzy, I saw some strange things the other day and places vanishing is not as far-fetched as you think." Asriel tilts his head with a look of curiosity, "Are your saying you saw a place vanish on you yesterday?" You just nod with a amused look on your face, "Never talk to creepy old women if you get the chance Azzy, she gave me a cold departure. She really walled me off. " Azzy is glaring at you, "Bro, that was awful. You know I don't like puns."

"You right Azzy how could I forget, they always get your go-" Before you could finish that sentence you received a face full of pillow and you see Asriel ginning, "Sorry Bro, the opportunity was to purr-fect." You both start laughing and you lazily throw the pillow back at Azzy, but he easily move out of the way. The pillow lands on the floor and Asriel turn back to face you, "You missed-" You boop his nose and let a static shock of electricity from your finger. The fur on his face reacts and puffs out.

"Sorry Azzy, what was that you were saying? The look on your face is completely shocking." He tackles you and you both wrestle your way to the floor. You both try to get the advantage over one another, but you got the upper hand in the end. You pinned him to the floor and then proceeded to tickle him til he surrenders. You roll off of him and as you both take a moment to catch your breath, "Guess... that's... enough for now... want to see if dinner is ready?"

Asriel nod and you help him up, "I'll get... you next time."

"That's what you said last time." You give a cocky grin and he try's to surprise attack in the hallway when he thinks you're not paying attention, but you side step and he just goes running past you. He stumble as he nearly loses his footing, but after a moment regains his balance. He looks at you and your grinning, he has a pouty face and you just laugh. You both continue to the table, but when Toriel see the state your both, she just point down the hall to the bathroom, "Both of you are a mess, I will not permit you at the table in such a state."

You both get cleaned up, Azzy having a little more of a challenge with the fur on his face and head. Dinner went by peacefully, mostly ideal conversation and Toriel saying you have some study lessons you need to make up for. You sigh, but you're two days behind now. Though considering what you have planned later on you might be going for three. You could try and get a little done before bed, but first you really needed a moment to yourself. So you head to the bathroom for a bath.

You think about all the recent stuff that has happened as of late. You realized a couple of days that the symbol you manage to glimpse off of one of the robots was familiar. Then it dawned on you it was the same symbol in the laboratory that performed the experiments on you. It appears they use Mt. Ebott as there dumping ground for failed experiments, but why throw robots down here? Wouldn't it make more sense to take them apart and used the parts for other devices.

You set up a routine to check the ruins on the occasion, the guards kept an eye out at the ruins, but considering Azzy magic had no effect on them you didn't want to leave anything to chance.

It's been quiet since then, but you never knew when something or someone may end up down here.

What worried you is if another human ending up down here like you, disposed of in the underground, but they may end up killing monsters out of fear or they could end up being bloodthirsty killers. You knew your hands are stained with the blood of creatures you've killed.

For a time you actually began to get use to it and that scared you. If you kept going, would you still be who you are or would you have become something more terrifying. Thankfully they brought you to Mt. Ebott when they did, it's the best thing they did for you. Well that's not entirely true, they sure as hell treated you better then you parent, but you knew that it was only to gather results. They personal wouldn't cared much if you got mauled to death or not.

"Why are you defending them after what they put you through?" You drive the thoughts away, your mood was becoming somber. You gently slap the side of you face with your hands, "Focus on the plan at hand, I've got to be ready to leave out of the house at midnight." It was definitely going to be another long night. With how chaotic you life was become you think it might be time to invest in some coffee.

You love Asgore's tea and all, but you're going to need something with a little more kick to it. Sure you knew monster that drink coffee down here, but it's all instant and expired. You're thinking of investing in a french press and some fresh ground coffee. Asgore isn't going to be happy about that, but you don't see why you can't enjoy both. You hear a knock on the door, "Bro, you almost done in there? It's been like forty minutes. Mom wants me to take a bath soon."

"Sorry Azzy, I'll be done soon. Just let me dry off and it's all yours." You sigh and let the water out of the tub. Grabbing a towel nearby and begin to dry off. You brush the tangle out of your fur the best you can. The only part you always needed help with is the fur on your back. You only put on your pajama bottoms and place you shirt over your shoulder. With brush in hand you head to the bedroom. "Hey Azzy before you take a bath, can you help brush the fur on my back? Kind of hard to do myself."

