Sibling Rivalries 2: The wake up call
#2 of Sibling Rivalries
Sal comes up with fun way for the trio of felines to spend a Sunday. The only problem is waking them up.
Welcome to the second chapter of Sibling Rivalries. In this segment, Sal decides to drag his roommates to the beach for an impromptu day of fun in the sun. The only problem is waking them up. How does this mischievous leopard plan to wake them? Find out in this addition of SIBLING RIVALRIES.
** It was 6 o'clock on a warm Sunday morning when Sal emerged from his room at the very end of the hall. He slowly opened his door and peered out to make sure that no one was awake but him. Both of the other felines doors were closed with no light visible from under the doors. A grin crept across his face as he slowly opened the door the rest of the way and crept down the hall to the stairs. He slid down the railing and hopped quickly down the final four steps. He quickly walked down the hall to his left and slipped inside the door to the garage. "Alright, lets get this show on the road." He said. He opened the garage door by lifting it up from the bottom to avoid waking the others. As if there was much chance of that, both of the other felines could sleep through a bomb going off, despite their exceptional hearing.**
** After two hours of packing food, fishing rods and other equipment, he did a final check just to be safe. His grey short sleeve T-shirt was slightly damp with sweat due to the humidity of the morning. He reached into the pocket of his tan cargo shorts and pulled out his phone to check the time. "8 o'clock. Good." He looked up at the upper level of the house. "Now for the fun part. Waking the others!" The mischievous grin returned to his face as he reentered the house and slipped up the stairs. He stopped at the top of the stairs and looked at the two doors in front of him. The door on his left was Ava's room, Scar's room was to the right. A devious idea popped into his head.**
** He walked over to Scar's room and put his ear to the door, listening for any signs of him being awake. He heard nothing. Perfect. He silently opened the door silently and slipped in the darkened room. The blinds on the window was slightly open, allowing a few dim rays of the morning sun to slip in. Scar's bed was located under against the far wall, directly under the window. He approached the side of the bed and looked down at the sleeping feline, who was lying on his stomach with his arm hanging off of the side of the bed. He took in a deep breath before yelling, "WAKE UP FURBALL!"**
** "SON OF A BITCH!" He yelped, flailing a bit under his covers before his back hit the wall. He looked up at the male leopard with an annoyed groan. "What the fuck is wrong with you? No wait, better question. What in the hell are you doing waking me up on my DAY OFF?" He growled.**
** "I'll explain that in a minute. But first we have to get my sister up. So get up." He said clapping his hands together. "Chop chop."**
** A groan escaped his lips as he glanced over at the alarm clock on his bedside table. "Fine, but you better have a damn good reason for waking me up at 8 in the morning." He said, shifting his body to sit up and peeling back the covers, revealing his exposed chest and blood red pajama pants. He slowly stood up and walked to the door behind Sal, stumbling a bit as he went. "So how do you plan to get her up without getting killed?"**
** Sal stopped in front of her door and looked at him. "I have no idea. That's a problem for YOU to figure out."**
** "Fuck you. I enjoy having my limbs attached to my body." He said while flipping him off. "She is YOUR sister. You should wake her up." He turned to walk away but was stopped by Sal him by the tail and the back of the neck, lifting him off the ground. He then turns and kicks open the door, yelling, "Up an at 'em Satan! I brought ya a sacrifice!" He then flung Scar into the room. He flew through the air and landed face first into the female leopards chest. Her eyes shot open and delivered a death glare to the male as he scrambled to get off of the growling leopard.**
** Move your fucking ass Scar." She said with a venom filled hiss. "Unless you want to die with him."**
** Scar hopped off of the bed as fast as he could and ran out of the wall, hiding behind the wall next to Sal. Sal was laughing in the doorway, clearly enjoying the show. Ava sat up in the darkened room and grabbed a nearby cordless alarm clock from her bedside table. She wound her arm up and threw it straight at Sal, nailing her brother in between the eyes. The male stammered back a few steps while grabbing at his face in an attempt to stop the pain.**
** "God damn that hurt!" He groaned. "Can you stop throwing shit so I can tell you my plan.**
** "Fine, you have 30 seconds" She said with a mild growl. She got out of bed and walked out into the door, leaning against the frame wearing a pair of boy shorts and a loose nightshirt.**
** "The three of us are heading to the beach for a bit of fun. The car is packed and we're leaving in an hour. Any questions?" He waited for a moment before continuing. "Good now get your asses in gear." He turned around and walked down stairs.**
** Scar and Ava gave each other a confused look.**
** "Well I guess we should get ready then." He said turning towards the bathroom behind him. "I'm gonna go grab a shower. See y..."**
** She quickly cut him off mid sentence. "Your taking a shower first?" She scoffed, grabbing his arm and forcing him to turn around. "The hell you are. Besides you always take up all the hot water."**
** "Oh boo hoo. I'm the one who pays the water bill. Besides, I'm the one who owns the house." He replied. "I win." He got his arm free of her grip and turned to walk away.**
** She gave him a dirty look before a wicked idea popped into her head. "How about a deal?" She asked in mischievous tone.**
** He stopped mid step and turned his head to look at her. "A deal? What kind of deal?"**
** She gave him a seductive grin. "I know that you've been secretly checking me out while I wasn't looking."**
** His right ear gave a slight twitch as he struggled to not to show his embarrassment. "Ok.... You caught me. But what does that have to do with anything?" He asked, raising his eyebrow.**
** "Simple. If you let me use the shower first, then I'll let you see me topless." She answered in a playful tone. "What do you say?" She put her hands on her chest and gave them a slight shake.**
** He stood there motionless for a moment, lost in thought as he imagined her topless. He finally snapped out of it. "Ok. But lets add a kiss to the deal." He bargained, trying not to sound desperate.**
** She pretended to think it over for a moment. "Alright deal." She had him hook line and sinker and she knew it. "Come over here and we'll do it. But the kiss is first."**
** "Hell yeah!" He yipped excitedly. He turned around walked back to her. She chuckled a bit as she grabbed him and pulled him in for the kiss. His mind was racing as they did. After a few seconds she broke the kiss and whispered into his ear. "Are you ready for the other part of our deal?" He could only nod his head in excitement. "Good!"**
** She let go of his face and moved her hands to either side of her shirt. "Gotcha." She said as she delivered a powerful kick to the center of his crotch. He fell to the ground in pain. She walked past him and opened the bathroom door flipping on the lights. She then turned to look back and said, "Thanks for the bathroom Scar. I hope you enjoyed our deal!" She laughed closing the door behind her.**
** "Ok this means war." He muttered as her regained his composure.**
** To be continued.**