Journey to another world pt2 ch59

Story by Tootall on SoFurry

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#9 of Journey to Another World pt2

Journey to Another World 4

Ch. 9

Death, the end of being alive. The destruction or extinction of something. There are many forms of being dead, dead tired, dead to the world, worked to death. It was something else to be the bringer of death. It felt so strange to think that I was going to play the part of the Grim Reaper to these depraved souls who prayed on the Pokemon world, thinking it to be their own plaything, their own toy to do with as they saw fit. These thoughts and many others played through my mind as I raced towards the glass doors of the Team Galactic Headquarters.

Thoughts of my High School days flashed in front of my eyes. Of all the people who picked on me, called me names, and tormented me. Though I was long out of high school by this point it still didn't matter, as those memories would seem to never die and leave me in peace. At one point I even thought of what I was going to do to those people that did these things to me at our reunion. Most people say that, ‘Sticks and stones can break my bones, but names will never hurt me' but that is a lie. Though names don't show in the surface as damage, they damage the soul of the person.

Once I reached the doors, my heart was racing and I awaited for the doors to be pulled back. Once they were open enough, I looked inside and took in the surroundings. It was almost like walking into a waiting room at a high executive office. Behind a large L shaped desk sat a female grunt of the organization with her head lowered as if looking at something on her desk. She seemed to have not noticed my entrance, so I decided to play it cool for the moment. I slowly walked up to her and saw that she was filling out some kind of paperwork.

"Welcome to Team Galactic Electric Company. My name is Janice, how might I..." She looked up to me and stared slack jawed.

"I know that what I'm about to say might sound cliché, but I might as well say it." Then with the deepest sounding voice I spoke. "I AM THE BRINGER OF DEATH. I HAVE COME FOR WHAT IS MINE. IF YOU IMPEEDE MY SEARCH IN ANY WAY, YOU...WILL...DIE!" I slowly licked my lips as I drew out my long sword from my left hip that I'd taken right before I left the police station and then slowly licked the blade from bottom to the tip. "AND I WILL TAKE GREAT PLEASURE IN TAKING...YOUR...HEAD!" With that I brought my arm back with the sword, making sure she saw me do so, and quickly brought it around in a horizontal slash.

The girl let a death scream, before I stopped right at her neck. It was like my body was fighting against itself as I couldn't bring myself to actually take this girls life/head. The girl just looked up at my face then down at the arm that held the sword, shivered once, went limp, then fell to the side out of her chair. The chair skidded across the floor behind the desk and banged into the side of the wall. I don't know if it was her scream, or the chair, but just then I heard someone shout and turned and looked to my left to see two grunts and a doctor heading in my direction from down the corridor.

"What the hell do you think your...Oh shit!" The first grunt said, as I slowly turned my head to the side and lay it on my shoulder with my eyes wide.

"It's that red eyed freak." Said the second as he shakingly reached for his belt and his Pokemon.

The doctor didn't say anything as he just froze in fright. Seeing the two grunts, I remembered what I was here for and what I'd come here to do. "I'll give you three one chance. Tell me where my Lucario is, and I'll let you live." I said as I slowly turned the rest of the way around and faced the three. I slowly raised my blade upright with the blunt end facing them, then turned the blade towards them as a light caught the sword and sparkled in the artificial light.

Not one of them spoke as I could feel myself slowly slipping into the darkness which I thought I'd buried away since my high school days, though some part of me wanted to fight it back down, I needed it so I let it take over my body and mind. The next thing I knew, I was lunging at the second grunt, the blade dropped down my right side but quickly came back up in an upward like diagonal strike with my sword. The next second I was past the grunt and slowly turning around. The first grunt and the doctor looked at the second grunt that still had his hand near his belt.

Time finally caught up with us as their was a large spray of blood from the chest of the grunt, as they watched him fall to his knees then flat on his face, dead. I slowly turned back to the two living members and slowly raised my sword up to show them the blood slowly flowing down from the tip of the blade as a malicious smile slowly spread across my face. The two just looked at each other then ran out of the building, screaming.

From that point on things became to blurry to make things out in any kind of detail, as I lost myself to the darkness. It was like my present self was falling asleep while my subconscious was taking control. I had experienced this sensation before during a fight. Heck, it was how I fought most of my opponents during the Renaissance Fairs, but this was different, this was dark/sinister. The only thing that seemed to register was the sounds of screams, the splashing of blood on the walls, and the sound of a bowling ball or two falling on the floor and rolling off somewhere.

