place of birth:
birth date:
eye colour:
fur colour:
place of birth:
birth date:
eye colour:
fur colour:
Blue, Daughter, mom, powers
, overprotective
name: max
place of birth: edmonton alberta
gender: male
species: husky
age: 19
height: 6,4
weight: 170
rank: apprentice
personality: loyal, brave, free spirited, good natured
name: justin
place of birth
War, world
Name: david thorn
place of birth:
gender: male
species: german shepherd
age: 58
height: 6 feet 5.5
weight: 213
rank: fleet admiral
personality: aggressive, viscous, overprotective
name: max
place of birth: edmonton
War, characters, world
The wind was warm that night as a winged creature flitted through the sky, visible only when it passed in front of stars or clouds. It was looking for a safe, secluded spot, though it wasn't sure why. Only that it must fly quickly and land soon....
Amaris, Birth, Blood, Cougar, Cunt Boy, Death, Dragon, Egg Laying, Hybrid, Oviposition, Short, Violence (Not In Yiff), Wolf
As the days had come to pass and their sister was clearly gaining more weight with every day the boys began to become suspicious of what was really happening with her. "Brother I think we were successful!" Arthur said proudly.
"But who was the one...
Birth, Blush, Chubby, Compassion, Cuddling, Female, Hug, M/M/F, Male, Pregnancy, Pregnant, Snuggles, Straight, Twincest
Why would it have been that, his birth would bring her such terrible grief? why is it that, in less than two minutes after his birth, that his mother, would so hurriedly make a phone call to the only person she knew she could tell? she had no idea.
Bunny, Compassion, Feline, Intro, New World, No-Yiff, Philosophy, Plot Development, Sci-Fi, Short
Lisa, cole, dax and rayne leave for digital world on assignment for hypnos
birth of: rick and tasha by kithira in a home birth at three in the morning. (1st born)
birth of: jacob by deb at spokane valley general hospital.
Story Progression, story contiunation
The stern implacable look on her birth-fathers face, the look of shame on her birth-mothers face, the lack of understanding on the faces of her birth-brood and clan, had indeed made that quite clear. she was on her own.
Dragon, Dragoness
Mira ricker
age: 6
date of birth: november 8, 2013
profession: elementary school
background: she was only a year old when her mother died.
Arctic Fox, Character Development, info
This word has but one meaning, and it means birth. what else would you call the birth of that which births creation itself, save birth? so we call this time, birth.
the power was born.
Creation Story, Novel, Short
[many meetings. 1](%5c)
[introduction. 2](%5c)
[lands. 2](%5c)
[leah maya maclean. 3](%5c)
[birth & early childhood. 4](%5c)
[late childhood. 4](%5c)
[teen years & early adult years. 4](%5c)
[holly may taylor. 6](%5c)
Panther, Raccoon, Tiger, Wolf, info