Vector's Memoirs; The Chaotix That Was (Part Five)

Behind her blazing blue eyes, she was deceptively brilliant, refreshingly open, and possessed an almost sinful charisma. i started to wonder just how i'd managed to miss this jewel of the night for so long...

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Crocs of the Leather Stick Together 7 - Stalwart Simians

The captain's eyes glinted with such a wild desire that the raptor couldn't turn away, entranced by such a presence, a charisma so tantalising.

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(SDLD) Chapter 1; A Fox In The Desert

"more than likely, it was because you did nothing wrong, not that the crowd knew about, you have a charisma neither my friend here, or the crowd, or i could resist.

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To Darkness Descended

The man who had united the slum-gangs of commorragh looked suitably formidable up close, she thought - striking just the right balance between noble charisma and mean-street toughness, with his bared and battle-scarred chest and his tailor-made trousers and

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Scion 2nd Edition Intro

Beauty - the power of charm and charisma. this purview's innate power lets its user perform a feat of scale when attempting to influence others using their appearance or body language. such manipulation need not always be of the friendly sort, either.

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wander ~ Chapter 26

He really looked comfortable with his instrument, calm and at ease, moving and swaying, bow arm flowing... and he had charisma, too: during his breaks he'd tuck his instrument under his arm and take a bow, which always prompted a short bout of applause if

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VIII Chapter 16

"getting her work with us will empower spyro's already high charisma, he has an aura around himself that makes people trust and follow him.

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Zootopia: The Initiative - Chapter 7

His eyes were full of a sort of youthful joy that was hard to find these days, but she could tell he tried to cover it up with his usual charisma as he slid back into the driver's seat. "how do i look?"

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Vector's Memoirs; The Chaotix That Was (Part Nine)

But n had the charisma to make his words stick, and trembling legs are a sure sign of wavering.

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Love Under the Full Moon

He felt as if he didn't have any traits that someone would find particularly attractive; in his mind he was average or below average in every way, whether it was his physical appearance, any talents or skills, or his charisma.

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A Lamb Among Wolves Ch:7

Despite the fact that lionheart had been a jerk, the mammal exuded charisma and a friendliness to the public that dawn knew was half the reason he got elected. only she had ever got to see his true, colder side. but even then he had an animation to him.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 29

She's no brill, she can have all the faith in the world, but without basic social adaptability and any dose of charisma the only living soul she might ever make to stop and listen to her will be her own reflection in the mirror.

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