Hard Times: Chapter 2

Story by Amit_King on SoFurry

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#17 of Discontinued

Here's the second chapter of Hard Times, no yiff just yet though there should be some in the next chapter. Hand of Hell, Dragon Hunter and Lost Soldier are all ready to be proof read but my editor has RL in his face so it might take a bit of time so don't get your tails in a knot.

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The large group comprised of Xen and the other girls moved through the halls, furs and humans stepping aside to let the large females move through the hall since they seemed ready to run over anyone in their way. Soon their march slowed as they neared the male locker room. Xen slowly stopped some yards back, looking over her shoulder to her girls and giving a sly smirk, making some nod, others smile and giggle before the final bell rang. They had been waiting all day for this moment. Since the football team had practice today they would be going into the locker room soon.

It didn't take but a few moments after the bell had sounded before Ranner and his group of jocks sounded off from the end of the hall. Laughter at meaningless jokes and stupid noises that only a third grader would laugh about, moving into the locker room with all his friends. The girls moved quickly, making sure that no others on the football team made it into the locker room. Locking the door behind them, the girls entered, turning the corner of the privacy wall in front of the door and seeing most of the jocks standing around in full swing with nothing but their fur on. Only two were semi naked, and were just dropping their pants as a cheetah took notice that there was a group of girls staring at them.

A shout from the cheetah brought all attention to the girls as Xen stepped forward with a smile, her girls moving out and spreading out a bit as Ranner the quarterback moved forward, still completely naked.

"Sign outside said 'male lockers' so unless you got junk swinging between your legs get the fuck out!" With that Ranner let out a yell of pain as Xen took a nice pawfull of the fur between his legs, the large bull who was maybe just slightly bigger than Xen was now trying to keep himself from falling over.

Xen smiled, her right paw gripping his sheath sac firmly. "Seeing what you did to Trent I say that I've got more balls that you do, little boy." Releasing the bull's bits and shoving him back, Ranner immediately staggered back and fell, both of his paws between his clenched legs. The rest of the football team quickly rushed around him to make sure he was all right, as well as protect him from the other females as they all started toward the group of males. Ranner was the largest of the males, the others were all smaller than the approaching females.

Xen licked her lips as she gazed down at the males, cracking her knuckles while the other girls spread out, surrounding the males who now felt very small with their 'leader' on the ground clenching between his legs. "We're gonna have some fun with you and show you exactly how Trent felt." With that Xen reached out, grabbing the closest male to her, as did the other girls.

Slowly opening his eyes, the small fox found himself in a strange position, this wasn't his bed or his room it was far too comfy and homely to by his run down apartment. Sitting himself up and looking around before slipping off the bed, he immediately felt a breeze between his legs that caused him to jump back into the bed and curl up tightly in the large blanket. Poking his head out of the large blanket and looking around, he found a pair of boxer shorts and a tee shirt folded at the end of the bed. Reaching out and dressing himself under the blanket, he stepped off the bed, making it up neatly before moving out of the large room, obviously made for the large variety of furs.

Moving down a hallway he saw a few doors on either side of the hall, before spotting an opening in the hallway on his left, leading into another room. Peeking his head slightly from behind the corner he heard some noises coming from the room. Looking in, he saw a large living room with some couches, a large flat screen tv and a lot of fancy and expensive furniture. A light 'clang' caught Trent's attention and he looked to another doorless opening at the far right corner of the living room. Slowly moving over, peering around the corner found a kitchen that was completely white like the rest of the house, at least the parts that he had seen.

His eyes moved around the kitchen before he found the source of the noise, his ears fanned back as he saw a large polar bear moving around, making something that he couldn't see though smelt delicious, and it made his stomach growl gaining the bears attention. Turning and giving a smile to the little peeking fox, who gave a small yip and slipped back behind the corner. Trent looked around hoping he wasn't in trouble but a giggle came from the kitchen.

"Are you hungry there?" came a sweet voice from the kitchen and he slowly moved back over and peeked around the corner, seeing the polar bear placing some eggs with sausage and bacon on a plate.

Trent's stomach growled immediately and he couldn't help but feel his ears turn red as the polar bear giggled, then carried the plate over to a large kitchen table.

