My Boyfriend is a Werewolf: Chapter 10

Story by OmuYasha on SoFurry

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After being captured by the Gammas, we learn that there are more sinister things afoot. Meanwhile our heroine is getting a lot more comfortable in being in a werewolf relationship. She gets to experience her first full moon with her werewolf lover, and things become a lot more adventurous for her as she learns that just because he's bigger, they can still have fun. Their fun gets interrupted as an unfortunate event happens to her family.

Chapter 10: All Hallows' Eve

Tai drove the van through backroads through forests and farmlands, and they finally pulled into a warehouse miles away from the school. Sea lions barked nearby, and the water thundered over a nearby waterfall. The large garage door closed and inside the warehouse was a safe room with one foot thick concrete walls and a thick heavy steel door. Tai got out of the truck as a group of cloaked people with masks emerged from the safe room. They formed a circle around the van as Tai opened the back door.

Olivia huddled in the corner crying in the fetal position as Bernie sat on a steel box in his anthro form with his arms crossed over his chest. "Alright! Get up!" he spoke firmly.

"Please don't kill me!" she shouted as she put her hands up to her face.

He rolled his eyes and grabbed her hand. "Let's go!" he shouted as he lifted her up roughly. "If you're going to act like an animal, I'm going to treat you like one!" he scolded her as he dragged her out of the van.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" she shouted as she was hauled into the safe room.

As the doors closed, she banged on the doors crying hysterically. He shook his head at her as she slid down the door. He frowned at her feeling some sympathy towards her. "Look, I have a daughter your age" he said before he sat down on a chair. "Now, do you know who sired you?" he asked.

She stared at him confused. "W-what the hell are you talking about!?" she shouted.

He growled lowly. "Who gave you werewolf powers!?" he boomed.

Her body trembled as she whimpered. "I...I don't know them" she said with a shaky voice. She looked at the ground. "He was just a person who told me that he could make me popular again, and he stuck me with a needle" she said.

His eyes widened. "Stuck you with a needle!?" he shouted.

She nodded before she reached over to rub her sore shoulder. "What's going to happen to me!?" she asked.

He sighed heavily. "We're going to assign you a case worker and get you rehabilitated" he said before he stood back up. "You're lucky my daughter got to you before Toby did..." he said before he scowled at her. "You'd be in a whole world of hurt if you laid a paw on Sasha" he scolded her.

She looked away. "I wasn't..." she muttered before her eyes widened in horror. "...Toby's a werewolf too?" she asked.

He stared at her surprised that she had not figured it out, but he soon nodded before he beckoned her. "Listen, it's not a bright idea to transform in front of a crowd of's also a stupid idea to attack an alpha male's mate at all, especially during mating season!" he lectured her.

She whimpered. "What is there left for me? Everything is over! I fucked up!" she muttered to herself.

He shook his head. "Being popular isn't everything in life. That stunt you pulled last night only made everyone side with Sasha more. She doesn't even care about being popular, and she acts herself not someone she isn't" he said.

She scowled at him. "They just like her because of her tits!" she muttered.

He laughed. "You act weak around her...even as a werewolf Sasha makes you insecure" he said to himself. He cleared his throat. "I'm pretty sure that Sasha taming Toby--the most feared student in the school--has something to do with her popularity" he said.

She went silent as she was reminded of the injuries Toby inflicted on students the past several years. "I guess so..." she muttered as she got up and walked over to a chair across from him. "So I won't be locked up?" she asked.

He shook his head. "You're just here until your case worker is here, and she'll take you home" he said before someone came inside with a platter filled with meats. "I bet you're starving...why don't you eat up?" he asked. She wasted no time in pouncing onto the platter and devouring the contents. He chuckled to himself. "I thought as much" he said before he pulled out his phone and sighed in boredom.


A week later, Sasha was spending a lazy Friday afternoon watching movies with her wolfman on the couch. She was very excited, for this night was a full moon, which she thought about her belief that it was suicide being in a same room with a werewolf on a night like this. Instead, here he was sprawled out on the couch shirtless, while she snuggled up under his arm watching Scooby Doo and the reluctant werewolf.

His mother walked in back from work, which she smiled happily. "Hey! I rented a cabin during winter break...would you like to stay a couple nights with us?" she asked.

Sasha's face lit up. "Ooh...I'd love to get snowed in with a pack of werewolves" she said before she winked at him. "Maybe your winter coat will have grown in by then" she said as she stroked his downy chest.

He blushed brightly, and his mother snickered. "Well, Toby does love to play in snow. He's more of a mountain werewolf if you know what I mean" she said.

