My Boyfriend is a Werewolf: Chapter 15

Story by OmuYasha on SoFurry

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Thanksgiving is here, and it's time for our heroine and her family to get to know the teen wolf and his family. Unfortunately, we learn that Toby has had bad experiences with prejudice before, but luckily for him, he's truly became a part of her family. Our heroine decides to start including the teen wolf in her paranormal vlogs, but will she be able to change perceptions about werewolves? The beginning of the end starts here!

Chapter 15: Thanks for Giving

Later that day as Toby got home, his mother looked over at him sternly. She had stacked mountains of food on the table, and Tai sat on the end flipping through his tablet looking up the headlines. "Pete's dead...Ian killed him last night, and the Elders finished their meeting and..." She said.

Tai lowered his tablet and looked at him strongly. "Bernie is alpha now, and the elders want you to get special training. Jean will be mentoring you when we go off to the mountains next month..." he said before Toby groaned.

"Seriously!? More work? I'm already busting my tail with all this shit! Now I got more training on top of it?" he raised his voice.

Tai rolled his eyes. "You don't even know what you're doing. Quit acting like a pup, and focus on the here and now!" he shouted.

His mother waddled back over and sat back into her chair. "Well...He has been doing all these will get him a bunch of scholarship money too" she said to herself. She reached down to rub her gravid belly. "If you're with Jean, I doubt you'll be doing anything strenuous" she said.

Later on Thanksgiving, Toby went over to Sasha's home for a meal. Her grandmother was very pleased to see him, while her grandfather preferred to keep his distance much to his wife's annoyance. Lilian arrived half an hour later with her elderly parents. Her mother was of half Korean descent with white hair. She got close to Sasha and scrutinized her carefully. "I can see why my grandson has taken a liking to you. He does like women with some meat on their bones" she said.

Her father had round glasses that made him resemble George Lucas. He cringed at the comment, but Sasha took it in stride and laughed it off. "Yea, I'm glad he does" she said.

Toby's grandmother smirked looking at Sasha's waistline. "My son eats a lot of food! He needs a wife who's a good cook!" she said before she looked over at him. "Toby! Come give your Nana a hug!" she said outstretching her arms. He walked over, and he awkwardly hugged his grandmother who was almost half his size. "You've grown big...have you been eating a deer every day?" she said as she reached up to pat him on the back.

He laughed nervously. "Well not every day" he said before he looked up at Sasha's family who were not sure what to make of it.

They made their way to the table, which Sasha was at his side during the banquet, but her grandmother was pleased to see her grandson putting away just as much food as Toby did. Her happiness turned to horror as nearly everything was eaten, and they had already moved on to the pie.

"Hey! That was enough for a week of leftovers!" She scolded them.

Sasha shook her head at Toby, but she was amused at his swollen stomach. " look like you're going to pop!" she teased him.

"At least he's not eating people..." her grandfather muttered.

"Marty! Are you still off on that!?" his wife scolded him embarrassed at his insistence on Toby being a werewolf.

Toby's grandfather burst out into a guffaw, but his grandmother took it the wrong way. "Excuse me! Toby doesn't eat people! He's domesticated!" she scolded Marty.

She looked back at Sasha with a smile but she quietly ate her pie, but Sasha forced a smile back until she leaned over. " they know if you're a werewolf?" she asked. He nodded to her question before she looked back at them curiously.

He leaned back over and whispered into her ear, "My Nana didn't take it too well when she found out. She's deathly afraid of wolves...She doesn't like it when I get called a monster or even if someone alludes to it" he said.

She nodded before she touched his hand noticing his eyes getting droopy. "Wanna go relax on my bed?" she asked him quietly. He gave her a quick nod before they left the table. Once she was out of sight, her grandma got up and snuck upstairs. She slyly opened the door, which her granddaughter was in the midst of scratching at Toby's chest as if he were a dog while he laid on her bed shirtless. She closed the door behind her and sat on the chair looking at her intensely.

"So, how long did you plan on keeping this a secret from me?" she asked as a smirk crept upon her lips. Toby watched helplessly as Sasha shielded him by throwing a bunch of clothes and stuffed animals over him. She watched him very closely as she confronted her granddaughter about her less than normal boyfriend. "So, your boyfriend is really a werewolf, aye?" she asked.

Sasha nodded and placed her hand down on her lover's chest preventing him from escaping. Her grandmother sized up the situation before she crossed her arms over her lap. "So can he really transform at will?" she asked curiously.

Sasha stared at her in shock. "How did you figure this out?" she asked before she looked back at him. "Yea, he can transform at will, but he's a little shy to do it right now" she said.

Her grandmother rubbed her arm slowly. "Well...I did catch Todd last night pillaging the ice box. I thought he was in that costume he wore on Halloween. Scared me half to death when I found out that it weren't a mask he was wearing" she said before she gulped. "How did Todd become a werewolf?" she asked a she eyed Toby intensely.

Sasha started to scratch at his chest again after he let out an anxious whimper. "Toby, didn't turn him...I bed with him while Todd was attacked. He and his mom have helped Todd so much" she said blushing lightly. Toby nodded slowly but remained quiet.

Her grandmother let off a relieved sigh and smiled at her. "I believe you" she said warmly before she focused back onto Toby. "Thank you for protecting my family...If it weren't for you, we wouldn't be having our thanksgiving feast" she said as she got back up. "I caught on when you two use big bad wolf and little red riding hood as nicknames...Where do you think you get all your smarts from?" she told Sasha as she walked towards the door.

