Masks Now Available
Iacode=u-mask&query=wetdryvac) one size fits all: not really, but that's pretty much the usual for masks, i'm afraid.
Moonlit Metal
.** princess sally acorn laid in her bed, tossing and turning fitfully as her mind was plagued with horrific sounds and visions, causing her to mumble in her sleep.
Chapter 4 - Roleplay and Rainbows
Some of her fine silks and materials were hung from the wall fittings. on the ground, thick fabric of royal red was laid down, roughly trimmed by gold lines.
A Werewolf Halloween
Troubled by my thoughts of how i was going to apologize i drifted into a fitful sleep. the dream red? there were still people about. they were young adults and the smell of alcohol drifted from their clothes.
Weighty Consequences
His normally loose fitting pajama shirt was pulled taunt across his plump chest, a thick layer of fat having coated his otherwise impressively cut pectorals to fill the top of it to the brim.
Clean Break: Chapter II
She got dressed in a pair of jeans and a reasonably tight fitting jacket, wearing the same knee high leather boots as she usually did.
Hypnovember '23, Day 1 - Eyes
"and fits." lynch's impatience won out again. "tantrums, pouting and fits. they have no idea how to express their frustration or handle it maturely, so they cry, or they pout, or they throw a fit. isn't that right?" a silent nod.
The Darkness
Beyond_ _of a life without worry or strife_ _where the nesting soul may rest_ _timid is the sound of love_ _to be touched by the hand_ _of a warm embrace_ _only darkness remains_ _where hope had reigned_ _so to did the mighty fields_ _grasslands fitting
Phoenix - Prologue
** i'm sorry to say that this post no longer fits with the rest of the story. the plot of phoenix has been changed, and whatever was in this post no longer applies. the blackness is no longer relevant information.
The Tradgedy of You and Me
Tore me apart like the waves of the sea time washed away the fate of you and me you're gone so maybe it wasn't meant to be what am i supposed to do with this tradgedy my words try their best to reach for your heart the puzzle no longer fits
animalistic instincts: moving in
Hope there's enough of a variety for you, i was never much for many bright colors, but there are a few, and are they fitting alright? and did any of the bras and stuff fit?"
Felt such a nice breeze today, put me at ease in every way day'ly stunned standing still, at peace once again, in a place fitting i look about without doubt, & ease my mind calmly as i'm sitting eyes look & meet my own, then drift on toward another