Sasha nodded. "Yea...I can tell" she said before she scratched at his chest. "You're built for power not speed" she said.

He scowled at her. "Are you calling me slow?" he asked.

His mother snickered. "Yes, we are, now take my backhanded compliment" she teased.

Toby growled before Sasha swung her fist back into his chest. "Hush you!" she said under her breath.

Later that evening went on Sasha was in bed lying on top of a giant mass of fur caught up in the afterglow of their antics. The music played lowly in the background as a slow cool breeze blew in through the window. She groaned clutching onto his fur tightly as she looked into the eyes of her big lover. "I think Shaggy should have stayed a werewolf" she said as pushed off his chest to sit up.

She brushed her disheveled hair with her hands trying to bring some order back to it. She smiled as he set his mighty paw-like hand onto her hip giving it an appreciative rub. "You think so?" he said in a deep monstrous voice.

She leaned in and crossed her arms over his colossal chest smiling at him. "Yea...if you think about it...Shaggy was always a werewolf, and he could change back and forth. Maybe with a little practice he could master you" she said before she touched the underside of his maw and kissed him on the nose.

She smiled awkwardly. "This is still going to take some getting used to" she said as she ran her hand over his face smiling mischievously. "That was the weirdest way to have sex though. Are you werewolves always this kinky?" she asked.

He chuckled wholesomely. "Don't get used to it...Things become less interesting and predictable otherwise" he said before he licked her neck affectionately.

She sighed with content. "Alright! You definitely are interesting...though as for unpredictable..." she said before she started scratching behind his lupine ear. She grinned as his leg moved on its own accord. "...I will give that a maybe" she said smugly.

She scooted her way down his body. "Would you like to do it again?" she asked with a slight hint of red.

He let off a seductive growl and wagged his tail. "I am if you are" he said.

She licked her lips before she bit her bottom lip. "I'll try not to make a mess this time" she muttered feeling embarrassed.

He rolled his eyes. "It happens...just don't worry about the mess. Messes can get cleaned up" he said. She smiled faintly before she looked at him with hungry alluring eye as she began to press and rub her body against his.

She leaned in near his muzzle and rubbed the side of his neck blushing as she had urges. "I can't believe we're doing with you in this form. It feels so forbidden..." she said before she started kissing him on the nose before she moaned to his long tongue invading her mouth, which she allowed it to explore her mouth. It was extremely strong, firm, ductile, and it felt almost completely prehensile. She closed her eyes getting lost in her supernatural romance with a completely shifted werewolf on the night of a full moon, and she was completely turned on by the peril she was in as she wanted more from him.

She parted lips with him as she clutched onto his tufts of fur hanging off from his neck. "You're really something else you know that right?" she asked as she sat up and pulled her hair away from her face to flip it over her shoulders. "Let's this again" she said as she grabbed onto his lupine like shaft as she shimmied down to his loins where she straddled him with her folds touching his knot. She began to gyrate her hips against his length where her clitoris would rub up against it vigorously.

He chuckled evilly as he grabbed her hips to stop her. "How about you try this with your back lying against my belly. You can use your hands more effectively instead of usin'em for balance, right?" he asked.

She looked up at him surprised before she giggled doing as he asked. She lay back on his belly with her hands wrapped around the girth of his bone, and she started rubbing her thick thighs against his knot. He twitched and instinctively reached down to grab a hold of her hip. "Oh, man, that's the spot right there" he said.

She looked down at it curiously, which she smirked figuring out what to do with him as she reached down to give his knot a squeeze. He let out a loud groan as he began bucking his hips against her. She blushed as she looked down at his member pressing past her cleavage. "Man, you're really big in this form" she said.

In the midst of their tomfoolery, her cell phone started ringing on the night stand. He growled very irritated at the interruption, but he allowed her to reach for her phone. She looked at it and sighed lowly. "It's my mom" She said softly.

He sighed heavily closing his eyes and listened in on the conversation as she put her phone up to her ear. "Hello?" She asked.

"Where are you!? Are you still with, Toby!?" Her mother yelled frantically.

Sasha gulped. "Yea...why, what's wrong?" She asked.

"Todd got attacked by some's really bad!" her mother panicked.

He reached up to touch Sasha's shoulder to console her as he had a very bad feeling about the situation. "Where are you?" Sasha asked.

"Legacy Meridian Hospital" her mother said.

He gulped. "We'll take you there Sasha..." he said nervously.