She stopped and looked back at them amused. "You better treat her well big bad" she teased them before she opened the door. "Don't be fooling around in there?" she warned as she left the room.

Sasha blushed before she looked down at her lover who remained very obedient and quiet. "We know grandma...We were just going to take a nap" she said, which Toby nodded back silently although his longing eyes shown his willingness to go however far she wished.

She smirked knowing that look anywhere, so she ruffled his hair playfully. "I thought you were sleepy?" she muttered as she planted a soft smooch on his lower lip before she nestled into him and reached over to rub his belly.

He snickered. "I am a little, but I can enjoy your company can't I?" he asked before he closed his eyes drifting into a deep sleep. He fell victim to the combination of a full stomach and a plush queen sized pillow top bed, and when he woke up, the room was pitch black. His mate had clung onto him tightly while sleeping soundly, and her dog slept curled up at the foot of the bed with her back pressed up against his leg.

As he was about to sit up, his mate pushed against his chest, he gave up which she began to rub his chest lovingly. "Stay with me big bad" she mumbled in her sleep. She rolled over onto him and nuzzled into his neck moaning into his ear. "I love you so much" she mumbled amorously.

His eyes widened, and his heart began to race quickly not knowing what to do as he heard footsteps approaching. His body felt heavy and would not allow him to move although everything felt so right, which he had enough strength to get comfortable and bond with her. His grandmother opened the door, and she gazed upon them carefully noting that Sasha was petting Toby while he was in anthro form.

His mother approached her and she sighed heavily. "Let him nap, it's better for him to not repress his instincts" she commented.

His grandmother stared in amazement and satisfaction at how comfortable Sasha was with having a werewolf for a boyfriend. "You know that high school relationships hardly work out. Are you seriously alright with them sleeping together" she said.

His mother looked over at her and frowned as she closed the door. "What are you getting at? Are you against them being together?" she asked.

She gulped and bit her lip. "I just don't like how feral werewolves act. He should be home studying not sleeping with a girl! It's a waste of time for him. They'll grow apart, and he'll have a dead end job at a Walmart!" she said before she crossed her arms over her chest. "I want him to have a good job. She's a nice girl, but I think she's too passive. She doesn't have the courage to tell a wild animal no" she said.

His mother shook her head and crossed her arms over her chest. "Mom, it's not like that. Toby's grades have been improving. Sasha's is not at all passive" she said before she shook her head at her. "Why can't you just accept that werewolves are different?" she asked.

His grandmother looked at his mother's stomach and frowned. "What if she gets knocked up? Can you raise more than one werewolf child by yourself" she asked.

His mother gasped as she placed her hand over her belly. "Mom, he's not going to knock her up! Tai is out on patrol right now...You'll get to meet him later" she said before she closed her eyes. "Honestly...there's a whole bunch of nasty things going on, and you're worried about Toby's sexuality?" she asked.

His grandmother closed her eyes and shook her head. "No, I just want things to be proper!" she said before she turned to leave her.

His mother sighed heavily. "Times are changing" she said as she left with her parents.


The next morning, Sasha woke up very refreshed and well rested, which she looked back at her snoozing beast taking up most of her bed and smiled with great satisfaction at the sight. Her loyal dog was adapted to sharing the bed with the large wolfman as she lay against his legs and rested her head onto his thigh. Her grandmother poked her head in checking in on them, and she stared at Toby's lupine features.

"Is he dangerous?" she teased as she advanced farther into the room. "Wow...look at those fangs, vicious" she said before she bravely reached over to examine his paw like hand. "And these lord! How are you not terrified?" she asked while smirking at her.

Sasha blushed as her grandmother inspected the supposed big bad wolf, which at the moment he looked pathetic and vulnerable with his upper lip stuck to the pillow and drool oozed out the corner of his mouth. He did not even notice her feeling up his hand or the fact he was in his anthro form at all. "Um, he's very dangerous and cuddly" Sasha said bashfully.

Her grandmother snickered watching him sticking his tongue out a couple of times like any canine would. "'re a lot braver than I would ever be" she joked. She dropped his hand back onto the bed before she looked back at her husband who was not too thrilled with her fiddling around with a werewolf's paw.

He did not know what to say, but she put her hand on her hip. "Oh, quit that! You should have figured it out last week that Toby is a part of our family" she spoke firmly before she looked back happily at her granddaughter as she was being pulled into Toby's chest. "I don't know much about werewolves, but from what I can see, I can see them potentially making amazing husbands" she said with a wink.

Sasha's eyes widened, and she bit her lip before her grandmother closed her eyes in deep thought. "I'm glad that they aren't as horrific as I thought. He's looks adorable when you look past that he could rip you in two" she said before she looked back at her husband in the door. "Let's go mister!" she spoke firmly as she left the room with him.

"Grandma?" Sasha called out. She waited for her grandmother to stop and face her before she got out of bed. "Do you want to be in my vlog? I've been thinking about maybe sending a positive message out there. What do you think?" she asked.

Her grandmother smirked. "Why I'd love to...what do you want me to do?" she asked.

Sasha smiled going over for her camera in her dresser. "Well, I was thinking maybe you do what you were doing before. I'll just do my little segment, then I'll cut it over to you trying to wake him up" she said.

Her grandmother laughed. "You don't think he'll mind it?" she asked. She shrugged at her question before she sat the camera on the tripod. Her grandmother came over to fix her hair before moved back over towards the bed.

