Mad World ch1.

Story by London79 on SoFurry

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September 11,2001 Brooklyn,New York

We watch helplessly eyes glued to the television as the flaming Wold Trade Center

burns and smoke billows from the steel I weep embracing my friend tightly knowing how horrible

the event must be and that my friends husband and my husband were there

helping I was horrified as was my friend we broke the hug and resumed watching.

I phoned my husband,no answer I called again no answer I sob loudly "its O.K," my friend

says comforting me "you don't get it," I say "they might die!," "look, we'll be O.K.," she says

"we'll be O.K.," she starts to sob too, my son and daughter walk into the living room "will daddy

be O.K.," they ask "I don't know," I say "I really don't know," I hug my children tight.

I try calling my husband again he finally picks up "bab-baby *coughing* I can't breathe

"are you O.K.?,". I ask "No." he says, my friend motions for me to give the phone to her

I do "can I speak to Josh?," she asks "honey, I think I'm dying," Josh says "hang on!,"

she shouts "we love you," we shout before hanging up me,my friend and my chldern

all hug. crying.

Two seconds later the towers crash to the ground.

Stonewall (poem)

A bar a landmark a park no matter how you see it there's room for us all LGBT, vetinmse,Russian,African we're all the same but, what has happened in 47 years a revolution, freedom peace will one day region no matter who it falls upon. god...



Paul E: welcome to ECW!!! Cactus jack: Terry Funk you are going to get your ass handed to you,BANG! BANG! Announcer: Coming to the ring Cactus Jack Cactus Jack climbs into the ring Announcer: and his op pent Terry Funk The bell chims,Terry and...

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Announcer: the following contest is scheduled for one fall, introducing the challenger from Atlanta Georgia weighing in at 266 lbs. BILL GOLDBERG," Goldberg walks through the smoke snorts,spits,breathes fire and walks down the ramp to the ring climbs...
