the news, the meeting and reunion

Story by kid of chaos on SoFurry

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#6 of strags adventures

A week past after the attack and finding dad and I was on the baloney with ray

" Come on devil, you never go a week without attacking." I whispered. We both stayed there for the whole day but nothing came.

‘ I don't get it. Devils men/demons are meant to attack' fira moaned

‘ I know.' I replied. ‘Well tomorrow I'm going to start teaching spyro water control'

‘ Well pray he gets it. Otherwise he'll be a water-logged dragon instead of purple' joked ray.

" Ray return" said I and he disappeared without a poke ball

" Spyro today I'm going to teach you water control." I shouted from the other side of the room.

" What water control?" he asked back.

" Water control is controlling water, making it act the way you want like this." I replied and flew next to spyro. I curled my claws into a grabbing movement and water appeared. " when you master it then you can grab water out of the air, plants or clouds and use the water inside a body to control a person." Spyro accidently hit me with his wing and I became a puddle like I was water and his wing was wet. He sobbed and I appeared behind him and laughed my head off. ( Literally my head came off. I hate it when that happens, I have to pick it up and glue it back on)

" You should have seen the look on your face when you hit my water figure/clone" I laughed picking my head and putting it back on. " Now where were we? Ah the first step. Focus on water inside. Let it flow. Let it flow to your paws"

" Yes chronicler." I brought up a water hand and slapped him.

" Next time, I'll use an ice hand, so don't push it."

" You can control ice as well?!" he asked rubbing the spot.

" I can control every element you, cynder and the guardians breathe. So I can deflect it and use it again you with more power." I laughed evilly. "Sorry about that now back to training." He nodded and closed his eyes, searching for water. I sense water energy and stomped creating a swimming pool size hole and filled it with water.

" now hover and use the energy in your paws to push the water back and forth." He nodded and opened his eye and pushed and pulled at the water and the water followed his movements.

‘ Strag I just remembered something.' Asked aegis

‘ What? To keep that babbler mouth to yourself.'

‘ No, what your master said about your locked powers.'

‘ Really?! I only remember what his fighting style and what he look like.' " Keep going spyro" I shouted walking out of earshot.

" He said this. ‘When purple and black combine they will create the light 3. All are special but one is rare. Not of purple, not of fire, not of ice, electricity or earth by of opposite elements: fire and water when that young dragon fades from life the balance of nature will be lost. Then it will be time.' And you can't kill it yourself just for your powers.'

‘ Right. When purple and black combine.' I looked at spyro and the water was getting more vicious. Cynder walked past talking with terrordor. ‘ He must have finished the potion. They will create the light 3. Check. All are special but one is rare. Not of purple, not of fire, not of ice, electricity or earth by of opposite elements: fire and water. Check. When that young dragon fades from life the balance of nature will be lost. I hate that. Then it will be time. Maybe this might be why devil hasn't attacked.'

‘ are you going to tell Ignitus?' said Mira sleepily

‘ Bout time you woke up. No this is about my power. I might tell them later when it becomes important of how to stop devil.' I gave a mental sigh and turn to kook at spyro. But he wasn't there. Suddenly a pillar of water came up and sprayed everywhere.

" Sorry got carried away." Spyro apologised.

" Two things. One you are processing well and two that was beautiful and if Cynder see that she will probably forget everything else." I clapped and spyro flapped for joys sending his pillar dancing. "Ok you can stop. You are dismissed." He turned to leave when I stopped him. " And spyro let's keep this a secret from cynder because, maybe, when you mastered water you could put on a show for her."

" But I sense her emotion and she sense my thoughts."

" Head cage" I said simply and an orange light enveloped spyro head then faded. " Now no-one can read your mind." And I headed to the baloney. " I'm heading the to my base here and if there are no attacks in 2 days I'm calling a realm meeting." And flew off.

I came back at a 5 according to my inter realm clock exhausted and panting.

" What happened?" asked Cyril.