"Com'on then, don't let it get cold" the bear said happily and Trent slowly pulled himself from the wall and moved over to the large bear, who pulled out a chair for him.

When he had sat down the bear moved around to the other side of the table, sitting across from the small fox. Trent looked over the plate before shyly looking at the bear who was sitting across from him, her head resting in her left paw as she smiled at him, blushing from her smile before carefully taking the fork next to the plate and slowly eating.

Back in the locker room the girls had used the football team's shirts and pants to tie their paws behind their backs as well as gag them. They stripped the males down and had them sitting in a circle with their backs to one another in the middle of the shower room. Jem moved over and clacked her right hoof between the bulls legs, nearly clipping his sac, making him jump in fear and glare at the horse in front of him.

"What's that look for, don't like being bullied?" clacking her hoof again, making the bull jump just as much as the first time before rubbing his sheath with her hoof.

The gentle touch of her hoof got a reaction out of him, and the other girls began giggling as the bull's length slipped from his sheath. Embarrassment could be seen on the bulls face as he tried to control himself but ultimately failed as he reached full size, which for his size only made the girls laugh.

"Looks like the 'big man' isn't so big after all," Yui said with a giggle before moving over with a camera, making sure to take some pictures as Xen began talking.

"Now you all picked on our little boy Trent, we're gonna make you cry just as much as he did so hope you didn't have any plans for tonight."

Xen's words made several of the football team shiver while others mumbled curses through the clothing in their maws, spreading out the girls all moved around while Yui kept the camera out. "We're also gonna take pictures of you just so you don't try anything stupid."

Trent ate quietly under the watchful eye of the polar bear, once finished he fidgeted a bit and gave a surprised jump when the polar bear picked the plate in front of him up. Seeing the little fox jump made her smile and give a small giggle before taking the plate and silverware to the sink, then moved back and sat in front of the fox.

"So you must have some questions right, go head and ask hun" she said giving a friendly smile.

Trent looked up at the polar bear for a moment but then looked down. "Um...where's Xen?" he asked nervously, the bear seemed a bit surprised at his question but smiled.

"You're in a strangers house, in a place you don't know and the first thing you ask is 'Where's Xen?" Trent lowered his ears as the bear giggle.

"Don't worry hun, she's at school with all the other girls. They're having some fun right now I'd guess, they won't be here till late but your welcome to wait for them." Standing, the bear pushed in her chair. "Let's go to the den, watch some tv." Trent just nodded and followed the large polar bear, feeling as if he were a dwarf from her massive size.

He sat down on the white leather couch on the right side of a glass coffee table, another white leather couch on the other side. To his left on the wall on the side of where he entered the den the first time was a large fireplace, the front door was on the other side of the wall, through the fancy archway. Looking to the right as someone began talking, he saw the large plasma screen tv connected to the wall, with a large stereo system under it. The polar bear moved over and sat down on the couch he was on, giving a smile and pulling Trent over next to her.

Trent was moved like he was nothing, the polar bears muscled arm pulling him next to her like he weighed nothing and to her he probably did weigh nothing. He squirmed a bit as the bears left arm held him against her side before finding a comfortable spot, feeling the bear's soft fur around him. Looking to the TV as the bear changed the channel to cartoons, Trent felt somewhat out of place in the completely white room with large polar bear, watching cable for the first time in months, but snuggled up against the strange bear seemed to make everything alright.

Muffled cries came from the locker room shower as the girls took turns seeing who could make the boys cry the most without leaving visible marks. Arburn dug her foot claws down the cheetah's sac making him cry out, his fangs digging into the sock in his mouth as tears ran down his cheeks. Xem giggled and put more pressure on the bulls sac causing him to scream into the jersey in his mouth, Yui was standing back making sure to take pictures of what was happening while Erika just took to kicking the wolf in the stomach, making him hack and cough.

Nikki looked to Heather then toward Xen, moving toward the larger horse and whispering into her ear. Xen listened intently before smiling and giving an 'heh' before looking to Yui who gave a small 'eep' as she was pulled out of ear shot. Yui blinked as Xen explained something to her but then blushed and gave a giggle before moving back into the shower room with Xen.