She moved her chair onto the mark on the floor before she turned the camera on. "Hey y'all! It's me, MysticRedHead here! Now I've been getting a lot of comments in the past videos, and I want to let you know...Yes, I am seeing someone and no, it's not Ninjachicken. Now, that we are on that tidbit, this is the perfect opportunity to bring in my new segment..." she said before she cleared her throat.

"My Boyfriend is a Werewolf!" she said in a dramatic voice.

She smiled at the camera and tucked her hair behind her ear. "Now, I know I've been straying from my normal ghost related content. The reason being is that there's a whole lot of screwed up stuff going on here in Portland. It's so complicated that one answer leads to lots more questions, so you can understand all my research time has been devoted to werewolves.

Today is the day after Thanksgiving, and my folks invited To...err, my boyfriend and his folks over for dinner. Well, we aren't going to have leftovers...he's still passed out from his binge, but I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to show you what a werewolf looks like in more detail" she said before she took the camera off the tripod. She pointed the camera towards her grandmother holding Toby's massive paw like hand while fiddling with the black callus padding in his palm.

"Now, an interesting fact I found out is that werewolves have more than one form they can turn into. Their terminology for the many different forms is a little subjective, but this form that you see is called therian. What I've been told was that werewolves could eat up to seventy pounds of food easily. I would guess this big bad wolf could eat an entire deer based off from the way he massacred the dinner table" she said as her grandmother let go of his hand which he automatically pulled it up to his stomach to scratch at with while he licked his chops. Her grandmother started to play with his wolf ears, which she giggled to herself.

"You know his fur is real soft...You must have slept good last night" she remarked.

"Well, I'm going to need a bigger bed though" she said before she caught her mother walked in, and she crossed her arms over her chest not in a sign of protest but rather she was trying to hide something. "Sasha..." she said lowly. She seemed torn with something before she rubbed her head in pain. "...Can you please wake him up" she muttered.

Sasha frowned. "What? Why? What happened?" she asked before she started pushing at Toby's abdomen with all her might. "Hey! Wake up!" she spoke softly into his ear. He growled lowly, but eventually he opened one eye as her mother closed the door behind her.

"What?" He muttered before he let out a big yawn. He cocked his head cutely noticing the camera in her hand. "Have you been filming me!?" he raised his voice.

Her mother looked at her hand and gulped. "Toby...if I get cut while doing dishes...could I end up a werewolf?" she asked.

Toby sat up reverting into his anthro form staring at her in confusion. "Well...It could. How bad of a cut are we talking?" he asked.

Her mother shown her hand to them and the wound was nearly healed. "I just did this last night...and I was bleeding pretty bad" she said nervously. "Should I be worried?" she asked.

He stared at her and gulped. "Um...I don't know. I never heard of someone becoming a werewolf from doing dishes. I mean, you used soap right?" he asked as Sasha shook her head at him.

"It happened while I was putting the knives in the dishwasher. I'm only asking you this because I've been on Chemo for a couple months now and..." she said before she was interrupted.

"Oh, boy" She muttered before she also sat up. "Just don't worry mom...Toby will help you out" she said before she patted him on the shoulder. "Right?" she asked as her mother broke down and sobbed.

"I can't have this now!! Not with Mom and Dad here!" her mother shouted before she gritted her teeth. "What am I going to tell Nathan?" she muttered.

Sasha smiled faintly. "Mom, it's going to be okay! Maybe it's a good thing Grandma is here!" she said as she began to rub Toby's chest tenderly. "You think it'll be okay for everyone to come up to the mountains with us?" she whispered into his ear.

He gulped. "I think that was planned from the start...but...I don't know" he muttered. He scratched at his massive chest and yawned once more. "It'll all work out" he muttered to himself.

"I'll have to agree with him, Sandra. From what I've seen, these guys are just normal people" her grandmother said.

He nodded slowly before he glanced over at Sasha. "Are you still filming?" he asked.

She flinched and looked down at her camera before she quickly stopped it. "Well, I'll just edit it out. I'm just wanting to help out by showing everyone what you guys act like when you aren't so stressed know? They only know what you all are like from the news. Nothing but bad stuff is being said, so I thought this would help" she said.

He shrugged and smiled at her. "I see what you're getting at" he said before he scratched at the back of his head. "So how many subscribers do you got?" he asked.

She smiled at him. "I have almost a hundred thousand, but I'm going to take a while editing before I post it" she said.

He grinned. "Go for it! I think this will be a big step in the right direction" he said. She nodded and gave him a big hug. Her grandmother left the room with her mother before he let out a big sigh. "I'm sorry about my grandmother. She can be a little strict. She doesn't understand how wolves..." he said before Sasha squeezed his shoulder

"Toby, it's okay. You're not hurting anyone. Although I have to admit that I've been over-obsessive about you. I think it's cool that you aren't afraid to show me what werewolves are like" she said.

He nodded and took in a deep breath. "Yea. I'm glad that you keep an open mind about things" he said before he got out of bed. He put his clothes on after he reverted to his human form. "I can see where you get your open mindedness from" he commented.

She smiled weakly. "So what's your relationship with your grandparents like?" she asked.

He gave a half frown as he tried to place the right words to mind. "Well, my grandpa isn't quick to scold me for not acting human. He's like my mom in that sense. He's a lot more proud that I'm a werewolf than my grandma is. She views me as an embarrassment. She doesn't like to be reminded that I'm different, and she's got lupophobia real bad. You can only understand why she flips out whenever she sees me not in human form" he said.

