The Mourning After - Chapter 16 (Shadows of the Past)

Story by Malakye on SoFurry

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#17 of Malakye's Story - Part 3 (The Mourning After)

A little later than planned, due to myself being on nightshift this week I was simply too tired to post it. But it's here now and we get right back into the action and find out what happened after the fight and Malakye's sudden reappearance. Enjoy.

The Encyclopedia I have written detailing places, races and various parts of history will come in handy if you come across a word or phrase with a * at the end of it. This symbol () depicts that there is an entry in the Encyclopedia so you can have a more indepth knowledge on the subject at a moments notice.

This story will have mature and adult rated chapters along the way, if you find yourself unable to find missing chapters please check that your age-rating (or your SFW settings) are set appropriately so you can view them before notifying me. This happens a lot more than you'd think!

I always appreciate feedback and constructive criticism.*******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************

Kamir was struck by the buffeting winds, and although he had braced himself it staggered him backwards. his leg caught on the low wall the ran along the edge of the parapet and he fell. I couldn't believe what I had just seen. Jovani ran to the spot Kamir had fallen from and looked down. I knew that on the other side there was a sheer drop off the cliff face. Jovani turned and motioned that it was all clear and I breathed a sigh of relief and turned to face my son. He had fallen unconscious and was bleeding on the cold ground. I gathered him into my arms and attempted to rouse him but I got no response. He felt so cold... but he was still breathing. He needed medical attention! I heard Jovani approaching in a run.

"Give me your cloak!" I barked.

Jovani didn't hesitate and a moment later I was wrapping Malakye in it to try and keep him warm. I needed to get him to Callidus! I looked towards the inner gate, no one to be seen. Callidus must be watching from a distance. He wouldn't risk the warriors lives carelessly. The inner gate was the only way into Zangar from here.

"Jovani get Callidus!" I ordered.

"Here Master?"

"No... I need to get Malakye somewhere warm!" I said as I hoisted Malakye up with me as I stood. He was heavy, but I would manage. "I'm taking him home!"

"Yes Master!" Jovani said as he took off towards the gate.

"JOVANI!" I yelled after him. He stopped and turned. "Don't tell anyone what happened! Just get Callidus!

I'm honestly not sure why I gave him that order at that time. But I was silently relieved when he nodded in understanding and continued to run to find Callidus. Why did I tell him not to mention Malakye? I was certain beyond any doubt that this was Malakye. My son returned from the dead! But there were too many questions. Where had he been all this time? Why did his eyes glow red? As soon as word got out about his miraculous reappearance questions would be asked. Questions I didn't have the answer to. Questions I didn't want to try and answer until I had the truth. But the only way I was going to get the answers I wanted was from Malakye himself!*******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************





"Callidus! He's my son! You expect me to just sit here?!" Kaldor dejected, his huge body tensed and his paws in tight fists as he visibly shook.

I could feel his nen flaring as his emotions rose, I could feel him trying to suppress his nen but Kaldor was an emotional drake. He has been my lifelong friend, and I knew he was struggling, barely holding back his emotions, as we sat in the balcony that over looked the arena. It had taken a lot of effort to drag him away from Malakye's bedside, but I had managed to get him here. But now his patience was wearing thin as the final match of the preliminary rounds of the first tournament was about to begin.

"I expect you to sit there and carry out your duty!" I countered. "You went against my wishes and held the tournament despite the imminent threat to Zangar and its citizens of a potential demon attack! You missed the festival last night while watching over your son as he slept!" I took a deep breath. The situation would not improve if I lost my temper here.

"It was your wish to hold the tournament despite what had happened, so you will carry out your duty!"


"I know it's Malakye!" I cut him off, glancing back towards the door behind to ensure no-one was listening. "And I can respect that you want to be there for him. But he's been unconscious for three days! Jovani is watching him right now and you will be notified the moment something changes!" That seemed to pacify him slightly.

It was his right as a father to sit by his sons bed until he woke up. But it was his duty to attend the tournament and bear witness. Partly I was making him do this as retribution for his earlier stubbornness. I felt a little guilty about it, but this needed to be done.

