Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 74

Story by ModestImmorality on SoFurry

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#74 of Pokemon - Tale of the Guardian Master

Original preview images used for this chapter made by

http://panzerknacker73.deviantart.com/ http://livinlovindude.deviantart.com/

Chapter 74 - Family Quarrels

Leading the girls along, Chris took them to one of the first class stands for something sweet to eat, ordering Serenity and Rose each a huge piece of cake along with Alicia, only for the snake to hide herself away deep within her towel and face away from the food as he tried feeding her. Letting out a sigh, he shook his head and took a bite himself instead while the others looked at them before facing one another with a shrug and eating as well. "At least YOU didn't get hurt." he told Alicia, the girls blinking at the two confused. "Hurt? Huh?" Rose asked, tilting her head curiously. "Oh, it's nothing. Just a little lecture." he replied, giving them a wave and a smile before rummaging through his bag and taking out the kimono he bought her along with scissors. "Alright then, no time like the present." he muttered with a nod, suddenly clipping away at the kimono causing the girls and the waiter behind the stand to look at him wide eyed. Once he was finished cutting out a large chunk, he took out a pack of needles and a tiny roll of thread, sewing his way along the fabric as the waiter shrugged and walked off, the girls continuing to watch curiously while stuffing cake in their mouths, Alicia remaining hidden within her towel. "We've got one MAJOR rule in this family, ALL of you know it well enough by now, and when you break that rule you loose a LOT of my respect for you." he said, the girls responding with "huh?" while Alicia faced down. "I don't put ANY expectations on any of you asides that ONE thing, and the fact that single rule was disobeyed makes me severely disappointed." he continued, biting the string and holding up the fabric, looking it over before continuing. After a moment, Alicia sniffed once again, wiping her face with a quiet "sorry" before slowly reaching out for the fork in front of her and taking a bite of cake. "Sorry for...?" Chris asked, looking at Alicia with a raised eyebrow as she lowered the towel off her head. "Sorry... For the prank..." she replied, glancing at Serenity before facing away. "The pool was my fault, I coaxed a Krabby into snapping you. I gave it those puffs I had left." she confessed, Serenity's eyes going wide as her fork fell from her hand. "Y-y-you little BI...!!" she paused, jolting as Chris put his hand up and gave her an "easy" look, gritting her teeth and sitting with her arms crossed in frustration.

"Alicia, you know EXACTLY what I told you about hurting one another. To squabble now and then is one thing, and I don't approve of that either, but to actually do something like THAT to Serenity was going too far. That's why I sent you down that slide to wash off the stench hurting her just for a laugh gave you." he told the snake, shaking his head as she faced down once again. "Doing something like that to your own family, it makes me regret giving you a nickname no matter what you've done for me... To think I held you to a higher standard than that." he added, the snake hicking and wiping her face again before lifting the towel back over her head and hiding away. "I'm sorry." she repeat in a brittle voice, sniffling and hicking all the more while Serenity's expression slowly turned from furious to empathetic, Rose looking at Alicia with a worried expression of her own. "M-Maybe... That's enough punishment? That last part was a little h-harsh." Rose said, smiling at Chris nervously. "What if she did that to YOU? Who's to say she won't decide to start doing that sort of thing on a regular basis to both of you in the end?" he replied, the rabbit jolting and poking her fingers silently. Continuing to look at Alicia, Serenity let out a sigh and got up, patting her on the back. "I forgive, no need to punish, or cry like baby." she said, Chris raising an eyebrow silently as Rose pat Alicia on the back as well, the snake slowly lowering her towel and looking at the two before wiping her eyes again with a nod, giving another apology as she and Serenity shook hands and Rose gave her a hug while he continued working on the fabric, turning his back as the girls sat down on their seats once more to eat, both of them coaxing Alicia into calming down and eating her own cake as well. After a moment, the three looked at Chris, noticing his back to them causing the three to look at one another nervously until Alicia stood on the counter and walked up to him, tugging the back of his robe. "Yeah?" he asked, keeping his back to her as she faced down. "I truly am sorry. You've my word such an act won't come from me again." she assured. "I... Have grown fond of the name you gave me as well, please don't regret it." she added, reaching out again only to jump when he glanced back at her. "You're wasting your breath you know." he replied, causing her to face down with another sniffle as Serenity and Rose looked at him in surprise.

"...Because there's no way I'd really ever regret naming you." he suddenly grinned, causing her to look up wide eyed as he turned and held out the cut fabric he had been working on, now looking like a small robe for her to wear. "Even though that prank did disappoint me, I still love you as much as ever. You just needed to know how wrong it was to do that. A joke can only go so far." he added before slipping it on her, the green and gold design matching her body. "There you go. I know it bothered you not being able to wear something like them, so I figured a little custom outfit couldn't hurt." he told her with a thumbs up. Looking at one another, Serenity and Rose smiled as Alicia looked herself over, swishing her tail under the robe before looking back up at him and tearing up again before jumping against him. "W-woah there! Easy!" he laughed, holding Alicia as she hid her face against him. "It's like I said, I hold you to a higher standard more than anyone. Plus you're not like those two so I've gotta be tough on you to get through, that's all. From here on lets put the prank behind us and go back to having a good time, wadaya say?" he asked with a smile, Alicia nodding and wiping her face again as he set her on the counter, Serenity smirking and ruffling her head while Rose hugged her once more. "That's the kind of family I like to see." Chris nodded, ordering himself a drink as the girls continued eating their cake together, Alicia looking over her robe and glancing at Chris with a slight blush as he looked out at the sea with a smirk on his face. "I came down to make sure nothing troublesome was going on, but I see you've got a handle on things quite well." they heard a man say, the group turning to see Chief Smith walking up along the deck. "I saw everything that went on from the bridge. I wasn't certain what everything was about but now I see there was no reason for me to leave my post. Very good." he told the group, Chris blinking in surprise. "W-wow, we just keep getting visits, don't we?" he laughed nervously. "Sorry you had to come down here just for that though. Everything's taken care of so no worries." he assured, waving his hand getting a nod from Smith in response. "Do keep in mind however that you and yours have an example to set for other passengers. You're first class aboard this ship, you should aim to inspire others, not quarrel in such petty ways." he told the girls, Alicia looking down silently. "However, it's true I've no right to lecture our passengers. I merely feel you have the capability of behaving better than you have. Also..." he paused, looking at Serenity and Rose. "Please don't attack other passengers. I'm aware their behavior was uncouth, but that's no reason to send them flying over the ship. They have trainers, or family if you prefer, as well who don't take kindly to having their friends abused. There are better ways than physical retaliation to convince others to respect your boundaries." he told the two, Rose smiling and nodding nervously with an apology while Serenity crossed her arms with a scowl, Smith raising an eyebrow.