She nodded slowly. "You think that's why she came off the rails when she saw us cuddling?" she asked.

"Tch, who knows!" he snapped.

Her eyes widened noticing this was a touchy subject with him. He noticed he had intimidated her, and he whimpered lowly. "I'm not going to allow her to change who I am" he said softly before he touched her shoulder.

She took a step closer towards him to place a hand over his heart. "Good...I like you the way you are" she said before she draped her hands behind his neck to look into his eyes deeply. "I can tell when you force yourself to act human, you become more neurotic" she said as she pulled him down in order to kiss him. As their lips parted, she kept him inches from her face. "From now on, I'm going to encourage you to act more wolf. There's no point in hiding's not good for you" she said.

He pressed his forehead into hers and murred. "If that's the case, I'm marking your dad's truck" he said.

She reached up to tug onto his ear. "No you're not! I said you can act like a wolf not like a jerk! I know he pisses you off but..." she scolded him.

He smirked evilly. "Yea, well I'm the alpha male, and he's challenging my position" he said.

She took a deep breath not sure if he was joking with her, so she released his ear. "I better not catch you pissing on my dad's truck Toby" she warned him.

He looked at her mischievously. "I can't help it" he said before she punched him in the arm causing him to snigger. "Alright, I'll do it when you're not looking" he said, which she punched him in the same spot even harder. "Ow! Okay! Okay! You can watch" he said before he bolted towards the door, which he mowed down Todd.

She shook her head and smiled at her innocent brother lying on his back submissively staring up at her confused. "What did I do to deserve this?" he asked.


A month later, Sasha rode in a van with her family, which her mate sat next to sharing his ear buds with her while providing her a warm comfy body to lean up against. She had packed on a couple more pounds, while her mother lost a lot of weight. Her father and grandfather had become worried about how much the family was changing, but her grandmother had great confidence in Toby keeping her family strong.

Sasha watched the rain quickly give to snow as they made it above snow elevation. Tai pulled over ahead of them, and they did the same to put on chains. Nathan sighed getting out and taking the chains out of the van. Toby climbed out and stretched, which her grandparents watched curiously as he wore no jacket or gloves.

Nathan set the chains on the ground before Toby grabbed a fender and lifted the van over with his incredible strength, for Nathan slid the chains under the wheel and strapped it on after Toby set it the van back to rest. They did this three more times before Toby cleaned off the grease and oil from his hands using snow.

Sasha smiled as he climbed back in, and her grandmother looked back at him impressed. "So are all werewolves able to lift cars that easily or are you one of the stronger ones?" she asked as she watched Tai back his truck over the chains like normal.

Toby cocked his head before Sasha snickered. "I'd say that the stronger ones can...Toby, Zoe, and her dad problem" she said proudly. She touched his shoulder and brushed off the snow before it dampened his clothes. He blushed as she continued brushing the snow off from him, but she smiled with approval of his deed. "He's like the purest of pure werewolves" she said.

Her grandmother looked at her puzzled. "Purest of pure? What do you mean by that exactly?" she asked.

Sasha beamed with pride with her find as she began patting her mate's shoulder roughly. "This big guy is blood related to the progenitor of werewolves. It's super rare to come across them...most you all see have been natural born to parents who have both been turned werewolf. With goes to the first one" she said.

Her grandmother gawked at him most impressed before smiled warmly. "Well, I'll just have to take your word for it" she said as she looked back outside becoming lost in her own thoughts.

Sasha soon huddled up against Toby once more as they got back onto the road. "It's really beautiful up here" she said amorously. She flinched as his hand slid behind her back before he ran his finger along her side up from her hip to her chest and back down again. When he looked back at her, she batted her eyes at him before she caressed the stubble on his chin. "I can't wait to get settled in with you, big bad" she said with a low purr in her voice.

Todd tried to ignore his sister and her boyfriend flirting with each other, so he turned up his music. His father looked into the mirror, and he shot Toby a very annoyed glare. He looked towards his wife who looked at him anxiously as her newly developed instincts and senses were bombarding her with a stew of responses every instant.

They finally ended up in a parking lot a mile away from the highway next to a lodge. Tom the inn keeper came out and greeted them, which he adjusted his glasses at the size of the party. "Well, I see everyone is accounted for" he said before he went to a large shed. Inside were a couple of large sleds, and he drug them out to the vehicles. "Alright, just load your things onto the sled, and your cabins will be on the top of the mountain" he said pointing towards the four thousand foot tall mountain towards their west.

Nathan looked at it and raised an eyebrow. "So how are we going to get there? That's nearly two miles and I don't see anything plowed! It'll take us several hours to get there!" he remarked. He had an idea of what the answer may be, but he thought it were crazy to think it.

Tom shook his head at him. "Well...that's why I got two sleds--one for luggage and one for passengers. Toby's built for strength and endurance. He can power you all up there in a half an hour" he said calmly before he swatted at Toby's back.

Todd groaned. "Aw! I don't want to be staring at Toby's huge werewolf butt the whole way!" he moaned.

Toby looked at him oddly. "Why are you thinking about my butt?" he asked.

Lilian and Sasha snickered before Todd gulped. "I'm not...I..." he said before he went quiet and stuffed his hands into his pockets. "Can we just go!" he shouted.

Sasha jumped onto Toby's back. "I'm going to ride you like a horse" she said before she blushed. "That didn't come out right!" she said as Todd snickered to himself.

