Lost Soldier: 3, Choice

Story by Amit_King on SoFurry

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#3 of Lost Soldier -Book 1- Complete

A bit short from the other chapters but here's Chapter 3 of Lost Soldie...

A bit short from the other chapters but here's Chapter 3 of Lost Soldier.

One of my editors is being worked hard and said that chapter three of Scent of a Male should be edited and sent to me on Sunday (Oct 18) so look out for it.

Vote and comment as always.

Panting softly as he held his ribs, Mike looked around for that girl. He leaned against a tree for support as he felt a warm liquid, his blood, running down his side from his wounds. He'd opened them up again from moving so much. Pushing himself off the tree again he heard a voice come from behind him.

"If you keep moving around you're going to end up passing out." Turning around he saw the large wolf from before that seemed to have the ability to talk.

"I'm looking for that girl, where is she?" Mike demanded making the wolf perk it's ears before tilting its head to the side. Mike slowly slid down the tree, sitting down with his back against it as he raised his hand looking at the crimson that coated it.

The wolf moved over and sat down in front of him. "Why do you wish to speak to Wind?" came the wolf voice, making Mike lean his head back for a second.

"I want my knife back..." grunting as he slowly began to push himself up again and looking around.

"I thought she told you not to ask for those items, you don't need them for more reasons than your wounds, you should..."

"Shut up" Mike nearly yelled out, before pushing himself off the tree and beginning to walk again, leaving the wolf sitting there dumb struck.

After forcing his body to move once more, Mike blinked as he saw several small lights in the distance. Fires from camps most likely, he told himself in his mind before starting toward them, putting his hand down. Not going to show that he was in pain, and with his clothes already coated in blood the fresh blood just blended in. Moving closer to the camp he found that there were dozens of humans, anthro wolves and feral wolves around the very large campfires, some reaching nearly ten feet high. Looking around, he was getting more than a few stares from everyone but he ignored them. Finding that girl sitting near an elderly man he started toward her, but was stopped several yards from her by a human male and a wolf male. They had cocky smiles on their faces as they looked at the less than pleased human who glared daggers into them.

"What are you doing here boy, you should be back in the cave licking your wounds" came from the antho, a large wolf who wore only a tan loincloth. He had a native-american look going on as well, though the human looked like a street thug with his sagging pants and oversized shirt.

Mike stepped aside to try and pass them but his arm was grabbed. "Where you think you're going boy," the wolf said, and Mike nearly keeled over in pain as his side was gripped firmly, the wolf's claws digging into his already open wounds.

The wolf smiled and laughed lightly as the human leaned over, but Mike's anger peaked and he snapped back, bringing his left elbow back he smashed it into the wolfs muzzle. There was a satisfying crack as Mike's elbow connected and the blood that sprayed from his nose only added to the pleasure. If Mike was stared at before he was the center of attention now, the wolf staggered back but before Mike could continue his attack the human jumped forward with his left fist cocked back.

Mike's training had kicked in now. As the human threw a punch Mike leaned toward it, swaying to the right and taking the humans wrist in his left hand and snapping his right forearm right onto the back of the humans elbow. The human grunted in pain but Mike wasn't done, switching his left hand with his right and moving on the inside of the punch he brought his left elbow up connecting with the humans chin. The human staggered back just as the wolf jumped forward for a second attack. Stepping back despite the pain in his sides he let the wolf thrust his right fist forward. Mike ducked and using the wolfs weight against him he pulled him forward while turning around, throwing the wolf over his shoulder, flinging him through the air letting him land several feet away.

Turning around he faced the human who was coming in once again, but before any more happened a demanding voice yelled out "ENOUGH!" The human stopped in his tracks, both Mike and the human looked over, seeing the human girl from before, from the feral wolf had said her name was Wind.

Stepping forward, she glared at the human who lowered his head and backed away, before turning to Mike who gazed back at her unflinchingly, even though he could feel her eyes piercing straight though him and it sent a chill up his spine. Mike suddenly blinked as something swelled in his stomach and placed his right hand over his mouth as blood burst from his throat. Choking and crouching he keeled over slightly, holding his mouth and trying to keep a second torrent of blood from coming up.

"Look at you, you're half dead, why did you come here?" her tone was cold and uncaring as she glared down at the bloodied human.

Mike lifted himself up a bit. "I want my knife back, that large one." Wind narrowed her eyes as she looked firmly at Mike.

"I thought I told you..."

"And I wasn't listening, I want the knife now," Mike interrupted, which gained several loud growls and anger from the wolves and enraged glares from the humans.

Wind showed her teeth as she grit them, but laughter gained everyone's attention, all eyes shifted onto the old man sitting in front of the fire. Slowly he raised up to his feet and moved to Mike with an amused smile, he was smaller than Mike and obviously a lot older. He was also native american, with long white hair that was tied into two pony tails that rested on either of his shoulders, his eyes were squinted from age and his face was wrinkled, a large brown pelt rested over him covering his body as he neared Mike.

"Why do you want your blade back boy?" came his elderly voice, looking up to Mike showing his near neon blue eyes, which put Mike off for a moment until the old man smiled. "Well, boy?"

Mike steadied himself. "I want it back so I can kill those creatures that killed my friends," he said firmly, being completely honest.

"Ah, so you wish revenge on those who have wronged you, that is a powerful drive yet it is not something I can allow you to do."

"What would you know about it huh, my team was like family to me and now their dead, that knife was the first thing that put fear into those damn things" Mike countered, making the old man nod.

"Yes, a dangerous tool and it is to be greatly feared in these woods, however, I know what it feels to lose friends as well as family, the pain will never go away but should you strike these creatures down in hatred you are no better than they."