Asriel is looking at you with a bit of embarrassment, a slight tint of pink showing under his fur and slowly nods. It was cute at how he got embarrassed around you even though he's seen you plenty of times without a shirt or pants on. You couldn't blame him though you are well toned for your age. You take a seat on the bed and he slowly goes to work, but he was taking to long and Toriel ended up take over in his place. You didn't mind who brushed your fur out, you're just happy to have it done. The night is winding down and you spent the current moment starring up into the darkness at the ceiling.

Time crawls by slowly, but the light pouring under the door from the hallway finally goes out. "Well mom and dad must be heading to bed. So that means I got about an hour or so before I need to leave for the surface. I rather not have to sneak out, but time is ticking and I always been impatient about waiting. If they'd just agree to let me go then this would be so much easier for all of us. Sure they still worry, but at least they'd know where I am. Anyway better get ready."

You go over to pick up the backpack with your two books, maps, snacks and water bottles. You gentle sling it over you shoulders and reach for the door, but you feel a hand on your shoulder. You turn to face the owner and see Asriel standing there. Speaking at a whisper, "Azzy, what are you doing up? I thought you were asleep."

"Bro, I wish you wouldn't go, but I never could stop you once your mind is set on something. Just promise me you'll stay safe and come back to us." You smile at him, "It'll be okay Azzy, I'll either find what I'm looking for or I'm just going to find a bunch of livestock. The place is in the middle of nowhere, just a lot of empty land from what I can tell on the map. I promise you I'll return, but if I'm not back in twenty-four hour you have my permission to tell mom and dad where I went. Until then, do your best to hold out against mom and dad."

He nod and gives you hug. You feel as though he wasn't ever going to let you go, but after a few moment he reluctantly lets you go. You put your hands an the side of his face and tilt his head down slightly. You move forward to kiss him on the forehead. Despite the room being dark, you could make out the shade of red on his cheeks, "I love you Azzy, I'll fight tooth and nail if I have to, but I will return to you, mom, and dad. Now try and get some sleep, If mom see's your tired in the morning she definitely think something is up."

"She's going to know something is up if your not back in the morning. I rather not have to have mom and dad asking me a bunch of question in the morning. Please return before then okay." You just give a nod and ruffle the fur on his head before you head out the door. Azzy watches you leave and guilt washes over him. Every fiber of his being is telling him to go after you, but he already knows you'd be long gone before he could catch up. He slowly crawls back into bed, starring at the door for the next couple of hours before he falls asleep.

You're standing on the side of a dirty road and glancing at the map in your hand. This definitely is the general location of where you needed to be, but there's literally nothing around. You see fields of grass, but nothing screaming, "Jackpot." You sigh, you're so sick of cryptic bullshit at this point. You look at the small piece of paper to see if you missed anything. You think it's suppose to be on the right-hand side of road in the middle of the field, but the field is empty as far as you could tell.

You grumble and just shove everything back in your backpack. Grabbing it, you make your way into the middle of the field and kick at the ground from time to time. You're hardly paying attention as you walk and that when bright light suddenly hits your eyes. You close your eye quickly, raising a hand to shield you eyes and doing your best to look for the source of the light. What you see leave you speechless, you standing in the middle of a forest, the sun shining and stone step leading up.

In the front of the stairs is an archway, "It looks like what I've seen in some of the books I've read. Is this a shrine of some sort? Hell for that matter, where did it suddenly come from? I swear there definitely wasn't any trees, let alone a whole fucking forest."_You cautiously climb the steps, keeping an eye on either side of the forest for anything that might jump out at you. When you reach the top your out of breath, hands on you knees, "_How many... fucking steps... do you honestly need?"

You feel something strike you face, blood dripping down only for a moment and you instinctively leap back. Forgetting that you're near the steps, you barely catch yourself from what certainly would have been a bad time. Extending your claws you look around for what struck your face and in front of you is a young women with a bow. She already has another arrow nocked and trained on you, "Leave here at once, otherwise my next shot will not be just a warning."

You throw your hands up in front of you, "Hold on a minute, I'm not even sure how-" Your unable to finish your sentence as she lets loose her next arrow. You launch a fireball to intercept it, its burns to a cinder and realization sets in you used magic when you didn't mean to. She looks at you with surprise in her eyes, but then she lowers the bow to her side. "Well that is certainly unexpected, magic this day and age is rare and seeing someone so young with it is even rarer. So now a better question, how did you find this place?"

You gather yourself and retract your claws, "I've been looking for some information and found an odd shop located in Dapplemourne down an alleyway. Really didn't get an explanation, but I found myself in possession a piece of paper with a map on it." She moves up to you, "Can you show me this map?" You remove the backpack and unzip the main pouch. You reach in and retrieve it and hold it out to her as she takes it from you. As she looks over the scrap of paper her expression is one of slight annoyance before she lets out a sigh.

