A Dragon's Tale-The Star's Journey-Chapter 20-The Curse Is Lifted

Siazach whispered words in his ear i couldn't make out and then drove the sword down through his mouth and split him in half before tossing him, somehow still alive, into a pot of magma below the platform. "do you know who that dragon was?"

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The Guardian's Warning

His black scales suddenly blazed as if they were cracking, brilliant fire showing through them as if he were made of magma, his dark wings suddenly lighting as if they had been kindled with flame.

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Another Day, Another Mission...

It was a bit of a walk, though unlike the past few hours, this wasn't filled with magma and smoke in a volcanic cave... it was just the chilly air in his meadow.

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Another Day, Another Mission...

It was a bit of a walk, though unlike the past few hours, this wasn't filled with magma and smoke in a volcanic cave... it was just the chilly air in his meadow.

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Year Of The Rabbit

Sure, at the end of 2012, there wasn't a massive asteroid, the polar ice caps didn't melt, and we weren't covered by a massive sheet of magma or sunk into the world from earthquakes.

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Bandit Attack

"this 'ere arrow hunter is made from one of those magma stones with an accelerator compound coatin it. if'n this thing hits summant it'll blow up, it's so volitile hunter." he gets a serious look on his face, "if ye dropped it; thar'd be a crater."

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The Book of Gaian Magic

Are most powerful near lakes and oceans -(dark red) flames/fire- these wolves have the flaming aura tied to them, being able to super heat themselves (by heating themselves up) are naturally heatproof to heat and any heat illnesses and are able to control magma

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Questions and Answers

"three years ago, the heads of team aqua and team magma are disappearing, but now it seems that the organizations themselves are reorganizing." he stopped and looked at the pair.

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The tale of Moka and Silver Chapter 1

Her skin was grey like ash with veins of orange and yellow running all over her body, like veins of magma. her hair was as black as raven feathers with a couple of crimson streaks down the right side of her head.

The Gift of Gluttony

He couldn't help himself, he shoved his head into the whole thing and started to suck down all of the creamy magma. he swallowed down muzzleful after muzzleful and felt the world start to shrink under him.

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