The Mourning After - Chapter 15 (Shadows of the Past)

Story by Malakye on SoFurry

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#16 of Malakye's Story - Part 3 (The Mourning After)

And now we are back with Kassandra. She is in the middle of her time guarding the outpost.

The Encyclopedia I have written detailing places, races and various parts of history will come in handy if you come across a word or phrase with a * at the end of it. This symbol () depicts that there is an entry in the Encyclopedia so you can have a more indepth knowledge on the subject at a moments notice.

This story will have mature and adult rated chapters along the way, if you find yourself unable to find missing chapters please check that your age-rating (or your SFW settings) are set appropriately so you can view them before notifying me. This happens a lot more than you'd think!

I always appreciate feedback and constructive criticism.******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************

"Hi Jo!" I replied using the shortened version of his real name. Skit was a nick name... and not one he liked. He's had it ever since we were young, when he had an accident and wet himself. Ever since then he's had the nick name Skit, short for skitter*. "Enjoy your week off?"

"Yeah... as much as I enjoy having a week off at once, it makes the idea of going back out there real sucky." He laughed, but I knew what he meant.

There were a couple of drakes ahead of us before we got to the table to collect the rations.

"Yeah." I grin at him, taking my bag and putting it on the floor in the mean time. "Any sign of Kassandra?"

"You mean Zangars most desired female?" He chuckled sarcastically. "No... she's not shown her muzzle yet."

"I hope she turns up soon." I say glancing towards the entrance. "She'll be late if she takes much longer to get here."

"I don't understand how you worry about her!" Skit exclaimed. "She's a royal bitch!"

"She has trust issues." I say almost reflexively.

"She's a bitch! Remember when she knocked out one of my fangs during practice!?"

"That was years ago! You're still holding a grudge?" I asked a little surprised that he'd bring up something which, as far as I thought, was ancient history.

"Damn right I am!" He snorts. "She never even said sorry!"

"Everyone loses a fang every now and then." I say trying in some way to dismiss his anger as unwarranted.

But I could understand why he'd be mad. It was just so long ago... hell Baroc had knocked out a couple of my fangs when I was younger, thankfully new ones grew in because I had been so young. I was mad at him at the time but I didn't hold a grudge against him for it now. Then again Skit was an only child and after his father had passed away had been doted on by his mother. He wasn't so bad now, but had been a bit of a spoiled brat when we were growing up.

I didn't really listen to what Skit had to say at that point as we finally reached the front of the line and were given the large wrapped bundles of food. We stepped to the side to pack them away in our bags. As I was closing my pack up I caught a glimpse of blue from the corner of my eye. I turned to get a better look and sure enough it was Kassandra. I let her get her pack of provisions before going over to talk to her, leaving Skit to moan to himself about her.

"Hi!" I smile widely at her.

"Hi." She said back.

Her response had been less that enthusiastic, more of reflex than anything else; devoid of any emotion or sincerity. But I was used to it by now, so tried to be cheerful enough for the both of us.

"Did you have a good week? Didn't get a chance to see you."

"It was fine."

I was about to say more when the quarter-master informed our squad leader, an adept by the name of Ai'hiko, that all the provisions had been given out. At that point Ai'hiko ordered us to form up and to head out. Adepts were higher ranked than regular warriors of the same rank, and were often in charge due to their ability to use nen giving them an edge in combat. I was also and adept, however I was just a lowly lu'kari; my nen not being all that impressive. Ai'hiko on the other paw was a na'kari; and was much stronger than the average adept was. While adepts we were both the same rank, but he was the strongest of all the adepts in our squad and as such was in charge in the absence of an officer.

As we left through the western gate with the other squad that was also heading out to the I gazed out at the mountain range. The early morning mists still clung to the mountain tops, illuminated by the still rising sun. As much as I hated getting up early to head out to man the outpost, this sight made it worth it.

The air was crisp with the chill of the night. I loved that chill when you breathed the crisp morning air into your lungs. One of the perks of living on the farm is that I get that pleasure every morning unlike the dragons that sleep within the caves.

The walk was made by the two squads in relative silence, with a smattering of idle chatter amongst the group. At about midday we reached the fork in the road where the other squad would split off and head towards the Western outpost while we continued on to the Northern one.

As we said our farewells all of our attentions were caught by the sound of running. Reflexively we all readied our weapons but relaxed when we saw a group of Zangarians running towards us. I recognised many of them, but most importantly I immediately recognised Warlord Stern and Warlord Xavier leading the group of dragons as they ran, and continued to run without slowing, past us.

All of them looked exhausted.

All of us just stood and stared as we watched them disappear into the distance; making haste towards Zangar.

"What was that about?" Someone asked.

