Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 101

Story by ModestImmorality on SoFurry

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#101 of Pokemon - Tale of the Guardian Master

Chapter 101 - Flashbacks and Farewells

Several days following the events revolving the now former President of Platinum Star Lines, the wounded S.S. Guardian finally arrived at her destination, the frozen land of Arcticu Valley. With sheets of ice spotting the surface of the ocean, it scrapped against the battered hull of the ship as she slowly drift along, pulled to port by the ships that had come to aid her along the rest of her voyage. With bergs drifting along in all shapes and sizes around them, all on board were finally greeted with the first sight of solid soil before them at last. With Chris and the girls standing together at the tip of the bow, they each watched the land before them grow closer and closer in anticipation, finding themselves arriving before a bustling town set up along the ocean, shimmering in the ice and snow covering the land. Once the Guardian was safely brought to port and her movement had ceased, Chris took a deep breath and let out a relieved sigh. "We made it... We really, really made it." he smiled. "Yes... Although it's good to be alive, I still can't say I favor the location." Alicia replied, looking at their frigid surroundings and shuddering. "You hush! This place look pretty!" Serenity snapped. "Now now, Arcticu is risky territory for her kind. You can't blame her for being nervous... I'll need to find a way to keep her warm without Ninetales fast though. She's not gonna keep letting me use her powers like this much longer." Chris point out. "Right, and when she decides to cut you off, that's the end for me." Alicia scowled. "Oh come on, you gotta give Ninetales more credit than that. If nothing else she's proven she doesn't want any of us to die." Chris reminded with a grin. "He's right you know. At the worst of times she's always there for us!" Rose smiled, Serenity scowling and crossing her arms. "I not have opinion." she added.

Looking at the Pokemon, Chris let out a sigh and shook his head before putting a hand on her shoulder, causing Serenity to jolt before facing him and showing a small smile. Looking at her face, Chris suddenly thought back to moments just after he was declared a free man by the various regions of the world, when the fireworks had finally ceased and the crowd was starting to settle down. "You've really surprised me today." Chris chuckled as he walked off the stage with the girls, glancing at Serenity causing her to raise an eyebrow. "I surprise? How? You mean way I punish humans? I do that anytime! Just ask!" she grinned, slapping him on the back causing Chris to stumble and let out a nervous laugh. "N-Not that. I mean, you did a good job with that too. But... I meant the whole hug thing with Victoria." he point out, causing the Pokemon to pause before scowling and facing away. "I not want to talk about that." she replied. "Oh come on! You did a really good job! You let another human not only touch you, but hug you! And all things considered, that's a pretty big deal. The way you restrained yourself during that moment was just as impressive as how you controlled those Shadow powers you've got! I'm proud of you, I really mean it!" he grinned, causing the Pokemon to glance at him and blush slightly. "Yeah, well. It whatever." she replied, scratching her nose with a slightly embarrassed look showing in her scowl. "My, you're easily impressed. Not that I can blame you for having low standards." Alicia teased, grinning at Serenity causing the Pokemon to scowl. "You watch mouth snake." she growled. "Or what? You'll slap me or something? Sorry dearie but you're a tad too short." the snake mocked, patting Serenity on the head causing the Pokemon to show a pulse of anger, her eye twitching while Rose sighed and shook her head.

"I guess them being this way means everything's back to normal at least. If anything it shows they're in a better mood now!" Rose point out with a smile. "I guess... It gives me a chance to surprise them when they're like this too." Chris smirked, causing the rabbit to tilt her head curiously as he walked up behind Serenity while she and Alicia bickered. Just as Serenity was about to respond to the snakes continuous taunting yet again, she found herself frozen in the moment by Chris's sudden grasp from behind, his arms wrapped around the Pokemon causing her eyes to widen while standing with her finger up in a mid-argument pose. Glancing back, she saw Chris grinning with a "gotcha!" causing her to blink for a moment before flushing. "Wha-What doing?" she asked as he hugged her. "It's like I said, I'm proud of you! And when you do something to make me proud, you deserve a reward!" he chuckled before tilting his head and giving her a sudden kiss on the neck with a loud kissing noise making the Pokemon jolt and stand straight as a board before his lips pulled away with a smack. "I love my Serenity!" he exclaimed, causing Alicia to scowl with her cheeks puffed out while Rose giggled. Stuttering in a flustered state, Serenity suddenly thrashed her way out of his arms and jumped away from Chris, flailing her arms. "N-N-N-NOT DO THAT!!! N-Not when arguing..." she shout before her voice hushed into an embarrassed tone, poking her fingers shyly. "N-Not fair. It mess me up..." she added with a slightly pouty looking expression while Chris smiled. "Always adorable." he chuckled causing Serenity to scowl before facing away while continuing to blush.

"You certainly know how to spoil ones fun." Alicia chimed in with a scowl of her own. "Bah, don't worry about it. Rest assured, I love you too!" he grinned, nudging the snake on the side with a wink. "Us mates gotta stick together righ-MPHM!!" Chris began to ask, only to find himself cut off when Alicia snapped her tail around his mouth with a flush on her face. "I-IDIOT!!!" she panicked, Serenity scowling while Rose sighed and shook her head. "You're hard to read, you know?" Rose point out, Chris looking at the rabbit curiously. "I mean, the way you act. Serious one minute, all flirty the next. Then sometimes you act really... REALLY immature. You know how to keep a girl on her toes." she laughed nervously. "I don't have any toes to be kept on! Someone won't have a mouth to speak with either if he keep spouting nonsense!!" Alicia snapped before feeling Chris tapping a finger on her tail. "Oh no you don't! I'm not letting you say another wor...!!" she replied, facing Chris and finding his face turning a pale-ish purple color from her restriction, causing her to jolt before quickly releasing him allowing Chris to gasp for air. "G-Gotta watch that tail." he wheezed. "W-Well that's what you get!!" Alicia snapped before glancing away with a frustrated yet slightly guilty expression. "I-I do apologize. I meant to silence you, not choke you." she added. "N-No worries" Chris smiled, waving his hand while Rose pat him on the back, Serenity shaking her head with a "stupid snake" remark causing Alicia to show a pulse of anger herself, the two scowling at one another before sighing and turning their attention to Chris.

"Yeah... That was a pretty funny moment." he chuckled in the present as they continued looking at the town before them. "Pardon? What was funny?" Alicia asked. "Oh, just thinking back on that moment right after the fireworks. Don't you remember? You gotta work on learning your strength!" Chris point out, causing the snake to glance away embarrassed. "I already apologized." she scowled. "Bah, no worries." he assured before looking at Serenity and grinning. "That moment I surprised you with my hug was pretty awesome too! I can still get some sweet reactions outta you!" he teased, nudging Serenity causing the Pokemon to blush and pout. "That was dirty trick. Not fair." she replied. "Not fair, but adorable the way you reacted anyway. It's another reason I love you girls. Your responses to things are precious." he grinned. "And you're learning what happens too." Alicia lectured, poking him on the cheek with the tip of her tail. "Oh, I'm learning alright." he smirked, waving his eyebrows at the snake in a flirty way causing her to flush before facing away and smacking him on the back of the head with her tail. "DOG!!" she snapped, only to get a howling noise out of Chris in response causing her to groan in humiliation. "Somebody's in a good mood!" Rose giggled. "We're in a new land and I'm with the family I love, of course I am!" he laughed before lifting her up in his arm and rubbing his nose against hers. "R-Really good mood." the rabbit repeat, poking her fingers with a shy smile. "You know, it's hard to believe we'll be getting off this ship soon. After everything that happened it's like leaving another home. That's the only thing I can think of that sucks about traveling... You form a bond with places and people, only to leave them again and again." he admit before turning back and looking up at the bridge.