" A device I'm working on their ,blew up and I worked like hell to fix it." I replied.

" What does it do?" asked cynder leaning against spyro.

" it tracks recent attacks in this realm so I can catch up on what happened when I was away." I answer sitting down.

Half way though eating a shadow came caring a badly cut lapras and a package.

" I got a message for Strag and your lapras." Said the shadow in a kind voice. Everyone got in a fighting stance.

" Thanks Ryan. Hang on. Guys at ease. This is a demon messager, called Ryan. All messagers have no fighting skills what so ever." I walked over and everyone stood down. I took the package and set the lapras down. " Honestly ryan, I don't know what I'm going to do with him. Anyway thanks bud."

" Bud? But he is the emery" shouted spyro.

" I was his friend before devil took me and made me a messager" Ryan answered. " Better go. See ya." And Ryan walked off. I opened the package and there was a screen saying ‘video mail.'

" I see he doesn't want to see me face to face. Coward" I smirked and threw it and the screen enlarged big enough so everyone can see. A camera popped and pointed at me as the screen went on. A black creature with red horns and a sword by his side came up.

" Ah strag. It good to see you again. After all these years." Chuckled the figure in an evil tone.

" Devil. It only been five years."

" Aye but it felt like forever."

" whatever. What do you want? You would have learnt your lesson now after 1000 classes of telling you never come back." I growled

" fine be that way. I wanted to have a talk about what you been up to that all but since you want the bottom line I'll give it to you. Bring the realm key to me by the end of the month or say bye-bye to the temple and your friends" and with that the screen went blank. Some were scared because of his look. If you see he your eyes may explode or melt... or both. He is even uglier the Gaul times by ten. Other were scared of the news and cynder, well let's say she could pass out in five seconds if touched suddenly.

" Realm key? Fine you can have it. In your dreams."

" but..." cynder started

" But nothing. His demons are like apes but have harder skin and devil. Ha he is Gaul times by 2 which to me, is weak. But to you tougher then malefor and Gaul put together." I sighed. " But from now on, we use MY training. You need to improve your attack power."

" not your training" moan Cyril

" my muscles still ache from last time." Groaned terrordor

" we lets improve that ache." I said. ‘ don't worry spyro. There will be time to do your training.' I said to spyro, mentally. I heard groaning coming from the lapras and walked over. " What happened ocean. Hmp? Were you instructed to go to devil to find out his plans." I growled.

" I ... wanted ... to find *cough* their plans ..." he said weakly.

" What happened their?" asked Ignitus

" Well..." he started.

" Wait you need to rest. Let your memory do the talking. I cast RECOLLTION SPELL!" I stopped ocean and an orb appeared and displayed his memory like a TV.


Ocean his behind a rock watching devil and a demon walk to a machine which contain a dragon inside.

" We tell hopes this works devil otherwise this site will be your last." Said the dragon as devil switch the switch on the machine.

‘ What's devil doing and who is that dragon. I need a better look.' Though ocean and dashed to a nearby rock and used water gun to erode a hole to see out of.

" Well let's hope the demons we use can accept your great power master malefor" said devil. Ocean gasped quietly.

" what do you mean ‘hope'?" asked malefor.

" Well some demon can't be modified and if you modify them then they get weaker" said devil solemnly

" you buffoon" roared malefor.

" we need all we can for the attack. I know strag and he won't hand over the key." Malefor grunted and devil watched as malefor energy was drained then the cables on the other side of mine gave him back energy. This made ocean gasp loudly and a demon spotted him.

" well now. Look what we have here. It strag's lapras." Said the demon. More demons came until there was 1000.

‘ there is too many. I can't handle them all. But I have to try." Though ocean and blasted them with a hydro pump. He barely mange to beat them all. " aqua ring" he whispered and was enveloped by water then it faded.

" well ocean. Should we: A. Fight or B. fight and send you home, dead." Asked devil.

" I'll take opition c. Kill you." Growled ocean.