"No idea." I heard Ai'hiko respond. "But it's none of our business."

"How can you say that?!" Someone else asked. "They're exhausted and have been through the wringer! How strange is it that two separate hunting parties are running back towards Zangar together?!"

"It's none of our business because neither of the warlords leading those squads stopped to tell us anything." He responded with a cold emotionless tone. "If it concerned us they would have told us something and since they haven't we should return to our own duties."

His response stopped anymore questions. He was right. It didn't matter why they were running towards Zangar, they could simply be having a race for all we know! We had to go and relieve the drakes currently manning the outposts.

With a few grumbled complaints from a select few individuals our two squads parted ways and continued the last leg of the journey to our respective outposts.******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************





It was perhaps an hour after sunrise. And I had laid out my weapons on my bed, a sword, two short swords, a pair of daggers and a belt full of throwing knives. Many of the males only had one or two weapons, one of which was most commonly a spear. I was never really a fan of spears, to unwieldy for my liking.

Many of the warriors commented on the number of weapons I carried with me. Part of it was jealousy. These weapons were expertly crafted and it would take them several moons to save up the money to have one crafted in the same quality. Others saw it as me trying to over compensate for my lack of physical strength because I was 'merely' a female.

Surprisingly no one messed with me here. When I had been posted here I had thought that at one male would try and force themselves on me. I had spent many a sleepless night clutching a blade under the poor excuse of a pillow. A pillow that reeked of many males that had used it. That had made it difficult enough to sleep;even now.

No male had ever tried. They still looked, but I can't stop them doing that. Not unless I want to go around gouging the eyes of any male who looks at me. I'm sure many of them had heard what had happened to the warriors who had arranged for me to be raped last time. Malakye had saved me back then, not soon enough before several males had had their way with me, but he had stopped what could have been hours of rape. He wasn't here any more to protect me. A thought which made me feel weak but also brought a smile to me muzzle. He was the only other male that made me feel safe to be around.


I felt my brow furrow as the familiar voice called out to me. I looked up from cleaning my sword to see Laguna approaching. He was flanked on either side by his friends Tristen and Roxis. They annoyed me more than most. Tristen was unusually childish and Roxis overly emotional. I liked to avoid spending time with them when I could. At least they had become open about their relationship with one another. They had spent nearly two years trying to hide it when everyone knew. Listening to their pathetic excuses while they tried to hide the truth about their relationship had been irritating.

"Want to grab some breakfast before we go on on duty?" He asked.

"I'm not hungry." I said flatly and returned to running the cloth along the length of my sword.

"Stop lying!" He countered and grabbed my wrist. "You need to eat!"

"Get off of me!" I snarled and yanked my arm free from his grasp.

"Dude... if she says she's not hungry just believe her." Tristen piped up. Most sensible thing I've ever heard him say.

"Go eat with your friends and leave me alone!" I growl. He looked hurt, but it was only for a moment before it was gone and he was smiling at me. "What?"

"I guess I'm not very hungry myself!" He said and sat down next to me on my bed.

"What...?" I huffed.

"Dude? Seriously?" Tristen muttered in surprise. Roxis was obviously as surprised but remained silent. "I'm starving! I'm not gonna wait for you!"

"That's fine." Laguna grinned.

"Get off my bed!" I growled. Annoyed that he was invading my personal space like this.

"You guys enjoy your meal!" Laguna continued without paying any attention to me.

There was a few moments where all of us were silent as if everyone was deciding what to do at Laguna's action. Stupid drake just didn't know what alone time seemed to mean. It would only be made worse if those two decided to stick around as well. Fuck!

"If I eat with you will you promise to leave me alone?" I ask.

"I guess?" He replied, the way he seemed to question his own response made me sigh.

"Fine! I'll eat with you but I don't want you to say another word to me for the rest of the day!" I stood up, grabbed my cloak and headed towards the exit. I wasn't going to give him a chance to argue.

I stormed out of the barracks, wrapping my cloak around me as I stepped into the cold corridor that lead to the stairs. The wall at the top of the stairs had gaping hole in it from disrepair and it meant that the stairwell was always cold. Each room had heavy wooden doors that had to be kept shut to keep in the heat from the small fires that burned in the rooms.

The barracks was on the first floor, the second floor was where the officers stayed. Everything else was on the main floor. The main hall was used as both the armoury and eating area. It had several large fireplaces which kept it comfortably warm. The three dragons which had dragged me here were following closely behind me as I went to join the short queue of dragons that had formed as breakfast was going to be served imminently.

