The Poem
Just a little something I was inspired to write and share. I hope you all enjoy. ^^
Aiden Snowtail couldn't help but smile as the warm evening breeze caressed his face. His eyes glanced up at the twinkling stars above, then to the quiet park around him. It was a beautiful scene for a wonderful evening, but it all paled in comparison to his beautiful companion. His voluptuous girlfriend, Maxine Douglas, was walking at his side, strolling through the park hand in hand as they walked off the romantic meal they had previously enjoyed. As far as Aiden was concerned, it was a perfect evening. The perfect evening to enact his plan.
"Oh Aiden, look!" Max tugged on his hand as they crossed a small bridge, directing his gaze to the pond below. "The water's so clear it's reflecting the stars like a mirror. It's so beautiful."
"It's really inspirational." Aiden agreed, releasing her hand to wrap his arm around her back. "Moments like these are what really drive an artist to create a masterpiece, or an author to pen a new novel."
"And here I just thought it looked pretty." Max chuckled, leaning against the fox. "Does it inspire you to write some new novel?"
"I've only just finished the first one." Aiden said with a laugh. "But yes, I could think of some lovely ideas from this. I've actually felt really inspired since we started dating a year ago."
"I must be your muse." The skunk hummed, giving him a hug. "I should get a cut of your royalties."
"I'll buy you a nice dress once my novel goes on sale." He chuckled. "And maybe some matching shoes if sales go well."
"I know you'll sell hundreds of copies. It's a wonderful story, Babe, and whatever you write next will be just as good, if not better."
"With you cheering me on, how could I fail?" Aiden smiled, leaning over to give her a kiss. They shared a quiet moment together, held in each other's arms as they simply enjoyed the view and the pleasant company.
"You know, I actually have been working on something." Aiden eventually broke the silence, pulling a small book from his pocket. "It's just a little poem I was inspired to write. I was wondering if you'd like to read it. I'd love to know what you think."
"I'd love to read it, Aiden." Max beamed, happily taking the book and turning to the indicated page. "I promise not to be too mean."
"Just give me your honest opinion." Aiden said. "Don't hold anything back."
"If you insist." With a smirk Max cleared her throat, her eyes reading over her lover's words.
"I'll always remember how we first met, And the day you moved in, I'll never forget. Awkward at first though we soon became friends, The start of an adventure I hope never ends. You are beautiful, witty, and quick with a smile, You fill me with more confidence than I've had in awhile. I was there for your best, your dance and song. I sat by you for your worst, even if you cried all night long. In such a short time we became closer than ever. To be this happy with anyone else, I could never. You're my beautiful angel, with the voice of a goddess, And I'm lucky you love me, even though I'm a mess. But there's an important question I still must ask, And I want your full honesty; let's take off our masks. And so now I ask you on bended knee..."
Max turned the page eagerly, only to find it blank. Confused, and with her heart beating madly in her chest, she checked the pages again. Finally, she looked to Aiden for answers, and her heart nearly leapt from her chest when she saw him kneeling beside her, a glinting ring held between his fingers. "Aiden?"
"Will you, Maxine Douglas, marry me?" Aiden finished his poem, his own heart racing as he awaited her answer.
Maxine's eyes widened as she gazed at the sparkling violet gem and golden ring, then up to Aiden's blue eyes. She could feel the tears welling up in her own eyes, a big smile growing on her face. "Yes. Oh Aiden, yes!"
She pounced on him with a laugh, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and hugging him tight. She buried her face into his soft neck, crying tears of joy as they held each other close.
They hugged for quite a while, until Max regained enough composure to stand. She giggled like a schoolgirl as Aiden slipped the ring onto her finger, a few tears of his own clinging to his eyes. "Oh Aiden, it's beautiful. I've never seen a stone like this before."
"It's a violet sapphire." Aiden smiled, wiping a tear from her cheek. "I wanted a gem that fit your style, and was almost as beautiful as you."
"Oh Aiden, it's perfect. You're perfect. I love you so much."
"I love you too, more than words can describe."
They wrapped their arms around each other once more, kissing passionately as their love overflowed. It was truly the perfect end to their night, and a wonderful beginning for the rest of their life together.