Kaldor wanted Malakye's presence to be kept secret until he got to talk to him. A wise move in my opinion. But it had been difficult enough to cover for his absence last night during the festival dance. If he didn't turn up for the tournament then everyone would know something was wrong.

"If it makes you feel better I shall go and check on him." I said as I rose from my sear. "I should tend to his injuries again anyway."

After the battle Jovani had come and told me to report to the Anaris house immediately. I used water healing to stabilise Malakye and stop the worst of the bleeding. The fight had been brutal if his injuries were anything to go by. I couldn't do much for the internal injuries but the external ones I could at least accelerate his healing and prevent infection from setting in using my water healing techniques.

"I should..."

"Stay right here!" I growled at him. My words cut him off and stopped him from rising from his seat. "I will make sure he is well and stay with him until the tournament is over."


"I understand Kaldor. I truly do." I rested my paw on his shoulder and shared a moment of silent understanding with him before heading towards the curtained door.

I left the arena without encountering anyone, every ones attention was on the fights. Zangar was almost like a ghost town. Nearly everyone was at the tournament. It was unnerving seeing it this deserted. I ignored my unease by thinking about Malakye. His appearance, or should I say reappearance, was a shock. I had thought him long dead. Where had he been for all this time? Nearly eight seasons had passed since the battle with the wolves.

Had he been captured by the wolves? Perhaps sold into slavery? No... the wolves would not pass up the chance to kill a dragon, let alone a son of the Anaris house. Then where had he been? From what Kaldor had told me he had grown much stronger than before. He had been able to deflect Kamir's flames. Another mystery. Then there was the issue of how the public would react to his sudden reappearance. Would he be met as a hero or with suspicion?

I hadn't discarded the possibility that he was working with the wolves. The whole fight against Kamir a ploy for us to accept him back with open arms as he spied on us for them. Or perhaps he would attempt to assassinate myself and Kaldor? Our deaths would make Zangar vulnerable to another attack from the wolves. Zangar might even rip itself apart in the wake of our deaths as the nobles fought to seize power. I doubted that, the seven dead wolves seemed like a steep cost to convince us that the fight between Malakye and Zaraki was anything but real. But I wasn't going to let my guard down so easily if there was the slightest chance the wolves could come up with such a scheme.

Then there is the whole business with the demon that Xavier and Stern encountered. They didn't actually get a good look at it, so what if it wasn't a demon but Malakye? That would at least explain why it fled from them despite clearly being able to kill all those wolves so quickly. If Malakye is truly strong enough to fight Kamir on equal footing then he would easily be able to take out a pack of wolves by himself.

Too many unknowns... I was speculating at best. Perhaps there was still a demon roaming the mountains. Since his appearance my mind had not stopped running through various scenarios of where Malakye had been, some of which were too far fetched for me to believe that I had even thought of them. We will only get an answer once he regains conciousness.

Lost in my thoughts I had barely realised I was already approaching the main entrance to the the Anaris house. The huge metal doors which bore the house symbol stood almost menacingly as I approached, giving me an ominous feeling as my mind ran through the worst case scenarios of the events that would follow Malakye's waking.

I could kill him and stop any of them from happening.

Impossible. Kaldor would kill me, and I don't think I could live with myself. There was not enough evidence to support the idea that Malakye was working with the wolves. But if it became apparent that he was. Kaldor's son or not, I would kill him!

I didn't bother knocking I just pushed the heavy steel door open and entered. One of the servants seemed surprised, having stopped in their tracks as they were carrying a bucket to carry out their duties. The poor young dragoness stared at me wide eyed as she tried to figure out what to do. She dropped to her knees, some how placing the bucket down as she did so it didn't spill, a feat which surprised me considering the speed of her movements.

"Lord Valelor!" The youngster stuttered slightly, her brow almost touching the stone floor. "We were not expecting you!"

"No. You weren't." I responded, slightly annoyed at her response of kneeling to me. I did not appreciate that kind of behaviour and I know Kaldor didn't either, but it was one of the methods taught by the Zu'grer to those being trained to serve the noble houses. While being traditional neither Kaldor or myself liked it. I wanted respect not grovelling. "Stand up girl!" I almost snarl.

"Yes your Lordship!" She responded as she got back up to a standing position.