Once everything was transferred and tied down to the sled, it was already dark, and Toby was strapped up to the heavier sled, which he had already transformed into his therian form. Her grandparents were shocked how his special clothes stretched around his form. Sasha helped strap special boots onto his digitigrade feet. She slapped at his ankle letting him know they were good to go before she climbed onto his back. "Alright, now mush!" she shouted.

He took off and pulled the cargo without problem, and Tai followed behind towing most of Sasha's family, which he was also in therian form. Todd and Lilian followed close by in anthro forms before Lilian stopped wincing in pain. Tai stopped instantly and looked back fearful for his mate. "What's wrong!?" he shouted anxiously.

Lilian rubbed her belly and waddled over to the sled. "I'm okay...I'm just getting beaten up" she said as she reverted to her human form. "That was a mistake" she muttered. Tai continued onward, but he looked back towards his mate a lot more frequently than he was prior. She looked up at him and forced a smile. "Don't worry about me! Toby did it while I was pregnant with him" she said reassuringly.


Meanwhile Toby had already gotten a lengthy lead, which Sasha wasted no time in flirting with the goliath. "You're so strong..." she said as she craftily slid her hand over his pectorals feeling how defined they were even underneath both coats of fur. "Wow, have you been working out, big bad?" she asked in an alluring tone.

He chuckled to himself. "I have...Zoe's been making me bench press a literal ton" he said in his deep ferocious voice. He looked back at the sled then at her. "Are you alright if I run these flat bits?" he asked.

She smirked at him before she reached up to rub behind his ear vigorously. "Do what you must big guy! I'm not letting go of you anytime soon!" she said, which she wrapped her arms and legs around him as he got on all fours. She gulped knowing the power that resided inside of him, and she clutched on tighter when he burst forth like a rocket.

Sasha moaned loudly in euphoria, which she blushed once he stopped to look at her oddly. "Are you al..." he asked before he sniffed the air, and he stared at her in shock. "Um...I'll just keep going" he muttered. He took off again, and Sasha did her best to muffle her vocalizations although not all of them went without restraint.

Once they arrived at the cabins, Sasha slid off from him and she gulped. "I'm sorry...I don't know what came over me" she said as she looked away blushing brightly. Toby chuckled to himself as he unstrapped himself and reverted to his human form before he wrapped his arms around her from behind.

"It's mating season...there's nothing wrong with it" he said before he snickered. "I made it extra bumpy for you once I found out" he said before she shot him a playful glare as she slugged him in the chest. He winked at her with an alluring growl before he went back to the sled to untie the supplies. "We have the cabin on the north edge..." he said before Sasha jumped onto his back from behind as he was bent over.

"I'm just going to have to get you back for that ride!" She told him before she bit into his neck. He looked back at her and murred lowly, and she proceeded to rake her nails over his chest grinning evilly. "You've been a very bad influence on me, big bad!" she scolded him seductively.

He grabbed their baggage from the sled before he walked over to their cabin after Sasha got off from him. She unlocked the door and looked around. "Where are the lights?" she asked feeling around on the wall.

He brought their things inside, and he pulled out his phone to use as a flashlight. He noticed plug-ins but no lights, but he chuckled to himself seeing how big the fireplace was. "Well...I'm guessing he designed this to be know, get us away from modern technology for a bit...let us be werewolves?" he said.

She huddled up next to him and crossed her arms over her chest. "So no lights or plumbing?" she asked. He scanned around, which there was a bathroom and inside was a light. When he walked into the kitchen, he flipped on a switch, and Sasha sighed in relief seeing the faucet. "Oh, good..." she muttered before she touched his chest gently. "Can you make a fire for me? I'll get everything set up" she said cutely.

He looked into her eyes deeply as her scent told him everything he needed to know. He went outside to chop wood, while she unpacked everything. She found stairs leading up to a loft over the kitchen where there was a giant bed facing large windows and open to the fireplace downstairs. She felt the fur blankets and got a sense of what her plans for the night was. Later on, everyone got settled into their cabins, and Toby got a big roaring fire. She surprised him with a meal she prepared special for them, which they ate in front of the fire.

She looked up at him amorously and scooted closer to him. "Toby...this place is really cozy" she said before she took a sip of her hot cocoa. She lay against him giggling to herself as she set her cup back onto the coffee table. "You know...Most stories involving a cabin deep in the wilderness and a werewolf usually end up in a lot of gore" she joked.

He snickered to himself as he set his cup down and allowed her to use him as a back rest. "Well, I'm glad to flip the script on this one" he said happily.

He reclined back and transformed into his anthro form, which his mate quickly climbed up on top of him. She grinned sheepishly as he watched her begin to give him a rub down. "I was thinking that maybe tonight will be the night we make things a little wild?" she asked. He stared at her confused before she gulped. "I want you to mate with me in this form...doggy style" she said shyly.

He went silent for a while before he cleared his throat. "Well, I suppose, but I thought you were supposed to be getting back at me?" he asked.

She grinned at him slyly before she reached down to cup his groin. "Oh I will...after you finish doing your wolf business with me" she said mischievously.

He snickered to himself before he placed his hand over her rump. "You've got my interest" he said before he began to grope her rear. "How bad do you want it?" he asked in a dominant tone.

She shivered as goosebumps started sprouting all over her body before she looked away timidly. " badly do you want it?" she said coyly.