With another memory coming to mind, Chris thought about a meeting he'd had with Captain Rostron and Chief Smith the day following the ruling in Rostron's cabin. "So what say you lad? Join us, and become not only the owner of the Arceanic, but an equal alongside us as a fellow commander in chief of Platinum Star Lines! You made our takeover happen, it's the least we could do! Surely you'd overcome any and all necessary training!" Rostron grinned as he sat at a table with Chris, Chief Smith remaining in his bed and nodding. "Aye lad. You've rooted out the vile from the company, now why not aid in the restoration? With your renown the world over, you'd be an extraordinary figurehead that would certainly shine a brilliant light on a company in desperate need of such positive attention." Smith added. "It's a great offer. Really it is! But it's one I'll have to turn down I'm afraid." Chris replied with his hand up. "However, don't think that means I'll abandon the offer entirely." he added with a smirk, the two men looking at one another curiously before facing him. "I know a certain couple back in Millennium City who'd be perfect as your first partners as heads of Platinum, and I'd stake everything I've got on their capability of bringing the company back to the top alongside you!" he point out. "You already know who I'm talking about Mr. Smith, that being Arthur and Angela." he added, facing the Chief as he thought it over. "You need power, the right influence. Somebody that everybody knows the world over, and I doubt there's anyone else out there who'd be more suited than those two. Business savvy is a big priority with a job like this, and when it comes to them we're talkin' Einstein level smarts here. They'll set you up right." Chris nodded.

"I'm afraid I don't know the two personally, however I'm sure with you and Mr. Smith here backing the proposition those you've mentioned wouldn't object. From what I've heard from him, and considering how highly you view them, I've no doubt they would make for an excellent start indeed." Rostron nodded. "Still, are you certain there's nothing more we can do for you? To offer you? Granted owning the Arceanic is extraordinary in itself, but there's the fact it IS a wreckage, a grave if you will, that you've been given... Surely there's something more than rusty metal we can offer?" Rostron asked, Chris taking the deed out of his coat and smiling at the rolled up paper. "Trust me, it's more than enough. If anything it should be ME asking if I can compensate in some way." he replied before looking at Rostron and Smith, the three of them going silent for a moment before Chris put the deed away and crossed his arms. "Although... I guess there's one thing..." he muttered, the two men looking at one another before leaning in Chris's direction. "Anything lad. If it's within our power, please do tell!" Rostron replied eagerly. "Aye. That brain of yours is a curious one. I'm game for a little exploration." Smith nodded. "In regards to the Arceanic, I wanna do everything possible to deter trespassing and theft. So I was thinking..." Chris paused, facing down for a moment while closing his eyes. "But it's risky... Not sure how the world would take it..." he muttered, the two men leaning all the closer. "Out with it lad! We're all ears!" Rostron affirmed. Looking at the two Chris nodded before pulling out his Pokedex, flipping it open to reveal the blueprints of the Arceanic on several holograms, with the ship itself displayed and slowly rotating in the center.

Optional track to LWR - Listen While Reading - The Dream Becomes The Legend https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rwLl5nY5WPI

"I'd like to build a new one..." he revealed, the two men going wide eyed and slowly sitting back. "A new Arceanic lad...? A tad eerie..." Rostron replied warily. "Aye. Not sure how I feel about that one." Smith nodded. "There's nothing eerie about it." Chris affirmed before placing his Pokedex on the table, the holograms remaining active. "By building a new Arceanic, theft and invasion of the wreckage would be further negated, on top of the security I've in mind, security which I'll commission the Millennium Laboratory to undertake." he began before enlarging the hologram of the Arceanic. "The original ship relied on coal, and the first class section was given the most extravagant, more Victorian era touches. The new ship would have its funnels covered in solar panels, its workings imitating those of the Guardian, and the entire thing, every inch, would be crafted like a Victorian palace within. The first ship where first class is truly for every class." he explained, the men blinking in surprise. "That would come at an extraordinary cost lad." Smith point out. "That's where I come in." Chris nodded. "The hull will be twice as strong, the controls modernized. It'll be equipped with the latest tech..." he went on. "Technology of which will be covered, again, by Millennium Laboratory. I've already put my money toward Millennium Hospital, and I'm getting tired of just spoiling the girls with it. Not that I regret doing so but... I wanna use it for something new, something with a much greater purpose." he continued. "We'll call it the R.M.S. Legend, and honor the Arceanic by placing the figurehead I was given within the fore Grand Staircase, in a similar fashion akin to the clock in the original and the plaque in the replica aboard this ship." he revealed.

"There's still the fact you're wanting to build a replica of the ship so many died on lad..." Rostron affirmed. "And there's ALSO the fact of it honoring the heroic actions that occurred revolving those on board before and after that time." Chris replied. "Souls play a key part in the Arceanic legacy, and they will play a key part in the new Legend to follow. While the ship will offer first class accommodations for every class, it will also offer a special feature..." Chris smirked, the two men listening curiously. "I mentioned Millennium Hospital a bit ago... This ship will offer complimentary trips for people who are suffering from terminal illnesses, and for the young suffering chronic complications that limit their activity... Hence the emphasis on the latest technology. That goes for the ship itself, and the medical devices within to see to it that these special needs passengers are able to enjoy the luxury like anyone else to the highest possible degree. Pain at a minimum, pleasure at max." Chris grinned. "We'll turn a symbol of sadness into an icon of hope. Of faith and prosperity. I won't just keep the Arceanic's past alive, I'll give the ship all new life, an all new purpose... It'll carry people to a new world, in more ways than one. This won't be the ship of dreams... That dream is over." Chris winked. "This will be the voyage to paradise. The most luxurious path to the other world ever brought forth by human hands. A journey with a different meaning for every passenger on board. For some, a trip into the realm of royalty. For others, the final trek to the great beyond, one that will take them to locations never before seen on their path to their ultimate reward." he nodded. "With the Millennium Laboratory and Platinum Star Lines behind her creation, and yours truly behind its safety and cost, we'll build the Arceanic anew in ways never possible in the past. It'll be bigger, better, safer and fancier." Chris assured as the men looked at one another and thought it over.

"The new Arceanic will give the impossible to those who need, who deserve it the most. There are so many people on this planet who dream of seeing the world, so many kids trapped within walls due to illnesses. On the new Arceanic, they might still be stuck in walls, but they'll get to see places they'd only dreamed of going to nonetheless." Chris smiled before looking at the blueprints. "They say every time a wind chime rings an angel gets its wings... The new Arceanic will be those wings for everyone on board. It will ferry them to places beyond their imagination. It will breath life into the weary, pump hope into the hopeless. This new ship will be the ultimate experience for those who feel they've nothing left. We'll send the terminal off with an experience they'll brag about in the next life, and for the chronically ill, we'll be giving the young the encouragement they need to push forward despite the difficulties they'll face by showing them the world, and all the wonder it has to offer for those willing to fight to experience it all. While the Arceanic was the ship of dreams, this ship will be the ship of hope, the ship that provides the promise of a better, of a happier tomorrow, for those willing to reach out and take it for themselves. The new Arceanic will be the first step towards believing in a better life for each passenger who climbs on board. The first step in proving to themselves that there is something worth living for out there. And this ship will help them find the reason to try they're searching for, the reason they need the most." Chris chuckled before facing down. "The girls have taught me that, sometimes, you can find reason enough to live, to overcome your problems, just by seeing the beauty of the world in a different way. With different people... This ship will be to its passengers what I am to the girls, and vice versa." he explained.