I looked her over. She was thin but healthy looking, a little flat chested, with the right clothing she could pass for a male. She was dressed smartly in a black and gold two piece outfit consisting of a top and a long loose fitting skirt. Kaldor always did ensure his servants were well dressed, and while not being the smartest outfit it was a practical one made with the wearers comfort in mind.

I didn't fail to notice how she didn't look directly at me, her eyes cast downwards towards the floor. That annoyed me a little, but only slightly, and was in no way as annoying as the kneeling action she had taken upon seeing me.

"I am here to see Malakye." I said bluntly. I had no worries of her saying anything out of turn since she was a member of the Zu'grer. "Is there any update on his condition?"

"Not that I am aware your Lordship!" She answered hurriedly. "Senior has been with him the entire time. He would be best suited to give you the answers you wish. Shall I take you to him?"

With Kaldor wanting to keep Malakye's presence secret I advised him to temporarily relieve the staff not from the Zu'grer stock of their duties. He took my advice. However since he had so little serving staff on paw at any time he needed to draft some extra support to maintain his household so I arranged for a couple of new servants to ensure the house remained running. This youngster is most likely one of the ones sent from the Zu'grer, since I had never seen her before and her nervousness around me suggested that she had not spent much time around nobility.

"I know my way. Carry on with your duties." I order as I make my towards the stairs that lead to the family area.

I pass through the family room, which hasn't changed one bit since I was young. Kaldor didn't like change much and sought to keep what few memories the place had by keeping everything the same. I could understand that. We all lost something, Kaldor lost most of his family and when his sister left after their mother passed away there was no one left to live in this huge house. While I moved on with my life and had a family of my own Kaldor had subjected himself to a life of sodomy. Refusing to take a female and continue the Anaris line.

It hurt me to think at how he lived in the past the way he did. Going through the motions each day and pretending to live his life. He hid it well from others but I could see the sadness in his eyes caused by the void in his heart at having no family. At least until Malakye arrived. I couldn't remember a time when I saw Kaldor happier than he was then. But that made Malakye's supposed death hit him even harder. But now he was back...

I push the door of his bedroom open. The room was lit by numerous candles and a roaring fire. Jovani rose from the chair he sat in as he noticed me but my eyes were firmly fixed on the figure laying in the bed motionless.

"Lord Callidus." Jovani bowed. "A pleasure to see you again. Is my Master with you?"

"No, he is tending his duties at the tournament."

"That is good." Jovani smiled.

I look at him puzzled for a moment until I realise what implied by his comment. He is worried about Kaldor as well. It will do Kaldor some good to get out for a little while.

"Any update on his condition?" I ask.

"Nothing notable." Jovani says as he looks down at Malakye's sleeping form. "I changed his bandages earlier, his wounds are healing quickly. At this point we are just waiting for him to waken."

"I will see to his wounds once more. Go and take a few minutes for yourself Jovani. You look tired."


"I was not asking." I interrupt him. "You will not help anyone if you collapse from exhaustion. At least go and eat something. I will be here for a while yet."

I know that if Kaldor did not sleep last night worrying over Malakye then Jovani himself would not have slept worrying over Kaldor. It was probably true for the last three days as well.

"Thank you." He bowed politely before heading towards the door.

Before he steps out he asks if I need anything. I shake my head in response and he takes his leave. There is a bucket of clean water on the floor next to the bed. Likely prepared in readiness of my next visit. I pull back the covers and begin to undo the bandages that cover most of Malakye's chest and stomach.

To my surprise the wounds were practically healed already. The large gash on his side, the deepest of the wounds he had suffered, was nothing more than a pink mark against his dark scales. It would have taken weeks for a wound like that to heal like that, even with constant water healing. I noticed then that his nen was active, subtle but active. It was similar to the effect that water healing had, not only using my nen to clean and heal, but actively get the patients body to start healing itself by manipulating their nen into the injured areas.

The effects are effective but temporary. Normally. In this case it seems that Malakye's nen had not reverted back to a dormant state, but had in fact continued its efforts to heal him. Impressive. I wonder if this was something he had trained his body to do or if his body was simply reacting to his injuries?

It was well documented that past masters and grandmasters were able to accelerate healing by entering a meditative state...