His ears perked and pulled her up close to his warm body. "Just keep thinking about it! I'll end your suffering once I get done helping everyone get settled in" he said before he gave her rump a good swat.


The next morning, the sun shined off the eleven thousand foot peak and lit up the whole cabin with natural light. Sasha woke up and groaned running her hand through her messy hair as she sat up. The fireplace was crackling with a smoldering glow, and she looked around the cabin taking in the scenery. Toby rolled over in the bed and growled lowly, which she looked over at the impressive beast resting comfortably in the warm bed.

She reached over to caress the side of sated wolfman's face, which she smiled with satisfaction. The cabin was cold but not freezing, which the bed was kept so warm that she did not want to leave, however she was not going to let him sleep the shortest day of the year away, so she climbed on top of him straddling his base. He snarled and growled as she leaned in to kiss him on the nose rubbing his shoulder tenderly.

He woke up and saw her on top of him looking at him longingly. "Now that I have your about I pay you back for last night!" she said before she dove under the covers.

He cocked his head cutely as she started massaging his swollen pomelo sized orbs. "Toby, does it hurt running around with these things?" she asked.

He reached under to caress the back of her head welcoming the intimate sensations, and he murred with approval while reclining back in the bed. "Nah, they're only that big because I'm aroused" he informed her.

She tried lifting them away from his body and gasped. "This has to be like more than five pounds" she said before he laughed at her.

"Sasha, they aren't any heavier than your tits. I can manage" he told her, which she cackled.

"That's true, but I can handle having to get a larger bra" she said before the pulled the blanket off of her to see the shocked look on his face. She heaved her substantial sized knockers onto his stomach and giggled as she could tell he could feel their weight. "Happy Birthday" she said before she grabbed onto her breasts and spread them apart to slide his member between them. "I hope you can grow to like them" she said smirking.

He gulped as she stimulated his growth with her massive bags of body fat. He both liked then but grew concerned about how fast they have grown. "Have you had the doctor check them out?" he asked.

She looked up at hem and nodded sheepishly. "Yea...The doctor said that I have full blown juvenile gigantomastia, now. They said that if they did a reduction now, they would grow back especially if I'm planning to have kids" she said before she blushed. "They aren't bothering me none. Zoe said to just use them to my advantage, and that's just what I plan to do with 'em" she said.

He reverted into his human form, which she took the liberty in using her mouth to pleasure him. He let out a deep reassured sigh. "You know, you give a great blow job" he complimented.


Meanwhile Sasha's grandparents were in their cabin drinking coffee and eating buttered toast. The grandmother looked off to the snowy glazed mountains, and she sighed with content. "This place is splendid. I can't believe you were so hesitant in coming here" she said happily. Her husband nodded pretending to not have heard part of her statement, and he set his cup down on the table.

"I'd like to head into town later on. I was worried that we'd might have packed too much" he said before he looked towards his grandson sleeping on the hideaway bed. "You know...I wasn't expecting Todd to be staying in our cabin either" he said slightly irritated.

She snickered at him. "Well, I'd thought Sandra needed some alone time..." she said before she took another sip of coffee. "We had fun playing games last night didn't we?" she asked before she got up out of her chair. "Well, I'm going to get ready" she said before she grabbed her bag.

He frowned. "Are you perfectly fine with Sasha being alone with Toby?" he asked.

She laughed. "I would let any other boy around her...she absolutely adores him. I do see him as more of a son-in-law than just her boyfriend" she said.

He gave a slow nod before he took a sip of his mug. "I'm glad you feel the same. I really appreciate his altruism. You know, he kept those werewolves at bay even while injured" he said after he rested the cup onto the coaster. "You know what I don't understand about Nathan? Is that after everything that boy has done for this family, he won't show any gratitude. He's getting to the point where he's just saying one stupid thing after another" he said.

She glanced over at Todd and sighed. "I'm thinking that maybe it would be best to stay longer. My gut is telling me that things are going to get worse off. It's about our grandchildren after all" she said.

Todd slowly woke up and looked towards his grandfather. "Are you going to go skiing with us?" he asked.

His grandfather shook his head slowly. "No, I'm too old for that kind of thing. Your grandma and I are going to go to all the shops in town while you all have your fun" he said before he took another sip. "How would you like to go ice fishing with me tomorrow?" he asked.

Todd grinned. "You really think we'd catch any fish?" he asked.

His grandfather nodded confidently. "I know so...leave picking a spot all up to me now" he said.


Later in the evening, Toby thundered down the mountain on his snowboard catching everyone's attention. Sasha watched in awe as he performed many acrobatic tricks in the air and landing with perfect finesse. She forgot about practicing as his feats were growing more and more ridiculous, and she had to film him for an upcoming vlog. During his last pass, he was cut off by a less skilled snowboarder, so he made a last second diversion. To her horror, he took the jump awkwardly, and his board slid out from under him causing him to fall into a rail, which the errant boarder slid into his ribs snapping the board as they both fell off towards the side.

Toby winced as he picked himself up grabbing his ribs, and the ski patrol descended down seeing the errant boarder about to go into a scuffle with Toby. The boarder threw his ruined board to the ground before he tried to shove Toby shouting at him, "Hey! You trashed my board, you poser!"

Toby growled at him as he stood back up towering over the shorter boarder. "Go back to the bunny slope where you belong! These are for bigger kids!" he mocked him as he bumped his chest into the errant boarder.