"What makes you think I care?" Mike's teeth were gritted in anger which made the old man look up with a serious expression.

"A strong will to fight and a devotion to those who were family, you'd sacrifice your own humanity to let their souls rest...hmm, very well." Shocked gasps and some soft protests were made, but a raised hand silenced everyone.

"Your knife will be returned to you but you will need to give me something in return." Mike blinked as he gazed down at the old man.

"You will in return pay me your life, you will live here and abandon your previous life." Mikes expression was only that of confusion as the old man spoke about the price he would pay.

Mike tilted his head to the side slightly. "So you give me my weapon and in exchange I live here with you...why?" a smile appeared on the old man's face.

"Your morals are something that has long been forgotten in this world, devotion, this is something I am happy to see in this world, so do you accept the terms?" He pulled his left hand from inside of the pelt and held out Mike's knife, wrapped in cloth.

Mike narrowed his eyes, gazing at his blade before reaching out and taking it, pulling the cloth from it and looking it over, it was still stained with the blood of the creature he had killed, looking back down at the old man who was still smiling.

"Welcome to the Slicing wind clan." The old man turned with that and returned to his spot by the fire, everyone around slowly moving back to their spots as well.

Mike looked at his knife, then to Wind who was glaring at him from his left, he narrowed his eyes and glared back before turning away and moving back toward the cave he woke up in, slipping his blade into the back part of his pants.

Mike continued through the forest but was suddenly frozen in place as a wind soared around him. Turning around having not expected something like that to suddenly happen, he saw nothing but the distant lights flickering. Turning back he came face to face with the woman Wind, jumping back in sudden shock before sighing.

"What do you want?" he said coldly, which only made her glare intensify.

"I don't know what you think you're going to do with that blade but should you harm anyone from this clan know that I will enjoy tearing you apart."

"Really, I'm shaking in my boots," Mike growled back before shoving past Wind, who immediately grabbed his arm, spinning him around.

Mike was taken off guard as Wind grabbed him by the throat and hoisted him into the air with little to no effort, Winds green eyes were glowing as she glared up at him.

"You're nothing but a cocky child that knows nothing of what you're in the middle of," Wind literally growled out.

"What makes you think I care?" Mike choked out, before bringing both his legs up and wrapping them around her arm, his arms wrapping around her upper arm and giving a strong jerk. The sound of a dislocating joint rang out as he fell to the ground.

Jumping away and glaring at Wind who continued glaring back at him, her right arm dislocated at the elbow though she showed no pain. Raising her right arm and snapping it to the side, the joint locked back into place as her eyes slowly began to dim.

"Protect yourself boy, you're in the middle of a war and don't even know it." Turning, she started off back to the camp leaving Mike confused.

After several moments of staring in the direction that Wind had gone he turned around and saw the feral wolf from before sitting there with an amused furry smile on her muzzle.

"I think she likes you." This confused Mike even more, he shook his head and stomped back toward the cave, his wounds still hurting like one wouldn't believe.

Wind moved back to the old male's side and sat down, a small laugh coming from the older male. "Haha, my little Wind, the concern you show for the boy, it pleases me that your finally opening your heart," this making Wind blush and rest her chin on her knees.

"Don't be ridiculous, a foolish human like him has no place in my heart. Even if you were to change him, which I know you're planning on doing, he'll still be nothing but a half-breed. No one will accept him into this clan even if you do," Wind explained, staring at the fire as laughter and fun was carried on around them.

"Ah Wind, you are very perceptive about the things around you and you don't even have to tap into your abilities to tell what others are thinking...but this clan will accept him. We are a dying race Wind, half-breeds are the only ones that are capable of continuing our blood and even though it will be hard for him, I'm glad that this human had stumbled onto us. He's strong willed and shows no fear even against unimaginable odds, I think he'll play a very important role in this clan as well as our race."

Wind remained quiet for a few moments. "You're going senile in your old age grandfather," this making the old man laugh.

"Perhaps Wind, perhaps."

Mike sat back down leaning against the inside of the cave, panting softly and feeling cold from the loss of blood. Slowly pulling his shirt up and looking over himself, he could see blood running down his sides like waterfalls, the cloths being soaked completely. Pulling the cloths off as well he tossed them away. Sitting there holding his shirt against his sides trying to get the wounds to clot, he stared at the ceiling of the cave before the sound of paws caught his attention. Looking to his left he saw the feral wolf watching him.

"You're going to die at this rate, let me help." Moving closer she nosed at his hands, making him move them before she began lapping at his wounds. Gritting his teeth in pain he gripped the wolf's scruff tightly, though she didn't respond besides giving a small whimper before continuing.

Soon the soft wolfs tongue began to make him feel better and he was slumping against the wall as his body relaxed. The blood began to stop flowing from the constant lapping of the wolf's tongue and soon the wolf moved back, looking over the shivering human in front of her. Moving up, she rubbed herself against the human, her body warm and her fur soft, softer than he would have imagined a wolfs fur to be. He wrapped an arm over her as she laid herself over his lap, trying to cover as much of his body as she could.

"What is your name?" came her first question.

"Names Michael, everyone calls me Mike though," Mike said with a shiver in his voice.

"Well Michael, I'm Koro, I'll be watching over you by the instructions from Elder Moons Shadow." Mike put the name with the old man who had returned his knife.

"Well Koro, I know one thing, you're the best blanket I've ever had," this making the wolf laugh softly.

"Mmm, well you're a good pillow, now get some sleep, don't wake up for a long time so your wounds will heal. I'll have some food here for you by the time you wake," with that and the promise of food when he woke Mike slowly fell asleep.