Dark Skies, Part II: Up to Speed

#2 of dark skies it took all of ten minutes to fix the leak on the fuel pump. the nuva wrap was a strong material and held well, and after fixing it and dropping the wrap in the repair bay, i stepped into the armory to pull on my e.a suit.


To Touch The Sky Chapter 4: Homeward Journeys

Tall trunks reaching up into the sky forming twisted patterns of light and darkness across the ground.

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To Touch The Sky Chapter 3: A Passing Thought

#3 of to touch the sky haji walked into the store, as he did most every day, debbie was waiting in her usual checkout isle and there was a new guy working register 2: a shifty-eyed raccoon that looked just like the villain from an old horror movie

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To Touch The Sky Chapter 2: Breaking Point

#2 of to touch the sky matthew beamed when cathrine suggested lunch. he glanced down at his watch, the time was 1:36 p.m. "i'll see you there. if i catch the next bus i can get there by two. bye cat. i love you too. bye."

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To Touch The Sky Chapter 1: Beginning the Change

#1 of to touch the sky matthew casually walked into the corner grocer, his grey head-fur ruffled and out of sorts, an obvious case of bed-head.

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Nesu and the Sky Pirates Chapter 1 "In The Beginning"

Nesu and the sky pirates chapter 1 "in the beginning" in the beginning two species rose from the dirt of the earth. both alike in appearance and personality but different in strength. the humans and the immortals.

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Star Fox Lost Chapers: Crimson Skies

Star fox the lost chapters crimson skies god, being a bounty hunter is rough. not only that but sometimes you're arwing wing might get shot down by a damn wolf. the wolf sighed putting my feet up on the dash board of the a wing.


Reach for the blue sky - The Black Moon Scepter

This is part two of reach for the blue sky. i hope you guys like this. i'm gonna start working on part three after a few days after they left the village, the group finally made it to a new town. the sign said dark moon.

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Sky Defender: Family Feast (Chapter 4)

#4 of sky defender chapter four of sky defender. we find out more about ollie, his family, and the ferrets of sica village. it was only an hour later but the sun had nearly disappeared for the day behind the high cliff that bordered sica village.

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Darkened Skies: Chapter 28: Golden Wraiths

He hissed, "i meant the wraiths woman" as if summoned by his words, their unholy screech sounded out through the sky. the three shadow dragons closing in on their red dragon prey.

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