Sasha stared at him in disbelief, and she put her finger over the receiver. "During a full moon? Are you crazy!?" she whispered to him. He reverted to his human form, and she stared at him. "Toby..." she muttered to herself before she removed her finger from the receiver. "Toby and his mom can take me...but it will take some time" she said.

"Let me talk to his mom" her mother said.

Sasha got up and rushed to the door. "Lilian!?" she hollered as she opened the door slightly.

Lilian hurried over to Sasha while holding her belly, which she looked up at the phone that Sasha hung out before she took it. "Hello?" she asked.

"Lilian? It's me, Sandy. Listen, can you look after Sasha. Todd got attacked by an animal, and they are keeping him over for the night. I know she'll be safe there with you" Sandy said.

Lilian sighed heavily. "Please let me know if you need anything else" she said.

"Thank you" Sandy said before she hung up.

Lilian handed Sasha back her phone and sighed. "This is no Bueno" she said.

Toby was extremely stressed out, and Sasha looked towards the floor. Lilian rubbed her head vigorously as a headache ensued. "Sasha, you're staying here for the night...I'll start making dinner soon" she said before she cleared her throat. "Finish up whatever you are doing and wash up" she said before she walked away.

He stood up and Sasha wondered over to him wrapping her arms around him. "Please turn back into a werewolf" she said before she smiled at him weakly. " you want to take a shower with me?" she asked hoping to distract him from his thoughts.

He let out a huge heavy sigh and shrugged his shoulders. "Come on!" she said as she tugged on his arm. "Let's not jump to conclusions here..." she said as she dragged him into the bathroom. He stared at the floor transforming into his anthro form, and as he entered the shower, he was quickly welcomed with a vigorous massage on his shoulder blades.

He growled lowly. "I can't help myself...I just hope that whatever bit Todd wasn't what I think it was" he muttered.

She sighed and pressed her breasts into his back hoping to distract him farther. "I just hope that he's not hurt badly" she said as she moved to massaging his shoulders. "Let's not think about it...please?" she asked.

He nodded slowly before he allowed the water take him immerse him into a deep meditation as his endearing mate felt up his chest and rubbed her breasts into his back. Her diversion actually worked, and they focused only on each other for the remainder of the night.

A week later, Todd came back; although, he was very ill. Lilian and Toby went over to Sasha's house to cheek on Todd, which he was still lying in bed miserable. Sasha sat on the hammock in the backyard lost in thought as her dog laid crosswise with her head nestled into her lap.

Toby nearly twisted the hammock over when he tried to sit on it. Her dog looked up at him and quickly jumped off to give her master time alone to the handsome wolfboy. "Are you alright?" he asked calmly.

She shook her head. "No..." she said lowly before she leaned into his frame. "Just hold me..."she said softly. He did as she asked and started rubbing her side tenderly, which she murred happily.

"Oh my god! 114 degrees!! Oh baby you're burning up" Sasha's mother yelled.

Toby's eye widened and he leaped out of the hammock shouting. "Schei_ß_e!" Sasha gulped and rushed after him as he flung the sliding glass door open almost shattering it.

Sasha's father looked at him worried. "Toby, do you know what's going on?" she asked which Sasha touched his back firmly knowing full well of his suspicions, but she herself did not want to believe for it to be true.

"Toby...this doesn't mean anything" Lilian said before she looked up at Sasha's father nervously and fearfully.

Toby growled. "With a temperature like that? He'd be dead by now, and you know it" he said lowly as he walked passed her. He made his way upstairs before Sasha's mother looked at him confused. "How he's doing?" He asked calmly.

She frowned at him. "He's shivering a lot, he's got a bad headache, he's sore all over even nowhere near the bite, he's complaining about stomach pains, and he said he's able to talk to dogs now...I'm going to take him back to the hospital" she said. Sasha and Lilian peered in through the doorway and watched on.

He cleared his throat. " about you give Todd something to eat...preferably raw meat" he said nervously.

Sasha's mother looked at him as if he was crazy. "Why raw?!" She yelled.

Lilian leaned in and whispered, "Toby, what are we going to do? There aren't that many case workers available. This will be the twenty-sixth survivor this month"

He sighed heavily. "I think we can help him for now. That is the backup plan isn't it?" He asked.

Lilian frowned as she bit her tongue. "Alright...if you think we can manage..." she muttered apprehensively.

"Mom, get Todd some raw meat to eat and a lot of it" Sasha said sternly.

"What!? Why!?" Her mom yelled.

"Trust us mom" Sasha said.

Her mom sighed. "Alright..." She said hesitantly as she left the room. She came back into the bedroom and ripped open the plastic.

Todd stared at them appalled. "I'm not eating that!" he protested.