"H-ha ha, s-sorry about her. She kinda has a thing against other humans. It's a loooong story." Chris explained, Smith glancing at him before looking around the deck. "Well, so long as no harm comes to other passengers, her dislike doesn't concern me. Can I trust you not to do anything reckless?" he asked, Serenity glancing at him before facing away. "Not hurt anyone. Not criminal." she replied. "S-Serenity! Come on, show more respect than that!" Chris lectured, letting out a sigh and shaking his head. "Quite alright, she's not the first Pokemon to cross my path with an unsavory outlook on our kind. Pokemon never come to dislike humans without reason. As they say, there's no such thing as a bad Pokemon, only bad people." Smith replied, Serenity jolting and looking at Smith as he gave her a slight bow. "I've meant no disrespect, I merely wish to see everybody safely enjoying this voyage." he explained. Looking at him silently for a moment, Serenity nod in response. "Like said, not hurt anyone. Sorry for being rude." she told him, the girls blinking in surprise as Chris smiled with a nod. "Atta girl." he praised, giving her a pat on the back causing Serenity to scowl and face away with a slight blush. "You're an interesting lot, I'll tell you that." he replied before turning away. "I'd best return to the bridge, take care now." he told them, tipping his hat before walking off, only to pause and glance back. "You know, if I weren't looking at you now, I'd swear you were all human. You and those Pokemon behave more like a family than anyone I've met traveling alongside them in some time. Despite your quirks, I can tell you all mean well enough." he added before continuing along the deck. "Huh, you hear that?" Chris asked, grinning in response as the girls looked at one another and smiled as well. Once they were done with their cake and his drink was gone, the group left the stand, walking along the deck once more. Hearing something call out, Chris walked up to the railing and looked down at the sea below, the Captains Dragonair shooting out of the water as it swam along, looking up at the group. "Ha ha, good to see you again!" he smiled, giving the Pokemon a wave.

Suddenly, it shot up in front of him, squirting water in his face before falling back into the sea as he laughed and wiped it off. "Hur hur, very funny!" he shout as it made laughing sounds, disappearing into the water. "Guess she really has taking a liking to me. Pretty cool!" he grinned before continuing on, the girls looking around and enjoying the view of the sea while Alicia looked at him, facing down shyly. "Thank you." she said, causing Chris to glance at her. "What was that?" he asked as she blushed. "Forgiving my behavior, and making this for me. Thank you." she repeat. "Heh, no problem. I love you too much to hate you over something like that. As far as the robe, it really does make you look beautiful." he praised, giving the snake a thumbs up causing her to show a slight smile along with her blush, rubbing her face against his cheek and nuzzling her nose behind his ear. With a smile of his own, he rubbed Alicia on the head and gave her a kiss on the cheek, rubbing his nose against hers before she faced away shyly. "Huh, she's acting a lot different now." Rose muttered. "She act snooty and mean but still love him. Chris being mad at her makes her sad like it would me and you." Serenity muttered back. "I'm surprised you were nice to her after what she did though." Rose replied. "Well, still mad at her, but not want her crying." Serenity admit. "A little lesson goes a long way." Chris chuckled, looking back at the two causing them to jump in surprise. "All it took was a little push to bring out the good in you towards one another." he smiled, Serenity facing away and rubbing her arm with a blush while Alicia did the same. "I know you two care about each other deep down. I just wanted to help it come to the surface. Alicia apologized earnestly of her own free will to you, and in return you forgave her and helped her cheer up. I knew you could do it." he smirked, Serenity and Alicia looking at one another before facing away silently again. "That's how a family is. Sure you might act like you hate one another, and you pull pranks that can go too far, but deep in your hearts you'd never want to see those you care about in trouble and crying." he told them, nodding at both girls before rubbing Alicia on the cheek again and scratching under her chin, causing her body to jolt and shudder while offering a hand to Serenity, pulling her in for a hug in his other arm. "I'm proud of you two." he chuckled, Rose poking her fingers and looking down, only for Chris to call her and invite her in for affection as well, the rabbit smiling and running up, wrapping her arms around his waist with a giggle.

"Ha ha, isn't that adorable?" Captain Rostron chuckled, watching from the balcony outside the bridge above while a waiter served him coffee. "How did your little meeting go down there by the way?" he asked, watching Chief Smith walk out of the bridge next to him and taking a cup for himself. "Not bad, the Gardevoir is a tad concerning, bit of an unsavory attitude, but I can tell she means no harm deep down. Cousin Angela warned me about keeping your distance from her." he replied, the two taking a sip and sighing together. "Bah, I think they're a fine bunch. Mr. Murdoch! How's the girl doing?" Rostron asked, glancing back into the bridge. "Sailing smooth as butter Captain! The sea is as fair as can be and the Guardian responds perfectly to every command." Murdoch replied with a nod. "Good, good. A perfect maiden voyage from start to finish is our mission, I want this trip to go down in history!" Rostron chuckled, taking another sip of his coffee while looking back down at Chris and the others as they passed by. Rummaging through the bag, Chris pulled out his pamphlet, looking over everything to do on the ship. "Lets see, I wonder what we should do next. This ship is so huge and there's countless stuff in this thing to try out. Kind of makes me wonder if seven days is enough!" he laughed, showing the girls the pictures of everything the cruise has to offer, each of them as unsure of what to do next as the next. "I suppose we cou--aaagh!!!" he shout, suddenly stumbling and falling forward, landing on someone causing the person to scream as Alicia fell forward off his shoulders with a shout of her own. "A-ah! Oh man, I'm soooo sorr...!!" he apologized, pausing as he looked at Sally, her face just inches from his own as she blinked in surprise. "O-oh, h-hey again." he said, Sally nodding in response. "H-hello to you too." she replied, her gaze lowering to his chest as she looked at her hands pressing against his skin causing her to flush as he looked down as well, noticing his hands on her waist before quickly pushing himself back with a flush of his own and closing his robe. "I-I-I'm sorry!! I'm really sorry!" he apologized, bowing nervously as she laughed shyly and waved her hands. "N-no worries at all! I actually owe you an apology!" she replied, pointing out her Growlithe pup as it sat with its tongue out, wagging its tail excitedly. "Th-that's what I tripped on?" he muttered, tilting his head as Serenity and Rose pet it, both giggling and swooning over the Pokemon. "H-hey, hold up, where's...?" he asked, pausing while looking over his shoulders. "Is this who you're looking for?" Sally giggled, pulling Alicia up from where she was clinging to the back of her wheelchair, facing the snake towards him and holding her out. "Y-y-you ignorant oaf!! I could have broken my...!!" she paused, biting her lip and facing away with a sigh. "Watch where you're going, for both our sakes." she added as Chris took her and apologized, helping her back over his shoulders.