I took a step back and fought back the urge to draw on my nen. Could this be what this was? A meditative state? We had assumed he was in a coma and would waken when his body was rested, such things were not uncommon, but this was something else. To enter a meditative state one would need to be concious first. Which meant that either he had woken up and entered the meditative state or had forced himself into that state before he lost consciousness!

There was no doubting the severity of the injures he had suffered, I had examined them myself after the fight. Without treatment the chances of him dying had been high. I stare at him and he doesn't move. Perhaps I am just being paranoid. But I still can't shake the worry that he is working with the wolves from my mind. That this was all just some elaborate rouse to get us to drop our guard!

You are such and idiot Callidus! I scorn myself. He is unarmed and, while healing quickly, injured. I would sense it if he attempted to use his bending skills. He would not be able to get the drop on me that easily.

"I know your awake." I say loudly. "So stop pretending."

I stood there for what seems like too long before sighing. Convinced that if he was fiegning sleep that he would have at least opened his eyes. I examine the rest of his injuries, finding them in similar states to the one on his side, if not out right healed. I don't do anything other than examine them, his body was already doing what any treatment I could do; and perhaps better. I simply replaced the bandages to the areas that need them and removed the bandages from the parts of him that were already healed. Once that was done I took a seat and waited for Jovani to return.

Malakye slumbered silently while I lost myself in my thoughts. This drake is proving to be more and more of a mystery than I had thought possible. I remember the first day he appeared. I had suspected who he was the moment I laid eyes on him. The striking red fur, the obviousness of his mixed heritage.

Of course Kaldor had told me everything that had happened during his little 'outing', at least as much as he was willing to admit. It was obvious to any who knew the story that he was the reason, the spark for the wolves to start yet another war with us. During the last war our home fell to the wolves. And while it would be easy to blame Kaldor, and I'm sure many did silently, no one made their opinions known publicly. /but he was not truly to blame. His actions were simply the spark, not the cause. How many nights had a lain in bed pondering the cause for the wolves hatred? For centuries now they had been starting wars with us, neither side being able to eradicate the other. There were bouts of uneasy peace, both sides avoiding the other, but sooner or later the wolves would find a reason to start their conflict with us once more.

Our home fell due to a combination of poor foresight and bad timing. My father, the leader of Zangar at the time, had dedicated the majority of our forces to a joint venture to strike at the heart of the wolves and bring an end to the conflict.

Shortly after the wolves assaulted us, leading to the inevitable fall of Zangar. Many lost their lives that day. Many of our citizens never returned and eventually settled and rebuilt Zangar in their own ideal image. A lot of the defection was political, many simply fed up of living up here in the isolated mountains. Some came back but most didn't, and I couldn't really blame them. We have done much to rebuild Zangar to what it is now, and finally we are reaching that point where I feel that we will no longer need to fight to survive, consider every action with such care without the worry of it causing the downfall of our home. We finally have some breathing room; despite the current war.

My thoughts filtered back to the mystery of Malakye. The way he excelled at everything he did surprised all of us. His bending skills developed at such a speed I found it frightening. What would have taken most years to achieve he achieved in just a few short months. True his unnaturally strong nen would have had something to do with that, he has his bloodline to thank for that, but even Kaldor had to train to build up his nen to the level it is at. Even back at the time Malakye accepted my wager and fought at the festival his nen shocked me.

Such fearsome nen at such a young age! Then there was his combat skills. That tiger opened a dojo and began training many of our warriors. Even the generals have commented at the improvement in our warriors combat capabilities. But even then Malakye was always at the top of that tier as well.

After looking at his body the last few days while he's slept it is obvious that he has continued his training. His body, despite the wounds, is that of a warrior in his prime. A perfect physical specimen, if you can ignore the wolven aspects of his appearance. At the rate he's healing I doubt that the wounds he suffered in the fight against Kamir will leave so much as a scar.

The door opened and Jovani entered the room, looking slightly better for the break. I'm not sure how much time had passed since he left since I had been lost in my thoughts.

"Thank you for break Lord Callidus." He bowed curtly.

"Not at all Jovani. It's in my interest to keep you healthy." He gave me a puzzled look. "After all." I continue. "Who would watch over Kaldor for me if you weren't here?" I smirk to let him know I am at least half joking.

