These my words bring despair

Bring it down, lest you not understand, my words mean miseries and simpletons, no man can win again. alas, these barren words bring horrors unknown, like the ravens dark flight, so too, my darkened night.



Worry as i fell into doubt & possibility proceeded nothing or more than what it should of been i'm hurting, more than any other time, more than back then words empty, promises never kept breaking into dust i'm already over the limit, to continue is misery

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Amber Scenery

The fate that befalls scenery, must some day end my misery. i collapse with my comfort lost, my strength is sapped by brutal frost. such effort needed just to crawl, across remains of recent fall.



misery. these are what bound me as i looked at what came towards me. daemons, ugly and wretched, marched toward me. i thought to run, yet the three chains remained strong in their grip.

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Shadow Assassin - Chapter One (Preview)

Running again, i leapt upon him and put him out of his misery with a quick slice to his neck with my hidden blade. i stood up, and around me, the village had gathered. they stared at me, eyes wide and mouths gaping.


Exiles of Mossflower: Chapter Three

misery can never be lessened there, only increased." she stroked his fur with her left paw in the same way that his own mother did when he was a dibbun.

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Drunken Lullabies

She caught a glimpse of red tail and bolted after it, but it was only a deer... she saw a corner of a fox ear, but it was a stall attendant... she looked around for him, the feeling of misery and dread growing in her stomach.

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However, he sat up when he saw scott approaching and banished the discomfort and misery from his expression. "good for you to arrive corporal." scott nodded and shifted, unsure of what wynter wanted from him.

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Unlikely Companion chap.4: Night of Misery, Morning of Love.

Nala playfully wrapped her paws around Chad's waist and hugged him lightly. "So what do you want to do first?" She whispered in his ear. Chad looked at his watch and he noticed that he had a few hours to burn before he usually went to bed. "I'm fine...

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Unraveling This Historical Perpetual Work in Progress

They can plenty of people don't have a lot but still try to give aid and help their fellow man there's also plenty of good happening now too if you look beyond the sensationalism and fear it's just that there's too many people who profit off misery

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Under the Influence (part 1)

I knew more than most that the chances of my father coming back sober were less than that of lightning ending my misery. i smiled at the thought.

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Cam 03

"they got turned... and i am the one who put... put them out of their misery..." there is a tear running down the dog's eye. "after that i had to survive, even if it meant killing the ones i've known my whole life.

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