"Mr. Rostron, Mr. Smith... Will you help me build the R.M.S. Legend?" he asked, looking at the two men as they continued thinking it over. "We'll need approval from many sources first and foremost." Rostron replied. "Naturally... Before construction begins, I'd like to do the same with the Legend as was done with the deed here in my coat. Approval from current living descendants, as well as the deceased while we have them aboard the Guardian." Chris nodded, while back in the present he was hovering his gaze along the remains of the bridge above. "I never thought I'd be the one behind the construction of a ship of all things..." he chuckled while reaching in his coat and taking out two rolled up sheets. "You talking about Legend thing you want to build?" Serenity asked. "Yeah... I was shocked at how fast it was approved too! Just took a few days... After everyone heard the story revolving the Arceanic and the Guardian here, it seemed like they couldn't pick up a pen fast enough. I was worried since a lot of people DID die on the Arceanic after all. But with everything out in the open now, all the truths exposed, everyone was surprisingly mellow about the decision. I hear the Captain had our conversation recorded too and spread it to folks they asked for the okay from. Guess I gave more inspiration than I thought!" he grinned, unfurling one of the two sheets revealing the documentation of approval for the construction of his R.M.S. Legend, signed the same as his deed to the Arceanic by countless heads of families and various key figures in the Platinum Star company and maritime industry. "The world granted me freedom, and now I've been granted the right to breath new life in an old ship..." he smiled before suddenly grinning with a shout of excitement, jumping in the air before skipping and dancing about the deck with his papers in hand while the girls watched with nervous smiles, only to jolt and rush to his side when he slipped on ice and flipped onto his back.

"I happy for you but not need to hurt yourself!" Serenity lectured as she and Rose helped him up. "Quite right, you've put that back of yours through enough trauma." Alicia reminded. "Hey hey! I'm not old you know!" he snapped, sensitive over his spinal issues. "And might I ask what's wrong with being old?" they heard a familiar voice ask, the group turning to see Captain Smith hovering up and setting himself down before them with his arms crossed. "N-Nothing! I was just saying... I mean, my back and..." Chris panicked, only for the Captain to grin and wave his hand. "I'm just funnin' with ya lad. Don't fret." Smith coaxed before hovering past and looking at the icy town before them. "This place has certainly grown over the years. I remember when it was just beginning to come to life. Now it's hustling and bustling the same as the city itself." the Captain chuckled. "You've no idea... Just wait until you see what Millennium looks like nowadays!" Chris grinned. "Baby steps lad. This is already overwhelming enough. Up to this point it was hard to tell how much time had passed, and now it's catching up enough to get the better of me as-is." the Captain replied with a nervous smile."By the way, about that replica of my ship..." he added, turning to Chris causing him to jolt and smile nervously. "N-Not upset, right?" he asked warily. "At first I admit it struck a nerve in both, myself and the others. But after explanations were given, we couldn't help but find ourselves intrigued by the idea the same as the others who'd already given approval. Give me the documentation lad." the Captain ordered, holding his hand out. "S-Sure." Chris nodded before handing it over, Smith unfurling it and looking everything over.

"She'll be a beauty I'm sure... Has her Captain been brought into consideration?" he asked. "W-Well, it might be kinda egotistical but... I'd kinda like to be the Captain for its maiden voyage. After that, it's kinda up for debate." Chris grinned. "You'll have to overcome many ordeals to be appointed Captain of a vessel you know. Just because you fund it doesn't give you qualification to helm it!" Smith reminded. "I-I know! I've been taught a lot of stuff by the elders back in my village, and Mr. Rostron and Smith, the other one, have agreed to help in furthering my education in maritime stuff. We'll arrange all that at a later date thought." Chris assured. Looking down at him, Smith smirked with a grunt before slightly opening himself and reaching inside his body, pulling out a pen causing Chris and the girls to blink curiously. "You've received signatures of approval from many, but I've neglected to provide my own... And considering this IS my ship we're discussing, it's only fitting I play the prominent role in the final determination of a replica, correct?" Smith asked. "W-Well, yeah." Chris nodded nervously. "If the world deems it proper, then I see no reason why I should delay the matter, nor' to burden your consciousness with my objections. That being the case..." he paused before holding the document against a nearby pole and signing his name before handing it back to Chris, the group looking at his signature before facing the Captain. "So you really don't mind sir?" Chris asked, Smith waving his hand as he put the pen back within himself. "Well, you seemed eager enough to begin even without my say-so." the Captain point out, causing Chris to jolt before laughing nervously and apologizing. "Just... Tread carefully lad. This is an extraordinarily sensitive thing you're essentially trampling on." Smith affirmed, getting a nod from Chris in response.

"I promise to do you and all those spirits proud sir. You'll see! Once it sets sail, the Legend will be a more than worthy descendant of the Arceanic, you've got my word on that!" he grinned before facing the sky. "With your dreams and our hopes for the future combined, the Legend will be the ship of all ships..." he chuckled while looking at the clouds. "Yeah... I'll make them proud..." he affirmed as he started thinking about another event that occurred nights before. Flashing back in his mind, Chris recalled when the spirits who had decided to leave their world passed on with the Dusknoir. "So it's finally time huh?" Chris asked, sitting comfortably alongside Serenity and Rose on the couch while holding his Pokedex, in the middle of a call with Captain Rostron. "Aye lad. Was hoping they could've remained with us until our arrival at the valley, but it appears they've decided they're ready." the Captain nodded. "Naturally they'd like everyone in attendance, especially you and yours. I know you've already been burdened with enough sadness on this voyage, but... I do hope you can forgive a request for you to shoulder a tad more." Rostron apologized. "No worries sir. I'd be glad to see them off with everyone. I was going to make it a point too actually. How much longer do we have?" Chris asked. "They've already started gathering at the bow of the ship lad along with family and friends." the Captain answered. "And some of them are still going to stay behind...?" Chris asked, the Captain nodding in response. "Some of them still feel they've a purpose in this world, be it serving alongside us at the company or going about their ways to accomplish what they wish alongside relatives. Many feel a need to repent for the past, as you know." Rostron affirmed.

"So we go watch dead humans go to other place?" Serenity asked. "Th-That's a little blunt, but yes..." Chris laughed nervously. "It's called the spirit world, a place where we all go eventually. We really need to work on your education." Alicia explained. "I uh, kinda don't wanna listen to lessons about dying and stuff that happens afterward." Rose smiled with slight sweat on her face. "Oh come now, we all must face the end eventually." Alicia reminded. "L-Lets just put it at the back of our minds for now. I agree with Rose on this one." Chris replied with a nervous smile. "You're so weak." Alicia sighed before nodding. "What happen when die not important to me anyway. That not happen for long time so not need to worry about now." Serenity scoffed, waving her hand in response. "That's right! We're gonna be here for quite a while, so lets focus more on life and less on that, shall we?" Chris grinned, the girls nodding in agreement. "I uh, hate to butt in here but, what's the conversation here exactly?" Rostron asked, unable to understand the girls on his end. "Oh, well, Serenity doesn't know anything about dying and where you go afterwards. Alicia was going to explain but Rose and I decided it was a bit too depressing to go over right now." Chris explained. "I must admit, I agree. After everything we've been through it's time to focus on appreciating life and sending those departing off with smiles and encouragement." the Captain nodded with a smile. "So then, see you on the bow?" he asked, Chris nodding in response. "We'll be there sir." he assured before the hologram flashed away. "I'm in the same boat as him... Was hoping they'd stick around." Chris sighed. "It's for the best I'd say. Humans aren't meant to remain in this world for such an extended period. It's time for them to claim their seats in the great beyond." Alicia nodded.