"The accident aside, good to see you again!" Chris laughed embarrassed, Sally nodding with a smile. "Where's Victoria though?" he asked, looking around curiously. "Oh, she's back in our quarters. She has her moments of weakness you see, although she does her best to help me, she's getting on in years. Soooo I'm just roaming about, enjoying a little more exploration and fresh air." Sally replied. "Heh, you come out here to enjoy yourself just for a clutz to run into you. I keep telling myself not to get distracted when moving around but old habits die hard." Chris laughed. Once Serenity and Rose were done swooning over the Growlithe, they stood and looked in Chris's direction, only to see him and Sally blushing at one another and laughing while shaking hands, causing Serenity to cross her arms and scowl while Rose poked her fingers, her ears drooping while the two talked, sharing a chummy atmosphere with one another. "So how's everything been for you today?" Sally asked. "Oh, same old same old. We went shopping on the E deck a bit, had some fun in the water, as you can see. Had a bit of a moment with the girls but all's well that ends well! I also made this robe for Alicia here." he chuckled, rubbing the snake on the cheek once again as she scowled with a slight blush. "Aww, she looks divine." Sally smiled causing Alicia to jolt and hold her head high. "Yeah, she is hot stuff isn't she?" Chris added with a wink, causing the snake to flush before shaking her head and facing away. "B-bah! You and the way you say things! Hush with that kind of talk!" she replied causing both he and Sally to laugh, Alicia looking at the two before letting out a groan and rolling her eyes in embarrassment. "And this little lady isn't the only one lookin' good today!" he grinned, looking back and motioning for Serenity and Rose to walk up alongside him, pulling the two against his sides. "Serenity here's been eyed by just about every guy on this ship and people can't keep their eyes off Rose either! I've got a beauty on one side and a cutie on the other!" he laughed, both flushing as he smiled at them, facing away with flattered and embarrassed smiles of their own while fidgeting. "Aww, they do look adorable." she agreed, nodding and offering to shake their hands. "Good to see you again too! Must be nice having a guy speak so highly of you!" she giggled, both Pokemon nodding and giving Chris a hug.

"Alright, alright, ease up a little!" Chris laughed, looking at the two with a nervous smile only for Alicia to pull his face towards her using her tail, crossing her arms with a smirk causing him to sweat slightly. "A-a-alright you three. That's enough." he told them, nudging the two back and brushing Alicia's tail out of his face. "It's adorable to see how affectionate they are and how easily they get jealous too." Sally giggled causing the girls to look at one another and face away with an embarrassed laugh, Chris letting out a sigh with a "You've no idea" comment causing the girls to scowl at him, Serenity giving his cheek a pinch. "Ow-ow-ooowww! Okay, okay! Sorry!" he shout, the Pokemon letting him go with a nod as he rubbed his cheek with a slump in his posture. "I wish my grandmother had come with me to see this." she told the group with a laugh, wiping a tear from her eye with an apology. "We should probably get going though. A seven, err, six day trip goes by in a flash." Chris reminded, the girls nodding in agreement. "Very true, I'll see you all later then." Sally smiled, giving them a wave before rolling past the group. Watching her leave, Chris chuckled and let out a sigh, picking up the pamphlet he dropped and patting it off. "She's pretty cool huh?" he smiled, Serenity looking back and scowling before grabbing his arm and pulling him along. "H-hey!! E-easy there!!" he replied, startled by the sudden tug as she pulled him against her, his arm pressing into her cleavage again causing him to blush. "G-geez, what's got into you suddenly?" he asked. "Focus on us! Not human girls!" she scowled, stopping and looking at him with her cheeks puffed out. "O-oh come on now. She's just a nice girl is all!" he laughed nervously, putting his hands up as she looked him in the eye with her hands on her hips. "Uh oh, she's getting frustrated!" Rose giggled causing Serenity to jolt and back away, crossing her arms. "Not frustrated! Should focus on fun is all!" she replied as Chris let out a sigh and shook his head, patting Serenity on the shoulder. "Don't worry, my heart belongs only to you girls." he assured, giving Serenity and the others a smile and a thumbs up causing all three to blush and blink at him silently. "Ahh, t-too much?" he asked, the girls looking at one another before smiling back at him and coming together for another hug. "Ah geez! I'm gonna suffocate one day you know?" he laughed, nudging them back before continuing along, looking over the pamphlet once more.

"Let's see, we've got shopping and dining on the E deck, looks like the other recreational stuff is on decks C and G. Guess that's short for having a C-razy G-ood ti..." he paused, looking at the girls as they scowled at him and shook their heads. "Ahh, ha ha. N-never mind." he replied, waving his hand and hiding his face in the pamphlet as they nodded. Once they arrived at the entrance to the lower decks, Chris paused and looked towards the bow of the ship, noticing various people trying to stand on the railing only for security to quickly remove them from the bars. "That gives me an idea..." he muttered, the girls giving him confused looks. "Idea? What idea?" Serenity asked, causing him to jolt and laugh nervously. "Oh, nothing. It's not something we'd get away with at the moment so forget about it." he replied, waving his hand before looking towards the bow again. "That would be SO awesome though, especially at the right time." he smirked, the girls looking at one another bewildered and shrugging as they went inside and made their way down the Grand Staircase once more. "Well, since we're already dressed like this, why not head to the spa? We can enjoy some massages, soak in a hot tub and all. Spend time getting pampered a little!" he grinned, the girls looking at him in surprise. "What? I'm talking about you girls, not me. I'll be happy just soaking in a jacuzzi for a while." he smirked. "Oh yeah, speaking of dressed, you can take off your swimsuit now if you want, it's probably getting stuffy." he told Rose, getting a nod from her in response only for the rabbit to freeze up when she touched the straps, looking around and flushing nervously. "Eh? What's wrong?" he asked, giving her a confused look as she fidget shyly. "For some reason, taking this off here feels strange." she replied. "Strange? But you always go around without..." he replied, looking her over with a pause as she put a paw between her legs and an arm over her chest causing him to gulp and face away, scratching his cheek with a blush of his own. "I-I think I understand. I had no idea a Pokemon would pick up on that feeling by wearing something. Now you've got me feeling weird about it." he replied, glancing down at her causing the rabbit to smile embarrassed. "D-don't look at me like that, it makes me feel even weirder..." she told him, blushing all the more as he jolt and looked away, clearing his throat while Alicia and Serenity scowled. "She have whole body covered! Why you not look that way at me?!" Serenity asked, suddenly lifting her breasts in front of him causing Chris to flush and gulp. "I-I-I uh, th-that is, y-y-you're..." he stuttered as she leaned towards him, lifting them even more and continuing to scowl causing him to take a step back, his eyes wider than ever only to stumble and fall down the last few steps, Alicia jumping safely onto the railing beforehand as his bag and staff flew in the air and onto the Cherub, his bag dangling from it and his staff in its arms as he thud onto the floor with a groan, awkwardly laughing in an unconscious state.