" sorry there is no c so it will be B. So be the first to die at the mercy of my new ... sorry our creation. Demon dragons. They look like demons but can breathe all four dragon elements." Laughed Devil and only 500 came.

" is that the best you can do." Ocean said cocky dodging some fire.

" no this is." Devil laughed and snapped his fingers and they unleashed a electric attack that hit ocean, badly cutting him.

‘ I can't go on. But I have to. For strag, spyro and cynder and for cosmos.' "for cosmos ..." was his last thing he said before fainting. The demon dragons ( who were not very bright ) though that ocean has died.

" ryan get he and deliver ocean and is message to strag. He is at the temple. " Devil shouted to Ryan.

" yes sir " saluted ryan in a low voice and picked up ocean and the package and set off.


" so, malefor has returned , teamed up with devil , and using his power to modify the demons. All in all easy." I said in a low voice which Volteer heard.


" Hell yer . Two major enemies are nothing but four , that will give me a challenge but not much of a challenge. Well now that malefor AND devil are teamed up , training will be harder and we got four weeks to do it" I closed my eyes and talked to ray.

‘ Do you think we should call a realm meeting.' He asked.

‘ Yes. The others in the other realms must know about this. But more importantly people at home must know. So when it time we can activate sacred movement 3."

‘ when?'

" as soon as we can. I'll call the world units and tell them about it and to come now.' Ray nodded. I flicked my com linked and return ocean.

" calling world units, calling world units. Realm meeting in the dragon realm now." I shouted into the com link , scaring cynder a bit. I heard lots of ‘ rights ' and ‘ yes sirs. '

" what's a realm meeting?" asked spyro.

" were all my base came and I merge them with the place I'm in. So this place will get a upgrade." In my link I heard all at once ‘ merging standing by ' I put my arms out and all the realms and world there are appeared before me. I slowly put my hand together and the bases move and when my hands were together the bases ( which are about 1000 ) Where outside the temple. I pulled my hand apart then there was a Clunk signalising the bases were merged. Metal and computers filled the room and the entire temple. The outside was completely metal and bigger about half the size of a skyscraper. Doors opened and a range of figures from Pokémon to swordsmen and from dragons to creature like arci-god. I summoned fira, Mira, bahumat and aegis and we all took our seats.

" feel free to join in. The meets are for important info and any problem that have happened." Said a man with a purple clock, black shirt, purple hair and a golden sword to the guardians and the couple. " Where's my manners. I'm ike."

" I'm Ignitus, the green dragon is terrordor, the blue one is Cyril, the yellow one is Volteer and ..." started ignitus

" and the couple is Spyro and Cynder, yer, yer we know. Strag has told us much about everyone here." Said a lugia. " I'm lug."

" now everyone knows who the dragons are, we can begin. Now I bet your wondering why I called this." I asked.

" yer. Why?" asked a groundon.

" because devil and malefor have teamed up and are creating a species called ‘demon dragon' ocean went to find out what they were up to and he said or his memory said that devil and malefor have teamed up and are creating a species called ‘demon dragon' " everyone had a little murmur until I roared and a sword floated up.

" now the ‘demons' can breathe all the elements of the purple dragon so we need to find a way to nullify this to take them down a peg." Said a voice from no-were and cynder looked like she was trying to find the voice.

" strag. Who said that?" asked Volteer.

" my sword. It has a mind of its own and can talk on its own free will unless I say ‘ shut up ' "

" As I was saying. the ‘demons' can breathe all the elements of the purple dragon so we need to find a way to nullify this to take them down a peg." said my sword ( L . e . d . s AKA Legendary , Element Dragon Sword.)

" How " asked a voice and I went into deep though.

" for once I don't know. I am open to ideas so any ideas call me and i will put them though." I replied after a while.

"is that all." Asked ike. I shook my head.

"no. Sacred movement 3" everyone gasped.

"but ... but sir we rarely done that." Spoke a Pikachu.

"I know. Only twice." I spoke back leaning on the table we were all on.