"Todd! Trust me! Toby says that it is going to make you feel better. I know it sounds gross but believe me when I say he knows a lot about what you're going through than any of us do" Sasha said. Her mother raised an eyebrow but said nothing.

"Todd, tell me have you been having strong senses of hearing, smell, and sight as of late...and tell me...can you understand or think you can understand Makita?" Toby asked.

Todd stared at him speechless. "Yea wow how'd you know...why? What's wrong with me Toby?" he asked now sounding panicked.

Toby glanced over at Sasha's mother who was eyeing him suspiciously before he growled at him. "Just eat the meat, you aren't going to get sick from it...well not anymore" he said.

"What do you mean? Not anymore?" Todd asked.

Toby's eye twitched beginning to lose all patience with him. "Just eat it...cause if you don't I will ram it down your throat!" he shouted.

Todd gulped before he dug his hand into the meat and cringed. "My poor baby" his mother muttered as he took a bite.

"Wow, that actually tastes pretty good" Todd muttered before he smiled. "Hey, I feel much did you?" he said sounding much more lively.

Toby chuckled. "Just get some rest. I'll explain more about what's going on later. The main thing is that you're comfortable. Get some sleep pup. 'Cause boy you're going to need it" he said.

"Kay..." Todd said.

Sasha's mother's mouth was agape as she stared at her son amazed. "Toby whatever remedy that was, it worked...What exactly is wrong with him?" she asked.

"Oh nothing serious he just got bitten by a were..." Toby said before his mother slugged him in the shoulder. "...ow" Toby said.

"Bitten by what?" Sasha's mother asked.

"Wa, wa, a wombat!" Toby said abruptly.

"Idiot..." Lilian muttered in frustration.

Sasha quickly drug Toby passed her father and out into the backyard. She looked at him worried as they sat back down on the hammock. "So he's a thrall now?" She asked. Lilian met up with them outside as Nathan watched from afar.

He nodded slowly. "He's in the intermediate stage, but yea. Just make sure your mom or dad doesn't know until we come up with a plan. They'll just compound this little inconvenience" He said.

Lilian looked at him annoyed crossing her arms over her chest. "I don't think you can hide something this little from his parents...especially when they wake up in the middle of the night seeing a creature raiding the fridge" she said clearly very stressed out.

Sasha snickered. "So is nothing changed...only it's Todd instead of Dad" she joked.

Lilian giggled to herself before she quickly recovered. "Please, this is serious" she said.

Sasha smiled confidently. "Don't worry...I've got this handled. I think I've learned enough about you guys to help keep this buried" she said before she went for Toby's hand. "If anything happens I got him as my back up anyway" she said.

Nathan walked up to them with his arms crossed anxiously. "What's going on?" he asked.

Sasha smiled. "Nothing..." she said before she looked up towards her brother's bedroom window. "Todd's better now" she said.

"Oh, Thank god!" he muttered under his breath.


Another week passed, and Toby walked to Sasha house in his anthro form dressed up as a werewolf for Halloween. Sasha greeted him wearing her homecoming dress with a red hood and cape along with a wicker picnic basket. He gave her a seductive growl before her mother laughed as she caught a glimpse of him.

"Oh, look at you! That's costume is so awesome!" she told him before she waved at them. "I want to take a picture!" she shouted.

They made their way to the fireplace and she took several pictures with her phone. "I'm putting these all on Facebook!" she said.

Todd made his way downstairs dressed as the Incredible Hulk, but he stopped midway and gawked at Toby. "Whoa! Your costume looks so real!" he shouted as he continued his way downstairs.

Toby gave a toothy grin. "I'll be seeing you later!" he said as he walked off with Sasha.

As they walked through the neighborhood, trick-or-treaters and parents stared at him as they walked by. Once they arrived at Clare's mansion, Clare answered the door dressed up as a vampiress. She stared at Toby in awe before she looked him over with approval. "Whoa! Aren't you looking ferocious!" she said.

She looked towards Zoe who was dressed as an Amazonian Shewolf, which her friends were in disbelief. "Okay...where did you get your costumes? They look absolutely realistic" her friend said before she grabbed Toby's hand to examine his claws. She raised an eyebrow as her other friends stared on.

Clare laughed as she brushed by him. "Just don't scratch up the furniture" she said before she rushed into the kitchen. She stopped and looked back at him and Zoe amused. "You really don't lay off on the make-up effects do you?" she said before she slinked back into the kitchen.

Percy walked in from the dining room, and he was dressed up as Gabriel Van Helsing, which he stared at Toby intensely. "Stand back from her! Vile fiend!" he shouted before he shot a nerf dart at him from his crossbow.