"C-Chris!!" Rose shout, running to his side and trying to shake him out of it while Serenity stood blinking in surprise with an "oops" expression on her face, other passengers and crew circling him as well. "You lecherous oaf!! Put those things down!! They're dangerous!!" Alicia snapped with a finger pointed causing Serenity to jolt and quickly cover her chest with her arms, the two joining Rose by his side. "Oooowwww-ch-ch-ch" he groaned, reaching up to grab something as he rubbed the back of his head. "That huuurrrrts." he hissed, suddenly grabbing something squishy. "S-soft...?" he muttered, raising up and squeezing the object getting a sudden loud moan in response causing him to jolt and look at what he was grabbing, finding Serenity's breast in his hand as she flushed and cooed, giving him an aroused look as he squeezed again. "B...Boob?" he muttered, looking around at the crowd and the girls before facing Serenity again, getting a smile from her as she held his hand and started leaning forward causing him to shout and yank himself away, hitting his back against the podium the Cherub was on knocking his bag off and onto his head. "Woooow, now that's bad luck." Alicia groaned, shaking her head as Rose laughed nervously and Serenity held the breast he'd been squeezing with a smile, the crowd murmuring amongst one another while many blushed over his accidental move on Serenity as he took the bag off his head with a grumble, looking up at the statue and muttering "Sorry about that" before standing with a slight wobble, rubbing his back. "Agh, think I hit some of the weak points back there." he said to himself, taking his staff from the statue before bending backwards to pop his back, letting out a relieved sigh before groaning from another shot of pain. "Y-yeah, that's not gonna go away for a while." he muttered, rubbing his spine and trying to lift the bag only to release it with a hiss, Rose quickly coming up and offering to take it for him. "H-ha ha, thanks." he replied, rubbing the rabbit on the head as she looked up at him nervously. Seeing him in pain, several passengers and crew members asked if he was going to be alright, offering to help only for Chris to turn them down and assure everyone he was fine.

Once they went about their business, he let out a sigh and walked along leaning against his staff with both hands, Serenity's expression turning from aroused and happy to worried and guilty as she got up and followed. "Good going. You couldn't have waited and done that when he wasn't on a bunch of stairs?" Alicia muttered causing the already guilty Pokemon to rub her arm and face down with a groan. Looking back, he turned with a nervous smile, patting Serenity on the shoulder. "H-hey, don't worry about it! I'm alright! Just a little back pain, no biggie at all." he assured with a thumbs up. "Your back is the weakest part of you though! You sure you don't need help?" Rose asked, tugging on his robe in concern. "I'm fine, really! Just give it a bit and I'll be a-ok!" he nodded with a smile, looking back at Serenity and grinning. "I definitely feel like a spa now though. Lets go try one out." he told the group as they continued towards the lower decks, Chris making himself walk straight with a grunt and maintaining his smile, the girls looking at on another before Rose and Alicia gave Serenity another "why did you do that?" look simultaneously causing her to look down and cover her chest again, groaning once more. Reaching the C deck, Chris led the girls into one of the first class centers on the deck consisting of massage and hydrotherapy, the Pokemon looking around the reception area curiously while he stood waiting at the desk. "Ah, sorry for the wait. How may I help you?" the receptionist asked, walking in from the back. "A new back would be nice!" he laughed nervously. "Well, a short while here and you'll definitely feel like it's new!" she assured as he signed his and the girls names on the list, taking out his papers from one of his robe pockets for approval before the group was led into the back. "As you can see, humans and Pokemon alike are able to enjoy our many forms of treatment here." she pointed out as others and their Pokemon enjoyed massages and sat together in jacuzzis, also passing by several saunas filled with psychic and fighting type Pokemon along with their trainers. "You put yourself down for a massage session so we'll set you up in your own room as well. You'll have a masseur in with you shortly after." the woman assured, leading Chris into a small room, Rose putting his bag down before the receptionist guided the girls along, with a little convincing from him before he was able to take off his robe and lay down on the table with a groan.

"Man that fall did a number on me, and it was just a few stairs! I forgot how sensitive my spine is now." he sighed. "I feel like such a geezer... Oh well, love hurts I guess." he laughed nervously, letting out a groan while waiting for someone to come in. "Not really my thing having someone do this, but pain is pain." he muttered, looking around the room before resting his face in the pillow and shutting his eyes. After a moment, he heard voices outside his room followed by footsteps walking up and around him. "Ah! Guess I wasn't forgotten! I uh, thought it would only be one person." he laughed, about to raise his head only to have it gently pushed back down. "Oh, right. Uh, sorry." he replied with a nervous smile. Hearing more muttering and giggling, he blushed slightly from the sound of women around him. "J-just relax. You're with girls all the time." he smiled nervously. Suddenly, he felt lotion being squirt all over his back, causing him to jolt and shudder from the cold sensation before feeling three pairs of hands rubbing all over his back. "Huh, these girls feel weird..." he thought to himself, blushing and letting out a sigh as the hands rubbed along his sides and shoulders. "Y-you know, I'm not usually one for getting pampered, but you girls really know your stuff!" he praised, hearing giggles once again. Wincing when their hands ran along his spine, he heard murmuring once more between them, only to feel a finger run along his spine as if someone was giving directions before their touches went away altogether. "What uh, what's u-yeaaaagh!!" he shout as something long slammed down along his spine, causing him to arch up as all of his disks popped from his shoulder blades to his hips. "Y-y-yeaaahhhh..." he cooed, slowly relaxing and dangling his arms off the sides of the table. "Oh man that's goooood." he chuckled, letting out a sigh of relief. "Naturally!" he heard a girl shout, causing his eyes to shoot open wide as the voice was immediately muffled, looking up to find Serenity and Rose trying to cover Alicia's mouth as her tail slowly quit glowing while the masseur waved nearby, all of them letting out a nervous and "busted" sounding laugh as he blinked at them.