" sorry but what's sacred movement 3" asked Cynder.

"when someone special is being born during an attack. But who strag?" replied lug

"the light 3." Everyone gasped again.

" what?! You mean the dragons of purple, fire and fire and water" shouted the Pikachu

"that sound like my kids." Shouted cynder over the murmur.

" That because ... it is. And a star prophecy has be revealed." I replied. Everyone gasped again, loudly. "enough gasping."

"what is this , second, star prophecy." Asked sonic

" beware, danger. Protect the five dragons, for they are of light, the greatest protection against evil's blight." Ray said.

"there is also a power prophecy." I spoke out.

"for you locked power." Asked groundon. I nodded.

"something master told me. Aegis remembered this today. He said ‘When purple and black combine they will create the light 3. All are special but one is rare. Not of purple, not of fire, not of ice, electricity or earth but of opposite elements: fire and water when that young dragon fades from life the balance of nature will be lost. Then it will be time.'

"when does sacred movement 3 take place?" asked Ike

"end of the month because stupid devil wants the realm key , as usual." I replied and a zapdos put his wing up. "you may speak zapdos" zapdos flew next to me and started speaking.

" strange things have been happing in the realm of lighting. There have been power loses and black outs."

"There have been stuff like that in the realm of fire." Spoke a moltres.

"And in the realm of ice." Spoke a articono

"and in earth." Spoke groundon.

"Mm fire, ice, earth and lighting. All four dragon elements. When did this start?" I asked.

"four o ‘ clock" they all replied.

"That the extract * cough * same time the demon * cough * demon dragon were created." Spoke ocean that had just enter the room.

"Ocean you need rest. Those demon dragons left a pretty bad mark on you." I said angrily

"I have enough ... energy to do this." Said the weak lapras. "Malefor is in ... a machine ... which is taking his ... power ... then giving ... some back." A alarm went off and everyone got into battle position expect spyro, cynder and the guardians. A diglet popped up.

"strag, enemies coming from the north." Said the diglet.

"thanks dig." I thanked him. "IN YOUR WAVES. NOW!!!!!!" everyone expect the dragons got into rows of 1000. There were 5 rows of 1000. Row one had swordsman, row 2 had Pokémon, row 3 had (real) duel monsters (I can use my magic to make duel monsters reals.) and dragons, row 4 had spell-casters and row 5 had me, strange birds and arci-god. Also on the roof were archers. I walked to the balcony and pulled my red visor down.

"these are the weak ones who could not take the power." I looked up to the distant and saw the black dragon was covered in black scales with a white underbelly, the same one I saw with dark aurora. I walked in and spoke to the guardians. " guardians. The enemies are weaker than normal so you can do some damage. Come and help us. We could use all the help we can get." The guardian nodded and I handed them a com link. "Use this to keep us up - to â€" date on the battle." They put the link in their ears and headed to row 3.

I walked out to the balcony again and raised my hand in the air. "Wave one. THREE, TWO, ONE GO!" and pulled my hand down. "for the dragons and cosmos!"

"for the dragons and cosmos!" shouted wave one and they jumped of the balcony, drew their swords and started the fight.

"Archers." I raised my hand in the air "FIRE" I pulled my hand down and arrows started to fly. When half of my men were wounded i raised my hand in the air. "backup Wave one. THREE, TWO, ONE GO!" and pulled my hand down and the bird started to fly, using their claws and beaks to attack, arci-god use his rayquasa claw and his second claw which was a groundon hand and final judgement. I just used my sword ( L . E . D . S) and killed them in one swipe. " WAVES 2 AND 3 READY!" I shouted into the link and I heard a ‘ ready ‘ on the other side. "GO!" then all Pokémon and dragons flew down to join the fight. Their numbers flew fast. ‘just for the sheer hell of it. ‘ I though. "LAST WAVE GO!!" I yelled and the rest joined the fight. Spyro and cynder were watching the fight from the balcony wishing they could join. The demons were all gone in five minutes and all that was left was the dragon.