"Yagitha hasn't change at all. Always sending people my way, instead of taking some responsibility upon herself. Well you're here now, So what is it your looking for?"

"Well I'm simply looking for information regarding Mt. Ebott." Her expression is doleful, "I assume this has something about those who dwell beneath the mountain. Depending on what you plan to do with such information I may still end up killing you."

"I'm just looking to protect those who I love. I was taken to disappear in that mountain, but I was found by the monster that inhabit it. I've been living with them for the last couple of years, but my brother and I were attack by some crab-like robots. I dispatched them, but not before he got hurt. The problem is that I recognized the symbol that was on them and where they came from. I'm afraid something much worst in time will come to threaten them. What I need to know is, why the barrier isn't keep things out?"

Her expression is still sad, "It wasn't ever meant too. I'm curious, could you tell me about the symbol?"

"It a symbol of a cat-eye overlapping that of a human eye on a book."

"Sadly I know this symbol-" You cut her off before she can finish, "What do you mean you know of it?" She clears her throat, "If you don't rudely interrupt me I'll explain, They're known as a group called, Dualality and they've been around for a long time. I thought I would never hear that name again, we knew they were still around, but our battle with them had gone so poorly. As much as the legends say the war happened between human and monster there was a driving force behind that whole war."

She pause for a moment, "I think we should go back to my home, this will take sometime to explain."

You follow her in silence as you take in what she's told you so far. You come upon a lovely garden and next to that is a simple looking house. This place almost reminds you of the underground. The garden reminds you of the flowers Asgore took pride in. Also the shrine reminds you of the castle as well.

It didn't look at all what you expected.

You both go inside and she motions to a chair next to the fireplace. There's another right across from yours and a small table between them. She didn't seem to own a lot of furniture, a small carpet in the center of the room, some shelves with books and knickknacks around the room. Some object seem to glow with energy and you gaze at the in wonder, but you attention comes back to her as she comes out with a tea set on a tray.

"I though you might like some tea while we talk, I do apologize about earlier, but you must understand very few know of our whereabouts. Seeing someone after being alone for so long was unsettling to say the least. Though from what you have told me and that it was Yagitha who sent you to me, I feel I can trust you."

"I can understand your reaction and It's nice to know the persons name who helped me find you. I didn't really get a chance to ask her before I found myself back in the alleyway." She chuckles at this, "That sounds like her alright. She no a very good host when she has guest, but deep down she is very caring. So I must ask how it is possible to manifest magic without speaking incantations?" You take a moment to pour yourself some tea and add sugar to it.

Pulling back the hood, you reveal your ears as they twitch, happy to be free from the confines of your jacket. She looks at them and smiles, "Hmm, I see. Your features explain the mixed aura I'm sensing from you. You have the presence of human and monster about you. If you don't mind could you tell me how you came to be like this?" You take a deep breath and tell her a compressed version of you life and your time at a Laboratory that belongs to Dualality. You tell her about the testing they performed and how after a year they tossed you down a hole at Mt. Ebott.

"That doesn't make much sense, why throw someone down there who is quite in-depth at magic and with great potential at fighting. They call you a failure, but from what I can see you have turned out quite well. Did you ever overhear why you were a failure to them?" You shake your head, "No, before I was drugged, all I heard was to have me disposed of. The voice of the women sounded annoyed, but said it was an order. Then the door open and a large man grabbed me before I could back away. Next thing I knew I'm in the back of a truck and being driven up Mt. Ebott."

You take a sip of tea before you continue, "If its okay with you, may I ask you a question?"

"You may."

"You were talking about the war earlier, it sounds like something caused monster and human to battle against each other. What was it that lead up to the war?"

She sighs, "From what you probably heard about the war humanity feared monster. They found out monsters can absorb a human Soul and gain great power. Fear is a powerful weapon if used correctly and so the peace between human and monster was shattered. Kingdom sought to slaughter all of monster-kind and only a handful of us felt something was wrong. Seven mages and a handful of knights who did not agree with the debacle and decided to aid the monster in the war. They made plans to escort monster to a safe haven, but they got ambushed on route to the next group of monster and there was many casualties on both sides.

"They manage to gather as many monster refugees groups as they could and made their way to Mt. Ebott, but not before a dozen or so soldiers stumbled upon them. The remain soldier supporting the mages and monster engaged them. They held them at bay long enough for the mages to raise the barrier. The remaining enemy soldier that could compromise the whereabouts of the monster try to flee, but the mages dealt with them before going into hiding themselves. It wasn't until years after the war ended did the mages find out that the ones behind all this was a group of mages named Dualality."

