Spyro the untold stories-Chapter 7: New beginnings
#7 of Spyro:the Untold Stories
under 18? then you should not be here, if you are over 18 then read on!
The Chronicler did not know what to do; Paul was suddenly transformed into a dragon and he did not know what to do about it, or even react to Paul when he recovered.
The Chronicler heard a groaning sound coming from Paul's limp new form, he is become conscious again! The chronicler thought to himself as he looked over Paul concerned about how he would react.
Paul felt groggy and light-headed; the only thing he remembered was a bright light surrounding him and then a sudden flash and then darkness. He rubbed his eyes, trying to remember what happened to him, he opened his eyes and immediately saw the Chronicler over him looking stricken and very worried. What happened? He thought still really light headed and groggy.
"I don't know how to explain this to you Paul......" the chronicler paused and quickly continued "but you are a dragon..." he concluded, A WHAT!??!!! Paul thought to himself, suddenly all of his bleariness disappeared as he raised one of his hands to look at it. My PAW?!!! He quickly turned around to look at the rest of his body, Scales?!, Spikes?! A TAIL!!! Paul began to panic and hyperventilate thisisnothappeningthisisnothappeningthisisnothappening thisisnothappening, Paul forced himself to calm down and relax, after a few tense minutes he had slowed down his breathing to a normal rate and now he wanted answers to what exactly happened to him,
"Alright what happened to me?" asked Paul, but all what came out was a mess of hisses.
Confused, Paul tried again but yet again the only thing that came out was an unrecognisable mess of hisses. Saddened at his attempts to communicate Paul turned around and dragged his newly acquired tail into a corner and started to cry.
Still shocked at Paul's reaction to his new body, the Chronicler though to himself, the best thing I should do is to immediately contact the Guardians and tell them to rush over here as soon as possible, but before I do that, I will post some guards to watch over Paul encase he hurts himself or does something that he would regret.
While the Chronicler rushed to contact the Guardians, Paul had stopped crying and was looking at himself in detail in the privacy of his corner, he looked at his scales and he saw that they were deep blue in colour, while the scales on his chest were a white with a tinge of blue to them, and also his wings were the same colour as his scales, in addition to all this he had a very dangerous bladed tail piece that could cut an enemy in half with ease, this could give me the edge in an engagement over a group of apes. He walked out of the corner and into the centre of the room, which was now empty. And he spread his wings and experimentally flapped them; he felt his front paws being lifted off the ground, after a few minutes of experimentally flapping his wings, Paul decided to see if he could fly, I think that the best chance of me getting into the air would be from a running take off, Paul thought to himself as he prepared to fly.
He ran forward as he could flap with his wings downward at every available moment and hopping, trying to get enough lift for him to get airborne. It took him several hours and endless tries but he had finally made it, he was flying... (Well as best as a human, just transformed into dragon person could do anyway)
Soon enough the Guardians were on their way at top speed to reach the Island were the Chronicler lived; with them were Eve, Spyro, Sparx and Cynder. They were all concerned about the news concerning Paul being a dragon, Eve being more worried than all of the others about what happened to Paul.
The chronicler entered the room were Paul was, to see him happily zooming around the cavern...flying.
"Well it did not take you long to find out how to fly there Paul." Said the chronicler eagerly watching him fly about.
Paul looked at him and nodded, he tried to speak to the chronicler. "thissssss feelsss greattt!" Paul slurred, still trying to get used to his long draconic tongue, I can't believe how great this feels! Thought Paul gently gliding though the air, he climbed higher and dived straight towards the ground, tucking in his wings he picked up speed. The ground rushing up to meet him, what is he doing! The chronicler thought as he looked on in horror as Paul dived towards the ground.
Pull up Paul you are going to kill yourself! Paul's speed increased as he got closer to the ground.
Paul snapped his wings open and pulled up from his dive, missing the ground by mere metres as he gained altitude and shot back up to the top of the cavern. He did this many times over, rising into the heights and then diving down and seeing how close he got the ground before having to open his wings and levelling out. With each dive that Paul performed the chronicler got more worried at what the Guardians would say when they saw the now dragon Paul.
Then the Chronicler's worries came to life as he saw the Guardians enter the massive cavern,
"Where is Paul?" asked Ignitus concerned
"Look up and you will find Paul, Ignitus"
Ignitus and all of the other Guardians looked up and saw Paul happily dive bombing to see how close to the ground he could get before having to pull out of his dive and into a glide. ~
"Paul?" said eve aloud not knowing if it was him or not.
Paul instantly dropped into a dive, the ground rushed up to meet him as he continued in his dive, at the last possible second Paul snapped open his wings and pulled out of his dive and into a glide. But as he pulled out into a glide and got closer to the ground, something knocked him from the sky and they both tumbled to the floor, they skidded for across the floor coming to a stop right in front of the guardians.
When Paul recovered a few seconds later from his crash, he realized that he was lying right in front of the guardians and the chronicler who were all looking at him with a look of shock and bewilderment.
Summoning up the courage to speak, Ignitus stepped forward
"Well, Paul you have gone though quite a change since I last saw you."
"Yeah, it looks like I have" replied Paul in a blunt tone.
Finally I have got my voice back! Paul thought to himself as he got up from the floor.
"Paul?" a concerned and worried voice exclaimed from the floor.
Paul turned and his eyes widened in disbelieve and shock, there was Eve still on the floor and looking at Paul with a face very similar to his.
"Paul is that really you?"
Paul nodded as a lump started to form in his throat, unable to respond so he just nodded his head.
Instead of crying out with joy about Paul being alive and how happy she was, Eve just simply broke down and started to cry.
Upon seeing Eve upset in this way, Paul tried to comfort her as best as he could, Paul looked up from the ground at the guardians and the chronicler and softly spoke to them.
"Could you please give us a few minutes alone?" asked Paul
The guardians just silently nodded in response and turned to leave the cavern. Once they left Paul turned to talk to Eve.
"Eve, it is ok, I am here" said Paul gently, still trying to understand why Eve is suddenly crying at seeing him.
Eve just nodded and looked up at Paul and took a deep breath before beginning, ~
"What happened to you Paul?"
"I don't know, I was standing next to the Chronicler, then this bright blue light started to spin and surround my body, then there was a flash of light then, I must of blacked out because, the next thing I wake up and I am a dragon" replied Paul, watching Eve not wondering what she will do next.
"Oh" said Eve in a small voice.
Paul sensing that something was not right and he tried to reassure her,
"Eve, I am still the same person that you know as the human Paul except that I am now a dragon and my feelings towards you have not changed at all, since I have been transformed." Said Paul, hoping it would reassure he that he is still the same person (Err....dragon).
"I know Paul, I know" replied Eve in an even lower voice that before
Paul looked at the door and saw that Ignitus was looking at them from the doorway. "Come on, we need to get back to the others" said Paul gently lifting Eve off the ground
"Thanks for helping me up." Replied Eve as Paul effortlessly lifted her off the ground and onto her paws.
The guardians, Cynder, Sparx, Eve, and Spyro were standing on the balcony just about to take off all of them waiting patiently for Paul to finish saying his goodbyes to the Chronicler.
"Thanks for everything" said Paul still not knowing what to say to such a figure
"It was my pleasure Paul, I am looking forward to seeing you again in the near future" rumbled the Chronicler, looking at Paul.
"You better get going Paul that is if you want to get to the dragon temple by morning" continued the Chronicler giving Paul one last smile before turning back and walking down the corridor.
To be continued in Chapter 8