"Defence position: Serenity circle." I yelled to the units and the guardian came close to me and all the waves got into a circle around me and the guardians. There was 5 circles in all. The dragon blew fire at me but all it did, was disappear when it got to the outer circle like there was a dome protecting us.

"WHAT THE-" said the dragon.

"serenity circle has an ability. When a circle is joined up, it makes an invisible dome so any aerial attacks are useless. And don't think about coming close." I shouted back

"Why?" the dragon asked.

"because the dome can zap anything that comes in 10 feet of the circle so if you want to get though, you have to defeat each circle one by one while the dome zaps you. So you beat one, A: you will be exhausted and B: you will be kill easier. " I answered. What surprise me was when it saw Ignitus the dragons face when softer

"Ignitus. Help me" was what it said before it's face went back to normal, all hard looking.

"Strag. I know that voice. It's my mates. I though she died." Said Ignitus.

"yes but she seems to be having a conflict within herself. The day I came back from the chronicler I saw her. I checked the revert screen and I can't revert her back." I said solemnly back.

"but maybe I can, with love."

"might work. My scanner can't pick up reverts that need love. I've been looking for the upgrade everywhere but I can't find it."

"But how do we get close?" Volteer asked.


"YES SIR!" they all yelled.

"Break in 3" I said and everyone got ready for a battle if this didn't work. " 2 ... 1" the black dragon flexed her claws. " BREAK UP. HIGH SPEED CHAIN EXPLOSION!" I yelled and my sword transformed and near the tip there was a word saying ‘explosion' I ran so fast I was a blur and slashed so fast no-one can see. I appeared the other side and the dragon was cut but not badly just minor cut but that was going to chance. I cocked my head to the side and an explosion ( which had loads of smoke ) took place were the dragon was and her cut got worse.

"NOW HOLD HER DOWN AND USE THE BINDING SPELL" I yelled and everyone ran into the smoke and found her. But the time the smoke cleared there was earth wrapped around her head, arms, legs and tail. "rune â€" save" and my sword transformed again this time it had the word ‘rune â€" save' near it's tip. I walked up the struggling dragon and raised my sword above her gut.

"SEAL HER DARKNESS!" I yell and putted my sword down on her going straight into her. "IGNITUS NOW. I CN ONLY SEAL IT FOR THREE MINUTES!" I yelled at him and pulled my sword out but there was no cut were I stabbed her, no blood, no nothing like I never stabbed her. Ignitus ran up to the dragon and her scales turned to the same shade as cynder. Spyro and cynder could just see what was going on.

"I finally found you my love" said the black dragoness.

"I too. I though you died."

"I pasted out in the smoke and when I woke up I was in the dark master's castle and ..."

"HURRY UP. YOU GOT TWO MINUTES AND I CAN'T SEAL IT AGAIN!" I yelled. Ignitus leaned down and kissed her with passion. "I'm going in. Maybe if their love is strong enough it will reveal the love save sword." I then vanished into thin air.


A black cloud was inside a yellow ball trying to get out and in front of the ball was Ignitus and the dragoness.

"Why can't I get out?" Asked the cloud.

"Because you are under my lock and key" I said appearing next to the dragons, glowing pink.

"Why are you going pink" asked Ignitus

"Because your love is fuelling me and my rune â€" save sword. But in order to defeat the darkness we need more." I answered. Ignitus and the dragoness kissed with passion again. I glowed brighter and pulled out my rune â€" save sword ( which was now a love â€" save sword ) and faced the cloud.

"apart from using stupid love, what else are you going to do?" asked the cloud. I run at it and slashed five times and appeared on the other side of the cloud.

