Radioactive Toy (or The Post-Apocalypse Pygmalion)
First his calves, having the most mud on them. then up to his arms where mud streaked and some scars from a tumble in the bushes. negligible but a couple would linger for a few days. then he found a clump of moss. it'd do as a sponge.
With one accidental burst in the wrong direction, noir suffered a graze of mud onto one of his arms. the mud had decreased the power of the flames, the wet mud coating most of his wrist.
Chapter 19: Too Much Truth to Handle
The storm was fading, and the rain was once again a light patter, tapping down the wide leaves of the palms and splashing in pools in the mud. the others were inside.
Chapter One
He grumbled and shook the mud off of his talons as he looked around. small, cobblestone streets lined the flattened and charred village, and there were splatters of red blood painted on the stones.
Timothy's Vacation
Suddenly his bike stopped moving and the back wheel just slipped and spun helplessly in the muck, spraying mud in every direction behind him. timothy tried harder to free his stuck bike, but he just ended up spraying more mud.
Seekers Tale Part 29
Using the momentary blindness that the lightning caused aduro throws mud at my face splattering across my eyes. blinded by the mud i can't see the blow he aims at my legs knocking them out from under me.
Pillars of Folly 2 - Setting up Shop
As soon as kal was lying in the mud graezzit stepped onto his back and gripped his wings, using them as makeshift handholds to keep his balance and lower the risk that he would end up in the mud.
Bonds of Love (17)
There's a track of mud in the entrance. i growled slight "hey! next time when you break in take your shoes off!" i took a deep breath taking my shoes off leaving them near the door. i followed the mud thinking who could have wanted to break in.
The Cabin In The Woods (Reworked)
The hound swung hard at the pain throwing lucian into another tree with a teeth cracking sound that spun the hare face first into the mud. he rolled quickly trying to find his oak staff in all the rain and mud.
Steelfang: A Tale of Redwall Chapter 8
mud squelched underpaw and splattered in all directions as they circled and lunged, weaved and parried.
Alice Dippleblack in On The Run Ch4
Danahlia turns in time to see alice dash between the toad and its potential meal, coming down hard with a mud splashing chop that severs the toad's tongue.
Cherubi's Story - Chapter Four
Sara didn't understand me, so i hopped down to the ground, landing with a soft 'whoof' sound in the mud. it was hard to move through the rain and mud, but i managed with a series of jumps.