A New Beginning(Intro)

Story by KyleCross on SoFurry

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Hey everyone! This is my first story so I hope you like it! If you could I would appreciate if you could leave a comment on anything you think could help me become a better writer! Just please don't be to harsh, thanks.

Hi, my names Shane. Its been about two weeks since I moved to Pasadena and about two years since "the incident". I moved from Canada to LA hoping to get away from everything that had happened so far. I had graduated high school before I left and decided to take a few years off school before deciding if I would go to collage or not. I got a Job at a coffee shop near an apartment that I rented not long after I got here. One night I was feeling a little down and had been slightly depressed about "the incident" and decided to go to a gay bar that wasn't to far from my apartment so I could get my mind off that day. I decided I would just have a few drinks and relax, maybe even meet someone new. I threw on my tank top and a pair of shorts, and headed out.

When I got there, I sat down at the counter and the bar tender quickly served me.

"Haven't seen your face here before, what can I get ya?" the bar tender asked with a smile.

"Just a rum and coke please."

"Coming right up" he walked of and soon came back with my order.

"Thanks." I said with a smile.

"Anytime" he walked off.

After about 3 or 4 drinks, I had to go take a leak. When I came out I had ran into someone and dropped my phone, as I had been holding onto it when I walked out."S-Sorry." I muttered as I reached down to pick it up but noticed they already picked it up and held their paw out to give it to me.

"No problem" he replied. I looked up to see a wolf smiling back at me and I instantly froze. I took a closer look at the wolf. He was wearing a black t-shirt and dark blue jeans, his fur was a mix of grey colors almost like the clouds before a storm. But the most intriguing thing were his eyes. They were a dark blue, almost like the color of the ocean and when I gazed into them I felt as if time itself had stopped and nothing would ever go wrong. I was pulled out of my trance when the wolf spoke up. "Are you okay?"

"Y-yea sorry" I could feel my face getting warmer and tried to shake it off."My names Shane, whats yours."

He shows me that beautiful smile again,"Name's Gray. I take it your new here."

"What make's you say that." I smile back at him.

"Don't know you just... look like it, if you know what I mean." I nod. He points to a booth, "Want to get some drinks and chat?" he asked, that cute smile back on his face. I wagged my tail and nodded. We sat down and started talking about things like our age and where we came from. I was 22, he was 24. turned out he had lived here all his life. After about an hour of talking and a few drinks, we decided it was time to head out. "Well that was fun, but I should get going now." Gray said with what sounded like a tone of sadness. He put a piece of paper on the counter. "Call me if you need anything okay." again he smiled at me. I nodded and we both waved goodbye to each other.

As I walk back to my apartment, all I can think of is, what a hottie. I stared at his number. After about a ten minute walk, I reached my apartment and went to my bedroom jumping onto my bed, and looked at Gray's number again. I smiled as I placed it on my nightstand, got undressed and went to sleep.

Gray and I had been meeting up a lot during the past couple weeks, hanging out at the bar, walking around town. He even showed up at Rachel's, the coffee shop I worked at., once and a while was working and we would have coffee together. Things had been going great between us. We got really close and grew even closer as the days went on. However one night after we had hung out at the bar something I will never forget happened.

It was around 11:30 pm, Grey and I had head out and Gray noticed I had dropped a $20 bill and ran after me to return it. That's when he heard me scream.

"Huh, Shane?!" Gray bolted in the direction of the scream. He saw me in an alley way pinned to the ground by two weasels. "Get off him!" Gray shouted at the weasels. They looked over at him.

"Gray?!" I whispered to myself and saw the weasels look in his direction. This was my chance. I threw the one weasel off me and into the wall, knocking him out cold and before the other one could react Gray had tackled him and done the same. Grey helped me up. "Gray, not that I'm not thankful, I am but, what are you doing here?" I asked him while slightly confused.

"You dropped a $20 bill so I came after you to return it, I herd you screaming and saw those two weasels attacking you. What were they doing"? He asked glad to see I was okay.

"They tried to jump me" I replied. Gray gasped

"Are you hurt"

"No I'm fine just shaken up. What about you?"

"I'm fine as long as you are," He smiled. I couldn't help but blush. He pulled me in for a hug. This was the first time he had done this and I hugged him back enjoying his soft chest fur against my face. Gray was tall but I was what he called perfect hugging height. That basically mean't he didn't have to bend down to rest his chin on the top of my head. What he did next surprised me. He kissed me, right on the lips. I kissed him back and we just stood there like that for a good fifteen seconds. "Shane I..." he trailed off.

"Its okay." I smiled and kissed him this time. He kissed me back "Gray, I wanted to tell you that... I love you.. but I was too scared I'm sorry. But I guess you beat me to it anyways." Gray chuckled at this.

"I love you too." He smiled at me. "Hey..."

"What is it?" I asked.

"Do you want to... be my uh... boyfriend?" his face turned red. I looked him, tears now forming in my eyes and soon running down my face as I shake my head yes and bury my face in his chest, hugging him. He hugged me back and lifted my head and dried my tears. He kissed me once more and then pulled away. "Its getting late we should probably get going."

"I live two blocks from here you can stay there with me" I start to lead the way when Gray picks me up and I quickly wraped my arms around him for support.

"Just point, I'll walk." he says as he smiles and gives me a small playful lick on my cheek. I smile back and rest my head on his chest as we walk to my apartment while I lay in his arms.