
Story by Togo57 on SoFurry

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#4 of Thirty days; Thirty stories

The fox shifted uncomfortably in his seat. He was enjoying the meal, that was sure, but there was something that didn't feel right. The three friends paid their bill and prepared to go somewhere else when the fox felt something wet in his nose.

It had begun.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck...

The fox desperately pulled the handle, he was running out of time, but the door only laughed at his face as it refused to open. His breathing got erratic. He had already felt the first drop on his fur, and he was sure that more were to follow. Why did he believe in that weather report? They were still in season for crying out loud.

He continued pulling until the door finally gave in and he got inside the car. At last, he was safe. The fox curled into a ball and tried to control his breathing, when he felt a hand grabbing him from behind. He quickly turned back and stared at his assailant.

-"Dude, you okay?" A wolf standing outside said.

-"Meh, it's alright," a coyote said as he got in the driver's seat, "he's just scared of the rain. It'll pass."

The wolf looked at the coyote for a moment, before climbing onto the backseat. Both of them waited for the fox to calm down before thinking where to go next. He was still shaking.

However, it was not the rain that he was scared of. In the end, it was just water falling from the sky. No, he was scared of the things that came out when it rained. It wasn't here yet, but it wouldn't take much longer.

The sound of the raindrops hitting the windshield got stronger. The fox turned his eyes to look past the coyote. It had arrived.

The street was completely empty, or almost empty. There was a shadow across the street, next to a bus stop. It was dressed in a hat and a black trench coat.

-"I want to go home."

The only things uncovered, beside its face, were its hands. Its fingers were long and clawed. The figure looked up and pointed at them.


-"I said that I want to go home!"

It lowered its hand and started its way towards them when a car passed by. Not good, the fox thought; because after it had passed, the figure had taken its place. Then a second car passed. They were now on the same side of the street.

The fox watched as the figure slowly made its way over them, a cracking sound following it whenever it moved. He started to hyperventilate again. It was now standing in front of them and dragged one claw over the defense.

-"Fine." The coyote said.

He turned on the car and the fox looked down so that he could not see the figure as he passed next to it. The fox would have more than his fair share of opportunities on the way back. That's the thing about rain; you just can't escape from it.

No matter where he went, it was there. Sometimes it was waiting at the next light. Sometimes, as they waited for it to turn green, he could see it from the mirror looking at them. The coyote took a quick look at his friend and then turned to get inside a tunnel. It was a longer route, but that usually calmed him down.

The wolf pulled himself closer to the fox, "Sorry for meddling, but why the rain scares you that much?"

-"My father, he," the fox swallowed some spit, "he died on a rainy day."

A monster. Like if anyone would believe him.

-"Are you taking your pills?" The coyote asked.

The fox looked away. He didn't need them. He knew it was real, and he would be safe as long as he stayed in a dry space. Anyway, it'd only take a few more minutes before he got home and could wait in peace for the rain to end.

He noticed that the coyote was still staring at him, when he heard something tapping on the window. They were not moving. He hesitantly turned around.

The creature was using one bony claw to tap at the window as it pressed its face against it. For the first time, the fox had seen it from up close. Its skin was completely white; which contrasted with its mouth, black as night. The creature opened its mouth and a sense of dread washed over the fox. The rain had to be filtering from somewhere.

The creature then pressed its hands against the window and tried to pry it open. The fox jumped back and the coyote sighed. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to wait inside the tunnel for the rain to end. He turned on the car and continued driving until they got to the fox's apartment, parking as close to the entrance as he could.

The coyote and wolf waited at the door for their friend to get inside. This was the part where he was most vulnerable. The fox looked at the back of the car and saw the creature looking back at him, but it was far enough for him to make it.

The fox got out and ran inside, yet he was not safe yet. He hurried his friends up the stairs until they had gotten to his apartment. He opened and looked back; it was standing at the beginning of the hallway. The fox pushed his friends inside and locked the door. It was finally over.

He stayed there until he heard the creature walking away. The rain was getting weaker. After slightly opening the door, he made sure that it was not following them anymore before saying goodbye to his friends. When both left, the fox took the opportunity to shut the door again as fast as he could. The fox got on his knees and rested his head against the door.

It was still raining, so there was still a chance that it came back.

-"I don't how you can live like that," The coyote said from behind the door.

To always live in fear of something that common and which you cannot do anything against. To be honest, the fox didn't know it either, but this was his life now. The only thing he could do now was to be careful, and he would be able to enjoy it for as long as it lasted. Besides, the hard part was already over. It was this few months that--

-"...with all those leaks in your roof, it evens feel more wet than outside."