The scent of cooked meat and warm bread made my stomach grumble. I guess I was more hungry than I had thought. We were five days into our shift, I could feel the fatigue of the long shifts begin to set in. Normally we would only have two more days to endure but we would have and extra few days added due to the stupid tournament. The food this week had been particularly good. I assume that was meant as some sort of recompense for the longer shift we had to endure. Full bellies were good for moral just as long shifts were bad for it.

The first full moon was tonight so the festival would start this evening. The first evening of the festival was always my favourite. It reminded me of the parties my father used to throw in the palace back when I was young. The music and the dancing... I used to love to dance. My father would always make me sing as well. He used to tell me that I had a voice so beautiful that it would bring the most hard hearted soul to tears.

I haven't sung since grandfather whisked me away from my home. Since my family had been slaughtered so that my uncle could have the throne to himself. I haven't felt like singing since my family had been slaughtered. I doubt I would ever feel like singing again.

I got my food and moved to sit at one of the empty tables where I was joined shortly by Laguna, Tristen and Roxis. We all ate in silence. Silence I was aware was caused by my presence. Normally the three of them were always laughing and joking, but even now they were unusually quiet. At least the food was good. A thick meaty broth with chucks of tender meat and freshly baked bread.

I looked round at the other tables, everyone who was on day shift was eating, and soon we would all need to head out to guard the walls or patrol the nearby area. As we went on the night shift would come in here and eat before retiring to bed. Once the first of the night shift began to filter in we would need to finish getting ready and head out for our shift. Being late for your shift was not good, not unless you wanted to miss your next meal.

By the time we finished eating, and several failed attempts from Laguna to strike up a lasting conversation, the first of the night patrol began to filter into the main hall. We all moved to grab our gear and head onto our shift. I had wall duty today, Tristen and Roxis were out patrolling the nearby areas. Laguna was also on wall duty, but thankfully away from me.

I needed some alone time, or as alone as you can get being on duty with five other warriors all in earshot of one another as we stood atop the broken wall staring out at the mountain road for any signs of trouble. While the other guards passed the time with idle chit chat, they did not involve me or even try to include me. I preferred it that way.

I know everyone calls me frigid, a loner, and all sorts of other colourful comments to describe me. But why did I want to become involved with them? All males ever wanted was one thing from a female and I didn't want that with any of them. Call me old fashioned but I would not willingly sleep with any male, or female for that matter, who I did not have feelings for. Some females would willing sleep with males to win their affections.

That's why I didn't have any female friends. They were just too different from me. I'm sure if things had gone differently when I was younger I'd enjoy some of the more... 'girly' things in life. But life did not always turn out the way you had hoped or planned. Back when I was but a child, before my uncles grab for power, I had always thought that I would be married off to some nobles son, live a life of comfort while bearing many cubs for my husband. We would be happy and full of love for one another.

But life is cruel and the dreams of a child are naïve and unrealistic.

Why should you make friends or fall in love? Eventually you will feel the pain of betrayal or loss as they are ripped from your life. Since leaving my homeland I had allowed myself to bond with someone who was not my grandfather and ultimately they were taken from me. The pain of their loss had nearly broken me... and sometimes I hate myself for admitting that their loss affected me worse than grandfathers passing.

I didn't want to let anyone get close to me... I can't take the feeling of loss anymore. I was barely holding on as it was. All I had left now was my dream of avenging my families death at the paws of my uncle. I don't know how and I don't know when... but one day I would get my vengeance! Even if I had to die trying!

But what was so scary about dying? I've nothing left to live for except my vengeance.

I was snapped from my thoughts when I saw something move out of the corner of my eye. I turned round to look. The road was clear but the large rocks on either side of the track made for many hiding spots. The sun was high in the sky and made few shadows for someone to hide in.

Should I alert some one to what I think I had seen. There was no sign of anything, but I'm sure I saw something dart across the road. There are no animals, perhaps a few birds, but there was very little wildlife to speak of in this barren landscape.

"Something wrong?"

I turned to see warlord Jal'tarn. He was clad in a dark leather armour complete with steel breast plate, pauldrons and wrist guards. He had a sword hanging from his left hip. He was one of the officers in charge of this guard post. Amongst the

"No Sir..." I trail off looking back out to where I think I had seen a shadow. "Thought I saw something move. But there is nothing there."

"Very well." He said. "I will send a couple of warriors out to check to make sure."

I watched his back as he left. His wings were wrapped around him like a cloak. Not many males held them like that, it was sort of noble looking. I remember asking Laguna about it once before and he explained that most males didn't do it because it took a lot of effort and practice to be bale to hold them like that comfortably. It told me a few things about the warlord.

In truth I liked him the most out of all the warlords here. He didn't treat me any differently because I was a female. He seemed to listen to me about as much as he would anyone.

I looked back out down the road and shook my head. My mind must be playing tricks on me. I can't wait until this shift is over.