To the crowd's amusement, Toby dodged it and ran through the living room up the stairs. Percy shot at Toby as he ran through the open walkway. Kari walked out of the bathroom only to be hit square in the forehead with a dart. Toby leaped off the walkway onto Percy knocking him down onto a giant bean bag chair.

Clare barged out of the living room and glared at Toby and Percy. "Hey! No rough housing!" she shouted. Zoe snickered as most of Clare's friends stared in astonishment, and Sasha pulled Toby up.

She pulled a newspaper rolled up and smacked Toby upside the head. "Bad! Bad Wolf!" she shouted playfully.

Clare's friends laughed and looked towards her with approval, and Kari walked down the stairs glaring at Percy and Toby. "Baka!" she shouted.

Sasha cocked her head cutely. "Who are you dressed as?" she asked Kari.

Kari smiled. "I'm Princess Kaguya Otsutsuki" she said before she sat down on the couch.

"So are we going to play cards against humanity or what?" the boy wearing the Kaonashi costume asked.


As they had their fun card game, Todd and Nate were running around the neighborhood trying to gather as much candy as possible. Todd gorged on his candy, which Nate looked at him concerned as they stopped at the neighborhood park.

"Uh, How much candy have you eaten?" he asked.

Todd looked at him oddly. "I don't know, why?" he replied.

Nate frowned. " bag is already full, and you hardly have any in there" he said shaking his bag.

Todd looked down at his bag full of empty wrappers, and he started to feel very nauseous. "I feel like I'm going to puke!" he said.

Nate raised an eyebrow. "We'll you picked all the chocolate bars you could find, what else would you expect?" he remarked.

Todd glared at him. "What are you talkin'..." he muttered before he threw up onto the sidewalk.

A group of teenagers who reeked of pumpkins were unfortunately in the path of the splatter, and they stopped looking at their costumes covered in a brown chunky mess. "The fuck!?" one of them shouted.

"You ruined my costume!" another shouted.

Todd threw up once more, and they jumped back. "Hey! Dumbass! That's not funny!" one of them shouted at Nate who could not stop laughing at the show.

Nate smirked at them. "It is" he said.

One of them stormed over and was about to grab onto Nate's collar before Todd threw up once more. "God damn it!" he shouted before he pushed Todd down to the ground.

Nate snickered. "You really look you're dressed up as Chicken curry!" he said before the teen threw a wild punch at him. Nate jumped back only for Todd to get hit instead, which he gasped. "Oh shit! Hey are you alright?" he asked.

Todd sat on the ground and started growling viciously, which Nate's eyes widened in horror. "Hey get the fuck out!" he shouted as he shoved the teen back.

The teen rolled his ankle off the curb and fell into the road looking at Todd's morphing face. "Holy shit!" he shouted before he ran off followed by the other teens.

Nate looked back at Todd as he ran into the park before he stopped vomiting once more, and Nate ran after him. "Hey! Stop! Wait up!" he shouted. He ran over to him seeing that he was wallowing in pain. "Hey, Todd! You alright?" He asked.

Todd clenched his teeth and grabbed his chest. "What's happening to me!?" he shouted out. He withdrew his hand, and he gasped at the sight of his claws. "I'm turning into a monster!" he shouted. Nate was busy on his phone with no interest with Todd's body horror crisis. "Nate? Nate!? I'm not joking!" he shouted for his attention.

Nate looked back at him apathetically. "I know, I heard..." he said before he looked at his phone again hoping that someone would reply back to his text message.


Meanwhile at Clare's mansion, Clare looked up at Sasha amused. "So Little Red...have you been making tuna fish sandwiches with big bad?" she asked.

Some of her friends snickered, and Sasha stared at her confused. "What?" she asked.

Toby looked towards Sasha and blushed as Zoe leaned over. "You know what tuna means don't you?" she asked.

Sasha's face went red. "Um, we weren't making tuna fish sandwiches" she said mortified.

Toby smirked before he pulled Sasha into his shoulder. "Hey, I prefer milkbones myself" he said before Zoe started snickering. Sasha looked towards them nervously as they stared at him confused, but she shivered and moaned to him nibbling into her neck.

Zoe pointed to her breasts. "Milk..." she explained before they all laughed at her explanation. "Anyway, I prefer eating a meatball footlong myself" she joked. Percy watched nervously as Toby continued nibbling into Sasha's neck before Zoe nudged him. "Hey you alright?" she asked before Toby and her phone started to vibrate. She jumped as she dug into her cleavage to see that her brother send her a text message.