Sasha rushed over on her skis, but a member of the ski patrol got there first, which they pushed them apart. She was very tall still shorter than Toby. "Hey! Cool it you two!" she said before the others caught up to them. She looked towards Toby sternly. "You better go to the infirmary!" she said firmly. Toby made a face before she pointed downhill. "You're done for today!" she raised her voice.

Toby growled lowly before Sasha came to his side. "It's not his fault! He got cut off!" she spoke up for him.

The ski patrol woman got up close and leaned into her ear. "Listen, get him out of my hair! I don't want a pissed off werewolf on my slopes!" she whispered into her ear.

Sasha gulped and looked at the ski patrol woman slightly intimidated before she nodded. "Yes, ma'am!" she muttered before she grabbed onto Toby's hand. "Let's go troublemaker!" she said affectionately. Toby picked up his board shooting the other skier the most intense murderous of glares, which she slowed up to get between them. "Hey! Look at me!" she raised her voice with authority.

He looked at her surprised never hearing her speak to him in such a way before. She frowned touching his side, which he cringed at its tenderness. She looked over at the ski patrol woman who was now scolding the skier before she looked back smiling faintly. "You were awesome! Now, let's go back, and I'll help you feel all better" she said in an amorous tone. His rage had gone away at that instant before he followed her back to the lodge.

Once they got back inside, she laid him belly down onto a couch in front of the lobby fireplace where she got on her knees to rub his sore spots. She smiled awkwardly as her breasts pressed into his back whenever she leaned in to apply pressure. She could tell some of the men were gawking at them, but she made sure to they knew she was taken. "How does that feel honey?" she asked a little louder than she would have normally.

"Mmm...more please" he said with content, so she resumed her rubdown. She leaned in all the way to reach in and feel up his side, which she caught him looking back at her with an amused grin.

Their parents soon found them, which they felt pretty bad for him. "What happened?" her mother asked.

Sasha sighed heavily. "Well...someone wiped him out. They sent us off before Toby could pound that guy into a pulp" she said before Toby looked over at them with discomfort. "I told him to wear a jacket! I'd bet he'd be wishing he listened to me" she joked.

His mother snickered at this. "Don't bother! Jackets are the sworn enemies to the Wolfgang bloodline!" she said before she reached over to ruffle her son's head. "I'll treat you to a nice juicy steak meal for your birthday! How about that?" she asked. She looked over at Sasha's parents and grinned. "I know the best restaurant around here. Nice big food portions and reasonably priced" she told them as she could hear Toby's stomach growl loudly, which she giggled. "Toby knows exactly the place" she added.

The ski patrol woman came in through the doors, which she lifted her goggles off and lowered her face mask looking straight at Toby's group. She smiled over at Lilian and rushed over grinning. "Lilian!" she shouted with glee before she hugged her from the side. "Look at you! You look pregnant!" She shrieked.

Lilian smiled. "This is my old coworker Haley! She's Zoe's sister" she explained.

Haley snickered. "I took after my mom more than my dad, thank goodness!" she said before she looked towards Toby. "My gosh! He's almost as big as Steele already? I remember when he was small enough to hold with one arm! Is it just me or was I taller than him a couple months ago!?" she shouted.

Lilian grinned. "You were about a couple inches taller, but I warned you to enjoy looking down at him, didn't I?" she asked.

Haley looked at her with amusement. "Hey! I'm not an idiot...I knew he was going to be freaking humongous!" she muttered before she looked towards Sasha. "Hey, thanks for helping out, I really didn't think I could keep him back" she said gratefully. She rolled her eyes. "I can't believe that dumbass! First he wants Toby to buy him a new board, then he starts hitting on me in front of Tyler! That guy was class!" she complained.

Lilian smiled. "Hey, why don't you and your hubby come to Charlie's with us?" she asked.

Haley smiled happily. "I'd love to..." she said happily before she looked towards the floor. "Things have never been the same without you guys!" she said as she looked towards a blonde haired man with average height walked over to her with blood on his jacket. Her eyes widened in horror knowing that it was not her husband's blood. "Oh god! You didn't beat him up did you?" she asked.

Tyler smirked. "Nope, he slipped and cracked his head open on the stairs. Broke him open like an egg!" he said before his stomach growled loudly. "Speaking of eggs...I'm in the mood for waffles!" he said.

"Can we go eat! I'm starving!" Toby groaned

Lilian giggled. "Hold on! We need to wait for Todd and Tai to get back!" she told him.

Toby pushed himself up off the couch and grumbled. "I'm going to find that twerp and drag him down the mountain if I have to!" he muttered before Sasha pressed her finger into his tender spot causing him to yelp and collapse to the ground.

She gave him a stern look, and Lilian snickered. "I taught her well" she said proudly.


They eventually made it to the restaurant in town, and they piled up a couple tables next to each other for the large group. Sasha sat between Toby and his mother, and she listened in on her conversation with Haley while Toby stuffed his gullet with steaks.

"So how's Toby's special training?" Haley asked as she started cutting into her fish. "Terry said that Zoe threw a conniption when she heard about what Jean was doing" she said.

Toby looked up and frowned. "I haven't done much. He just showed me some meditation techniques. Zoe's been making a big fuss about nothing" he said in between chews.

Haley rubbed the side of her head slowly. "Oh? Is that all he's doing to get you to harness lycaon form?" she asked.

Toby shook his head. "I've already done lycaon form. It's not a problem for me. What he's trying to get me to do is master transformations" he said.

