lone dragon pt7

Story by okmaster on SoFurry

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#7 of lone dragon

Among the first of my longer stories... I did some minor editing before posting it here. (spacing it out every 5~ lines for a bit easier read). Also if you wish to held me with these give me a comment for suggestions! I welcome all comments! already was in parts.

Favorite and watch me if you want to as well!

this is the final part and if any noticed from an earlier story I said I would post a story called 'dragon ranch' I have decided against this as the story is longer than thought and has more mature language to it.

Lone Dragon Pt. 7

A millinea has passed and the kingdoms of the west have formed into one great kingdom. The Great Land of Dragons. To the north at the foot of Dragon Mountain lays a single building with thousands and thousands of various animals around it. Outside that building is a man siting on a stone bench with a she-dragon laying her head on his lap and he stroking her smooth scales on her neck. As long as either care to remember this is what their friendship means and they like it that way. Either that or he is on her back and she caries him threw the skies. Their solitary enjoyment only interrupted by some human coming by for some reason or the occasional dragon wanting something to eat. When the fish are a bit harder to come by. One day a dragon neither knew landed before them. " Name and which animal do you want?" The new dragon looks at the them oddly. " What?"

The she-dragon lifts her head. " Don't tell me you are going to dance for me. I don't even know you and I have no interest in child at this time. Maybe in a thousand years or so and with who I choose to have child with." The other dragon takes a step back surprised. " Wait! What? No, why are you two not fighting?" The human and she-dragon looks at each other before the human said, " Why should we fight? If you are going to volunteer to be a guardian dragon or a watcher then you should speak to her brother. He is the one in charge of that. Go into the top entrance then left, upper left, right, down the central tunnel, keep strait threw two more intersections, two more lefts, upper right, and he should be in the ninth cavern on the right." The other dragon became confused. " I'm not here to fight. I came here to see if any want to come with me to Draconus."

The other two then made, " Ooow!" noises looking at each other before the she-dragon said, " Well I have heard that someone was wanting to send an expedition there some years ago. I guess dad finally approved it."She turns back to the other dragon. " No, thank you. I have to stay here and make sure there is enough extra animals to feed everyone if the fish become scarce." She then lays her head back on the human lap and he started stroking her scales again. The other dragon was so confused and puzzled that he just stood there. After a minute she raised her head and said annoyed, " Your still here!" The other dragon asked baffled, " Who is your father?"

Her tone became demanding, " Who are you?.. Better yet tell me where you are from?" The other dragon took another step back before saying, " I'm from Draconus. I'm here as their representative to see if any wish to come back with us." She stands up. " Why didn't you say that in the first place?" She turns to the man. " Think you can handle things hunny." He smiles as he says, " I should darling. If any think they can take any food from me they're crazy." He turns his attention to the field as she turns to the other dragon. " Follow me."

They traveled silently into the cave system passing several other dragons and some dragonets. They eventually got to an old dragon who's wings were in the middle of petrifying. He was on top of a much younger female. " Papa you have a visitor. It's important." The old dragon looks at them. " Give me a few minutes." They back out of sight a tad embarrassed. The she-dragon roars passionately long before the older one does. A few minutes later they were done cleaning each others scales. The two waiting re-enter and the young female was leaving but turned back and said, " Thank you elder. I appreciate my first time being with you." he nods and says, " I'm too old to produce child so I do not mind. It is always nice to please one of my charges desires. Go and have fun with that young male you've had your eye on."

She struts off happily and the old dragon looks at the other two. " So who is this? Did you finally decide to search for a male to breed with?" She steps back embarrassed and said loudly, " No, I've told you time and again. I'll have child when I feel like it. Now this is a representative from Draconus. He said that he is offering safe passage back to his homeland." She nods and leaves. " So you are from Draconus. I'm certain your not from this mountain. I always wondered if they actually made it over there and thrived." The young dragon moved a little closer to the older one and looked him over. " Your ancient." The old dragon lets out a screech. " You noticed. How observant of you. Was it my lack of movement of my wings that gave it away."

He whistled. " I lost interest with names long ago so don't bother telling me yours representative. As for your offer all are free to go if they wish." There was a growl in the younger response, " Someone better. We spent centuries debating if we wanted to come or not then several more building a boat." The old dragon screeches again, " A boat! Why didn't we think of that? No, I will not go. A thousand years ago I would have gave my wings for what you are offering but I am happy here now. I'm not alone anymore. So what made you decide to come here?"

The young dragon makes himself conformable before saying, " Well one about two hundred arrived on our continent one day near a millinea ago. He was completely exhausted and badly injured. We treated him till he woke up in one of the nurseries. When he awoke all he did was eat, hurt others, and make sexual gestures to any female close to him. Despite how young they were. We had to end his life and three dozen hatching that caught the madness from him. That made us curious of what others there may be." The old dragon whistled. " So you killed the last one. I thought the half-sizers did him in. Would you like something to eat or drink because I have a rather long story for you?" The other dragon shook his head. " Very well. It happened like this three thousand years ago during the migration I was life bound..."