Wolfen - Chapter 23
Hm...I don't know what to say here...I feel like I should be saying something about the story here, but I don't want to give any potential spoilers for people stumbling across this one, first. Oh well, I guess I'll just leave it blank this time.
Verik stared at the wolfen for several seconds, processing the information. Finally, he shook his head and looked him in the eye. "My...brother?"
The other one's smile weakened a bit. "Yeah, I'm Gerrin." When Verik didn't show any signs that he recognized the name, he sighed. "I guess that creature's magic messed with your mind."
Verik raised his eyebrows in excitement. "Wait, you remember your past life?"
"Yeah." Gerrin shrugged. "I mean, I don't think I have the best memory, but I'll tell you what I know. First, if you don't mind, I would like to meet our sister."
"Of course. I'm sure Emmaline would be very excited to meet you, also!"
Gerrin raised an eyebrow. "Who is Emmaline?"
Verik chuckled. "I'm sorry. I forgot that you wouldn't know her by that name. It's Yrian."
At this, Gerrin gasped and took a step back. Verik thought that something might have been wrong, but his tail started swishing back and forth and a wide smile spread across his mouth. "She's with you? Is she well?"
"Yes, she is just fine. She--"
Before Verik could say anything else, Gerrin asked, "Does she remember anything, or is she like you?"
"Neither one of us can remember anything, right now, but, at least for me, a few things are coming back. I recognized your face from an brief memory that Emmaline, Yrian, helped me remember. She has the ability to search into other's minds. Did she always have this?"
Gerrin stroked his chin, thoughtfully. "No, she didn't. It must be a side effect from the creature's attack. From what I've observed, they seem to be very telepathic creatures." He held out his hand to Verik. "Anyway, let's go. Show me to your place."
Verik grabbed his forearm and started leading the way back to his pack's camp. However, after walking for about a minute, his vision got a little blurry and dizziness clouded his head. He stopped where he was, trying to catch his breath.
"Verik?" Gerrin said in a concerned tone. "Are you alright?" His voice sounded distant, as if he was speaking from at least thirty feet away.
"I just need to rest for a while." Verik tried t say, but his mouth wouldn't cooperate. All he could make was a weak groan. The world around him continued to spin faster and faster, and eventually, he couldn't keep himself up on his feet any longer. His legs buckled and he fell to the ground.
He could hear his brother calling out, but he couldn't understand what he was saying. He laid his head back and closed his eyes and, almost immediately, he lost consciousness.
/. /. /.
The celebration had died down a bit in the camp. Everyone had sang so loud and danced so hard, and many of them started several play fights with each other, that everyone was pretty exhausted. Some were sleeping, but the rest of them sat in the middle of the camp and talked about anything that came into their minds.
Emmaline wished that Verik was here with them. He understood that he needed to deal with some very strong emotions by himself, but she also knew that sometimes the best cure for sorrow is having a close friend or family nearby, giving support.
"I understand what you're saying," Keil continued his conversation with his nephew, Lyan, "but if two demons come at you with spears and, when the first one strikes, you drop to the floor, that leaves you wide open for the second demon to finish you off."
Lyan shook his head. "Maybe for you. You're always in the air with your freaky bird form. I've lived my whole life on the ground, so that is where I create my fighting strategy. When I am on the ground below them, I am more difficult to see in a hectic situation, such as a battle. Then I go for their legs."
"It still seems excessively dangerous."
"Only if you don't know what you're doing. I have practiced hard and I believe I held my ground rather well in the heat of battle."
Keil suddenly snapped upright and looked into the forest. "Quiet." He told Lyan. "I smell something. A wolfen."
"Is it Verik?" Emmaline asked softly.
Keil sniffed the air deeply, concentrating hard. "Yes, but there's someone else with him."
Emmaline closed her eyes and concentrated hard, trying to find the mind of whoever this person was. She searched hard, but something was wrong. She couldn't even find Verik. By now, she could smell his scent, so she knew he was out there. She could detect the minds of those who were around her, so she knew that she could still use her abilities. Then why couldn't she detect Verik and the other wolfen.
Several seconds later, they could hear their heavy footfalls on the forest floor. By their pace, she could tell they were running. Actually, there was only one set of footsteps. Finally the emerged from the tree line. The stranger was a black wolfen and, in his arms, he was carrying Verik, unconscious.
Before they could ask any questions, the wolfen called out, "I think he needs help! We were walking back home and he suddenly dropped and passed out."