Eventually things started to clear as the screams started to die off and my dark subconscious retreated to where it hid. When the fog in my mind finally cleared I was in some sort of room that looked like a shed, but not a shed at the same time. It had the usual smells of dirt and the temperature was quite high, but it also had what looked like containers with large blue lids on the top and bottom of a green glass ball filled container with green fluid on either side of the walkway. "Where am I?" I looked around for a bit until I felt something wet on my shirt and pants. Though the green containers had some small L.E.D. lights on the tops and bottoms, they weren't bright enough to tell me what the wet marks on my cloths were.

‘I've got to focus. Can't worry about this wet stuff is right now. I've got to find Rena.' I said to myself as I looked behind me and shrugged. ‘I don't know where I am, but I think it best to keep moving forward since I obviously haven't found her yet.' I turned and looked back forward. ‘I've got a bad feeling that something bad happened back there and I don't want to know what happened back there.' So continuing at a slow pace as a shiver ran up my spine, I hugged the side of the walls and continued down the corridor of containers.

‘Maybe it is true. Maybe team Galactic really due use these things to provide power to this city. After all, their technology is vastly different than the stuff we've got back in my world.' Though, somehow I doubted that these things were used for that purpose. These containers were to large and probably weren't even used for that purpose. ‘Shoot. As far as I know, they could be using this green glop to do evil experiments on Pokemon, or be used for making clones like Mewtwo.'

As I neared the last container I saw another scientist standing in the middle of the room and quickly hid behind the last container. "Will someone answer me. Hello...?" He said as I saw him tap on a microphone that is attached to his shoulder. Unfortunately there is nothing but static on the other end. "Shit." He says as he drops his hand from the microphone and starts looking nervous. "First there are reports of that guy with the red eyes carrying a sword, then whoever sees the person screams, then doesn't speak again." At this point I can see the man is visibly shaking.

‘I guess I must have been knocking these guys unconscious again.' I thought to myself as an evil grin slowly spreads across my lips. ‘I can use his guys current fear to my advantage, and make him tell me where they're keeping Rena.' I nod to myself and quickly think up a evil movie plan/scene.

A dull scraping sound is heard from deep down the dark hall. Followed by a shuffle, then a clomp. The scientist starts to shake as he tries to look for the source of the sound that is echoing off the walls. The sounds are a little distant, but are steadily getting closer. Scrape, shuffle, clomp...scrape shuffle, clomp. The scientist fumbles around his pockets, pulls out a set of keys that he can't hold on to which drop to the floor, then he quickly falls to the floor to pick them up.

Once he gets them, he quickly jumps back to his feet and presses both his thumbs down on a small switch that activates a small white L.E.D. light that he aims down the hall. At first the light only shows an empty corridor, but the sounds are steadily getting closer. Eventually he slowly raises the light with his shaking hands and the light finds a pair of red shoes.

The scientist takes a long sigh as his shoulder droops. "Oh thank god. I thought I'd never get in touch wi...." He stops when he hears and sees the feet move. The left foot is drug along the ground making a shuffling like sound, while the right is lifted and clomps down as if broken at the ankle, then the sound of something sharp is drug across the ground. It takes only a moment of these sounds for him to notice that the dragging sound is that of a sword drenched in dried and crusty blood, which is being dragged point down lazily across the ground.

Fear grips the scientist as he shines the light back onto the feet and slowly raises the light up the thing. The thing has or had once had on blue pants, but now you can hardly tell by how red they are now. Eventually the light falls on the blood stained, gore splattered tatters of what once could have been called a shirt. The things left arm is like the rest it's body is covered in gore and hangs limply as if no longer usable at it's side, while the other holds tightly to the hilt of a long sword. The scientist is shaking so bad now that he can hardly shine the light strait anymore as it bounced on and off the thing. He is so afraid now of what the rest of his little light will show him as he backs up to a wall and presses himself as close to it as possible.

Eventually the light finally reaches the things face, and this is the only thing that seems to tell what this thing is. The face is that of a human, but like the shirt, it's face is covered in gore and stained with dried blood. The things hair is no better, as it looked to be in dreadlocks which were the color of dried blood and sticking out at weird angles.

"RRREEEEEEEENNNAAAAAA." The monster says slowly in a deep voice as drool leaks out a corner of it's limp mouth.

By this time the scientist can hardly keep in his lunch or hold back his bowels from disgust, horror, and sheer terror at the thought of what is going to happen to him. The thing speaks again, but is harder to understand as it's slobber is interfering with it's speech, and swivels it's head around on what can only be described as a broken neck.