"G-girls?! Y-you're supposed to be in your own rooms! Y-you used Iron Tail on me?!" he asked, reaching behind himself and rubbing his spine. "I-it actually feels normal again. H-how did you do that...?" he asked, sitting up and twisting himself slightly. "Ahh, ha ha. The human there gave a bit of instruction. A little flip in the air at the right angle was all it took." Alicia replied. "D-do forgive me. They were very insistent on tending to you themselves. Especially your Gardevoir there." the masseur explained with a bow. Continuing to twist himself about and rub his spine, he looked at the girls and let out a sigh, shaking his head before smiling. "Seriously, grateful as I am don't be afraid to enjoy yourselves too. Not everything we do HAS to be together! You know how I am about spoiling you, so you should be taking advantage of the offer while it lasts!" he reminded. "We know, but we one's cause trouble and hurt you. Thought we should make up." Serenity replied, poking her fingers and looking down. "T-true. Despite the trouble I caused you still gave me this gift, so I felt it the right thing to do, repaying kindness with kindness." Alicia added, looking over her robe again. "As far as I go, I just did it because it seemed fun! Plus it made you feel good so it was worth it." Rose added, holding up peace signs with a grin. "If you like sir, I can lead them away for their own treatment." the masseur spoke up. Looking at the girls, he smirked and shook his head. "Nah, guess we can take care of ourselves." he replied, waving his hand getting another bow from the masseur in response before leaving them. "You not mind?" Serenity asked. "If it's what you girls wanna do, I don't mind. Since Alicia managed to work the kinks outta my back, I can return the favor too!" he grinned, standing and stretching towards one side then the other. "I was worried I'd be stuck looking like an old fart the rest of the trip, so it's the least I could do." he added, rubbing them each on the head before Serenity and Rose coaxed him back onto the table, rubbing him with the lotion once more as Alicia joined in as well. "Don't get used to this though! We don't get to be spoiled, so neither do you!" the snake said with her nose up. "Well, it wouldn't be as special then, would it? Besides, it's not everyday a guy gets a massage from three gorgeous girls!" he replied with another grin, giving them a thumbs up as they looked at him with a blush on their faces and continued rubbing him shyly.

Moving down his legs, Rose started playing with his feet causing Chris to snicker and scowl at the rabbit as she laughed and stuck her tongue out, only to jolt and shout at Serenity when she tried reaching up his shorts legs with a sly grin on her face. "Aww! Don't be so serious!" she giggled, glancing at his butt and suddenly giving it a hard smack that echoed in the room with a "yummy!" comment causing him to shoot up and cover his cheeks with a flush and lecture her, cut off when the flirty Pokemon gave him a kiss and winked. "You let us stay! You ask for it!" she teased, poking him on the nose as he grumbled shyly. With Chris distracted by the two, Alicia walked up behind him on the table and suddenly snapped her vines around his neck, causing him to jerk back with an "urk!" as she stood near his face with a smirk, blushing slightly and nuzzling his cheek with her own. "Me too!!" Rose shout, jumping on top of him for a hug as Alicia jumped back, the rabbit rubbing her face into his neck. "Not fair!! I want love too!!" Serenity added, jumping on top of him along with Rose, Chris letting out an "oomph!!" from the weight as they clung to him, the two affectionately kissing him all over the neck and face as he flailed and tried to push them away for air. "Mmm, you ARE yummy..." Serenity grinned with an aroused and sly look on her face. "M-as-ter" she whispered in his ear causing him to gulp nervously. "She's right! You're tasty!" Rose giggled. "N-not you too?" he replied, the two looking at one another before nodding and licking him simultaneously all over the neck causing him to flush again. "T-t-too much!! P-pause!!" he shout, trying to raise up only for both girls to grab him and push him back down, continuing to cuddle and kiss all over him, Chris flailing once more as Serenity pulled his face into her cleavage, Rose clinging his arm and rubbing against it while Alicia stood aside, watching the three before facing down, looking over her robe again with a slight blush. "I have a hard enough time showing him affection. Then with Serenity always butting in, and on top of that she and Rose have SUCH an easy time doing things like this... Plus they've done way more..." she murmured, cutting herself off and letting out a disappointed sigh, shaking her head as he finally got the two love struck Pokemon to back away and give him space to breathe.

"You girls gotta stop clinging all over me like that!" he lectured, Serenity and Rose wiping the drool off the side of their mouths with their fingers before looking at one another and putting their fingers in their mouths, letting out a simultaneous "mmm!" and giggling as he felt his lips, drool left on his mouth as well causing him to groan and quickly wipe it away "G-geez, you two are getting seriously bold." he scowled, grabbing a nearby cloth and wiping the drool off his neck and torso. "I expect this from Serenity but you surprised me Rose!" he told the rabbit, causing her to blush and poke her fingers shyly. "S-sorry, I just got wrapped up and into things..." she replied quietly. "Aww, no worry, he like it. Just won't admit it." Serenity grinned, nudging Rose on the side. "Sh-shut up!!" he shout with another flush on his face, Serenity pointing and laughing while Rose giggled. "A-anyways, that's enough massaging for me. If you can even call it that." he told the two, getting up and wiping his mouth once more. "I guess I can give one of you a massage now if you wa...!!" he paused, jumping aside as Serenity jumped onto the table, Alicia quickly jumping onto the floor with a shout as Serenity held up a bottle of lotion. "First! Call dibs!" she grinned causing Rose to sulk and Alicia to grit her teeth in irritation while her skirt began to retract. "Ahh, ha ha. She did call it." he replied with a nervous smile, taking the bottle and squirting some of its contents on his hands, looking down at Serenity's figure and gulping with a slight blush. "Like what you see, Master...?" she asked with a flirty smile. "It belongs to you... Do aaaaanything you like." she added, waving her butt teasingly causing him to look away embarrassed. "Q-quit that! And stop the master talk." he muttered shyly causing Serenity to giggle. "Aww, you adorable." she told him before closing her eyes. "Love you." she said in her natural voice, causing him to jolt and look at her wide eyed as she put her face in the pillow with another giggle.

