Ander - Part 3: Subchapter 26

No matter how fast he sucked in air, if felt like he was drowning, drowning in night. _isn't it ironic, ander?_ the voice came drifting back.

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Hedgehog Infinitum

The loud whirring of the nearby heating units began to subside, drowned out by the growing sounds of footsteps and silence.

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Zootopia Park 7/??

#7 of zootopia park as the group works to keep from drowning, clawhauser is the only one who can save them, but who's going to save him?

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When in need

A caring hand is what i have to give despite through hardships i've had to live a kind heart is what i chose to keep though i have felt as if drowning deep a warm smile is what i wear so that the burden, you need not bare i will give


End of Time

I'd freeze to ensure your warmth, drown to make you swim and suffocate so you might breathe. i'd lie to make you honest, cry for your smile and bleed so you might heal.

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Wrote this as a kid who we are, who we are slaves of lust for eternity we long for exsistance to be known this turning us into mindless drown we ware a mask to hide our face all in hopes that we will; find our place who we are and what we think


Moon Glow in December

A cold wind sighs sadly for a sea of drowned fires and feels even colder for it. an owl's call is an elegy. a distant car horn is a mockery. the moon floats alone in pyrrhic victory.

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Flux (Poetry)

If life is flux and i water, then why do i now seem to drown.


tomorrows sorrows (poem)

Truth be told and truth be spoken yet im still drowning in this ocean i see the truth within my dreams when i wake up i want to scream this hope i found is just a dream all i feel is pain and sorrow and thats why await the morrow

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This is a poem i made that tells you what depression is like you find yourself drowning in the middle of the sea everyone around you swims why would this be?

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The Cat Gijinka and a Werehuman

"i will fall down the cliff and drown me to the bay!" the gijinkas puts the werehumans falled to the cliff. and the next morning emeraldia and her gijinkas going home with emeraldia's uncle.

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