Calin Regining the Edge

Story by Gryph68 on SoFurry

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#1 of Calin the Adventures of

Calin: Regaining the Edge.

Chapter One

Calin leaned his head against the wall as the shower kneaded the stiff muscles in his upper back. The aches of his sparring rounds were lasting longer every year. When he was a young kit he could get up without any pains to go again but as he neared his fifth deca the resiliency was not there. But the smugglers and the slavers wouldn't pull any shots, and the government forces just wanted him and his crew mates dead.

Turning off the shower he reached around and flipped the switch for the water reclamation unit to dry him and prevent most of the water from being wasted. He was senior enough to get to use real water showers but like everyone on the Promise Redeemed, he had to follow conservation measures. Besides the WRU did almost a good a job as lying on his back under the sun of his home system when it came to drying his fur. But he missed the smell of the wind and the warm feeling of the sun in his muscles. The whine of a small vacuum unit and a couple of IR units just didn't equal home.

Still feeling restless and not in the mood for any conversation from his crew mates , Calin was at a loss as where to go. The Lounge and commissary would probably be crowded by now. Either of the hydroponic chambers would likely be full of couple looking for extra privacy and romance, so they were out. A slight smile crossed his cat like features., "Chuk, are any of the ranged combat bays unoccupied ? " he said to the air.

A quiet tenor replied " Modern 2 , 3 , and primitive are all empty Calin. But the Captain wanted me to remind you about the open invitation to dine with her and her mates."

Taking just a moment to consider Calin said, " Chuk tell the captain I'll take her up on their offer later. Right now please ready the primitive range for mobile targets, obstructed, and varied pace."

"Do you wish the targets to be passive, defensive or aggressive, Calin?'

"Mix them and I'll be using javelins and attal."

" Very well, the bay and drones will be ready when you get there.. Should I give the Captain a definitive time or leave the time open on her invitation?'

"Not tonight I just won't be good company. Tell her we'll set a time at tomorrow's brief. Oh and Chuk set the aggressive setting at below lethal."


"Captain , Medic Berea we have a medical situation in the primitive ranged bay. Calin has been struck by a projectile and is in need of immediate medical assistance."

Rising quickly from their bed Berea hit the light switch and reached for her clothes. "Chuk how bad is it?" Berea asked as she dressed. Her tail twitching with agitation and the soft caramel colored fur along her spine standing on end, her aggravation was evident. Her husband and wife were also dressing to accompany her. The Captain had already dressed in her uniform and was already waiting in the main passageway as Berea rushed by her to the lift. Thomas quickly headed toward the sick bay to get any special equipment and supplies ready as soon as his wives and Berea's medical team brought Calin to the trauma center.

As the lift moved to the training levels Chuck explained the accident to the Captain and Berea. " Calin was training with javelins and a throwing device. He had intermixed his targets with defensive and aggressive drones set at nonlethal. A couple of these were catch and return units Calin had dodged the initial return but the javelin ricocheted' and struck him in the back below the left shoulder blade. The barbed point pierced through and Calin stumbled forward and drove the point into an obstacle. He then asked for assistance as he can not extract himself .without doing himself further injury. I then summoned you and the trauma team "

Shaking her head Berea turned to her wive and grimaced. " That Kitten needs a keeper. If he doesn't come back from his jobs all chewed up he manages to do it to himself training. I tell you Lena , I don't care about his effectiveness he needs down time. If you don't get him to take leave and relax I'll dope him and leave him dirt side at whatever is our next port of call."

Shaking her head the tall human remained quiet trying to decide what course of action would be best for her friend, ship, and mission. Calin was her best Planetary scout able to function in a myriad of situations from primitive to royal courts. But Berea was correct, his pushing to be the best had turned the razors edge and made him a dangerous tool to use. Calin did need time to straighten himself and he couldn't do ti if he had to keep going on every job that was up.

"Berea just patch him up. I'll take the job and get him out of the front lines. That is my job and I'll do it, no matter if he wants to stand down or not." Frowning the Captain did not look forward to the prospect of telling Calin.


As slowly opened his eyes Calin first thoughts were 'How come there is no pain? I took a barbed javelin through my shoulder, how come I don't hurt?' As his vision cleared he found his answer he was in a accelerated regen tube. Looking around he noticed that it was already unsealing. "Well I least I don't have to stay in this thing." Calin muttered as the top third of the tube swung up and away to reveal the worried face of Chief Medic Berea and Captain Lena looking like she was ready to order a full broadside at some stubborn target. The fine fur began to raise on the back of his neck as he deduced who the target was.

"Calin", began Berea, but a hand on her shoulder silenced her.

"Calin, you have been my best infil op for 13 years aboard the Promise Redeemed, and you have been a friend and more at times for much longer, so here is the truth you are relieved of all duties and obligations for the next year. Berea thinks that you are rushing and working yourself to the grave. I looked over the records and reports of your jobs for the last 4 years, and I'm afraid she is right." The captain said with a flat unavoidable tone. "I am detaching an armed courier to take you to Booty. It is a free hold planet technically outside of the human government's domain. I have contacts there with the Free People Movement. They have their own colony on the lower continent. There are at least two Felin villages and one moderately sized mixed town for their capital. I am making this official, Calin, You go and come back when you are ready. Come back early and we'll wrap you up and send you back. Comprende?'



Twelve days later Calin stood on a alien savannah. He felt the blue white star shining on his fur. It flowed over his torso as he stood dressed in a traditional breech cloth and buckskin leggings. His kit was stowed in a duffel bag at his feet. Calin was at a loss, he was exiled for a year or maybe longer. How do I rehone a dull edge. Reaching down he lifted his duffel and tossed it over his shoulder. Nodding to himself he started down the road. It was time to find his whetstone.