Taking a deep breath, he put his hands on her back causing Serenity to squeak and tense up in surprise from the cool sensation, her body slowly relaxing as she let out a sigh once he began rubbing along her back. "Bah, I've no need to watch this." Alicia scowled, getting up from where she'd been sitting on the floor and walking out the door. Noticing the snake leaving, Rose quietly followed, leaving Chris alone with Serenity, unbeknownst to him as he worked on her shoulder blades causing her toes to curl as she giggled with a "that the spot" coo. "Where you goin?" Rose asked, stopping Alicia just outside the door as she crossed her arms. "I'm certainly not going to wait around in there watching him feel all over the two of you!" she snapped. "W-what's got into you suddenly? We were just in there massaging him together and having fun!" the rabbit replied nervously. "Of course, until the two of you pushed me aside AGAIN!" the snake argued, facing away. "That lecherous dog always butts in, and now you've done the same thing as she does twice." she added. "Things were fine until you and she jumped all over him. Once you got too excited I was cast aside while the two of you had your way in front of me. In case you've forgotten the size comparison is a problem! I'd be crushed because of your careless affection if I tried to get involved!" she continued. Looking at Alicia's back silently for a moment, Rose rubbed her arm with a guilty look and apologized. "I can't really express myself verbally because it's just the way I am, and the fact I can't do anything to express myself physically because others have to constantly push me aside is just unfair." she added, tossing her arms up in the air. "Oh but who cares? I'm just the third place girl, the one with the bad attitude and all that." she grumbled, crossing her arms as they heard Serenity let out a moan, Chris making a loud "don't pull my hand there!!" remark causing Alicia to grit her teeth again as a vein of anger pulsed on her head, Rose smiling nervously behind her. "You see?! Zero regard for others emotions!! Here we are out here, does he notice? No! Did he notice when I got shoved aside by you two, then wound up on the floor because of dodging that dog? No!!" she snapped. "I-I still don't understand why you're suddenly THIS upset though. I've never seen your emotions so, off track I guess?" Rose replied with a nervous laugh.

"I-I don't understand myself." Alicia sighed, shaking her head while looking over her robe. "His affection is always so one sided. I can never respond verbally to his actions and when I try to using other means I get shoved away or blocked out. Plus it would seem I just keep doing things to upset him." she added, feeling over her robe with a somber look. "It wouldn't be so irksome if I were more like you two, or if I were at least big enough to stand a fighting chance whenever that dog gets clingy over him." she continued. "Top that with the fact I've got you to compete with now as well, and apparently it's not much of a competition considering your progress with him in the time you've been around compared to me. I suppose it's frustration and wounded pride combined that's got me unraveled." she sighed again. "I've barely been able to reciprocate his actions thus far, and the more he says and does for me the more frustrated I become because I can't properly repay him in any form, due to my own stubbornness and interlopers combined." she added, sitting on the floor with a plop. "I don't even know why I'm telling YOU this of all people. I can speak with a rabbit but not to a male." she muttered as Rose sat next to her. "Well, that's how friends are! Plus in a way I guess we really are a family now like he says, so that's how families are too." she smiled. "Friends, yeah, right. We're friends." Alicia replied, facing away in irritation with her arms crossed causing Rose to look down and poke her fingers silently. Glancing at the rabbit, Alicia let out a sigh and leaned against the door. "My apologies, my problems need not concern you." she added. "I-it's fine! I'm glad you're open with me!" she replied, waving her hands with a nervous smile. "It's as I said, YOU'RE not the one I should be open with. But when it comes to him... I just can't." she grumbled, feeling her sleeve and blushing slightly. "A-alright! You're done!" they heard Chris say, the two jolting as Serenity let out a disappointed "awww" in response while Chris opened the door causing Alicia to fall back. "Yo! Rose! Alicia!" he shout, only to look down and see the rabbit sitting against the wall with a nervous laugh, giving him a wave. "Oh! Uh, h-hey. Where's...?" he asked, pausing as he looked down and saw Alicia laying on the floor at his feet, looking back at him with a blush on her face. "Ah, good. You're next!" he smiled, causing her to jolt and quickly wave her hands. "I-I'm fine! That's not necessary!" she quickly replied as he lift her into his arm. "Aww come on. Everyone deserves pampering once in a while." he chuckled, bringing her into the room as Serenity got off the table and finished tying her bikini top with a scowl. "Wanted more touching!" she pout. "Oh don't be that way. We'll have plenty of time for that kinda stuff later." he replied with an irritated blush of his own causing Serenity to perk up and poke his cheek. "I hold you to that!" she grinned, Alicia grumbling with an irritated glare at the flirty Pokemon, Serenity noticing and crossing her arms. "What your problem?" she asked as Chris laid Alicia on the table. "Nothing, just begone." she replied, waving her hand causing Serenity to gasp. "Now now, just give us a little bit. She gave you your privacy." Chris smiled nervously, coaxing Serenity out the door before closing it with a sigh.

"Whoo boy." he muttered, returning to the table. "So, where would you like me to massage you most?" he asked with a smile, holding up the lotion as she faced away. "I needn't be touched!" she replied, looking at the door in irritation before glancing at him, slightly blushing before facing away again. "But... If you must, I suppose here would be alright." she added, lifting her tail shyly. "Huh? You never want me touching you there. That's a surprise." he replied. "D-do you wish to do this or not?!" she snapped causing him to jump and laugh nervously. "I-I do! Sorry!" he apologized, rubbing the lotion in his hands before holding her tail and rubbing along its length, working her leaf between his fingers causing her irritated look to slowly fade away. "N-no, I apologize." she replied, watching his hands as they wrapped around her tail and gently pulled it as he slid his grasp from her tails base to the tip, working her leaf between his fingers again causing her to shudder slightly. "Ha ha, feel good?" he asked causing her to face away. "J-just keep going." she replied. Having her lay down, he pulled her robe open as she lay on her back causing the snake to flush for some reason as he touched her underside, rubbing his hands up and down her body causing her pulse to rapidly rise and fall each time his hands slid up and down. "H-hey..." she muttered. "Eh? What's up?" he replied, looking at her as she glanced away. "C-come here." she ordered, motioning for him to lower his face. Nodding, he leaned down curiously. "Feeling sick or something?" he asked, only for Alicia to lean up and give him a kiss causing his eyes to widen in surprise. Keeping her lips pressed against his for a moment, she slowly pulled away and laid back down, looking away embarrassed. "I love you..." she told him. "So... Keep touching me..." she added, scowling and closing her eyes as he blushed and nodded. "O-okay." he gulped, rubbing more lotion on his hands before rubbing them up and down her underside once more, squeezing around her neck gently and carefully digging into it with his fingers causing her to shudder and gulp, a silent coo escaping her lips as she glanced up at him before looking down at her body as his hands slid down. "Look at me, reveling under a males touch..." she thought to herself, resting her head once more. "This is what I wanted I suppose, so... I guess this is good." she murmured. "Huh? What's that?" he asked. "N-nothing! Just touch and don't speak!" she replied with an embarrassed scowl. Nodding with a nervous laugh, he continued rubbing and squeezing her body in random places, a shudder running through her when he rubbed up and down her sides. "I uh, said this is good..." she told him. Smiling in response, he nodded and rubbed her chest, causing Alicia to blush once again. "What a pulse!" he chuckled, feeling her heart causing Alicia to jolt wide eyed. "Sh-shut up!!" she snapped, swatting his hand away from her chest and covering it causing him to laugh and apologize.

