Nothing But Love (Chapter 6)

Dirty patches of slushy much stood vivid in surreal detail, like it was etching the moment in butch's head. the sky was bright with judgment and the scorn of his ancestors. all butch could feel was a numb sense of dread at the days ahead.

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The Guilded Cage, Prologue 1

He felt his brother's a surreal strength and competence flow through him from whatever powerful magic imbued the weapon, which was a good thing since jace himself was useless in a fight.

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Ovoid Beginnings

Vaskorian looked around in wonder as he had never experienced anything this surreal before in his life. his eyes snapped back forward as he tried to stay on the road.

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One of a kind: chapter 1

surreal. he's going into v-f[ib:]( are you there? we're losing him! speak to me... i need paddles, fast! clear!! ... clear!! ... clear!! ... ... jasper awoke, but found difficulty in opening his eyes.

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Heaven and Hell: The Hero From Limbo Ch. 2

He strode through the surreal, but tranquil environment. above was a purple-tinted sky with scattered clouds. there was a most drizzle of rain, but nothing substantial.

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Miko: Chunk 1

For him it was so peaceful; so surreal. unfortunately he was interrupted form his morning meditation. he'd only gotten about a block and a half or so before somefur began whistling at him. _wow!

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The Artist

As they stared, the painting slowly became some surreal mirror, the wolf's arms wrapping around aaron just like in the painting, his head resting against his shoulder.

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My Patience is Gone

And instead, this is the shit stain i'm forced to accept now this is the country i was once proud to be a part of united we stand, divided we fall, what a powerful phrase so simple, yet so profound and surreal, why aren't we listening i'm


Winters embrace

Layer by layer the ever growing blanket covers the world in it's cold embrace filling even the slightest gaps and turning the once cosy village into a surreal, even hostile place. "good thing not to be out there", laurie thought.

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Amber Silverblood: Chapter Twenty Five

Even after all that i had been through, everything still felt kinda surreal. d.k. swung the car onto his driveway and into the garage. "don't forget, you got a mess to clean up," he snapped at me as he got out. i nodded silently.

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Dragon Story Ch: 3

The past few days felt surreal, completely apart from the world he had come to know before. this place in the forest felt safe, comfortable, like a dream he did not want to end.

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Amber Silverblood: Rogue Wolf, Chapter Thirty Five

To think that, not even twenty four hours later, someone would be confessing their love for was surreal. i would have thought i was dreaming, if everything hadn't felt so real around me. he coughed awkwardly. "uh, sugarsnout?

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