The thing is only a few feet from him now, and is slowly starting to raise it's blade from the ground. Not knowing any better he tries to use his pen light like a light saber to find off the oncoming blade, but knows that he's done-for. A brain cell must have still been working in his overly taxed, scared shitless brain as he points with his right hand to another room. "I...I...D...don't k...know who that is." He stutters. "JUST SPARE ME!!!!!" He yells as he falls to the ground, grabs both his shoulders with either hand, drops his white light which plunging the hallway into sheer darkness.

He can feel the thing leaning in closer as he can now smell the rancid odor of death on it. It's breath comes in ragged breaths as he hears it scrape something off the ground. Somewhere deep down, he subconsciously looks up at the shadowy figures face. It lifts something up to it's chin, then a click and it's face is lit up by his pen light. The thing roars out a mighty scream as the scientist lets out a squeal, like that of a mouse, and falls limp down on the floor.

A few minutes later laughter can be heard down the corridor. ‘I can't believe that that actually worked. I guess all those years watching those zombie movies (Resident Evil) and participating in my share of haunted houses, finally paid off.' I laugh again, but stop when a rancid odor starts to permeate the area. I lean over the unconscious form of the scientist/receiver of my ultimate scare, and take a quick whiff. "Aww, gross. He actually shat himself." I reach over and pinch the bridge of my nose with one hand and use the other to try and disperse the smell.

Eventually I am unable to as I just move on and find a sink not far away. ‘I guess I must have reverted to my Halloween phase to get through this place.' I thought not knowing about the darkness within, as I cleaned off as much of the fake blood, or what I thought was fake blood off my body. ‘I don't even remember the formula that those haunted houses guys used to make fake blood. Oh well, at least it's coming off pretty easily.' I thought to myself as I scrubbed myself with my fingernails. Though that may have worked for the stuff that was on my skin, that did nothing for the cloths that were ripped up and heavily stained with the stuff.

So after all the blood was off my body, I looked about the room and nodded to myself. ‘Since their's nobody else in here, I think it's safe to go ahead and change into something more comfortable', I thought as I pulled out my Renaissance cloths. About ten minutes later, I was full dressed in the cloths and decided to continue my search for Rena as I tossed the old soiled ones into the nearest trashcan. ‘That scientist had better be right about where Rena is being kept.' I thought to myself as I strapped my belt on and attached my sword to my left side. ‘Hay Jenavee?' I called through the psychic link.

‘Donovin? Is that you?' She asked in a desperate sounding voice.

‘Ya it's me. Who else do you think can talk to you through this special link of ours?' I said in a jokingly mocking tone.

‘Oh thank the legendaries. I have been trying to reach out to you for about an hour now, but your mind was totally shut off to me.' She said in a worried tone. ‘What in the world have you been doing in there. I do not think I have ever heard that many screams in my entire life.'

‘Sorry about that Jenavee. I was using a new method to dispatch these grunts and I must have gotten caught up with my little act.' I told her.

‘Um... Do I even want to know what that method was?' She asked in a shaky tone.

‘Probably not. Anyways, I think I'm very close to finding Rena, and would like your help. So if you can please teleport down....'

‘You mean over. Donovin, you are not even in the same building anymore. You are in some sort of storage area next to the building that you went into.'

‘Ok... If you could teleport on over here then, I could probably use your help on dealing with anyone else that might still be down here.'

‘Why? What is wrong with your current method of, ‘dispatching these grunts' as you put it.' She said in a mocking/hurtful tone.

‘Oh come on Jenavee. I've been doing this for about an hour now, and could use some rest.' I whined to her.

‘Oh, alright. I will be right over.' She said as I slid my sword into it's sheath and tried to comb my hair into something that looked decent with my fingers. Trying to put it into some sort of style, if not all messed up my the fake blood. Eventually Jenavee appeared next to me with a flash and a popping sound. She took a long look around the area, then made a gagging sound and quickly pinched her nose. "By Mew. What in the world is that horrible smell?" She demanded.

I pointed to the unconscious scientist on the floor. "I think I scared him a little to well, with my new tactics."

"Boy I will say. It looks and smells like he ruined not only the front, but also the back of those pants he is wearing." She said as she moved a little farther away from the unconscious man. She looked over to me and nodded. "Alright. So where did he say Rena was being kept?" She asked.

I pointed to the doorframe that had a large uppercase G on the floor in front of it. "Before he passed out, he pointed towards this door. So I believe it's safe to assume that since I didn't find her in the main building, that we'll find her past that doorway." So taking her right hand in my left, the two of us headed towards the door and the rescue of my other love and Jenavee's sister.