Once he was done, he lift the snake back on her feet and closed her robe, giving her a rub on the head. "There ya go! One massage courtesy of, well, me!" he grinned as she nodded. Heading for the door, he paused and looked back with a smirk. "Oh yeah, I love you too Alicia." he added, causing her to jolt and flush before facing away as he opened the door. "Next up, one lucky rabbit!" he chuckled, offering a hand to Rose and helping her up while Alicia jumped off the table and walked out, glancing up at him and getting a wink as he led Rose in, closing the door behind her. "S-stupid..." she muttered, noticing Serenity sitting with her legs and arms crossed. "Well? In better mood now?" she asked, Alicia facing away. "Admittedly it was enjoyable. It's nice to spend time with him without someone butting in." she replied. Scowling at the snake, Serenity shook her head and faced away as well. "Know what? Not my fault you have no spine." she point out. "Bah, just you watch. Someday we'll be even with one another. Your little upper hand on me won't last forever." she assured, Serenity raising an eyebrow at the comment. "That some kind of threat?" she asked. "No... Not a threat." Alicia replied before facing back. "That's a promise. One day you won't be able to merely shove me aside anymore just so you can indulge yourself. My turn will come, and when it does you'll know exactly how it feels, wanting closeness only to have another butt in and make you feel like you don't exist. I apologize for what I did to you earlier today, and I may appreciate how you treated me somewhat, but that doesn't mean I've no intention of besting you. I don't know when or how, but things will be different someday. Your advantage over me will be gone, and I'LL be the one indulging myself before YOUR eyes." Alicia affirmed. Looking down at the snake, Serenity remained silent before standing and crossing her arms, Alicia taking a fighting stance in response. "Look forward to it." Serenity told her, smirking causing the snake to jolt and blink in surprise. "Do... What now?" she asked. "I said look forward to it. When you not act like victim anymore and fight back. That when things get interesting, for both of us." Serenity replied. "Rose no fun to fight with. She too nice, to him and us. Can't really fight her because feel bad. But you... YOU different. You make things interesting. When you finally step up, I be ready." she assured Alicia, the snake standing silently for a moment before smirking back with a nod. "Very well. You haven't gone easy, so don't expect me to either." she replied, the two shaking hands before suddenly jumping when they heard the two shout inside the room with a thud. "I-I'm sorry!! That wasn't on purpose!!" they heard Chris panic before Rose called his name with an aroused moan followed by a giggle. Looking at one another, both Serenity and Alicia scowled while opening the door, finding Chris laying on the floor with Rose on top of him.

"I-it's not what it looks like!!" he shout as the two twitched their eyes, Rose looking back with a nervous smile and waving with her swimsuit stripped and hanging around her waist, laying on Chris with his robe open and his hands on her chest. "Starting to not feel bad." Serenity smiled with her teeth grit, Alicia crossing her arms in irritation before facing away with her nose up. "S-s-seriously!! We just slipped up was all!!" Chris shout, quickly helping her off and standing. "Oh yeah, I'll say." Alicia replied, looking at the two with a raised eyebrow. "Really!! Honest and truly!!" he panicked, quickly closing his robe while Rose fixed her swimsuit. "T-the table was slippery from the lotion. When I stood up I fell on top of him." Rose explained with a nervous laugh. About to walk up to the two, Alicia was quickly passed by Serenity who went up to Chris and grabbed his wrists, yanking his hands onto her breasts. "You not do that for me!! Not fair!! I want massage here too!!" she scowled. "I-I-I didn't massage her there!! That's just where my hands wound up!!" he tried to explain, Alicia scoffing at the statement. "Of ALL the places, they happened to wind up there. You're as bad as Serenity is." Alicia replied, shaking her head in disappointment as Rose stepped back with a nervous laugh. "R-really, it was an accident!" she tried to assure the two, Serenity giving her an irritated and jealous look. "You not even HAVE breasts, what make you special?!" she asked, reaching down and grabbing the rabbits chest causing her ears to shoot up and a flush to appear on her face. "Flat as board! Nothing! Just tiny bumps! You want to grab chest, grab chest worth grabbing!" she scowled, facing Chris as Rose trembled before suddenly letting out a scream and giving Serenity a swift kick under the chin while she was distracted, sending the Pokemon flying over the table and thudding on the other side. "S-Serenity?!" Chris shout, blinking in surprise as she groaned while rubbing her chin. "I-I-I'm sorry!! S-sorry sorry!!" Rose panicked, rapidly waving her hands while Alicia snickered. "So much for lucky feet." the snake smirked, snickering once again and covering her mouth trying to resist. "Y-you attacked me...?" Serenity muttered, sitting up and looking at Rose in shock while holding her jaw. "Y-YOU ATTACKED ME!!!" she shout, shooting up with dark claws flashing over her hands causing Rose to dash behind Chris. "I-I'm sorry!! It was a reflex!!" she replied, clinging to the back of his robe.

"N-n-now now Serenity! Ease up a little! Anyone would do that if you just touched them the way you did!" he panicked as she walked up, letting out a frustrated shout while grabbing him by the collar of his robe. "She attacked me! NOBODY attacks me and not get punished!" she snapped as he put his hands up and laughed nervously. "W-well you basically attacked Rose first the way you groped her so her reaction was just! And you let Alicia off the hook so ease up and show Rose some forgiveness too!" he told her, holding onto her arms trying to coax her as she glared down at the rabbit who was poking her head out from behind Chris nervously. "You... You just make BIG mist..." Serenity growled, pointing at the rabbit and pausing as Rose started tearing up and sniffling, giving another apology. "Agh, this was a bad idea. I should have known it would just cause problems between you." Chris muttered, turning and using his robes sleeve to wipe her face while Serenity backed away and lowered her hand, cancelling out her claws before rubbing her jaw again with a scowl. "Alright, alright, enough of that. Nobody's gonna hurt anybody." he assured, rubbing Rose on the head. "Come on, I made you a promise didn't I? No fighting, no sadness. A life of joy, right? Don't you worry about a thing." he smiled. Standing and turning back towards Serenity, he went up to her and felt her jaw. "Alright, now just do a few things for me." he instructed, having her move her mouth in different ways while looking over her teeth. "Nothing broken, mouths fine." he muttered, letting out a relieved sigh. "Man, this is just too much in one day." he groaned, rubbing his head while looking at the two.