"You know, it's actually not unheard of for humans to live to be over a hundred, so in a way it's not too beyond the norm!" Chris clarified. "I suppose, but keep in mind most of our kind easily and commonly live well over that. In fact, we can surpass several hundreds of years before passing on." Alicia point out. "However, the laws of nature help keep population from getting out of hand. Although we CAN live far beyond the age of most humans, through survival of the fittest and such, and thanks to human intervention, many of our kind don't live a full, natural life." the snake went on. "Doesn't that mean all of us will outlive Chris though...?" Rose point out, lowering her head as she fell into a sulky mood causing Serenity and Alicia to jolt. "H-Hadn't considered that." Alicia muttered, suddenly regretting the topic. "I not outlive him, so I not worried." Serenity point out confidently. "How can you be for certain?" Alicia asked. "Easy, before he die I kill self." Serenity affirmed, causing Chris's eyes to widen. "WOAH!! You'll do no such thing!!" he snapped. "I not care about world or life if you not in it. When time come for you, then time come for me. We go together." Serenity nodded. "That sort of dedication is... Eerily admirable, but extreme nonetheless wouldn't you say?" Alicia asked. "You saying you not need him?" Serenity asked. "I-I said nothing of the sort!! But killing ones self due to the loss of a loved one..." Alicia replied. "Wouldn't you say that's kinda weak of you?" Rose chimed in, finishing the snakes sentence. "I say it selfish of you to want life without him!" Serenity point out with her nose up and arms crossed. Looking at the three, Chris found himself thrust into a sudden uncomfortable position once again, sweating slightly and scratching his cheek nervously.

"I-I appreciate such strong feelings toward me but I don't want anyone to die over me, especially KILL themselves." he affirmed. "What reason I have to live without you?" Serenity asked. "W-Well, you never know! I mean, you never know what all might happen between now and that point in time. You could have a million reasons to keep living!" Chris point out. "Like what?" Serenity asked. "I-I dunno... Friends? Family?" he replied. "I not mind being with them, but still not want to be without you." Serenity affirmed with a scowl. "World not worth seeing if you not in it! And that not ever change." she added. "I swear self to you, so I go where you go, no matter what it take to stay together." she affirmed sternly. "Th-This is a hard thing to respond to." Chris muttered nervously. "It's not really wrong to want to keep living, is it?" Rose asked. "O-Of course not!! No matter what happens to me I want all three of you to keep living!! Together, and happy!!" Chris replied in a stern yet panicked manner. "It's only right to want to keep living!! And besides, even if I'm gone before you I'll still be in your hearts and memories, and like I said, who knows what reasons may come around for you to keep pushing on without me. Just because you might not be able to think of any reasons right now, that doesn't mean reasons won't come around. Just give it time! B-Besides, in regards to lifespans I'm still a young guy, I'll be around for a LONG time so really there's no reason for this topic to come up at all right now!" he affirmed. Looking at him, Serenity raised an eyebrow before letting out a sigh and nodding. "Okay, okay. We drop it. I not think possible, but reason might come. If does, I consider. That make happy?" she asked, Chris blinking at her before letting out a relieved sigh and nodding. "Thank you." he nodded.

"I uh, apologize for making the topic come to light." Alicia affirmed. "D-Don't worry about it. Lets just agree we should make sure it doesn't come up again, at least anytime soon. Alright?" he asked, all three nodding in response. Looking at them, Chris sat quietly in the midst of the uncomfortable moment, trying to ponder a way to put it aside before they went to see the spirits off. Suddenly, he put his fist in his palm and grinned as an idea came to mind, the girls looking at him curiously before Serenity and Rose found themselves pulled in his arms against his sides, both going wide eyed before finding themselves given a firm kiss on their cheeks, Chris letting out a loud "mwuah!" with each kiss causing them to jolt and flush brightly. Releasing the two, Chris smiled as they looked at him in a bewildered state. "I love you." he affirmed while Alicia scowled, facing away only to find her neck in Chris's arms when he turned to her before being pulled down, receiving the same kiss the others received on her own cheek before he released her with a grin. "That goes for all of you." he nodded, the snake stuttering before facing away and muttering "idiot" in response. "I'll admit, I might be the first to go. And if it turns out that way, it might be hard for you girls to push on. But I promise I'll do everything I can to give you enough love and good memories to last a lifetime, no matter how long yours might be! Even if I'm gone I'll do whatever I can to make it impossible for you to be sad living on!" he assured with a thumbs up. "That way you'll always be able to feel me in your hearts and minds, cause that's just how much love I'll give you while I'm around!" he affirmed.

Looking at him silently, all three girls continued showing a slight blush as he stood and fetched his staff, taking it in hand before heading toward the door. "Alright then... Lets go. And remember, smi...!!" he affirmed, only to find himself cut off when he turned and had Alicia and Serenity place a kiss on each of his cheeks simultaneously, causing him to freeze up and blink in surprise before Rose jumped up and pulled him down, giving him a kiss of her own on his forehead. "U-Uhh..." he replied, straightening up wide eyed before slowly turning red in the face. "E-Eh?! Wh-What's that about?!" he asked in a panicked state, stepping back as the girls smiled. "Guess we got you back!" Rose giggled. "You surprise us, so we surprise you!" Serenity point out with a wink. "It's only fair we return the favor." Alicia nodded with a smirk. "Th-There's a difference! Three kissing me at once is foul play!!" he snapped before facing away with an embarrassed scowl. "G-Geez... A guys heart has to be ready for that kinda thing." he muttered, scratching his nose shyly causing the girls to giggle in response. "A-Anyway! Lets go." he added before opening the door and heading out, the girls following behind. Making their way to the upper decks, they were gradually surrounded by a crowd the closer they got to their destination, more and more people gathering together alongside them and following the same path. Once they were outside, the group noticed the ship had come to a standstill, those aiding the Guardian along paying respects by stalling their journey and gathering on the decks of their own ships in silence with hats off. All around them and above, the thousands of Yamask aboard the Guardian were soaring about toward the same destination, looks of excitement on their faces causing Chris to grin.

"Would you look at that...? We did that... They're ready." he point out, the girls looking around as the spirits flew past. "Actually, that's reason enough to keep living right there, with or without me. There's so much you can do for the world, no matter who or what it is, by giving your all to help. To do good. You girls have so much power now, you can do a lot of unbelievable things for others if you put your minds to it. Especially if you work together! I still don't think the fact you saved all these people and Pokemon on the ship has sunk in yet. Doesn't it feel good, doesn't it make you feel like pushing on and doing more good things? You don't really need any specific people in your life to help others, just the willpower within yourselves to do so... If you can't see any value in living on, you can give yourself reason enough to do so just by doing things like this for others. It's its own reward, you know? I certainly feel a new drive to live!" Chris grinned, Serenity looking around and scowling with her arms crossed while Rose and Alicia nodded with a smile. "It does do wonders for ones ego." the snake point out with her nose up. "W-Well, that too." Chris laughed nervously. "It does feel pretty good... I definitely never thought I'd do anything like what we've done since meeting." Rose smiled. "There you go! That's what I'm talking about." he chuckled, rubbing the rabbit on the head causing her to blush slightly. Once they arrived at the bow, the group could see the Dusknoir floating together above them, with the spirits gathering in larger and larger numbers around them while several staying behind gathered by Captain Smith's side on the deck, with Captain Rostron and his officers by their side in the middle of the massive crowd.

"So the time has come huh?" Chris asked, walking up behind the two Captains. "Aye lad, they're ready and rarin' to go." Smith replied. "And you sure you guys wanna stay behind? Absolutely no regrets?" Chris asked, the spirits giving a thumbs up while Smith grunt in response. "It's as I said, our places will remain reserved, rest assured. There's no hurry for us anymore, but they're ready." he affirmed. "Alright then, just double checking." Chris smiled while he and the girls stood by the Captains sides. "So we really get to see how it works huh? I mean, going to the other place?" Rose asked. "Indeed lass. It's the opportunity few, if any have witnessed. Be sure to cherish the experience." Rostron affirmed. "Bragging rights are always a good thing." Alicia smirked. "Oy oy, don't make it something to be cocky over." Chris lectured with a scowl. "Well excuse me." Alicia replied, sticking her tongue out. "You really are spoiled." he replied, the snake facing away and grumbling. "Kidding, kidding. Remember, smiles!" Chris point out, nudging the snake while showing one himself, Alicia responding with an "oh, very well" and nodding. Above them, the Dusknoir were busy counting out the gathering spirits, and once all were in attendance, they nodded at one another before spotting Chris and the girls below. Looking at their leader, the Pokemon nodded at them in response before lowering down and hovering over the group. "For a mortal, especially a human, you're not so bad... Just thought we'd say at least that much before taking our leave. You're... Interesting." the leader nodded, Chris blinking in surprise before grinning and holding up a peace sign. "Just glad to be of help! Thanks for being more lenient with the spirits! You ever need any help in the future, you know the human to turn to!" he replied, the leader looking down in silence before suddenly showing a surprising smirk and chuckling before nodding in response. "Don't let accomplishments get to your head though." it replied.

