I Hate Titles

Skydivers wear parachutes. roller coasters have safety belts. motorcyclists wear helmets and are surrounded by first aid workers. what, then, to do?


If it's Tuesday, This must be Morocco

"i wouldn't bother yelling for help, we're too high up and you are the only one without a parachute if they do shoot us down." ferrari wisely shut his mouth.

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Chapters Seven and Eight

Once i was over my target, i flipped my body into a standing position to stop my forward progress and used my wings like parachutes to float to the ground. i alighted upon the grassy surface directly in front of star. she nuzzled my arm.

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Cold death

I knew i could easily recognize the canopy of a parachute from any distance, yet there wasn't any! i knew no direction. there was no map, and even if there was, it wouldn't be of any use.

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World in conflict: CH7 The 7th Sentinel Battailion

Then our spetsnaz from the first shock army will be parachute down about one minute after the artillery has stopped, they will hold that position and destroy the support bunkers here and hold until the 42nd red army arrives along with the southerner's 1st

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Black-Winged Angels Chapter 4: Behind Enemy Lines

He managed to open his wings that acted like a parachute, stopping him before he could be injured. "for a full-grown dragon, that was an impressive counter," said xiciro while approaching avet.

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Revolution | Chapter XVIII: Reunion of Ghosts

Our snipers made better work of the parachuting troops as time progressed, leaving us time for recovery while our troops picked up the slack.

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The legend of a warrior; chapter 11 - The darkest hour of Kesteven - The airport

Most of the typhoons at the end had been destroyed... and some airmen were surely died in the fight, although most were landed with their parachutes and they were being gathered in the hall of the airport.

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Survival of the fitest

The dingo nodded and headed back to the dou who were now in their parachute gear with there guns strapped to their chests.â "get ready we are close go to the bomb bay and wait for my lead."

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Story Snippet - Welcoming Waltman

You are parachuting me in - without joy's knowledge, so i am a bit concerned that this could...end badly. why do that? why hire me of all people, considering i never gave you a copy of my resume to the best of my knowledge."

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War of the (Formerly) Kittens

They were strange, plant-like things that almost looked like a stalk tied to a leafy parachute. it took the mouse a few moments to realize they weren't aliens... but something he recognized... just not from this scale.

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The Protector and the Peacemaker: Chapter Twenty Four

As she had promised, they stopped acting like parachutes and allowed him to run without any resistance. _"raise your tail!"_ she said. "_you're letting it drag on the ground."_ _"that still sounds so weird!"

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