"Seriously girls this is supposed to be a vacation. Can't you avoid antagonizing one another at LEAST during this trip? I'd like to do SOMETHING with you that doesn't result in you going at each others throats! I can't take you to the pool, I can't take you to the spa, I can't even suggest having dinner with other people without you having an issue!" he lectured, his patience finally starting to thin as they looked at one another and faced the floor. "I'm sorry but if this keeps up I'm just gonna have to keep you in the room the whole cruise. I'm actually starting to worry about you hurting someone or doing something to the ship because of the way you keep getting worse with one another! We JUST got through with everything revolving Alicia and now look where we are! You're turning on Rose even! Right after one issue, you girls wind up pushing me into another problem between you! When does it stop?!" he continued. "I tell EACH of you, REPEATEDLY about how much I care about you equally, seems like on a daily basis just about! Yet no matter WHAT we do, no matter how hard I try, you think you're enemies! You think one or the other is the favorite! What am I supposed to do huh?! How much longer until you hurt ME too?!" he asked as they rubbed their arms and sulked. "Look... I'm sorry you were hurt because of Alicia's prank Serenity, it wasn't right and she was punished for it, and I'm sorry Rose hurt you just now, but you turned on her out of jealousy and felt her up. You invaded her personal space out of nowhere so she sent you flying. I can't punish her for that because YOU caused it to happen by being rude. I'm serious, work on your jealousy!" he told her. Looking at all three of them as they responded with a simultaneous apology, his expression slowly turned from annoyed to guilty, rubbing the back of his head with a groan. "L-look, believe me, I'm grateful you girls have such strong feelings for me, and there's nothing wrong with competition so long as that competition doesn't involve hurting each other and making yourselves out to be mortal enemies or whatever. You're letting things get way out of control between yourselves, things are getting way too frequent." he explained. "Just TRY to take it easier on one another, at least for the rest of this cruise, alright? I hate admitting it but... You're stressing me out way too much." he confessed. "Serenity, you and Alicia woke us up this morning arguing with one another and it's been one thing after another ever since, to the point you've dragged Rose into it. No more, understand? I don't want anymore abuse towards one another while we're on this ship." he ordered, the three of them looking at one another and nodding silently in response as he grabbed his staff and lift the gym bag over his shoulder.

"Thanks for fixing my back... I really do appreciate you girls working TOGETHER to do that for me. It's just a shame that moment of teamwork for my sake came at the cost of you going at each others throats again right after. The way you've behaved, maybe it would have been better if we had just gone to our room and I dealt with the pain. Then there wouldn't have been any arguing and nobody would have gotten hurt. What good does it do me to feel better when all you girls can do is cause trouble as a result and make one another feel so unhappy? I gave each of you a massage of your own too and it still didn't appease you in the end." he told them before heading out the door, leaving them alone as he returned to the front desk to sign themselves out of the spa. "That wasn't very long, did you try any of our other features such as the saunas or jacuzzis? We have no time limits for first class passengers!" the receptionist reminded. "No... Afraid not. We'll try out some other things next time." he smiled. "Pardon me but, where ARE your Pokemon?" she asked, looking around. "Oh, they're coming." he assured, standing at the entrance to wait. "He never get like that before..." Serenity muttered as they looked toward the rooms exit. "I suppose we HAVE done our best to push him to this point, he wasn't lying when he said we've been... At odds fairly frequently, especially since boarding the ship. And we've been encouraging ourselves to keep fighting, like our little conversation a moment ago." Alicia sighed. "Sorry again for kicking you. It really wasn't on purpose. I don't like hurting anyone." Rose apologized, Serenity looking at her before slumping and shaking her head. "I know, I know. Sorry for touching and trying to attack back. Won't do again." she replied. "Taking the time to think about it, we have been rather caught up in ourselves. I believe each of us had so many expectations of what we wanted and such we... Put him in second place in the process. Again..." Alicia added, looking over her robe. "I talked about how you've indulged, but really I suppose I'm not innocent of that either. He's continued to put more thought into us than himself while we've..." she paused. "Wanted more and more. That why he finally tell us he stressed. We did push him." Serenity finished for her, slumping all the more as they groaned simultaneously. "I feel even worse now for getting in the bath with him. I should have left him alone." Rose added, her ears drooping while poking her fingers.

Looking down at themselves, Serenity removed her bikini and restored her outer skin, Rose taking her swimsuit off as well. "Think done with these for today." Serenity said, Rose nodding in agreement. "Yeah, we kinda messed things up together." she added with a guilty look, Alicia looking over her robe before taking it off and folding it. "I suppose it would be best to wear this when it's more... Deserved." the snake sighed. Looking at one another, they nodded and left the room, heading for the entrance where Chris stood, watching couples strolling past the spa enjoying themselves and letting out a sigh, shaking his head while the girls gave one another guilty looks again before walking up together, clearing their throats causing him to jolt. "G-girls! H-hey, just uh, waiting for you to... I mean, I guess I should say..." he paused, blinking at them as they held out their clothing, each looking away silently. "Done wearing it huh?" he asked, taking the clothes and putting them in the bag, only to look back at the girls and see all of them bowing together.

"...We're sorry Chris..."

Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 75

Original preview image used for this chapter made by [http://celestkirin.deviantart.com/](http://celestkirin.deviantart.com/) Chapter 75 - Women And Woes "S-Say what now?" he asked, blinking in surprise as the girls kept their heads down,...

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Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 73

Original preview image used for this chapter made by [http://livinlovindude.deviantart.com/](http://livinlovindude.deviantart.com/) Chapter 73 - Fun In The Sun Once the shower was cleaned and two were finished drying off, Chris clothed...

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Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 72

Chapter 72 - Bunny Love Once they reached the foyer of the grand staircase, Chris took a deep breath and let out a relieved sigh, pausing when they reached the massive plaque and looking up at the Arceanic displayed. "Sure glad I didn't mess that...

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