Returning to the other Dusknoir, the leader nodded before they positioned themselves for preparing their leave. "That dumb to say." Serenity scowled. "Wadaya mean?" Chris asked. "Offering help to them? You want us dealing with the dead time and again?" Alicia asked. "G-Gotta admit, that IS a bit much for me to deal with." Rose added with a nervous smile. "Don't worry! I doubt they'd ever come to me for help with their job. Don't forget they didn't like me butting in the way I did as-is." Chris reminded, the girls scowling at him before letting out a simultaneous sigh and nodding. "In a hundred years, I'd swear that's the first time I've ever seen a happy side to that one. Or any of them." Smith point out, looking up at the Dusknoir with his arms crossed. "Ya did good lad, really you did." he added before turning to the girls. "You all did, even if begrudgingly perhaps." he point out, looking at them and Serenity, who glanced at Smith before turning her gaze away. "Wish that stop being brought up." she replied, Chris looking at the Pokemon and putting a hand on her shoulder with a smile. "We're just proud of you. Really proud." he affirmed, Serenity glancing at him before showing a small smile and nodding. "Okay, okay." she replied before looking at Smith, nodding at the Captain as well before they faced up together. "They're really gonna leave... I'm gonna miss em.' It's a shame I couldn't get to know everyone as much as I would've liked to. When going through the Captain's memories, they turned out to be some pretty awesome people." Chris smiled somberly. "Ah well. They're goin' to a better place." he chuckled. "That's a good lad." Rostron smiled, giving Chris a pat on the back while sitting in his wheelchair.

Optional track to LWR - Listen While Reading - Goodbye Souls of the Arceanic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nQW8HDHGOko

After a moment, the Dusknoir suddenly shot up high above the Guardian, and next thing everyone knew, an extraordinary burst of light appeared above the colossal ship, everyone shielding their eyes before looking up to see the other world opening up before their eyes, the Dusknoir spreading open a circular rift between the two realms as a golden radiance shined down upon them all. Gathering together, the spirits of the Arceanic looked up at what awaited them, their eyes widening as everyone below watched the entrance to the beyond finish forming. "By the Gods..." Rostron muttered. "Let there be no doubts, it does exist." Smith smirked. "Ooohhh, pretty..." Rose added. "My word, it's remarkable." Alicia chimed in. "Shiny..." Serenity added, everyone mesmerized by the heavenly scenery above them. After a moment, a pure energy began raining down from the world above onto the Yamask, and in response all of their masks began gradually glowing brighter and brighter before they collectively shattered, causing the spirits to panic before the energy from within their masks rapidly swirled around each of them, their Pokemon forms vanishing as their souls took on their human forms once more. Looking at one another, the souls began cheering loudly while those on the ship did the same, thrilled to see them return to who they were after a hundred years. Seeing the Andersson family return to their human selves as well, Chris couldn't help but well up with tears as a grin spread on his face, the parents holding their children excitedly and laughing while everyone else on the ship teared up as well, seeing their ancestors true selves celebrating their departure above and cheering them on from below.

After a moment, the Dusknoir group gathered before nodding at one another, the leader suddenly soaring up into the light causing the souls and crowd on the Guardian to silence themselves. "Wonder what's up...? Maybe they can't go yet after...!!" Chris muttered, only to pause wide eyed as everyone heard the sound of an infants cry echoing around them. Looking around collectively, both the souls and those aboard the ship showed puzzled looks before the silhouette of a colossal figure appeared from within the light, everyone going wide eyed in awe. "Th-That's no Pokemon..." Chris muttered. "What are you talking about? The figure resembles Arceus, plain as day!" Alicia point out. "Arceus? It looks like a human to me." Chris corrected. "Aye, I see a human as well." Rostron nodded. "I-I see something that looks like Arceus though too." Rose affirmed. "Not know what Arceus look like, but it on four legs." Serenity nodded. "S-Seriously? It's standing on two from my perspective..." Chris point out. Looking at one another bewildered, the silhouette they saw above seemingly took on a specific form depending on who, or what, was looking at it, and either way, its sheer size appeared as if larger than the planet itself, looking down at those in the world of the living in silence as the sound of an infants cry continued to echo. Next thing they knew, the figure reached out, and from its glowing palm Dusknoir returned with an orb of light that gradually took on the form of a baby. Flying down, the Pokemon stopped before John and Madeline Astor, holding it out to the couple causing their eyes to widen as Madeline slowly reached out and took it in her arms. Seeing this, Chris's eyes widened as he flashed back to when the couple died before him, and suddenly tears started streaming down his face before the girls heard him sobbing, looking at Chris in surprise while those around them cheered for the couple, the souls applauding the arrival of the baby as well.

However, as the girls tried to console Chris, he suddenly jolt when he felt something like a ping run through his head, a strange sensation on his shoulder as though a hand had softly touched it. Looking up, he heard an almighty voice echo "W.E.L.L. D.O.N.E." in his mind. Standing frozen, Chris didn't know what to think of the overwhelming voice, and next thing everyone knew the mysterious figure spread its arms, causing the thousands of souls above to draw towards the light. Drifting up and away from the land of the living, they turned back collectively to face the ship and those on board, and in unison their voices echoed a unified "Thank you!!" to everyone, bidding their descendants farewell as the figure took them away to their new home. During this moment, everyone on the deck started offering words of prayer to the being they saw, their words and language varying depending on their individual religions. Once all of the spirits had vanished, their farewells having faded away, the figure above slowly lowered its arms before the rift let off another colossal burst of light, everyone forced to shield their eyes once again before looking back up and finding the figure having vanished from sight. With their task now complete, the Dusknoir began closing the rift between the two realms, and just before sealing it completely, they paused to look at Chris once more, giving him a nod before they entered and the rift vanished from sight altogether, the sky having returned to its normal state. "A miracle... A bloody miracle." Rostron muttered in awe. "Aye, one none shall soon forget..." Smith agreed.

Standing silently and still, Chris continued looking at the empty sky above, remaining frozen in awe from the voice that had praised him, and during his moment of distraction, the girls noticed something coming toward them, watching as a small orb of light discretely made its way along behind Chris, stopping near his back before vanishing within the Pokeball atop his staff, causing the ball to glow for a moment before appearing as if nothing had happened. "See that...?" Serenity point out. "Yeah, it looked like one of those ghost thingies." Rose muttered. "Another refused to leave perhaps? But why go in there?" Alicia asked, the three looking at one another bewildered. Reaching out, Serenity tapped Chris on the shoulder, only for all three to jump back when he turned to show himself sobbing with tears and snot on his face, looking like a bawling baby causing the three to twitch an eye in response. "Th-That gross..." Serenity muttered. "Highly, HIGHLY unattractive." Alicia added. "Y-Yucky..." Rose chimed in. "Looks like the lad couldn't take it. Not that I blame him." Rostron point out, Smith looking as well before reaching inside himself and pulling out a handkerchief from his coffin. "Here lad, do clean up." he instructed, Chris nodding and taking it before wiping his eyes and blowing his nose, the girls letting out a collective "blech!" in response and facing away, Serenity and Rose waving a hand while Alicia shook her head with a shudder. Back in the present, Chris couldn't help but chuckle over the memory as they walked along the deck, looking at the girls as they scanned their surroundings curiously. "Sorry you had to see that." he apologized, the girls looking at him curiously.

