Charger Woes
#5 of Stories
A story I wrote back for FA: shadowfox014 for writing me the lycanroc tf story :D
Travis was having phone issues as of late, and worse when his charger completely broke. He had to shut it off so that it wouldn't die out on him so that he could go get a new one, which has left him feeling out of the loop since he couldn't use it or call anyone for help. For now, he's looking around the house for a substitute charger that could supplement the one that got broken, but so far he's had no luck.
"I could've sworn I had some spare charger here somewhere" He mumbled, still poking about. Going through his photography materials, he couldn't find anything mixed in, and he didn't have a USB charger to connect to his computer. So far, the search left him frustrated. "Great; I don't have a charger now and the store is closed tomorrow. I could order online, but that wouldn't come in time for work." He sighed; this was not the best time for this.
"Kind of wish I had some way to charge this right now."
Granted, it seemed silly, but someone heard his wish, and Travis suddenly felt dizzy for a second; slight headache causing him to sit down on his bed. "Ugh, maybe I caused too much stress for myself over this." For a while, it did just seem that way, at least until Travis' ears began to lengthen and point. They even grew yellow and black fur as they reach a few inches long, still growing a bit. He didn't notice though; he had decided to pre-occupy himself with some drawing to pass the time and relieve his stress.
Some more yellow fur grew on his back as his hair soon changed color; matching the growing fur on his ears and back. He yawned; showing rodent like teeth as his face pushed out a little. Nothing seemed noticeable, until he saw his hands as he drew. The yellow fur encroached them as nails sharpened; it caused him to scream, "Pika!?" He covered his mouth; he wasn't sure what to think as red fur covered some of his cheeks in circles; sparks flying from the cheekdots as electricity began to course his body. Then he noticed; he was growing smaller as his shirt was too loose on him as well as his pants and socks. His feet cracked as toes merged and gained some claws as well; legs shortening more suited for both quadruped and bipedal movement as they reshaped themselves to suit his body.
He squeaked as he felt a pressure on his spine, only to turn around and see a tail growing; forming a lightning bolt shape as it grew as long as his body was becoming. Some brown fur grew on his lower back and end of his tail, as his nose darkened and became sensitive. Soon after, he finished shrinking out of his clothes as he peeked through his shirt. He had become a Pikachu! It seemed strange though; how did this happen?
"Well, there's at least one positive for this; I can charge my phone. Only question is: how am I going to explain this to work? I can't operate a camera like this" He pouted; this was going to be quite a night for Travis.