An Unknown Under Tale - Chapter 1

Story by ShinyZoroark on SoFurry

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#2 of An Unknown Under Tale

WOO! It feels good to be back to this! So, last time we had a nice little introduction for our main story characters, and now we'll begin our descent into the meat of our story. This admittedly is a bit of a short chapter, but filled with just as many lovely cameos as before, I'm sure you guys will enjoy it! Alright, enough babbling form me, I'll see you at the end!


CJ sat upon one of the many leather stools lining the bar. He was mesmerized as he watched Grillby continuously clean one of the many glasses behind the counter. It wasn't that it was particularly interesting; maybe it was because the flames making up his being were just so warm in comparison to the cold of Snowdin that it put him in a state of contentment, or that he was drifting into the undertones of the smooth jazz playing from the old dusty jukebox in the corner that lulled his senses away from him.

He continued watching as Grillby finished with his glass and fixed the spectacles on his face. He walked into the back and CJ let his face fall into his arms.

"Or I'm just incredibly bored," he said to himself.

He had come out here just for a change of pace from the ever small and secluded ruins. Originally, Toriel had not been fond of the idea, but after fourteen years of living with the boy, she felt that perhaps it was time he ventured out to see more of the Underground. So equipped with only his clothes, his usual black T-shirt, a pair of worn jeans as well as a thicker parka to help against the cold, and a small satchel filled with a little food, including a piece of his mom's butterscotch-cinnamon pie, and some money, CJ went out of the ruins and into the cold landscape known as Snowdin.

And now here he was, sitting at the bar in the heart of the small, snowy town still with nothing to do. He looked around at the patrons that familiarized themselves with the establishment frequently.

The crew of dogs was playing their usual rounds of poker; Doggo was always so funny to him, smoking a new dog treat every time he lost a good hand, unwillingly pushing his gold to the center of the table and glaring at his friends with shifting eyes. There were another couple of people up at the bar just idly gossiping away as they ate the burgers Grillby brought out from the back. Surprisingly no one was sitting in the booths lined up against the walls, the sconces hanging overhead casting eerie shadows into the corners of them.

At first, this had all been very new and exciting, if not somewhat scary for him. He was used to the peaceful nature of many of the monsters from the ruins, from the cute little whimsun to the ever playful and dopey froggits, but soon, he found that this frozen place had its own very unique kind of charm, primarily from the two residential skeleton brothers.

CJ lifted his head and asked the newly returned Grillby for some fries and slid some gold coins over to him. The flame-man accepted the money and went to the back, returning shortly with a big plate of French fries. CJ's tail swung with delight as he dug into his food.

"Hey, buddy," said an unexpected, but familiar voice, "You want some ketchup with those?"

"Speak of the devil," CJ thought. He turned around to see one his favorite skeletons in the Underground.

"Sans!" he exclaimed through a mouthful of fries. "No thanks, last time I accepted that offer from you my French fries were lost under a sea of the stuff."

Sans chuckled and shrugged, the hood of his blue parka bouncing a little as he did.

"So what are you doing here?" CJ asked.

"Actually, I came here looking for you," the short skeleton replied, a mischievous look in his eyes. CJ looked at him puzzled as the skeleton continued. "You see, I wanted to know if you believe the rumors that monsters have been disappearing as of late."

The shark shook his head. He had only been in Snowdin a few weeks, so he hadn't heard many of the rumors floating around, but the idea that monsters would just up and disappear was a little startling to say the least.

"I had no idea," he replied.

Sans rubbed the back of his neck. "Well no matter, I suppose," he said, "Thing about rumors... nobody knows how true they really are." He turned away and started walking towards the door, but stopped. "Actually..." he began again, "There was one more thing I almost forgot to tell you."

CJ leaned over, eyes wide with curiosity. "What is it Sans?"

"Even though I've only known you for a short time, I can tell you have an overwhelming amount of kindness within you, CJ..." he paused for a moment, "Don't let anyone end that in you... even if it would mean ending something for them."

He waved a goodbye to the stunned shark and walked away, leaving him to his thoughts.

CJ looked down at the floor.

"What did he mean by that?" he pondered. "Does he honestly think that I could be a target for whatever might be going on?"

His train of thought was quickly interrupted by a massive gust of wind that blew through the bar as someone opened the door. Grillby merely stood there silently, flames wavering in the wind, as the newcomer walked inside and closed the entrance. He was wearing a garnet hooded jacket that was covering most of his face, save for a dark snout peaking from underneath and a pair of black jeans. He began walking towards the bar when he stopped only for a moment as Sans was walking by. It looked as though the skeleton said something quickly to the newcomer in passing. Not that it was very surprising to CJ. Sans seemed to know just about everyone in the Underground.

Sans proceeded out the door and the stranger continued up to the bar once more. He stopped at the stool next to CJ, but did not sit down. Rather, he motioned for Grillby to come over, to which the bartender acknowledged and did, if not a bit reluctantly.

"Have you seen anyone new come through town recently, barkeep?" the stranger asked in a very neutral toned voice, "I'm looking for someone." It wasn't extremely deep, but it seemed dark, almost uncaring in nature.

Grillby stood there for a moment, motionless and without responding before finally raising a flaming finger and pointing back at the newcomer. CJ couldn't contain himself as a burst of laughter leaping from his maw. The bartender never seemed to miss a beat when it came to retorts.

The stranger shot a glaring dark blue eye towards the shark, sufficiently stifling the ruse of laughter from the younger boy as CJ looked away and began whistling with the tune of the music. He turned back to Grillby.

"I see," he stated, "Thanks.

Without another word he turned and began walking out of the bar.

"Well that was strange," said one of the dogs playing poker.

"Who was that?" CJ inquired to no one in particular.

"Who knows?" Doggo responded.

"Who cares?" another monster laughed out.

CJ turned to Grillby, but the silent bartender just shrugged and went back to polishing his mugs. The shark didn't understand why he was so interested about this mysterious person. Perhaps it was because he just wanted to help people, or that he had an overpowering sense of curiosity about him, but whatever the case may be, he zipped up his parka, jumped off the stool and made out after the disappearing person, a silent Grillby raising an eyebrow in a curiosity of his own.


Heeheehee! Sans is seriously my favorite character in that game. Unfortunately I did not have the biggest role for him in this story, but I just had to put him in somewhere! And, I know I already stated that this was a bit of a shorter chapter, but I hope you guys enjoyed it! Now for your daily dose of brain tickling form your favorite furry! ME!

So I've lived in the same place for my whole life, but I've gone to Minneapolis quite a few times to visit family up there, and I can totally relate to CJ for not having anything to do in such a new environment, especially when you don't really know the area or the people very well. So, your QOTD: Have you ever been uprooted, either by yourself or your family, and moved to a new area and away from everything you were used to? If so, what was the scariest and most awesome moments of your move?

That's all for this time, my lovelies! I'll see you soon for our next amazing installment!