eventful day

Story by kid of chaos on SoFurry

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#8 of strags adventures

"great, warfang is under siege... again." I moaned. Just then a call came though on my COM link.

"strag, warfang is under siege... again." The voice moaned.

"I would usually say ‘thank you' but not when a crow just came and gave me a note saying WARFANG UNDER SIEGE!"

"oh." Came the voice.

"Kate. Is this devil reversible?" I asked.

"Yeah. But only minor damage. As usual. But you REALLY need you locked powers." Kate replied.

"hopefully, this is the last trip without my powers."

"? What do you mean you sly dragon?" she asked. I walked out and took flight.

"because, the dream I had, I hoped it was a one-off"

"what is this dream?"

I started to explain the dream and when it was over she said,

"right. Hang on, cynder and spyro will be heart-broken without their child. Do you have any spells to reverse the damage after devil is dead, this time, hopefully, for good?"

" no because of this realm's magic laws. But with my powers, I can bypass the laws and revive him with ‘chaos revive'." I answered and she turned off the link. I started to turn back when demons attacked. I made my sword appear and blocked their attacks.

"EXPLOSION MAD DANCE!" I yelled and dashed to the demons and hit each 100 times before moving onto the next. By the end all 1000 demons had been struck with explosion mad dance, I cocked my head and a massive explosion that could take down three skyscrapers at once. The dragons at the temple here the explosion even from five miles away.

When the smoke cleared five dragons when heading towards me and/or the temple.

"do you know where the temple is?" asked a green dragon. I nodded and put my sword on my back.

"but word of warning. In these times it is dangerous, even at the temple. But, if you get on my good side, I might help you lot in times of need." I answered and walked off. The dragons had a confused look but followed anyway.

‘strag, did you say that because you got déjà -vu?" bahumat asked.

‘yes, and I think I know how this is going to play out.' I answered.

"Excuse kind sir, I forgot to introduce myself, my name is kefka. Are there any spare rooms at the temple because there are refugees coming from warfang." Kefka asked. I nodded.

"but I warn you, we just had a birth and if you insult the mother or father then that insult may be your last." Kefka had another confused look.

"But I never insult anyone."

"you may want to with is one, you may want to." Just then a single demon jumped out. I grabbed it and said a spell. "Powerless being... fall into the shadows of despair and begone." Dark tentacles came up and enveloped the demon.

"what was that, the dark thing and that tentacles?" he asked.

"that was the enemy and the tentacles are the result of my spell, shadows of despair."

We arrived at the temple and were meted by the guardians and spyro.

"what was that explosion, that wasn't your high speed chain explosion?" spyro asked worried.

"I decided to break out a new move I have, it's called ‘explosion mad dance'" I answered. "the dragons behind me are refugees from warfang. The big green one is called kefka." Kefka nodded and met the guardians. I walked to spyro and whispered in his ear.

"where is cynder?"

"in the nesting area." He whispered back. I nodded and walked off.

I found cynder in the nesting area curled up around her brood... and mumbling. I walked to the wall and sat down started to mediate.

‘when she wakes up I'll tell her about this.' I mentally said to the four dragons

‘when the refugee she her, they will probably gang up and attack her.' Aegis spoke up

‘aye but remember what I said to kefka, ‘if you insult the mother or father, then that insult may be your last' but I might stand up and threaten them. You know I don't attack refugees unless they trigger it.' I replied. Cynder stirred but not waking up.

Five minutes later terra came in.

"Cynder?" she spoke and cynder slowly woke up

"Mom? What is it?" she said sleepily.

"Are you happy with your family?"

"yes mom, I have never been so happy in my life, even more happier then the day spyro admitted his love." She looked over to me. "besides we got strag, he is a great fighter and friend." She thought I was asleep.

"why thank you dear cynder" I said getting up, she jumped when I spoke.

"were you asleep?" she asked.

"Mediating. But beware, refugees are coming to the temple from warfang."

"but they will kill me if they haven't forgive me" she said worried and curled up even more around her brood.

"by the looks and thoughts on their minds, no but I warned them to not insult the mother and father of the resent birth" I said calmly and cynder loosened her curl.

Just then cloud came in.

"Strag, you may want to see this" I nodded and left. I walked into the computer room showing some footage.

"strag, this was taken four minutes ago in the swamp." Zapdos said pointing to the screen. The screen showed the swamp. Nothing unusual until I saw a purple dragon with his scales darker, it can only be... malefor.

"that it malefor dark spirit." I said. I clicked and a brown book appeared. I opened it and a strange language which I could read. "mmm lets see... ah ha." I stopped on a line and touched words. More lines appeared in the language. "it says ‘if you hit a dark spirit with enough light, the body of the victim will return and come back to normal with the darkness inside.'" I said reading from my book.

This is going to be a eventful trip

oh boy.

It was the day before the end of the month and the dragons have been training hard. (and I mean it.) Today the sun was shining the mushrooms were growing and ... wait, I'm writing about beautiful stuff. When there is an attack soon I don't write this....

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the news, the meeting and reunion

A week past after the attack and finding dad and I was on the baloney with ray " Come on devil, you never go a week without attacking." I whispered. We both stayed there for the whole day but nothing came. ‘ I don't get it. Devils men/demons are...

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old enemies reunion

I arrived back at the temple late at night, panting, and my blue glow vanished and holding the dawn shard in my paw tightly. Spyro came out with Cynder and she embraced me tightly. "Too... tight." I panted and she released me and spyro saw the shard ...

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