"I think Todd is wolfing out" he texted.

Zoe immediately jumped out of her seat and leaned in behind Toby and Sasha. "You guys something is up with Todd" she muttered before she shown them her brother's text.

Toby sprang up helped Sasha onto her feet. "We'll be back!" Sasha shouted as they rushed out of the mansion.

Zoe unlocked the doors to her Nissan Xterra, and they quickly rushed in. Her phone vibrated as she turned the ignition switch, which her brother sent her another text. "We're at the park" it said.

Zoe read the message before she sped off towards the park. "What out for trick-or-treaters!" Sasha reminded her.

Zoe grumbled as she avoided the kids walking in the streets. "I've got it!" she raised her voice.


They pulled into the cul-de-sac, and Zoe parked her car next to a sheltered picnic area where Todd hid under a table. Nate looked over at them and waved, and Toby was the first over. Sasha and Zoe were not too far behind, which Todd stared at Zoe and Toby worried. "Toby...something's not right...I'm growing hair all over my body and my teeth are pointy. I cut my tongue on one of them" He said.

Zoe grinned flashing her fangs. "Looks like puberty is hitting ya hard pup" she teased.

Toby chuckled. "Just relax" He said. Sasha kneeled down smiling at Todd before she looked towards Toby curiously. Toby looked at her and gulped nervously. "Todd, I won't lie to you, were bitten by a werewolf" He said.

Todd stared at him in disbelief. "A what?" He yelled. His heart began to race, and he dove into a panic.

Toby got onto his knees and looked into Todd's eyes carefully. "You are going through the transition phase right now. Between you and me let me tell you, your life is going to change a lot. No more small meals for you anymore. I don't know who bit you, but I'll find out who did" He said.

Todd gulped as he touched his arm before he jerked his hand back. "You're a werewolf too?" He shrieked.

Toby nodded before Nate transformed in front of him. "We all are...well except your sister" he said.

Sasha patted Toby's shoulder before she rubbed his chest vigorously. "These are good werewolves, Todd" she said calmly before she leaned into Toby. "I've knew Toby was one for as long as we've been together" she said. Toby wrapped an arm around her and she sighed happily. "You're really really warm tonight" she said lowly as corrupt thoughts ran through her head.

He chuckled. "Nah, you're just really really cold" he said.

She giggled. "I about you warm me up, big bad" she said amorously, which he returned with a seductive growl.

Todd stared at them confused and whimpered. "I'm so scared...what happens during the full moons?" He asked.

"Full moon party! Ya...plenty of food and we'll have a place for you to crash" Nate shouted.

Toby sighed. "Don't worry Todd...we'll figure something out" he said before Sasha nodded before she looked up at him affectionately.

"You think he'll be alright then?" she asked.

Toby nodded. "Yea, he'll be fine..." he said before he cleared his throat. "And try to hold back on the chocolate, okay Todd?" he lectured him.

Nate laughed. "He threw up on pumpkin smashers!" he said.

They all laughed as Todd climbed out from under the picnic table. "Now just eat a couple of pieces of chocolate here and there, don't eat the whole bag" Zoe told him before she looked towards Toby. "Let's head back" she said as she started to head towards her Nissan.

Sasha got up with Toby before she ruffled Todd's head. "Have fun" she said cheerfully. She walked back to the car while happily huddled up underneath the wing of her large and very warm werewolf lover.

Todd watched on feeling an overwhelming good fortune to be a part of a very supportive werewolf community, and the monster he feared most of taking his sister way was going to help him be a proper monster. He looked towards Nate. "So what do we do now?" he asked.

Nate snickered. "Time for a second candy run" he said as he walked off.

Todd frowned. "What do you mean?" he asked.

Nate grinned back evilly. "We've got new costumes don't we?" he replied.

Todd looked shocked before a devious smirk crept upon his wolfboy lips. "You're a genius!" he shouted as he picked up his bag of candy.

Nate cleared his throat. "We're going to need to swap bags and those clothes" he said before he ran off. "Follow me!" he shouted.

"Hey! Slow down!" Todd shouted as he took off after them.

Nate laughed. "Why! Are you going to throw up on more people?" he shouted.

Todd snarled at him. "No! That was an accident!" he shouted.

They ran past dozens of children. "Hey watch it!" The parents shouted before their annoyed glares turned to bewildered stares. "What the heck?" they mumbled.


As Nate got home, his father was dressed up as a werewolf sheriff, and he stared at Todd before he held his hand up to plug his nose. "Oh man, did he eat chocolate or something? Go rinse your mouth out or something!" he shouted.

