Taking on the roles of any electronic device anyone could need, many people had them. the wolfess patted the small bot gently on its head, and it awoke to her touch with a small purr.
Exile - Chapter 15: An Ordinary Week
"not only that, but according to some of the communications fox found, they do work in electronics. but not just ordinary consumer electronics." ingrid was puzzled. "what do you mean? like military grade?"
The Audio Slave: first look
A basic run down of the idea is that electronic music is represented by the elements of ice water and wind, (drug usage is chemicals(non natural drugs) and metal is represented by the elements of fire and earth, (drug usage is weed(not a drug but you get it
Fleet Troubles, pt 2 (Otherwise Untitled)
She wasn't an expert, but she was familiar with the basics of electronic warfare. cressig nodded slowly. "that's why i've got everyone tearing all of your ships apart, top to bottom.
Nothing else compares
Sitting in a quiet room with only music playing while on our seperate electronics, or cuddling on a bed, couch or loveseat and whispering sweet nothings into each others ears.
T.A.U. Disconnected
She'd found a large sturdy hiking backpack, medical supplies that were still intact and safe enough to use, and no end of electronics and camping gear.
New Life in a New Body V2 Operation Countdown
"ok, lock picks, both manual and electronic?" i asked.
Here, There Be Dragons - Ch. 3 - Sharks are from Venus
Hard currency was a myth to riptide, everything was done with credit chits linked to electronic accounts.
Afro Thunder®: Zaire Ezekiel -Back story
"afro" meaning his human ethnicity, and "thunder" meaning his ability to psychokinetically manipulate electronic energy (lighting n shit). in the plot humans have fought themselves to the point of destroying earth and become a space dwelling species.
Honor assassin chapter one
#1 of honor assasin thoughts in italics am actually pretty pleased with this an comments welcome in a center a room filled with copper and brass and old fashion looking electronics sits a politician a corgi anthro working quietly and quickly glancing up
The sounds of showers and electronic razors filled the empty halls, soon after a light mist of steam as well as the sounds of laughter fallowed.
The sounds of showers and electronic razors filled the empty halls, soon after a light mist of steam as well as the sounds of laughter fallowed.