Emmaline ran over to Verik and knelt down by his side. Lowering her head to his chest, she listened to his heartbeat. Her knowledge was limited, but it sounded healthy. His breathing was normal, as if he was sleeping. Just by looking at him, though, she didn't know what was wrong with him.
"What happened?" She asked the new wolfen.
"I have no idea of what could have caused it. He was leading me back to you when he suddenly stopped. His legs started trembling and then he collapsed to the floor."
"From what I can tell, he's simply unconscious. I can feed him some anti-poison herbs, just in case, but I think we just have to wait until he wakes up. There is something else." She leaned in and whispered into his ear. "I can't sense his mind. I don't know why, but I can't. Neither can I sense his." She motioned subtly to the new wolfen.
Keil nodded. "Give him the herbs and keep an eye one him. Do you have anything to revitalize his strength?"
"Good. Give that to him as well." As Emmaline got to work, he faced the new wolfen. "Thank you for your help. Could I ask your name.
He shrugged and smiled. "The name's Gerrin, and it was my pleasure. The least I could've done for my own brother."
At this, Emmaline looked up. It was then that she noticed his different appearance. The lower half of his arms were covered in scales, just like her and Verik. She noticed something moving on his back, also.
Noticing her looking at him, he spread his wings wide. "I'm part demon, too. I was there during the attack. I assume you must be Yrian! Sorry, Emmaline?"
Emmaline's heart skipped a beat with excitement. She still had some doubt in her mind about him, since she couldn't read his thoughts. She knew it was wrong, but she had grown to be a relatively untrusting person since she discovered her abilities. "You remember? How much do you know?"
He chuckled. "As far as I know, I haven't lost anything like you guys have, but I'll wait to explain everything until Verik awakes."
"In the meantime," Keil spoke, "Feel free to make yourself at home here. We are glad to have the brother of Verik with us."
"Thank you. You are most kind."
Syla appeared behind him. "You...really are my brother!" A huge smile appeared on his face and he leapt at him, hugging him tightly.
"Syla! It's great to see you again." Gerrin hugged her back and they walked to the edge of camp, to talk.
Syla could speak with Gerrin, too. That must mean that he actually is their brother like he said he is. She really wanted to believe in him, but until she could know his true thoughts, her trust can only go so far.
"Are you okay." Keil asked her, placing a hand on her shoulder. "You seem conflicted."
"Yeah, I'm fine. I just don't know if I can trust him, or not. If he has all his memories, why didn't he find us earlier? Why is he the only one with his memory? Why can't I hear his thoughts?"
"I'm sure he has reasons for everything. I sense that he is a genuinely good person. Off hand, he seems trustworthy."
Emmaline sighed. "I've seen many humans that looked like genuinely good and trustworthy people also, but I could see right through them and their hearts were clouded with evil. I don't mean to tell you what to do, but I just...want you to be careful."
"I'm more careful than you might think. I know what I'm doing. When Syla and Verik woke up, I made sure there was a pair of eyes on them the whole time. I am not easily trusting, but I don't want to drive away potential friends by obvious suspicion."
"You're right." Emmaline nodded. She knelt back down beside Verik to give him the herbs, but suddenly his eyes shot open and his hand shot up, grabbing tightly around her neck. She tried to pull away, but his grip was as strong as iron.
Keil saw this and immediately rushed to her and tried to pry his fingers open. "Help me!" He yelled to his packmates.
He managed to loosen his grip enough for Emmaline to pull away and catch her breath, but this seemed to make Verik go completely insane. He jumped from the ground and slammed into Keil, sinking his claws into his shoulders. Verik lunged forward, trying to bite into his neck. Keil quickly lifted his hands and grabbed his forehead, holding him in place.
Gerrin arrived and pulled Verik off and threw him to the ground. He started to immediately get up, but he swung his leg and landed a solid kick to his skull, making him fall limp back down to the ground.
"Verik!" Emmaline screamed and ran to his side. She checked his pulse; he was still alive. "He's fine."
"It might be a wise idea to get some vines to restrain him until he wakes up or we find out what is wrong with him." Gerrin told Keil.
"Agreed. Lyan, can you take care of this."
"Already on it." Lyan responded and disappeared into the forest.
Gerrin sat down beside Emmaline. "You're alright, yes?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm worried about Verik. He has had many things happen to him in the last couple weeks. All the conflicting emotions and hardships might have been too much to handle."
He rubbed the back of her neck comfortingly. "I wouldn't worry too hard. Verik was a strong kid four years ago when I knew him and, by the looks of it, he is even stronger."
"I hope you're right."
To Be Continued...