Abandoned Gas Station, Cold (Otherwise Untitled)

Amid the soft howl of the wind, a gryphon sitting next to it beckoned him over.

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The new kid

"well you may go if you have no further questions" came a strained instruction from the principle who beckoned to the door without looking up from the papers he was now busy shuffling through, making it clear he could no longer be arsed with the overweight

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LoS: A New Age Chapter 7(Short intro of Evelyn)

._ fyre started fell back a little, and beckoned cynder to follow. "what?" cynder asked "be careful, if there's something you need to say without spyro hearing we still need to stay in range." "okay." fyre started.

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Darkness 1: Beginning

_the fog beckons..._ no! not now! i have to live! i can't die! _such an effort to think, don't you think? so much better to just drift._ i... i'm sinking! i can't hold on! please, somebody help me! anybody, help me! wait, who's that?

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Anthro novel - Chapter One, I've Missed You.

He rolled onto his back, exposing his light toned underbelly, and reached a large paw out to pakari, beckoning her closer. she grinned and leaned forward, nuzzling her snout into the thick fur surrounding his neck, breathing in his scent again.

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The Cave, the Devil, and the Gods

Then the mantis god gently beckoned me to rise. as soon as i was standing, it gently turned me around and shooed me off. i can take a hint, and felt that i had pushed my luck enough that day.

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Saviour's Tribulations

They immediately returned a salute and beckoned us to follow them to the audience chamber. the situation must indeed be very important if the king requested to meet us personally. the audience chamber itself was as big as i remember.

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Ghost Rider

For as far as he was concerned, it was only him, the well-constructed motorbike, and the open road of unexplored wilderness beckoning him onward. and he would continue riding those roads wherever they took him, for he was the ghost rider.

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Short Poetry Collection

The demons' jealousy truly has no limits rising against me the globe's aberrant stain but i have won, for long i won't have to submit then at dusk's beckoning, smiling, i slither out again.


Coffee and love ch5

It was a warm look that was beckoning the wolf over, so happily he oblijed. walking over ot her, she rose from her seat and embrased into an awkward hug.

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They cut down the forests that beckoned them to look inside themselves. they dug and mined into the great mother that nurtured them all for her shiny rocks. their cities leaked a poison that spread over the land, their monuments pressing the earth down .

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Bound In Beast Flesh -- Aperture

Back in the day, we sired children with your own, that would grow fond for the beckoning of the wild. and we were a proud kind."

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