"Very good my Lord." He chuckled.

I rise from the seat and head towards the door.

"Are you heading back to the tournament?" He asks curiously.

"Hmm... no." I grunt, stopping to look over my shoulder at him. "If I do Kaldor will bombard me with questions the whole time. Most annoying. I'll stay in the family room until he returns." I take a couple of steps before stopping. "Would you like to join me? I would appreciate the company."

"I would my Lord but..." He gestures to the bed.

"He is in no danger." I huff. "Besides the only way out is through the family room. He isn't going anywhere without us knowing it."

He stops to ponder my words for a moment before nodding, although he seems a little hesitant. I nod approvingly and lead the way back through the dimly lit corridors back to the family room. I never did like the layout of the Anaris house. Too compact and gloomy. But then Kaldor's commented on my homes layout as well. Back when we were younger of course.

We take a seat on the couch in the family room and we talk. I say talk, but at some points it was more like I was interrogating Jovani; which I was to some extent. He didn't say anything out of turn but gave me the information I needed to know regarding Kaldor's well being. Good news it would seem and understandably Malakye's reappearance seems to have done wonders for Kaldor.

We chat idly about the various goings on around town. Jovani is a font of knowledge in that regard and I find our rare chats like this extremely pleasant. He is intelligent and well informed and simply a pleasure to talk to. Eventually the door to the room bursts open, signalling the end of our conversation, as Kaldor lumbered in. He's slightly breathless which tells me he wasted little time in getting here the first opportunity he got.

"How was the tournament?" I ask.

"Never mind that! Any word on Malakye!" He grunts impatiently.

"He's fine. Better than fine I'd say. His wounds are healing well." I understate that last fact because Kaldor wouldn't understand my concern of just how quickly he was healing.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank Asurmen." The unusual reference to the creator catches me off guard. "When you didn't return I feared the worst."

"No." I reply. "I simply didn't want to listen to you whine." I say with a smirk.

"I don't whine!" He growled.

"Call it what ever you want." I say dismissively with a wave of my paw. "I didn't want to sit through several hours of it."


"Shall I get you some refreshments my Lords?" Jovani asks rising from his seat.

"No." Kaldor grumbles.

"Yes please Jovani." I add. "'We'" I emphasise the word to ensure Kaldor gets the message. "shall have a hot beverage before we go and see how Malakye is getting on."

"Of course my Lords." Jovani bowed and left leaving me in the room alone with Kaldor who was glaring at me.

"Don't look at me like that." I say gesturing towards his favourite chair. "I'd like to talk with you while I have your attention." He looks at the door which leads to the bedrooms. "He is not going to go anywhere." I say bluntly.

Grudgingly he takes the seat, falling into the chair across the room with a heavy thud.

"What do you want to talk about?"

"Firstly I'd like to hear how the tournament went."

"Some impressive fights. Aceh's students put up a good fight but Tau'ruc won... again." He said. "It seems that the only other warrior able to beat him in fight is Mantou. His nen just lets him dominate. Are you sure we shouldn't make him a Master? He's definitely strong enough for the position."

"He is strong." I admit. "But he lacks the leadership skills that come with the position. He is totally unsuitable."

"A little harsh considering he's your cousin." Kaldor smirks.

"The truth is the truth. I fear giving him the rank would be counter productive and more hassle than it's worth."

"We could always give him the honorary position of Master." He suggested.

It wasn't a bad idea. I admitted to myself. I was well aware of Tau'ruc's disgruntled attitude due to the fact that he has yet to become a Master ranked bender. That attitude was becoming an issue as days went on. No one has held an honorary rank like that for decades. The rank itself is just an acknowledgement of the individuals strength, and while it gave them some authority it wouldn't enough for Tau'ruc to cause trouble. Perhaps the title would give him the boost he needed to rise into the role of a Master.

"Not a bad idea." I said aloud having thought it over. "I will bring it up at the next meeting with the warlords. Unless you finally want to attend? It was your idea after all."

"We will see." He says and glances at the door.

Of course it will depend on what state Malakye is in. There was every chance he would wake up by then and every chance he wouldn't. We would need to wait and see. Kaldor's every action would need to be measured based on Malakye's current condition.