Xen stood up getting all the girls attention "Alright girls, it's time to mark our little girls," The word 'mark' stood out and many of the males that were able to see straight focused in on Xen as she unzipped her pants. Heather and Erika hesitated a moment, but soon joined in with the other girls. Soon all the females were naked from the waist down. Xen spread her legs and placed her paw between her legs, making sure to angle herself right which was a little difficult without something to hold onto, but she managed, and soon Ranner felt a warm liquid splashing against his head.

The males cursed and struggled to get out of the way as every one of the the girls began 'marking' them just like they did to Trent. The girls didn't have that good an aim and most just splashed against chests and arms but they managed to get the point across. Once they were done a few of the males sighed, but Xen laughing caught their attention.

"We're not done yet" turning to Yui who was smiling innocently before turning around and lifting her tail up while the other girls backed away, Xen holding the camera up.

"Say cheese little boys" Xen taunted as many cried out their protests, only to cry out in pain as the horrid stench of a skunks spray filled the room, followed by several snaps of a digital camera.

Trent and the bear watched TV for hours, Trent feeling brave enough to ask a few questions, like where he was and what the polar bears name was. She laughed and told him her name again since he didn't seem to remember it from yesterday, though she wasn't mad about it since it had been a hard day for him. Trent found out a lot, the bear, Lisa, or Mom as she insisted Trent call her, was a former model for several big name fashion companies. She still was one, though it was mainly on the 'adult' side of the magazine world, something that she didn't go into detail with the little fox about.

Xen and the rest weren't her biological kids but adopted from abusive parents, Lisa herself was abused when she was younger and didn't like thinking that anyone else was treated like she was, Trent thought about asking what happened but didn't want to pry. Just when he was going to ask another question the front door opened, followed by laughter. Trent and Lisa looked over, seeing Xen and the other girls walk in. Trent felt the need to jump up and run over, but he remained seated, Lisa's arm pinning him helped keep him in place.

The girls walked into the den with smiles, Xen blinking and smiling to Trent sitting against her mother. Moving over everyone finds themselves spots, Xen and Yui on the couch with Lisa and Trent while Heather, Nikkia, Arburn and Erika sat across from them.

"So did you have a good day girls?" Lisa asked with a smile and they all nodded before starting to chatter about random things. Xen leaned down and scratched between Trent's ears getting his attention.

"How are you feeling?" she asked, and he gave a small smile.

"A bit better, though I'm sore." Xen nodded, and stretching rested her elbows on the back of the couch, soon everyone was watching TV.

Hours passed by before Xen stood and stretched then looked down at Trent. "Hey, should we get you home?" Trent looked up at Xen, fanning his ears back at the thought of leaving, but his thoughts turned to his father, wondering if he was worried of if he had even noticed.

Lisa stood, letting Trent go, and he felt strangely alone now that he was no longer pressed up against her, he also felt the coldness from the room waft over him. Slowly standing he looked up at Xen who smiled and pulled her keys from her pocket.

"We'll see if you can't stay over again but you need to let your parents know where you are."

Trent looked at the clock on the wall behind the other couch and lowered his ears.

"My dad's not home, he's still working," he said sadly. Lisa looked at the clock, seeing that it was near eight at night and blinked a bit confused.

"Your dad works at night?" she asked curiously, while the girls looked toward one another a bit.

"Yeah, I don't normally see him except for about thirty minutes when I get up for school, he works seven days a week to make as much money as he can."

"What about your mom, shouldn't we tell her that you're here?" This time, as Trent's ears lowered sadness seemed to surround the room as he hesitated.

"M...Mom's in the hospital, she's been there for almost two years now so I don't have to tell her," the sadness from the small fox spread to the girls immediately.

Xen, kneeling down slightly, pet the foxes head and pulled him into a hug, apologising to him softly while looking up to her mother, who shrugged softly and nodded before turning and moving into the kitchen.

"All right then Trent, you go ahead and sit down with the girls. I need to talk to mom about something." Xen ruffled Trent's head fur lightly and moved after Lisa into the kitchen, Trent moving back onto the couch shivered slightly from the cold, but before he knew it he was surrounded by girls. Nikki and Heather on either side of him while Yui asked him several questions really fast, Arburn being the only one to stay on the other couch, looking a bit confused, obviously not expecting everyone to suddenly pounce the small fox.

