Friendly Fliers - short poem

Story by Fane_Vulpesaur on SoFurry

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After a conversation about bats with a friend, I decided to write about them! I enjoyed this poem and I hope it shows! I enjoy writing about animals and insects. This was written on 6/10/2016.

Art by Kikoflutterbum (FA).

Written by me, Fane Star.

Harmless and fascinating

Are these little winged critters.

Some will feast on fruit,

Others feed on tiny bugs.

Day and night they flit about.

Through the air and through the trees.

In some places around the world,

You'll find them in gloomy caves.

With unsighted eyes,

They fly without hindrance.

With tiny clicks they perfect their sight.

To avoid all the obstacles in their path.

Living in large colonies, constantly communicating.

Bats are one of the many marvelous creatures around.

Written by: Fane Star