"What are you referring to exactly?" Alicia asked. "Oh, you know, when I was bawling when everyone left." he reminded, the girls looking at one another before waving their hands. "Don't fret over it. That was quite an emotional moment for everyone it seems. Whatever that was in the sky was quite overwhelming to top it off. One can't blame you for losing control." Alicia nodded. "I still can't believe something was THAT big!! I mean, there aren't any Pokemon like that, are there?" Rose asked. "I not know." Serenity shrugged. "Not to my recollection. The largest I can think of would be those beastly Wailord creatures, but they pale in comparison to what we've witnessed. It took those humans forever to recuperate from the ordeal, even our own kind were flabbergasted for some time." Alicia point out. "Recuperate? Flabbergasted?" Rose asked, tilting her head curiously. "Those not even words." Serenity scowled. "...You poor creatures." Alicia sighed, shaking her head while Chris smirked. "Now now. Recuperate is just another word for recover, to get better. And flabbergasted just means, well, shocked I guessed. Surprised and stuff." he point out, the two letting out an "oooohhhh" in response and nodding, Alicia rolling her eyes. "Ha ha, you girls are a trip." Chris chuckled, only for Serenity to suddenly slip on a patch of ice herself, Chris quickly catching the Pokemon in his arm. "That wasn't supposed to be a literal thing!" he laughed, Serenity blinking at him wide eyed before flushing and shooting up, walking ahead of the group with an embarrassed groan. "That was pretty good." Rose giggled. "Agreed, right on que." Alicia smirked. "Okay, okay. That's enough." Chris chuckled as they walked along.

Noticing passengers readying themselves to leave the ship, Chris decided it was time he and the girls gathered their things as well and joined the crowd, coaxing them into following him back to their room one final time. "Say, think we should tell about what we see?" Serenity asked quietly. "You mean about that object? I'm not sure... It's doubtable it has any significance, considering since it first appeared we've not seen high nor hair of any signs of, well, anything coming from whatever it was. I'd say let the matter rest, lest we put more worries into his head." Alicia point out. "I dunno... It was kinda weird but I guess you've got a point. Nothing's affected him or anything since we saw whatever it was so... Maybe it's gone altogether?" Rose added. "I not sense anything bad. It just normal Pokeball from what can tell. Maybe it nothing after all." Serenity nodded. "What are you talking about back there?" Chris asked, turning to the girls causing them to jolt. "N-Not talk about anything!" Serenity assured. "Quite right. It's a female matter, you understand." Alicia nodded. "Female matter?" Chris asked, tilting his head curiously. "Female matter... Mmm." he muttered, facing forward. "Wait... Does that mean...?" he thought, looking back at the girls as they glanced away. "...Do Pokemon have periods?" he thought, tilting his head wondering if he should start buying them supplies for such things before raising an eyebrow and shrugging. "If you girls need anything for... You know, anything, just let me know." he nodded, the three now looking at him curiously. "We not need anything." Serenity affirmed. "You sure? Nothing at all?" he asked, the girls looking at one another and shaking their heads. "We're quite alright." Alicia nodded. "Can't think of anything here." Rose added, Chris shrugging with an "alright" before continuing on.

Once they were in their room, they started gathering their things together, including the clothing they'd had crew clean, an idea Alicia forced Chris into submitting to, the figures from the cake the girls made at the mansion and the banner, as well as other odds and inns collected during their stay aboard the ship. Once they were certain they had everything together, they bid their room a final farewell, looking it over and having flashbacks of their time aboard the ship, remembering their intimacy, their laughs and arguments. Be the memories happy or not, they couldn't resist smiling as they recalled all the moments they spent together aboard the Guardian. "You know, we haven't been on the ship that long, but at the same time, it feels like we've been here forever, huh?" he asked, the girls nodding in response. "Many things happened none of us were prepared for. In many ways..." Alicia point out, showing a slight blush, Rose doing the same while nodding. "Lots of happy times, scary ones too... And... Well..." she added before flushing embarrassed. Scowling at the two, Serenity suddenly grabbed Chris's arm possessively. "No matter what happen between you, he have BEST time with me!" the jealous Pokemon affirmed, sticking her tongue out at the two causing the girls to scowl. "H-Hey now!! I had a great time with all of you!! There were no bests, you know that." Chris lectured. "I mean... Yeah, there were some pretty awesome times with you too of course." he admit, scratching his cheek shyly and blushing. Seeing this, Serenity couldn't help but blush herself. "A-Anyway, remember our agreement. No favorites, right?" he asked, the Pokemon jolting before stepping back and fidgeting. "Y-Yeah. Sorry." she apologized, remembering his lectures and speeches while showing a slightly guilty look.

"Bah, no worries. Old habits die hard." Chris nodded before rubbing Serenity on the head. "We'll work on being a better family together, okay? Nobody says you have to be perfect." he affirmed, pulling his hand away while Serenity pout with her hands on her head. "Hate it when mess up hair..." she replied while straightening it. "Oh don't be so sensitive!" Chris grinned before poking Serenity on the tip of the horn with a "boop!" noise causing her to shoot up with a flush on her face, about to smack him out of blind reaction only for Chris to snatch her wrist in hand just before it made impact with a smirk. "I'm learning." he chuckled, Serenity blinking in surprise as he kissed the back of her hand causing her eyes to widen before jumping back. "N-Not do that!! What with you?!" she panicked in a flustered state, her face seemingly glowing. "Just making sure the mood stays happy." he chuckled before turning to the others. "Lets go." he nodded, rubbing Rose on the head and giving Alicia a touch on the cheek while walking past. Once they were outside on the upper deck, they made their way to where everyone was disembarking onto the docks below, looking around to find the Yamask that stayed behind working with crew to help people along their way off the ship and noticing musicians nearby performing alongside Wallace and the other musicians from the Arceanic that had stayed in the world of the living as well, keeping the mood calm and bright for those leaving. Looking at the musicians, Chris flashed back to another moment that occurred the day before, during discussion of caring for the spirits that had remained in their world. Meeting with Captain Rostron and Smith, as well as the officers of both the Guardian and Arceanic, Chris had brought to the table the idea of using the same chips given to the girls as a means of ensuring the spirits safety.

"These are people, and no matter what anyone says, no matter what any device says, that's fact, and being the humans they are despite their form, they more than anyone deserve to be treated as more than what they appear to be. Using things like Pokeballs to prevent capture by others is not only highly disrespectful but downright disgusting method if you ask me. They've been chained up long enough, and the idea of putting more on them, even if they agree to it, strikes so many bad nerves." Chris point out, sitting at a table with Rostron and the others. "I admit I don't favor the idea myself lad, but there are people out there that would kidnap them in a heartbeat. And we'd rather avoid Mr. Smith here having to get riled up and defensive because of those with ill intentions." Rostron point out. "Well then, if you really want to keep them safe, why not have Platinum Star Lines commission Millennium Laboratory to mass produce the chips the girls here use to avoid kidnapping?" Chris asked, turning over Serenity's badge and showing the chip attached to everyone. "They're pretty sturdy, and I doubt they'd be very costly since it seems like pretty basic tech. You already know I plan to team up with them when we start building my ship, so why don't you do something to help sweeten the relationship between the two companies before we start the project?" he asked, Rostron and Chief Smith looking at one another. "Not a bad idea. What say you lot?" Rostron asked, the Yamask looking at one another before examining the chip for themselves. "It's simple, you could just stick it on the inside of your masks and that's it! No need for Pokeballs and you can go where you want, when you want, with no worries or restrictions!" Chris smiled, the spirits nodding in agreement to the idea.