Your eyes go wide and you sit there in disbelief about what you're hearing. "W-wait your telling me they've been around since before the war between monsters and humans?"

"Actually longer, It's complicated, but when magic and power is involved it always is. Short version is that mages were striving together in peace, but a handful of radicals mages had their own idea of how the world should be and thus Dualality was born. Of course the elder mages payed them little mind and cast them out. No one consider them a threat, but they found out to late how wrong they were. As more time passed more were swayed to their cause or brainwashed with magic to do their bidding. A war broke out between the mages of Rethallia and Dualality.

"The Rethallian mages devastated Dualality, they thought them wiped out, but the remaining members hid in the shadow waiting for a chance to arise and able to strike back. That chance didn't come for about three-hundred years, they slowly poisoned each kingdom from the inside out and soon turned their gaze upon the emerging monster race that began over the last hundred years. Secretly they've been abducting monster and found ways to harness the magic within their bodies to empower themselves even more, but it was only a temporary increase.

"Which is why they sought to find a why to make an endless magic source using monster, which is where they used the kingdoms as their puppets to gather monsters for that purpose, but their plan backfired in two ways. One was how fragile monster bodies are, when the fighting broke out the bodies turned to dust rending them useless for Dualalities purpose and they lost control over their puppets. Once the onslaught began they didn't have the power to reverse what they set into motion. The second thing they didn't take into account was the few who were able to resist their control and you know the rest."

You lean back into the chair and your shoulder slump, "If this is all true how am I suppose to protect everyone in Mt. Ebott? I'm just a single child, granted I can use magic and such, but if they've been around for that long what chance do we have?" You notice she's has a smile on her face, "Well to help brighten your defeated attitude, sure Dualality is still around, but they are a shell of their former glory. If they still had the power they once did then they would not be running such experiments to create hybrids."

"That makes some sense now, I mean why would they create a human hybrid if they're as powerful as you described. Well that answer why they made me, but I should get back to the reason I'm here. You said the barrier wasn't meant to keep things out, but is it possible to make a barrier that does?" She sighs, "It might have been possible at one point, but the mages that are left wouldn't be able to help. You see, I'm one of the mages that helped with the barrier, but when we went into hiding the places we created became our prison. We're unable to leave the confines of the magical environments we live in. If we should ever step outside our bodies will succumb to our proper true age."

"So you saying that your trapped here, how have you all not gone crazy from the loneliness, or starved from lack of food?" She chuckles, "We don't require any of the needs from when we lived normal lives. Sleeping, eating, aging are all things that we no longer require. The magic that keeps us outside normal time also maintains our bodies, but to answer your question retaining to the barrier. I do have the spell and could teach you the particulars to be able to cast it, but unless you have a tremendous amount of magic at you disposal it's impossible to do alone."

That news didn't help improve you mood any, you finally found what you're looking for, but now your told you couldn't do it by yourself. "What about monsters, couldn't they help with it. They're made of magic-" She raise a hand, "Unfortunately if they did so then it would destroy them. Only humans with the ability to cast magic could properly be able to do so, but your not an average human. It would be at great risk, but it's possible you may have enough power to place a new barrier. Though it would require the old barrier be removed first. I'm serious about the risk though, doing so may end up costing you your life."

You shake your head, "I'll take that risk, so how do I remove the old barrier without using humans Souls to do so?"

"I'm afraid the requirements is as stated, once a barrier has the requirement etched into it the deed is done. I know the idea of using Souls to do so seem cruel, but in all honesty we had not intended to keep the monster trapped down there for so long. We had plans once we found a way to deal with Dualality and could ensure their safety we would use our own Souls to set them free. Sadly as I said, 'We are also shells of our former selves our Souls are no longer usable for such a task."

You grip the arms of the chair tightly, claws digging deep into them, "So its either kill humans for Souls or monster remain trapped down below Mt. Ebott. Why didn't you make any other way to remove the barrier?"

"We didn't have time to think everything through. We had soldiers on our heels, being held off by our few allies and we did what we could with the limited time we had. I'm sorry I don't have better news for you." You sigh and relax you grip on the chair, "No, I'm sorry. I came here expecting a happy ended or good news, but life should have taught me by now that reality is never that easy. What the minimum amount of time that would be required for me to learn the barrier spell."

"Well that all depends on you, if you got a sharp mind about you and are a quick study I could teach you in roughly two hours."

