The Sanguine Prince: Chapter Four
Like some kind of delicate feline, her claws scraped the rock, landing perfectly on all fours, leaving silver furrows in the damp surface.
Broken Pieces. Chapter Four.
#4 of broken pieces broken pieces chapter four by roofles this is a semi-continuation from the previous chapter. "alan! i got you!"
Extraordinary Life: Chapter Four
"Really Martin, I'm fine. You don't have to fret so much." Jake said sternly, arms folded over his chest and lazily staring out of the car window. The big black furred wolf at the steering wheel kept glancing in the rearview mirror with his...
Aurora: Chapter Four: The Journey
Traveling with Pietro was not how I expected it to be. It was a several day's journey to Varaz'khor; as Varaz'khor was in the Far North of Vaagriklund and we were traversing mountainous territory, this was no day trip. Public carriages took us from...
Chapter Four: A Holiday To Remember
"Hello there!" said Elizabeth as she opened the door, "Welcome to Goldhart Manor!" Leo and Angel stepped inside, and allowed their jaws to drop. "Whoa...!" said Leo, "This is amazing!" "It's beautiful..." said Angel; and indeed it was. The entire...
Chapter Four The Untrue Memories
Later in my childhood around four to six years old my mother started drinking alcohol heavily. that was when my family fell apart. years go by. my sister left to live with dad after having put up with our mom beating her leaving me alone with her.
Havana or Hell, part four
I was a demon, twice his size and four times his weight. besides, he was only human. _he deserved to die._ my mind was cloudy and i couldn't quite remember the rules. _were i allowed to kill humans?_ i wasn't sure.
A Virtual Wish, Chapter Four
#5 of a virtual wish chapter four "cain?!" "i'll explain on the way. he's after us." i shake my head in amazement as he takes off into the air. my wings spread out and fill with air, and i zhoom (shzoom) off after him.
Juryokine: Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter thirty four the door navras had gone through still stood open. toke took zashiel by the elbow and gave her a gentle tug. "come on," he said, doing his best not to look at the crippled sorakines on the walls.
The Protector and the Peacemaker: Chapter Four
If you haven't already, i recommend start by reading the slayer and the sphinx. chapter four **(tick)** it was midday when the caravan stopped again.
The Dimensional Traveler- Chapter Four
Hoo-boy. This was an eventful time. My life has been harrowing for what feels like a few weeks. When you know the ins and outs of a location, you would think that you would be able to traverse said location with ease! Well, I have proven that that is...
Juryokine: Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter twenty four "take it easy, toke," a familiar voice said as the young man began to drift back to consciousness. he was sure he knew that voice from somewhere, but it was warped by the aching throb in his head.