I am still conscious of the fact that when Malakye does wake up anything could happen. Perhaps it would be best to station some warriors in readiness... I'd have to ensure they are trust worthy and won't go blabbing their maws about who their keeping an eye on. I don't think they'd be able to do the job well if they were unaware of the specifics in this case. But trying to convince Kaldor to let me put guards in place will be the next difficult task.

Kaldor loves his son. Unconditionally. As is his right as a father and in most cases I would expect no less. But Malakye has been one surprise after another. His reappearance would be enough to elicit suspicion, or at least allow me to convince most families to take reasonable steps. But not Kaldor.

"Kaldor..." I begin, still trying to work out exactly how to approach the subject. Normally I'd wait but the silence between us has been going on for longer than I'd want and I expect him to use it as an excuse to leave and go his sons bed side if I let it go on any longer. I need to do this now while I have his undivided attention. "Don't you think..."

I pause as the door opens. I look round expecting to see Jovani returning with the drinks but a second later realise that it's the other door that's opening. The one leading to the bedrooms. I stand up at the same time as Kaldor, the angle at which he was sitting gave him a much better view of the door and from his reaction I can confirm my assumption of who it is that opened the door.

"Malakye!" I hear Kaldor mutter in an emotional gasp.

It was indeed Malakye. The drake stood in the open door way staring at us both silently with those intense emerald green eyes. He regarded us silently as both of us move closer. Kaldor undoubtedly was moving to embrace him while I was moving to intercept him if he made a run for the other door in an attempt to escape.

"Malakye... you have no idea how happy I am to see you." Kaldor gushed.

I eye them warily and note that Malakye has yet to step all the way into the room. He doesn't resist when Kaldor wrapped his arms around him in a hug. He even returned it... barely. The embrace went on for longer than I thought was comfortable to keep watching, but I wasn't going to take my eyes off him yet.

"It really is you isn't it?" I found the question strange but given Kaldor's overly emotional state I ignore it for the time being. I could see the tears of happiness flowing freely from his eyes as he took a step back, his large paws clamped onto his sons shoulders as if he was afraid to let go. "Where have you been!?"

A question I'd like to know the answer to as well.

Kaldor guided Malakye into the room and shut the door, Malakye was not resisting at this point. He was guided over to the couch where I had been seated just moments before and sits, Kaldor sat next to him so I sit down in the chair Kaldor had been in before.

Malakye still hasn't said a word. His eyes moved back and fore between us. I can see the recognition in his eyes so his memory is not the issue. He was gauging the situation. But the silence wasn't what bothered me so much. It was the lack of emotion he seemed to convey. Even if he wasn't happy to be back home after all this time I'd expect to see something... anything... but all there was to his expression was a blank, emotionless stare.

"Where's my sword?"

His question made me tense up, but I forced myself not to react. If he was intending on attacking us with it he wouldn't openly ask about it straight off the bat. I had Kaldor hide it away for safe keeping, managing him to convince him to do so without arousing too much suspicion about my motivation for doing so.

It was a fine weapon. I'm no expert on smithing or weapons but I know a fine weapon when I lay my paws on one, and I'd recognise Gallium steel as well. If I had a weapon like that I'd ask about it as well.

"It's safe." I say cutting off Kaldor before he says too much about its location.

He looked me in the eye. His gaze is intense, but in no way offensive or aggressive. Just cold and calculating.

"How long was I out?" He asked as he looked away from me.

"About three days." Kaldor replies. "Callidus tended to your wounds each day. He's much better at that sort of thing than I am."

"Not that I had much to do after the initial treatment." I say hoping to turn the conversation around and get Malakye to talk about himself and where he's been. "You have a surprisingly high rate of healing." I say matter of factly, leaning forward in my seat. "I do wonder how?"

He hesitates, obviously thinking about whether he should respond or not. "Training." Is all he says.

"What kind of training?" I ask determined to get some more information out of him. If he's resistant to these questions then I'd expect him to be even more resistant about answering questions of where he's been for the last two years.

He hesitates once more but eventually answers. "Nen training. Meditation."

There were some vague records of similar techniques in some old journals in my library back home. Using meditation to control the flow of nen round the body. It sounds exactly like what I thought I'd sensed earlier when I examined him.

