My Slave Girlfriend. Part two.
"Jennifer, Oh sleepy head.. Wanna wake up?" Howie said, Rocking Jennifer back and forth.
Jennifer jumped, She thought she was still at the slave shelter. "Ahh! Oh.. Sorry Howie." She said, Waking up with only one eye open.
"So.. What do you want to do today?" Howie said, Still calming Jennifer down from her dream.
"Well, First i want to put the rest of my clothes on!" Jennifer giggled and walked to the bathroom.
After a minute, She came out.
"Okay, Now that you have your clothes on, Where do you wanna go?" Howie smiled at Jennifer.
"620 Marjorie Street, Can you take me there? I would love to see that place again." Jennifer says, Thinking about the field she arranged to be buried in if she was to ever die, She wanted to be cremated so she could fly with the birds and the wind, It was always a dream she had.
"620 Marjorie..? There is nothing but fields and farmland around there, It never changed sweetie." Howie said, Looking puzzled at Jennifer.
"Yeah, That's why i wanted to go.." Jennifer said, Looking at Howie, Then the floor.
"Sure, I don't know exactly what you want to do there, But if you wanna go, I'll take you." Howie said, Trying to figure out what she wanted to do in a farm.
After a little walk, There was 620 Marjorie Street. "See, Nothing is here for miles, Beautiful, But nothing is here." Howie said, Looking all around
"That's why i wanted to come here, You see. If anyone ever killed me, I had a right to be buried where ever i wanted to, I wanted to be cremated and let out here, It's beautiful, And there is always wind here. I always wanted to fly with the birds."
Howie was amazed at what Jennifer had just told him. "I.. Well.. Why did you want to come here? I'm never going to harm you." Howie said, Hugging Jennifer tightly.
"See that's it, They used to always talk about where they were burried in the shelter, My mom took me here once, There were horses, Cows, Everything. Seeing as i have you, I'll never see this place. So i just wanted to see it one more time."
Howie started to cry, So did Jennifer, They both hugged and went to the store. "I have to get some stuff here, Is there anything you want?"
"Yeah! I would like some Sunkist, I love that stuff!" Jennifer said smiling, Kissing Howie, Then waiting for him on a bench.
Howie started to venture through the store. "Wow.. I can't believe ... That was so deep.."
After checking out, He walked by a group of his friends, He got called over. "Hey Howie, Dude do you have one of them slaves man? I saw you pass the shelter the other day. They do anything for a roof over their head, And i mean Anything, Even sex!
"I don't have a slave, I don't need anyone to do my bidding. And i sure as hell don't want to use them for sex you sick Bastard!"
Jennifer walked over, Hearing Howie, She was gonna help carry some stuff home.
"Sick bastard? I'm not a sick bastard, I'm not the one that lets them set there and take more torture! Atleast i give them hot meals!" His friend said upset.
"Excuse me? So you didn't just say a minute ago that you make them give you sex? Your seriously fucked up! Those women are human you shit, They have rights and feelings, Just like Jennifer does." Howie said, Balling up his fist.
His friend punched Howie, With Howie returning a left hook, Being a black belt in Karate, His mom made him take it because they did grow up in a bad part of town.
Howie ran with the bags of food and soda. "Jennifer, Run home!" Howie said, Right before being thrown to the ground. Jennifer wasn't scared, This stuff happened all the time at the shelter, She knew even though Howie was a black belt, He could not stand up against three guys. She pulled out a little glass shard, And stuck it in one of Howie's attackers, Right in the femoral artery.
The attacker looked at Jennifer, And fell to the ground, Dead, And that fast. The other attackers ran off and Jennifer picked up Howie. "Are you okay.. Howie?" Jennifer said, Brushing off Howie.
"I.. I'm fine.. You killed that guy. To save me.. Thank you. Jen." Howie said. " Lets get out of here, Before they come back." Howie picked up the bags of food and soda, And continued to walk on.
"So, Where did you learn to kill someone like that?" Howie said, Watching Jennifer goof off.
"It's something you learn." Jennifer smiled.
"Oh, Well, Thanks again." Howie said, Wrapping his arm around Jennifer.
Later at the house, Howie was running up stairs, When he saw Jennifer, In only her underwear and a long shirt on. "You like running around like that, Don't you." Howie grinned and gave her the Sunkist she wanted.
"Yeah, I do like it." Jennifer said happily. "And i like you a whole lot to.." She whispered.
"I like you to sweetie" Howie said, Smiling and sitting down.
Jennifer blushed hard, She forgot wolf's had extreme hearing. "Oh.. I.. It.. Um.."
She looked at the ground while Howie approached her. "No need to be embarrassed love, I understand." Howie said, Putting his hands on her shoulders.
She turned towards him, Kissing him. "I love you, With all my heart Howie.." Jennifer said, Still hugging him.
Howie wrapped his arms around her. "I love you to, Dear." Squeezing her close.
"It's almost dinner time, If you wanna eat downstairs, Please put some clothes on though, My mom wouldn't like you downstairs like that, Up here, I don't mind if your nude." Howie said, Kissing her on the cheek.
"Mhm.. I'll remember that." Jennifer smiled and put her clothes back on and walked down with Howie.
"Howie why do you have a bruise on your face?" His mom said worried.
"Oh mom, I just fell on something, I'm fine." Said Howie, Smiling and eating his dinner.
After dinner, They were watching T.v. Snuggled up to one another.
"Why don't you treat me bad? I mean, Why are you nice to me?" Jennifer asked, Laying her head on his shoulders.
"Well i mean, A human being has feelings wants and needs, And my mom said i should have someone to take care of, Learn responsibilities. Plus.. Even with all this stuff, You can code a robot, Buy and torrent everything you want, But it's never company.. I was real lonely up here, I mean, I could count the thousands spent in this room, I'd toss it all for you." Howie said smiling, Kissing her forehead.
"Awwh, Well.. You have me know." Jennifer said laughing. "I don't ever plan to leave ya."
"That's really nice to know, I'm glad your happy." Howie replied.
"I am tired, So I'mma lay down, Just don't keep the TV up loud, And please don't stay up all night." Howie said, Yawning and laying back in bed.
About a hour later, Howie was sound asleep, Jennifer wanted to take advantage of this, And learn how much of a deep sleeper he really was. She touched him, Then shook him. He never woke up. She wanted to try something else, But it could jeopardize her operations.
So she decided to lay down, She would have plenty of time to test more things tomorrow night. So she got in her nightwear, And laid beside Howie. "I love you, Hope you don't mind what i do tomorrow honey."
She fell asleep fast, Thinking about what to do tomorrow.