His mother popped out of the kitchen dressed as a werewolf maid. She snickered at her husband's reaction before she beckoned Todd. "Come here" she said.

Todd shyly wondered into the kitchen as Yvonne handed him a juice pouch. Nate wondered in, and she gave him one also. They both sat down at the table in the dining before Nate smirked. "So, mom...since Todd threw up all his candy...can we change and go again?" he asked.

His mother scowled at him. "That didn't stop you before" she said as she placed a hand on her hip. She looked towards Todd worried. "Though, I think Nate's other costume will fit you...let me go look for it, for a sec" she said before she wondered off.

Bernie came into the dining room to crack open the sliding glass door. "Jeez, you really know how to stink up the whole house!" he griped. He looked around for more candy as his youngest ran around the house with a fox costume.

"Yum! Yum!" he begged grabbing at his father's pant leg.

Bernie looked down at his pup before he ripped open a green laffy taffy packet and handed it off to him. The pup ran off through the house holding up the candy triumphantly.

Yvonne came back downstairs with another man just as big as Bernie. "Terry will go with you" she said as she handed Todd a wolf costume.

Nate frowned. "Aw! But why!? He's not even dressed up!" he protested.

Terry scowled at him. "I'm keeping you out of trouble turd face!" he said before he pulled his phone out and began texting. "It's not like I can't play the part" he muttered before he transformed into his anthro form.

Nate crossed his arms over his chest. "That's not fair! You have to put on a costume!" he muttered.

Terry gave a toothy grin. "I am...I'm a werewolf college student" he said.

Nate sighed in defeat as Yvonne ushered Todd into another room to get dressed in another costume. Bernie walked passed Terry and rolled his eyes before he sat down on the couch to watch the news, which they were talking about the big rivalry game, and his daughter's school being ranked number one in the nation.

Terry entered the room with his arms crossed. "So let me get this straight...there are no werewolves on any teams that Zoe's played against?" he asked.

Bernie grinned. "Sure there are...but she's in a whole different league...her and Toby are" he said.

Terry scowled. "Because they aren't worried to make a spectacle out of themselves?" he asked.

Bernie tittered. "No...our bloodline is very similar to the Wolfgang bloodline" he said before he leaned back. "Those two work well together...all the quality wolves live over here anyway. Everywhere else just has thralls and omegas" he said.

Terry sighed heavily. "So is Tigard going to put up much of a fight?" he asked.

Bernie grinned. "Not a chance" he said confidently.

Terry rolled his eyes. "Well, what's the point?" he muttered.

Bernie grumbled. "Why don't you play?" he asked.

Terry looked away. "It's just...I don't like the school making money of athletes, and the athletes don't see a dime...not even the students get their tuition's just a joke" he muttered,

Bernie sighed heavily. "Well...that's the capitalism my son" he said.

Terry shoved his hands in his pockets. "Wasn't this country founded on opportunity?" he asked.

Bernie looked at him worried. " was, but I guess some people get more opportunity than others" he said.

Terry shook his head. "That's ridiculous! And you just accept that?" he asked.

Bernie crossed his arms over his chest. "I don't, but our ways are different from humans anyway. We aren't run by corporations!" he said sternly.

Terry frowned. "I can't stand how everything is run like a business" he said.

Bernie sighed reaching over for his half bottle of beer. "You're a good kid. You'll make a great Alpha someday" he said before he took a swig of his beer. "Just so you know...some business isn't evil, but when they get too big to fail...they become tyrannical. It's so subliminal that everyone goes about their lives without a second thought" he said.

Terry looked towards his brother and sighed. "You guys about ready yet?" he asked.

"Just hold on!" Nate shouted as he was putting on a werewolf street fighter costume.

Terry looked back towards his father curiously. "So just what political system are we, exactly?" he asked.

Bernie paused for a moment before he looked down into his empty beer bottle. "Um, well...I would say socialist probably. We aren't capitalists I can tell you that" he said as he set his bottle back onto the coffee table. "You act like your mother sometimes?" he asked before he snickered to himself.

Yvonne walked downstairs with Todd, which she smiled at them. "Why don't you guys get going before all the candy is gone" she told them before she sat down on the couch beside her husband. "Terry?" she called. He looked up at her as she smiled gratefully. "Thank you for helping out" she said. Terry smiled faintly, and he followed the two wolfboys out before she finally leaned into her husband. "Shut off all the lights! I've already put Jake to bed" she said seductively as she ran her sharp claw up his throat.

Bernie smirked and jumped out switching off the lights as his wife pulled out canned whipped cream and cherries. "I hope you saved room for dessert" she said with an enthralling wink.