Trent blinked as he was surrounded and blushed furiously once again, just like the first time he was surrounded at school by all the girls. Xen smiled after watching all the girls surround the little fox, seeming to change the mood of the room, before moving back and looking at Lisa who was looking over some pictures, holding up one to the light.

"You and the girls really had a grudge against them, didn't think you, all were into CBT". Xen snorted.

"Hardly, just a bit of pain to get the point across, since they think they got so much balls we decided to kick them around a bit, they won't be walking right for a bit if they ever get out of the shower from Yui spraying them."

Lisa blinked. "You had Yui spray them? She's normally the passive one."

"Well, she likes Trent as much as the rest of us and you know how they abused her when she was little. Seeing the same thing happen to Trent probably set her off since she was actually happy to spray them."

Lisa set the photo down and leaned against the counter as giggles came from the girls in the den, and comments of how cute Trent looked when he was embarrassed.

"What do you plan on doing with him Xen?" Lisa asked, crossing her arms under her chest as Xen leaned against the kitchen table.

"He's not up for adoption like we were, even though he should be if he doesn't see his mother or father, though it's not their fault."

Lisa tilted her head. "That's not what I meant Xen, I know you would have helped him out if this had happened earlier in the year, but I also know that you have been watching him for a while and that means that you were going to bring him over to your little group."

Xen remained quiet as she stared at the wall in front of her, and after a moment Lisa sighed. "Look Xen, you know I never minded what you did with the girls and all the boys you brought home, your little playthings and those you've had walking around here like your own little slaves but this boy is different." Looking toward the bear as she spoke Xen listened carefully.

"He's submissive already and has grown attached to you as well as the other girls already. He's not like the others that you and the girls have had over here, he's more or less abandoned and once he grows attached to someone if you just have your fun and toss him aside he'll break, I taught you that years ago. People have limits and he's lucky he didn't reach his yesterday with what happened and now us finding that his mothers in the hospital and he doesn't see his father except for once every other day for only half and hour, his mental state must be a wreck."

Xen sighed and ruffled her hair as she thought. "I didn't know that he was in this bad a shape. I knew his brother was killed in a car accident, but I didn't know about his family like that and I really didn't expect to find him curled up in the boy's bathroom yesterday," Xen confessed before standing up and turning leaning forward with her paws against the kitchen table.

Lisa pushed herself off the counter. "Well Xen, you decide now before things get too deep, you gonna look after the little guy forever if you bring him into your little harem with the girls, or are you going to just keep him at a distance as a friend?" Lisa moved over pressing herself against Xen's back, giving her a hug from behind with one arm and petting her head with her other paw.

Xen leaned back, her mother smoothing back her mane as she thought. "I'll have to talk to the girls about it, Arburn, Heather and Nikki are the only ones I'd be worried about pushing him too far, 'if' he's as close to break as you say."

"If I was him I'd be near ready to break down right now, you know how to get things done Xen, be patient and he'll probably be a lot of fun...if you put the time into him."

With that Lisa kissed Xen's right ear and moved away, collecting the pictures and moving out of the kitchen through another arch right across from the one that lead to the den.

Xen sighed and moved back into the den finding that Trent had been stretched out by the girls and was murring as his stomach was rubbed, Yui holding his legs while Nikki leg him rest his head in her lap with Heather and Erika rubbing and scratching his stomach.

"Well, we'll see what the little guy says tonight then," Xen said, moving over and smiling as she leaned down, rubbing between Trent's ears and having him lean his head into her petting, looking extremely content while Arburn, the only one not surrounding the little fox watched TV.

Lost Soldier: 4, New World

Slowly opening his eyes Mike found himself laying against the cave wall with the pelt that he was first wrapped in covering his body. Lifting his head he gave a small grunt of pain from the dull ache of his muscles, the result of sleeping in...

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Scent of a Male: 3, Cabin 2

Here's the third chapter as promised, happy days for all. Vote and Comment like always. And as a heads up, this story will take a turn in one of the next two chapters. I hope ya'll enjoy it and yes the yiff will continue. \>:) * * * ...

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Lost Soldier: 3, Choice

A bit short from the other chapters but here's Chapter 3 of Lost Soldier. One of my editors is being worked hard and said that chapter three of Scent of a Male should be edited and sent to me on Sunday (Oct 18) so look out for it. ...

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