"So you were awake earlier." I say bluntly. I see the faintest smile curl at the edges of his muzzle.

"It was a deep meditation. I could hear you but I wasn't able to respond." He answered smugly.

I huff slightly in annoyance.

"Never mind all that!" Kaldor barges into the conversation. "Where the hell have you been all this time?!? I thought you were dead!"

"I can't say."

"Can't? Or won't?" I ask.

"Won't." He responds coldly.

"But... but why!?" Kaldor blurted as he grabbed hold of his shoulders.

"Because either he's been sworn to secrecy." I say catching both of their attentions. "Or he's not intending on staying. And doesn't want us to know where he's gone."

He smiles again.

"You're too smart for your own good." He says. Not answering which one it is, but confirming that I'm right at least.

"Then what can you tell us?" I ask.

He takes a moment to ponder my question, carefully weighing it, deciding if he should tell us anything.

"I have a task I must complete." Is all he says before falling silent once more.

"What task?" Kaldor asks but Malakye remains silent, his eyes levelled on the fire as he tries to block us out. "Tell me Malakye! I'm not going to let you leave without answers!" He still doesn't respond.

I know threats like that aren't going to get us very far. Locking him up won't help either and it will be impossible to do that without word of him being alive getting round eventually. We need to reason with him.

"Why did you come back?" I ask. "I doubt you planned on showing yourself to us. The fight with Kamir just happened." I'm guessing here but the logic seems sound. "So what ever your task is you made a pass by your old home, either as part of your task or took the opportunity to do so in passing. But things didn't go as planned and here we are." I take a pause to see if I get a reaction out of him. He's looking at me now but not much more than that, his expression is hard to read. "But why come back at all if you were simply going to leave and never let us know that you were alive? I'm going to guess you want something." I guess again but the subtle flinch in his expression tells me I'm along the right track. "So why don't we help you do what ever it is you want to do in exchange for some answers?"

He chuffed in amusement. "You really are too smart." He repeats his earlier comment. "Fine. You do something for me... and I'll tell you where I've been."

"Anything!" Kaldor exclaimed, grasping at anything he can to try and get answers that could possibly convince Malakye to stay.

"I want to enact a kinyar*." He says. "I want to test my strength to see just how far I've come. I want to face Kassius and Xavier."

"So you want to challenge your teachers?" I ask to which he nods. "From what I hear from Kaldor, you're pretty strong already."

"I will arrange the match." Kaldor says. I try to interject, hoping to use his request to give us a more favourable position in trying to when answers from him, but Kaldor speaks over me. "I will arrange the fight to take place after the final round of the tournament tomorrow. We will announce your return to everyone at the same time."

"Fine with me." He says coldly as if his returning from the dead was no big deal.

"But! I have a condition." Kaldor continues, surprising me.

"I thought the condition was that I answer your questions?" He asked with a growl of annoyance.

"We make it a four-on-one match. You against four master ranked benders!" I immediately see where he's going to take this and I have to say I'm a little impressed at his quick thinking. "An official match in challenge for a master rank."

He hopes that getting Malakye to accept the title of warlord and master bender will give his son motivation to stay in Zangar. I don't expect the idea to work, but it might. I can't raise any objections to giving a potential enemy such a high rank. But there is no evidence to support my suspicions, of which I'm not entirely convinced either. It is simply the worst case scenario I can think of.

"I don't want the rank." He says. "But if that's what it takes to get the fight then I'll do it."

"I'll arrange for the combatants to be in the arena at the end of the tournament." I say. "But how do we know you won't run out on us before holding up your end of the bargain?"

He looks at me for a moment before responding. "My sword. I'm not leaving without it. Keep it until I answer your questions."

"Fair enough." I say happy enough with that answer. I'll have to ensure Kaldor has hidden it somewhere Malakye won't find it, but I can believe he won't leave without that sword. "Then I had best go and make preparations for tomorrow." I say standing to leave.

At that moment Jovani walks in carrying the refreshments I had asked for on a tray.

"Young Master!"

"Jovani." Malakye responds coldly, simply acknowledging his presence and nothing more.

"Till tomorrow then." I say and take my leave.