Tyler stared at him in shock nearly choking on his food. "He can already go lycaon form at his age?" he shrieked.

Haley looked over at him and rolled her eyes at him before she sighed heavily. "You know Zoe can do the same thing too" she reminded him. She took a sip of her iced tea before she leaned back into her chair. "I heard Dad talking about mastering transformations...I think he said something about Zoe being able to do it on her own in time" she muttered trying to remember the conversation.

"What do you mean, in time?" Sasha asked.

Haley stared at her and gulped. "Let's just say that a lot of werewolves stared defecting once Peter died. Terry says that really bad things are going to happen really soon. That's why Dad and Jean have been so hell bent on pushing Toby along" she said before she looked into her glass. "I'm trying to help talk them into teaching Zoe. She knows what's up, and I know she'll want to be included" she said lowly.

Sasha gulped. "So are you going to fight too?" she asked.

Haley looked towards Tyler, and she frowned. "I'm a healer not a fighter...Lilian here would be too overwhelmed carrying twins while tending to the wounded alone" she said before she looked up at Lilian happily. "So how active are they? You look like you're having a cage match in there right now!" she joked.

Lilian giggled as she placed a hand over her bloated belly. "They are getting pretty crowded in there...We got to put up with this for only a couple more months" she said before she smiled over at Toby. "Toby almost popped out of me like a xenomorph!" she said.

Haley snickered to herself. "Oh god! That's terrible!" she joked before she looked at Sasha as she shifted in her chair uncomfortably. "What are you squirming around for?" she teased. Sasha blushed as her mother looked towards her curiously.

Her father cleared his throat and shook his head. "You're too young to be having a kid!" he said sternly.

She looked towards her father mortified. "Dad! I wasn't thinking about...puppies..." she said before she looked down at her lap.

He glared at her as he set his beer down. "You're trying to grow up too fast! I hope to god you don't get pregnant anytime soon! If your boyfriend wasn't what he is! I would..." he burst out before everyone glared at him with their arms crossed. He scowled at them. "What!? It's true! I'm not going to be intimidated from being a parent!" he raised his voice.

His wife closed her eyes and growled. "I think you've had enough to drink!" she raised her voice. She looked towards Toby worried. "If it weren't for Toby, we'd be a lot worse off! I think it's a good thing she has found a good boyfriend for once...If you're just allowing it because you're afraid he's going to rip your throat out, then maybe you are less brave than I thought you were Nathan! Tell me...are you afraid of me!?" she asked with extreme hostility.

He stared at her and gulped before Sasha's grandfather cleared his throat. "Back in the old days, marriages was a business decision. Having said that, I would look more into what Toby can do for our family. Let whatever happens happen. There's no use hating him for the spell he has her under, it's a part of what he is. He saved our asses back there! We would have went there with or without him being with us" he said as he took a swig of his flask.

Sasha looked towards Toby and frowned. "I'm sorry" she apologized before she glared at her father. "Why can't you just accept him? Is this how you really feel about him? He's just some monster that takes what he wants!?" she shouted.

He crossed his arms over his chest. "It's just an act! How can we not know if he's orchestrating this all to damn us all?" he muttered. "He's a god damn wolf, Sasha! Are you into bestiality!? You really want to fuck animals!?" he raised his voice pointed over at Toby.

Toby raised an eyebrow and Haley had to restrain her husband from decking Nathan in the face. "Hey! Moron! You better watch your tongue!" Tyler shouted as a couple of people started looking over at them.

Sandy looked at her husband very hurt. "So is that what I am now? Just a beast to you now?" she asked before she suddenly got up and rushed towards the bathroom quickly.

Nathan's eyes widened as Lilian and Aoife both got up and rushed over. He looked at his beer and frowned. "It's the alcohol talking..." he muttered.

Tyler crossed his arms over his chest. "Alcohol don't make you think those things! It just brings out your true bigoted feelings! If you're smart you better shut the fuck up. You're in wolf country right now!" he said firmly as he pointed behind him. "You better pray to whatever god you worship to that you don't get jumped when you take one foot out that door! 'Cause I'm not going to stop them!" he scolded him.

Marty gulped. "Come on, feelings can change...right?" he asked hoping that Nathan would be smart to recant his statements.

Haley sighed heavily. "If things were said to a thrall or an omega maybe, but...he just said this to an alpha's son...You just don't speak toxic hate to a beloved political figure without repercussions" she said.

Marty looked towards an empty table. "Where's Todd?" he asked.

Sasha's eyes darted towards Todd's spot, and her eyes widened in horror. "Oh no..." she muttered. She stood up before Toby grabbed her arm, and she looked at him worried. "We have to get him!" she shouted.

Toby sighed heavily. "Just give him's better if he doesn't see your father for a little while" he said lowly. He looked up at her father disappointed. "Clearly all those words of kindness were from your mother...not your father" he said before he looked up at a thin Inuit woman walking out from the bathroom, which their eyes met as she left the restaurant. She appeared to be very agitated and annoyed, which Sasha noticed the woman also.

She noticed that Toby had continued to stare at the door after fifteen seconds of the woman leaving, so she nudged him gently. "Who was that woman?" she asked lowly.

He looked back up at her and frowned. "I think that was Amarok just then" he muttered before Haley and Tyler looked up at him oddly. "...Wasn't' she the one who tried to kill these two earlier?" he asked pointing over to Marty and Nathan.

"Fuck! Are you serious!? That Bitch is back!?" Nathan slurred.