"believe in the future." I answer slashing five times and appeared on the other side of the cloud. "persist in the present" I disappeared and then appeared on the other side of the cloud with two love â€" save swords and slashed in an X motion. "THAT'S what we will do" I finished of my sentence and the cloud screamed and disappeared. Ignitus and the dragoness stopped as I disappeared and reappeared out side. Ignitus and the dragoness stopped out side and got up. I walked to me troops which were either, wounded or as good as new. I raised my sword in the air to signal ‘ we win '

"the battle is over. WE WIN but the war still rages on." I shouted into the sky. We all walked back over the battle scared, demon littered battle ground back to the temple. When we were inside and sat down I said, "that was the best meeting we had." Everyone laughed at the joke I made.

"are you keeping anyone here?" asked moltres.

"yes I'm keeping the people of earth, fire, ice and lighting. Basically all the people of the realms that are on the fritz." I answered and all the people of earth, fire, ice and lighting stayed behind as the others entered their own bases. When everyone was ready I called them and said "remember sacred moment 3 when I call come straight away."

"yes sir. Ready for demerging." I heard on the COM link and I put my hands together and slowly pulled them apart. When my hands ere at shoulder length I twisted them round so my palms faced outwards and continued pushing them apart. The bases separated and the temple returned to normal but four bases remained. The temple still had some computers inside it but only in my and the others bedrooms ( and when I mean other I don't mean spyro, cynder or the guardians rooms. )

"So do you have a name?" asked cynder

"Yes my name is terra." Replied the dragoness.

"And cynder" Ignitus said

"Yes?" cynder asked

"Terra is also your mother." Cynder had a look of joy on her face and embraced terra.

"Hey were my hug?" spyro whined.

"Come on big guy." Answered cynder holding out her right forepaw.

"What about me?" whined Ignitus.

"come on dear." Terra said holding out her forepaw.

‘they are acting like a bunch of five year olds' I though.

"should we go back?" asked Mira.

"Na you can stay out today." I replied walking past the hugging group. Spyro saw me and broke off and followed me. When I got to the door of my room I spoke up. "spyro I know your there." Spyro came out of hiding.

"what are you doing?" he asked.

"nothing I thought i would rest for the rest of the day." I lied.

"oh if it not too much trouble, do you have anything for cynder as a gift?"

"in fact I was going to work on it."

"but you ..."

"I lied. Come in." I beckoned him in and he entered. We went to the far end wall and stopped. I press four spots and the wall crumbled revealing a room with load of different jewelly and gems. We entered the room and I picked up an unfinished bracelet and blew fire on it and controlled it like I did with water.

"right spyro. I need the purple and black gem over there." I pointed to the corner were a purple and black gem sat. He walked over and picked it up and passed it to me. I put it on an empty space on the bracelet and I wielded it on using the metal. "now the last thing I need it that ruby over by the door." He went to the door and picked up a ruby and passed it to me. I did the same with the ruby like I did the purple and black gem. I cooled down the metal and it became solid a small light shone then faded to show a purple and black bracelet with two purple and black gem ( opposite from each other) on the black side there was a purple, a emerald and a gold gem. And in the purple side there was a ruby, a onyx and black gem.

"it's beautiful Strag." Said an awed spyro.

"I have been working on it. Give this to cynder when you have mastered water when you are by the river after the show you should out on. Then after that day cynder will never forget that day." I said handing him the bracelet. "also it tough so she can wear it in training after birth."

At night it was peaceful but that was going to change.

old enemies reunion

I arrived back at the temple late at night, panting, and my blue glow vanished and holding the dawn shard in my paw tightly. Spyro came out with Cynder and she embraced me tightly. "Too... tight." I panted and she released me and spyro saw the shard ...

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the shard

A boring month pasted and all we did was get up, eat, train, (Check for dark aurora for me) and sleep and Cynder was showing signs of pregnancy so she sat out. Today when I train I wore a necklace around my neck, It was a gem inside a moon shape. ...

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chapter 3: it begins

As I rode back to the temple I heard a voice. "Strag... bring spyro and Cynder and hurry!" said the voice in my mind, I knew who it was. "Chronicler, what's wrong?" I asked while screeching to a halt. "No time hurry! I can't contact them because...

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