Meet the Black Stars; Garok's Story

The large reptilian knight moved to the edge of the lavish bed he kept his prisoner on.

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Character Sheet: Eros.

Physical description: a six foot four tall amphibious reptilian dressed in layers of differently colored scales.

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Kenoks first hunt

Kenok took hold of his weapon and joined in the fight leaping onto the giant scaly wyverns back.

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Shattered Pact: Ch5 Entrance

Even using her tired rear legs did little to move the bulk that was wrapping it's long scaly body against hers. a white snake, large enough to easily eat marianna despite it being a large stretch.

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Felix Explains: The Dhrag

The dhrag, also known as dhragons, are a reptilian race descended from the scaled fauhnans of the reptic basin.

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Freezing Betrayal (Chapter 3)

Kaitio had heard therdac mentioning these dreadful reptilian monsters before, but he never expected to encounter a real live one.

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Snowbound Serpent (Illustrated by WhiteMantis)

But now, more to his coils simply meant more mass within the thick layer of snow on the ground, and more scaly, uncovered back for snow to land on and melt into frigid, tiny puddles upon. or, they had been tiny puddles.

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The Elohim, Myth and Reality

Our males' genitals are on the outside, not the inside, and no amount of humans' complaining about how "that's not what reptiles are like" is going to ever change the fact that we are reptilian.


Brit n’ Blue – Chapter 2: Tales to Tell

You enjoy and please don't forget to show blu some love over on his account, he did do the finishing touches to the story after all, you can find him here: it had taken a few minutes for emotions to cool down between the scalie

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A good example of this is bryce from angels with scaly wings. --wyvern = i think everyone knows what this one is by now, but just in case.

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The legend of Dragon's Valley

A leathery- scaly skin, horns, wings... a dragon!? he got so excited, that he unwittingly touched the dragon with his feet, and let the other one awaken. it slowly got up and looked into serouh's eyes.

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A Fateful Fall Encounter

As he pushed the door open, louis turned to face his scaly guest, eating up the chameleon's expression as the light from the mansion hit his face.

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