Bernie chuckled. "Mmmm...more than enough room" he said as he embraced her from behind and bit into her neck. She moaned heavily before she took his hand and dragged him off to their bedroom to mate.


It was nearly midnight once Toby and Sasha got back home. Her mother frowned not very enthusiastic about her daughter being home late, but she looked towards Toby grateful that he returned her daughter home safely. As Sasha went inside, her mother stayed outside, and she shut the door. Toby looked at her carefully as she examined him. "Just what has been going with my son, Mr. Wolf?" she asked.

Toby stared at her surprised. "I'm sorry?" he asked.

She crossed her arms over her chest. "I know what you are hun...there's no use hiding it from me" she said. He backed up as he began to panic as she reached over to lightly pin her finger onto his chest. "No, more secrets! I want to be able to trust you, Toby!" she said firmly.

She looked towards the window, which Sasha was looking out helplessly. Sasha quickly hid behind the curtain before her mother turn back to him. "I overheard your guys' skype conversation on more than one occasion..." she said lowly. She closed her eyes, and she rubbed her temple. "Yes or No, Was Todd bitten by a werewolf?" she asked. Toby nodded slowly before she looked towards the window seeing Sasha's eye peer out through the window. "Is Sasha one?" she asked.

He shook his head. "No, I keep that decision for her to make" he said nervously.

She gritted her teeth as she looked to the ground and rubbed the side of her head due to an onset of a migraine headache. "What the hell am I going to do?" she muttered.

He gulped. "He's still Todd" he mentioned before she looked up at him annoyed.

"It's my Husband I'm worried about!" She raised her voice slightly before they were interrupted by screaming from Todd's room.

He looked at her sternly. "I'm not going to allow your husband to hurt him. None of us want to see an innocent life be subject to the prejudice from someone who fears what they don't understand" he said.

She took in a deep breath and closed her eyes before she brought her hand to rub the bridge of her nose. "Thank you for your honesty" she said. She looked back at Sasha as she opened the door, and she smiled. "I'll allow you to be with him, okay?" she said.

Sasha stood beside her boyfriend and held onto his hand smiling from ear to ear at her mother's acceptance to his identity. "Really? You're okay with him being a werewolf?" she asked.

Her mother nodded smiling at how happy her daughter was. "Yea, I've heard what he and Zoe did. They've been protecting y'all during your little ghost hunts haven't they?" she asked.

Sasha nodded as looked up at him with pride. "They've been a very big help, and he can help us out with Todd. He's great with the werewolf pups" she said before they heard her father scream inside the house.

Toby immediately barged into the house, and Sasha followed him upstairs to Todd's room, which Todd was breathing heavily sweating profusely. He grunted and wheezed. He rolled to his side and made these canine-like moans. Toby looked at Sasha and her mother and pushed them back. "Give him some room" He said. Todd was starting his shift from his human form as Toby approached him slowly. Makita whimpered as she watched from a distance, while Todd rolled around grabbing his stomach in pain. His mouth foamed, and his body stiffened up.

"Relax, Todd!" Toby yelled before he frowned saddened. "Just stop resisting it" he said lowly. He looked towards Sasha's mother and her horrified expression as her son gasped for breath as he turned into his anthro form.

Todd watched in horror as his body spouted even more fur than before and his fingers swell up forming calluses. "Please help me!..." Todd yelled.

"You'll be fine" Toby said.

"What's going in here!?" Nathan yelled, which he looked at Todd's disfigured face, and he gasped.

Toby slammed the door in his face with a horse kick. "Talk later!!" he shouted. He looked back and saw Todd already had lupine ears and a tail. He crossed his arms over his chest and sighed leaning back against the door preventing Nathan to go inside.

Todd was growled at Toby, which Toby stared him down dominantly and growled back instinctively and was much more frightening than Todd's. Todd jumped through the screen of the opened window, and he ran off briskly.

"Shit!" Toby muttered as he ran towards the window. The bedroom door flew open, and he looked back at them next to the hole in the screen. "Uh, Sasha...your brother is loose" he said nervously.

"Holy smokes, well that's not good" She said as looked to see her father's jaw drop. She pulled out her phone and sent a text message. "I just told Zoe" she said.

Toby looked at her father a moment and gulped. "Welp...looks like I should go fetch Todd before he hurt's himself...or someone..." He said climbing up and jumping out the window. Toby transformed as he landed from the second story window. He ran off to find Todd, and Sasha's father's head popped out to see Toby jump the neighbor's fence and vanish into the night.