"Well, if they're keen on the idea, then I'm certainly game. We'll get in contact with the lab and see what kind of deal we can come up with." Rostron nodded. "Everyone in agreement then?" Chris asked, the crew in the room along with the spirits nodding in unison. "Alright then! Forming friendships between companies while both benefit simultaneously. Seems to me Platinum Star is already off to a good start under you guys!" Chris grinned, Rostron and Smith nodding in response. "Keep in mind the ideas up to this point have all been yours however. Are you certain you can't stay with us?" the Captain asked. "I'm not needed really. I've done more than enough, we all have really. Now it's all about moving on in our own ways." Chris smirked. "I'm sure in the future we'll find plenty of ways to work together, but for now, my only desire is to remain a simple, humble traveler alongside the family I love more than anything." he grinned, looking at the girls causing them to blush slightly. Back in the present, the group had finally reached the gangway themselves, greeted by Captain Rostron and Captain Smith side by side. "Well look at you!" Chris grinned, looking at Smith now donning a large vest and Captain's hat. "A-Aye, it was insisted." the Captain replied embarrassed, scratching his cheek nervously. "It feels a tad awkward to wear clothes like this again, but I suppose I'll get used to it. I don't feel wearing these in particular are appropriate, but Rostron here and the others felt otherwise. Seems the passengers have taken a liking to it as well, so I suppose I can't complain." Smith added. "It definitely suits you sir. Even if you have the form of a Cofagrigus, you're still the same John Smith on the inside! Wear it proudly, because it makes us proud to see you in it. Right?" Chris asked, looking at the girls and Rostron, getting a nod from them in response.

Optional track to LWR - Listen While Reading - The End of the Voyage https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gwfm43bnQvg

"Bah, enough of that! I'm already wearing it so no further insistence is necessary!" Smith replied in a flustered state. "We'll provide him with a proper uniform in time. Until then, it'll do." Rostron smirked."That aside, it seems this is where we part ways." he added, looking up at Chris. "Yeah... It's finally time we continued our journey." he replied, looking at the girls. "We're definitely gonna miss you guys though." he added, facing the Captains once more. "I really can't thank ye enough lad..." Smith replied. "You saved us all after a hundred years of nothingness. The world knows the truth, everyone's at peace, and justice has been served... To add to everything, those of us remaining can finally atone for our mistakes. You've given us this chance." the Captain affirmed, reaching a hand out. "Words can never truly express how grateful we are. Your existence, it far surpasses that of a mere gift. And a blessing, it hardly describes you as well. You're... Something, lad." Smith praised as they shook hands. "Nah... I'm just a guy who loves helping out and doing what's right. The only thing special I guess about me is that I've got such awesome girls by my side and a Ninetales looking out for me. Especially the Ninetales part!" Chris laughed. "And... Maybe someone else now too." he added, looking up toward the sky. "Aye, can't help but feel your inspiration reaches beyond this world now after what we've witnessed." Rostron chuckled. "You're doin' so many proud, here and in the beyond. You just keep fighting the good fight lad, and we'll all be watching and supporting you every step of the way! Well, what with that news crew followin' ya that is." Smith reminded with a thumbs up. "Y-Yeah... I'll do my best!" Chris smiled nervously, suddenly taking notice of the duo already on the docks below and sweating slightly.

"Well then... Shall we Mr. Smith?" Rostron asked, the Captain nodding with a grunt as Rostron pushed himself up. "It's not much lad, but for everything you've done for us..." he paused as the two gave him a final solute, Chris blinking in surprise before chuckling and nodding in response. "Well then... See ya around, Captain Rostron, Captain Smith." he waved before leading the girls down the gangway. However, once they reached the halfway point down, the group heard the sound of a captain's whistle, causing them to jolt as everyone on the docks went silent and faced them. "E-Eh...?" Chris muttered as everyone started saluting simultaneously. "What going on?" Serenity asked, the group turning back to see everyone still on board saluting as well, passengers, crew and spirits alike. "EVERYONE!!! ATTEN-TION!!" Rostron shout. Next thing they knew, crew were blowing into their own whistles, following a trail leading toward the remains of the bridge, carrying a signal to those within, and next thing they knew the group was bid farewell by the ship itself as the Guardian's horns blared in their honor, followed by the horns of the fleet that had come to tug them to Arcticu Valley blaring their horns as well. "L-LOOOUUUD!!!" Rose shout, covering her ears in a panic as Chris looked around in awe. "EVERYONE!!! AT THE READY!!!" Rostron shout once more, other crew shouting the same order carrying the command along the ship. And next thing they knew, everyone, both on the ships and the dock below, shouted in unison "THANK YOU GUARDIAN MASTER!!!!" before the Guardian and surrounding ships blared their horns once more. "G-Guardian... Master...?" Chris muttered, his eyes wider than ever as the girls looked at one another in a similar awe struck manner.

"In honor of your heroic deeds aboard the S.S. Guardian, for saving the souls of all passengers, human and Pokemon alike, on board. For discovering, and rescuing the souls of the Arceanic..." Smith shout. "For your acts going above and beyond to serve in the name of justice, for your extraordinary capability of precision when commandeering not only the Guardian, but thousands of Pokemon simultaneously..." Rostron added. "We place upon you all rights to the R.M.S. Arceanic wreckage, officially accept your proposition of the R.M.S. Legend..." Smith went on. "And finally, we place upon you, by unanimous agreement by those here today and throughout this land, the title of the Guardian Master of the Ureaxion Region for your selfless deeds, going above and beyond for the sake of others not only aboard the S.S. Guardian, but also for the sake of the people and Pokemon that have crossed your path along your journey, for constantly seeking justice no matter the obstacles, and for all you've done for so many back in Millennium City! For your dedication toward the preservation of life, be it the life of man or Pokemon... This title is yours! Accept it proudly, and carry on improving the lives of the Ureaxion Region each and every day! YOU are the Guardian of this region!" Rostron added. "From this day forward, all will know your name! Of you, and those by your side! When the call for help comes, this region will take great comfort and pride in knowing it has a citizen like you roaming its lands, doing things only you can, for those in need most!" Smith affirmed. "EVERYONE!!! SAY IT AGAIN!!!" Rostron shout before everyone repeat his new title once more, thanking him and the girls followed by a final collective blare from the Guardian and surrounding ships.

Looking at everyone, Chris couldn't help but stream tears again, the girls smiling and smirking proudly as they coaxed him down the remainder of the gangway. Once they were on the docks, they turned back to the ship once more as Rostron sat back in his chair, he and Smith along with the officers, crew and spirits aboard giving him another farewell wave. Wiping his eyes, he smiled and waved back, as did the girls before turning and facing the bustling winter covered civilization before them. "W-We're here." Chris hicked, sniffling and wiping his eyes again. "You so cute." Serenity giggled while rubbing his back. "I'd say he's a baby." Alicia teased, giving Chris a nudge against the side. "Oh h-ha ha." he scowled, his nose slightly red from crying again. "At least you don't look gross this time!" Rose giggled. "S-Sorry for being sensitive!!" Chris snapped before facing away with a pouty look on his face, sniffling and wiping his eyes again. Looking around, their path ahead was one covered in a shimmering beauty, the land reflecting the rays of the sun giving it a silvery, perhaps slightly gold tinted look. "Well, lets g...!!" Chris tried to say, cut off when they heard a sudden call coming from the water nearby. Looking around, from out of nowhere Captain Rostron's Dragonair shot out of the water and landed next to them, looking at Chris with an excited smile. "H-Hey!! You're all better!!" Chris laughed as the Pokemon nuzzled against him, causing Serenity and especially Alicia to show looks of agitation. "Whooo... And prettier than ever too. Your body really glows in this kinda atmosphere! I'm glad you're okay." he nodded, the Pokemon letting out a happy shout before looking around and showing a sudden somber look.