"I think I could manage that, but that all depends on what time it currently is. This place is hard to judge time, the sun is shining, but before I entered here it was the middle of the night." She laughs, "Haha, You get use to it after a millennium, but the time outside is around three in the morning. I'm assuming from your concern about the time you came here without telling your family." You have a grin on your face, "Yeah, my mom and dad are a little hesitant about me being on this side of the barrier. Concerns for my safety and such, but it's nice to be cared for."

"Well then I guess we should get started as to get you back to Toriel and Asgore." You look up at her with a raised eyebrow in question, "How did you know my mom and dad are Toriel and Asgore? I never once brought that up in conversation." She gets up out of her chair and walks over to a shelf, she grabs what's looks to be a roll of paper and the turns to face you. She places a hand on her hip, giving you a cocky grin, "Did you already forget that I'm a mage. We have our resources of gathering information when needed. Now are we still doing this or have you had a change of heart."

You just give her a cheeky look, "Looking to get rid of me already, I thought with all the time alone you'd enjoy having the company, but before we continue maybe we could do with introductions."

She chuckles, "Of course, when you've been cooped up for so long it's easy to forget such things. My name is Ellana and yours?"

"Broderick, it nice to meet you Ellana." She smiles, "Likewise Broderick." She asks you to come upstairs where there's a larger table with fancier chairs and much more comfy. The room looks to be used for studies and you see objects floating about the room near the ceiling. More book line the walls with a small section with more object that seem to be radiating with their own energy about them.

You take a seat and she grabs what looks to be a monocle of sorts from on of the shelves, "I think it would be faster if you use this. We could spend the time teaching you how to decipher the words properly on the pages, but with you being on a time crunch and all." You nod, "Sound good to me. Can it be used to decipher other things?"

"Depends, what do you have that requires such?" You reach into your backpack that lays at your feet and pull the two books out. You place them on the table, "I have these two book, one Yagitha gave me, the other Toriel gave me. I've manage a few page in the smaller book, but I still haven't to get much more from it."

"It will be of some help with the book Yagitha gave you. We exchanged a lot of information back and forth and I got tired of deciphering everything she gave me. Part of the reason I made the monocle was to speed up the process, but since I created it and all it can always decrypt anything that belongs to me. Though it is magic locked to me, so I'll have to unlock it so your able to use it first." After a few minutes she hands you the monocle and pulls her chair next to yours.

She unfurls the pages in her hand and goes over them with you. It takes you an extra hour before you finally got the complex spell down enough that you wouldn't have it back fire on you. Ellana was happy with how fast you're able to pick it up, "You know, if I was taking apprentices I would offer you a position, but if you did take up such an offer you would be sealed to my fate." You look over at her with a doleful expression, "You know I wish you weren't trapped here, I'd like it if we could visit one another, though if you could do that then you'd be able to help me with my current barrier problem."

"I would've like to do so if that was possible, but meeting you has been its own reward. I wish you the best in the difficulties you have to face ahead of you. Even as weakened as Dualality is, they should not be underestimated. Broderick keep you wits about you and learn to harness the magic I know you'll be able to learn. Use it to protect the ones you love and complete the job we have failed to do. Give monster-kind a proper return to the world." You nod and pack up the scrolls with the barrier spell, along with the monocle Ellana is giving you as a parting gift.

Your both back at the steps and your on the verge of tears of having to leave. You give her a hug and she returns it, "Ellana, thank you for everything. If I can come to the surface without having to sneak out I'd like to visit you again."

"I would enjoy your company as well Broderick, but you should hurry back. If you don't get home soon your going to be missed." You nod and make your way down the long flight of stone step, waving one last time good-bye to her before your out of view. She sighs and once again she stands alone. A wisp of light comes to hover next to her. "You know Ellana you possible signed that child's death. You know the entity helping him is weakening, I know you could sense it."

"I'm aware, but something about him seems familiar. I feel that he'll over come the dangers that lie ahead of him, but he won't be able to do so alone. I just hope the little one with him can hold out long enough until then." She turns to head back to the house, "Layla I'm afraid we'll have to move again, could you gathers the others?" Layla sighs, "You know we wouldn't have to do this if he never found this place, but Yagitha had to go about helping him. I swear she brings us nothing, but trouble."

"Oh stop complaining, you know Yagitha would have to move her shop as well." She fly's around angrily, "Yeah, but her place isn't as large as our place. It's so exhausting to move this place." Ellana sighs, "If you have the energy to complain, you have energy to work on moving our home. Just go tell the others so we can get started." She fly off still annoyed and Ellana continues on towards the house.