Crash's Feral Instincts
#4 of Stories
A quick story suggested by FA: 3waycrash
Had an interesting time writing this one out. :)
"Ow!" Crash had winced; the strange dog had bit through his jeans as he was walking home; was even bleeding from the bite itself. "Stupid dog!" He kicked it off his jeans and continued walking.
This wasn't exactly the best night for him; day mostly dragged and he wasn't feeling great all of the sudden. The dog bite didn't help either; it just came from nowhere and added to his bad day. Feeling disgruntled, he stomped his way home, despite that this was supposed to be some retreat away from home. His family figured it was a good idea to take a trip to the Rockies and stay in a cabin for a change, but the trip itself hasn't felt worthwhile so far. Upon reaching the Cabin, a note was left for him to read; it was from his parents:
"Dear Crash,
Me and your father needed to head to town for some supplies. We've left you some food in the fridge in case you get hungry, but try not to stay out too late and without proper gear. We'll be back in about two or three days as the trek to town is quite far. We also heard it's a full moon tomorrow, so that ought to be lovely to see from the mountains. Stay safe and be cautious!
Love, Your mother"
Well, at least he had the cabin to himself. He kept thinking, as he settled as to how a dog like that even came up the mountain. Where he was, it was too far for Wolves to even come close to, so it wasn't that. Regardless, he was in the mood to vent out, so he pulled out his tablet and started drawing.
While he was though, he felt off; sweating profusely and just feeling an oncoming headache. He was pretty sure it wasn't THAT hot in the house, but it just felt bizarre. He stepped away from the screen of his computer, and walked into the living room for space. It was then he eyed something from out the window; the moon was full. Not sure what it mattered then, but something about it pulled his attention, at least until he doubled over in pain. Something was wrong; he just felt all over himself and it wasn't stopping.
He looked up to see what he could grab or hold on to, until he saw through his window; the full moon. Something enticed him to look, but he was also afraid. Soon, more pain as his back arched; spine reforming itself as his shoulders cracked. He tried to move his arms, but they felt restrictive and it hurt doing so. He then saw; his hands cracking outward as pads began to form and claws tore through his fingernails. He screamed in pain, fearful of what he was becoming as thick black fur sprouted over what used to be his hands. His arms cracked and muscles tensed up as his pads thickened and plumped up, leaving what was left of his fingers immobile as his thumb began to pull back and shrink.
"Wh-what is this!? Someone! Help! Help me!" Crash screamed, but no one heard. And he soon doubled over again; his chest barreling out as his canine teeth grew out, becoming sharp. His eyes gleamed a bright amber, still showing his fear as bones crunched, and a sharp pain hit his back; a tail tearing through his pants as it furred up and grew out longer. It was then that it hit him; he was becoming a werewolf.
Crash's feet soon arched as they stretched; bones reforming to become digitigrade as he was forced to be on the balls of his toes; soon plumping up and gaining pads and claws as his legs crunched; the bones in them shifting and shortening to become hind legs. A crack in his hips forced him to keep this position, as his waist thinned out. His neck soon cracked forward, and he kept screaming: "Hrrrrelp mrrreeee!" But still to no avail. Even then, he couldn't form words anymore as his tongue lengthened and his face pushed out a little. As the fur spread over his body, covering from his paws to his chest and back, he soon felt an instinct; reopening his eyes to show a feral look; sclera having turned black as his ears began to point and grow. As the muzzle grow, it caused him to squint once more, until he had a full lupine muzzle, leaving no trace left of the former human. The wolf, now having completed its change, looked at the moon and howled at its brilliance.
Where he stood, he leapt through the window and fled into the woods, leaving behind a pile of torn clothes and broken glasses. Who knows what that wolf will do tonight...