"Yep... We gotta go." Chris smiled nervously. "It really was awesome getting to meet a Pokemon as pretty as you though! I liked having you pop in to visit now and then!" he assured. "You're gonna be pretty busy for a while yourself you know. Captain Rostron and his crew need you now more than ever. You be sure to take good care of them, alright? Since we're good friends now, I promise we'll see each other again!" he smiled before the Pokemon nuzzled against him once more with a somber noise. "There there... Come on now. No sad faces." he coaxed, showing another smile. "Here, for good luck." he added, holding his fist out. Looking at it curiously, the Pokemon tilt her head confused. "Use the tip of your tail!" he explained with a grin. Holding her tail up, she blinked at it for a moment before tapping it against his fist. "There you go! That's how people say goodbye the cool way! Right girls?" Chris asked, the three looking at one another before glancing away with slight sweat on their faces. "O-Oy. You're no fun." he scowled before facing Dragonair again. "So long, friend." he smiled, the Pokemon showing another somber look before raising up and smiling with a nod. Facing the ship, she suddenly lunged toward the water and jumped into the sea before soaring from the surface onto the deck of the ship, joining Rostron and Smith as they prepared to leave with most of the passengers now safely on the docks. "She's alright..." Chris chuckled. "You praise that one so much." Alicia complained. "I praise you too!" he reminded. "Snake jealous because they kind of same. She not like you being nicey nice with other Pokemon that like her." Serenity grinned slyly. "Silence you!! I'll have you know I saw your look of detest too!!" Alicia snapped back.

Standing together, Chris and Rose let out a simultaneous sigh and shook their heads before looking at one another and smiling. "Are you going to set off without bidding us farewell?" they heard a familiar voice call out, causing Serenity and Alicia to pause mid-argument while Chris and Rose turned to see Sally and Victoria smiling. "A-Ah! S-Sorry... Caught up in stuff." Chris apologized, rubbing his head with an embarrassed smile. "You're going to the festival too right?" he asked. "Well, we'd considered it... Buuuut..." Sally replied just before a Yamask shot out from behind her wheelchair. "W-Wallace?! But you were just...!!" Chris point out, looking back toward the ship as the spirit showed peace signs and a teasing grin. "Perks of a ghost huh? You're a sly man Wallace." Chris smirked. "So you're really gonna stick with Sally? Can't wait to hear you two performing together sometime!" he added with a thumbs up. "We thought it best we return home post haste with Wallace here now in our care. The dear really should get a good look at his new home and take time to settle in. I think we've all had enough hustle and bustle for a while, so we'll be off on the next ship to the city. This time without any troubles I hope!" Victoria laughed. "Grandma!! That's not funny!!" Sally panicked, Wallace showing slight sweat himself. "O-Oh dear, I suppose that one WAS a tad insensitive. I apologize." Vitoria replied. "Well, good luck to all three of you. Whenever you have some kinda performance or something, drop me a line and we'll do our best to attend a few!" Chris assured. "Most certainly! It wouldn't be as much fun to perform without our heroes in the front row!" Sally smiled, Wallace nodding with a happy noise in agreement.

"Well, we'd really best get going. I can't risk having Alicia out here for too long at a time until we find a better solution for keeping her warm beyond Ninetales." he reminded. "Oh quite right, her species is extremely sensitive to this atmosphere. Quite a risk." Victoria nodded. "B-Before you go...!!" Sally chimed in, causing Chris to jolt and blink at her. "Y-yeah?" he asked. "I-I uh, wanted to give you something." she replied, Chris and the girls looking at one another confused. "It must be pretty small, what is it?" he asked, not seeing any kind of package on or around her. "Oh come now, I told you not to risk it." Victoria lectured. "I can do it!!" Sally replied confidently before fidgeting. "At least, I can try." she added shyly. "Uh... What's up now?" Chris asked, tilting his head curiously. Looking at her for a moment, Chris and the girls jolt when Sally suddenly started moving, locking her chair in place and asking Wallace to hold it before gripping the handles tightly. "S-Sally?" Chris asked warily. Taking a moment to breathe, she winced and let out a groan as she started pushing herself up. "E-Easy dearie!!" Victoria panicked, only for Sally to snap "stay back!!" as her arms and legs trembled, her grandmother freezing up with a worried look on her face. Watching as she inched herself up bit by bit, Chris's eyes widened as she forced herself to stand, albeit clumsily as her legs trembled and repeatedly tried to buckle from beneath her, holding her arms out nervously with a look of pain on her face, letting out hisses and groaning before making herself straighten up, panting for a moment before looking at Chris and smiling. "D-Did it!" she exclaimed, showing a smile despite sweat covering her face, even in the frigid atmosphere.

Looking at her, Chris was at a loss for words as the girls looked at one another in surprise, even Victoria stood in silence, blinking in surprise at her granddaughters performance while Wallace smiled and nodded proudly. "H-Here! Come here!" Sally coaxed, quickly motioning with her hand for him to step up as her legs grew weaker. Quickly doing as told, Sally stumbled forward and clung to him, panting for a moment before straightening up again with another smile. "Thank you..." she said before suddenly placing an abrupt kiss on his lips, causing Chris to shoot up straight and freeze with a wide eyed flush on his face, Serenity and Alicia's mouths nearly dropping to the ground while Rose's ears raised up with an "oooohhhh!!!" look on her face. "S-Sally!!!" Victoria snapped, Wallace laughing and applauding her bravery before quickly clutching the wheelchair as Sally fell back into it, panting heavily while sitting limply in the chair. "O-ooo..." Chris muttered, his lips remaining puckered as he blinked, stuck in a shocked state with his face remaining red as Sally straightened up with a giggle. "Sorry for borrowing him for a moment." she apologized, looking at the girls before facing Wallace and her grandmother. "Shall we?" she asked, Wallace nodding while her grandmother showed a dumbfounded look, one of awe and shock combined as she nodded as well. Facing Chris, she and Wallace gave him a final wave before heading off, Victoria bowing and offering an apology before following the two, giving her granddaughter a lecture as Chris continued standing in place.

Next thing he knew, Serenity walked up and gave him a glare, raising her hand as if about to smack him causing Chris to flinch, only for the Pokemon to pull her eyelid down and stick out her tongue with a loud "NYEEEEEH!!!" before walking ahead. "E-Eh?" Chris muttered, blinking at her before watching Alicia slither past with a loud "HRMPH!!" and her nose in the air. "H-Hey!! What'd I do?!" Chris panicked as Rose walked up. "You kissed a girl... And you liked it." she point out. I-It was outta the blue!! I couldn't do anything about it!!" he affirmed. "Maybe you coulda come off a little less attracted by it?" Rose suggested. "I-I'm sorry!!' he panicked, quickly following Serenity and Alicia. "S-Seriously!! I couldn't help it!! Girls?! GIRLS?! C-Come on!!" he begged as they made their way into the glistening town before them, those surrounding the group watching bewildered as Chris pleaded for forgiveness from the jealous duo before him, Rose strolling along with an amused giggle...

Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 102

Art used in preview image made by [http://kamoodle.deviantart.com/art/Shiny-Rapidash-520942551](http://kamoodle.deviantart.com/art/Shiny-Rapidash-520942551)...

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Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 100

Chapter 100 - Chris! The Guardian Master! Taking a moment to rest, Chris lay with Rose curled up by his side, clinging to him with a satisfied smile on her face, an occasional sigh escaping her lips while he looked around the room. "It feels so...

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Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 99

Art Used In Image Made By [http://nezumi.kemono.cc/nin/index.html](http://nezumi.kemono.cc/nin/index.html) Chapter 99 - Winter Waltzing After taking a moment to rest, Chris had calmly shut his eyes, thinking of taking a quick catnap only to...

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